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''-'•■■ licensing Notices'. ; ' \ -~ J ANN U-A-L LI C K N S I N G ME E T INGS. Notice 1« hereby given that the Annual Licensing Meetings of the undermentioned Licensing Committees will be held at the hoar of noon on the dates and at the places set forth herednder opposite the names of each respectively for the purpose of taking Into consideration all applications for certificates for such Licenses, as by the Licensing Act, 1881, are authorised to be granted by the undermentioned Licensing Committees, and the renewal, transfer, or removal of such Licenses:— ...... . . ■ Name of Committeei Date of Meeting. ." Place. Auckland North - Monday, Juno 2,1881 Besideßt Magistrate's Court, Auckland. . Auckland South .Tuesday, June 3 . ~- Do. Auckland East : "Wednesday, June 4 : . 80. Karangabape • ..- Friday, June 6 ■ 80. Ponsonby. . Saturday, June 7 Do. Parnell Saturday, June 7 , ■ Do. Graf ton ' Monday, June 9 Do. „ Newmarket -■■'•-■ . ■ June 10 .. Pnblic Hall, Newmarket

; J. BUTLER STONEY, . ' ..- Clerk of Licensing Committees. [ ' Educational. : A UCKLAND COLLEGE |AND GRAM_£3L. MAE SCHOOL. The Second Term, 1881, will commence, both attho parent School and at the PONSONBY BRANCH, on MONDAY, May 19,. at 8.30 a-m., at which time all "boys are expected to be present. The Treasurer will attend at Svinonds-street on the first and at Ponsonby on the third day of term, to receive fees, which must be paid in advance. Applications for admission to either School must be made to the Head-master, at Symonds-street, between 9.45 and 11.0 am. on THURSDAY, May 15. All candidates for admission must produce certificates of fitness in point ot character and conduct from their last schools, if any, and attand the Entrance Examination, which will be held on the same day from 10.0 a.m. to 1.0 p.m. Should the number for the Lower Forms at Symonds-street exceed ten (10) a selection will be made upon the. result of this. The Pomonby Branch and the lowest Form at Symonds.street are intended for boys between the ages of eight (8) and twelve years. EVENING CLASSES. Classes, open to the public, in the following subjects, will be held.thrpUßhout tho term, provided that not less than eight (8) Students enter their names for each and pay the fees (for one svAject 15s, for a second 7s 6d) at the flr.t or'socond meeting.:— ARITHMETIC—Tueiday and Thursday, 7 to 8.0 CHEMISTRY—Monday and Thursday, 8.0 to 9.0 p.m DRAWING—Monday and Wednesday, 7.0 to 8.0 • FRENCH—Wednesday, 8.0 to 9.0; Friday, 7.0 to 8 0 p.m. LAI IN—Tuesday and Friday, 8.0 to 9.0 p.m. JOHN JAMES, Secretary. TT7IDUCATIONAL HOME FOR YOUNG JUi CHILDREN, Ashley House,- Russell-atreet, Puruall. Boardtntr and Day-school conducted by the M!a«es Rogers. Next term commences May 18. References permitted by Messrs. J. Robert«on, M.A. Captain W. C. Daldy, P. A. Phillips. Esq., J.P. Joaeph Newman, K»q., J.P BOOK-K E E PI N G. Mr. HORACE SMITH (Church of England Grammar School)' holds Evening ola-ses at his residence on 'Mondays and Fridays, from seven till nine p.m., and on Saturday Afternoons frcm lial(-past two till hallpast four. ' . Private Pupils received at Voniuia, or attended at Ihoir own residences. Address: Vonusia, Upper Pitt-street, opposite the Baths. -Kq-I'GHT SCHOOL. Evening Classes in Reading, Writing, Arithmetic etc. tor Boys. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday ; for Young Men, Tuesday and Thursday. Hours, from 7 to 9 p.m. Terms, Is per week (In advance) By Mr. Henry Kramer, Sbortland House, Shortland-street. TVT R. RALPH HOOD, LESSONS IN PIANOFORTE PLAYING. Letters to be left at Eady's Music Warehouse. - Mr. Hood attends Concerts. Mr. Hood resumes teaching on the Ist of February. Vacancies for pupils. . .

N0.274J _, .■ ■'-.: ■ * - l A NNUAL LICENSING. MEETINGS. 1 The Auhnal Meeting of the Licensing Committees for the uadermeationed Licensing Districts wQI be hold as follows : . ' MANUREWA—Schoolhouse. Woodaide, (Monday, . June 2, at noon. OTAHUHU—Courthouse, Tuesday, June 8, at noon. " '■- ONEHUNGA—Courthouse, Wednesday, June 4, '■ at noon. ONE TREE HlLL—Public HaU, Epßom, Friday, PAKURANG A—Public Library. Bowick, Saturday, Juno 7, at noon. . WILLIAM O. P. o'CALLAGHAN, Clerk of Licensing Committees. Onehunga, April 30.1884. ' THE'Annual' Meeting of the Licensing Committe'es for the undermentioned districts win be hela as follows :— WAIRO A—Public HaU, Wairoa, MONDAY, 2nd June, at noon. .■ - - HUNUA—Court-houso. Fapakura, TUESDAY, 10th June, at noon.. PAPAKURi—Court-house, Papakura, TUESDAY, 10th. June, at .noon. WILLIAM SHANAGHAN, ', Clerk Licensing Committee. PapaVnra, 30th April. 1884. "TIHB Annual Meeting of the Licensing 8. Committees for the undermentioned districts will be held us follows :— KARAKA-Coart-houso, Pnkelcohe, 'WEDNESDAY, 4th June, ISS4. »t noon. MAUNGATAWHIRI — Railway Station, Tuakan, SATURDAY, 7th Jane. ISB4, at noon. ' POK'Nii—Court-house, Mercer, MONDAY, Qth June, 1384, at noon. W.ILLIAM SHANAGTTAN, Clerk Licensing ConimUtoos. Papakura, 30th April, 1881. 1 UC & L AN. D EAST. CITY OF AUCKLAND. \ NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO BEHOVE A LICENSE TO OTHEti PREMISES. T, George Isles Panter, of Queen-street, in the City of Auckland, in the Provincial. District o! Auckland and Colony of Zealand, being tUo holder of a License in respect of the house and pro. raises situate at Queen-street; Auckland, aforesaid, known as the W.averley Hotel, do hereby give notice that 1 desire to obtain, and will, at the next Licensing Meeting, to be holden nt Auckland, aforesaid, on the fourth day of June, 1884, apply for the Kemoval of the License for the aforesaid house and premises to a house situate at Queon-streot, Auckland, aforesaid, in the Licensing District of Auckland. East, aforesaid; r.nd containing 57 rooms. Dated the 2nd day of May, 1834. ' •' GEORGE ISLES PANTER.

TBE Rev. Humfrey Davis receives Boys >s Boarders who attend the Auckland College and Grammar School, and he also takos younjer Boys (to prepare for the same) either as Boarders or Day Pupils. The next term commences on the 19th May. : Emily Place, Auckland. "OOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL. JL> ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE (TAMAKI, NEAB AUCKLAND). ■•■".• A High Class Boarding and Day School. Classical, General, and Religious Education. Preparation for University Matriculation and other Examinations. The next term will commenoe on May 26,1884. For lull piospcctus and references apply to KEV. T. F. KING, . Principal. MKS. CLAYTON'S Ladiea , School, ParnelL—The Dancing Class will be nndoi Professor Bernard's supervision, next term. Nonpupils may join, by applying to Mr«. Clayton. MR. W. H. HARD WICK, (Organllt of St. Paul's Church\ TEACHER OF PIANOFORTE AND ORGAN. For Terms acd particulars address Eady's Mvulc Warehouse. ■ MR. J O N S ON, Certificated Teacher of PHONOGRAPHY, Shorthand Teacher at the College and Grammar School i Address: Karangahapeßoad. Ti/TR. X> O O L E Y, Organist of St. Luke's, Remuera, TEACHER OF ORGAN, AMERICAN ORGAN, HARMONIUM, PIANOFORTE AND SINGING, WELLESLET-STREET EAST. ■ji/r A" DA M E DOOLE Y, TEACHER OF SINGING AND CULTIVATION OF THE VOICE, WELIiESLBY-STREET EAST. PIANOFORTE, ORGAN, AND HARMONY. 8. J. LAMBERT. For term* ana other particulars addreu Newton ; Po«t-o<Bc«. DANCING, Masonic Hall, Princessstreet.—Prof. Bernard's Evening Classes, (at above Hall) begins on Wednesday, 9th April, 7.80 p.m. Afternoon Class—Thursday, 10th, 3 p.m. JuvenilesSaturday, 12th, S p.m. Intending pupils nrnit apply early. Specialities—the New Valse, tho Slow Valse, and the French Cotillions. Terms: Gents, £1 6s; Ladies and Juveniles. One Guinea. Privatt Lessons daily at Sail.' Residence, 75, Hobson-street. Cards j at Upton's, Queen-street. '

rf~l IT Y U.F A U CKIIND. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOB TRANSFER OF LICENSE. . , . I, John Lynch,' of Upper Pltt-atreet, Newton, being a holder of a publican's license in rospect of the house arid premises sltnate at Upper Pitt-straat, do hereby K ive notice that'l desire to obt»in, and will, at the next Licencing Meetin; to be holden at the Kenldent Magistrate's Court, on the sixth day of Juno, apply for a transfer of tbe said License from myself to Joseph John Donovan, my appointee. Dated the ntnlli day of April, 1881. /.'' : ( v - ; ' v 'V -•■"•■ ■ JOHN LYNCH: - ADOKIAND NORTH. NOTICE OP APPLICATION FOR TRANSFER OF .... .' r-'"' LICENSE. .; ~■ T, James Hawkins, of Auckland, being tho holder of a Publican's License in respect ot the house and premises situate at the corner of Wellesley and Albert Streets, and known as the Shamrock Hotel, do hereby give notice that I desire to obtain, and will, at the next Licensing Meeting, to be holdeo at the Resident MngiJtiftle's. Court, Auckland, on the 2nd day of June, 1884, applr for a transfer of the laid .'License from myself to Johanna .O'Snllivan, my appointee. ■■- Sated the 29th day of April, 1884. JAMES HAWKINS: PAPAROA (PAKUKANGA) ROAD BOARD. ■ ■ - • - Messrs. Henry Andrew and Patrick " Smyth having, on tbe 29th day of April, 1884. been nominated aa I Members of the Paparoa Road Board, and being the number required, I therefore declare them elected. Alex, bell; •'■■ Returning Officer. Pakuranga, April 29,1884. .... V TVrOTICE OF-APPLICATION FOR JJI TRANSFER OF LICENSE. I, Hinton East Danioll, of Newmarket, Publican, being the holder of a Publican's License in reipcct of the house aid premiies known by the sign of the Newmarket Hotel, and situate at Newmarket, do hereby givo notice that I desire to obtain, and will, at the next Licen&ing Meeting, to be holden at the Public Hall, Newmarket, on the 10th day of June, 1884. apply, for a transfer of said License from myself, to William Anderson Crombie, my appointee. . . HINTON E. DANIELL. Dated the 22nd day of April, 1884. Electoral. Tl/TANGERE ROAD BOARD ELECTION". No t i o E.

OF ENGLAND ; GRAMMAR SCHOOL , FoUHDID A.D., 1855. Manukau Boad, ParnelL, - Goternors: ' . The Right Eer. the Bishop of Auoldand, D J). The Ven. Arch. Maunsell, G. P. Pierce, Esq. LL.D. O. C. McMillun, Esq. The Ven. Archdeacon Pritt H. G. Seth Smith, Esq., The Hon. Col. Haultain E.M. Headmaster ... ■ ..~~~ .. Assistants "\O. A. Tobln. Drawing and Painting .. .. K. Watklns Writing, Commercial Arithmetic, • Bookkeeping .. .. .. H. Smith Mechanical Drawing, and Superintendent of Workshop •■ „ - ... F.J. Claridge Superintendent of Gymnasium - A. B.l'.roomhall Terms bejin Monday. 4th February, 26th May, 16th September. Fees (£3 10s per term) cover all branches of instruction. Prospectuses can be obtained from the Headmaster. . '_ HERR LOUIS TOTSCHKA, IMP.! AOA.DEMT OV MUSIC, VIENNA, begs to an»eunce that he has settled permanently in Auck land for the purpose ot receiving pupils for Singing, Pianoforte, Yiolin, and other Stringed Instruments, Harmoay, etc. Terms at A. Eady's Auckland Music Wardhouse. Queen-street; or Herr Tutschka's rosideDC9, Somerset Place, Grafton Road, two minutes from Choral Hall. ■ ' M [ USICAL.—MR. NEVILLE GEORGE BARNETT (Fell. Coll. Org., London), Professional Teacher of Music, (rives' instructions in the various branches of Music Study—Pianoforte, Organ, Harmonium, Singing, Harmony, General Theory &c, &o.—For particulars apply at Eady's Music. >Varehonse, Queen-street. riRISTOLBUM PAINTING. A. S. KEMPLAY Has much pleasure In intimating to his friends and the public Tin general that he has taken Rooms for The Sale of and Instruction in CRYSTOLEUM PAINTING, ,' : - ; Being the:. : •-. ' NEW PROOES3 OF PAINTING IN OIL?, •; -• ' :. . By means of wblth . ... . ENTIBE NOVICBE IN THE ART Are enabled to Fboduob HiQHLT-riNianED PORTRAITS, LANDSCAPES, - V • ■■■•' FIGURE WD ELOWER PIECES, ■' And ■ ■ . r ■ , ■*•'■■ . PICTURES ON ALL SUBJECTS, . ..-.. And - - - •■ . ' '/ ■-, ' ' IN ANY SIZE. AU'iniormatloii rega ding cost of materials mi terms for instruction me be obtained on appUcation '"■ "' " at the Studio", ' GOODS ON.'a ARC A D E (i'rr" floor), • Q •ESN-srii T. N.B SucceM guaranteed to erery pupil Initra' "

In'accordance with the provisions of The'.Road Boards Aot, 18S2, and The ot Local Elections Act, 1876,; I hereby notify that ■■.'.::..-..: Messrs. Jeremiah Bainbridge John Edward Taylor : Matthew Middlewood Klrkbrlde : Benjamin Percy Dawaoa i James Wills - William Syne Henwood, and" { Samuel Goosemun, h»v« heen duly Nominated a> Candidates for Members otlhl . Man««. Koad Board, and a. the number of Candidates (7) exceeds the number of Members reouTred(2ii Poll will be taken at the Mangore Public Hillon WEDNESDAY, the 7th day of May, 1884, from nine a.m. to eigh^m kY g aitdreWs _ : • Returning Officer. Mangere. 2nd May, 1884. — ROAD BOARD ELECTION. Messrs. Bobert Laing Alexander George Lee . - '- . . John Morrison, and William Rosier-'-' ti»»lnif been this day nominated to fill the vacancies which? haw occurred in the above Board,, aad the W iL,7m helnz more than the number required (2), Idedare'that a Poll will be taken under •■ The Regu- ; linflni Eleetlons Act, 1876." at a house of Mr. ] telsHn course of crecti6n), Mackelvie-street, Surrey ' Hills Estate on TUESDAY, May 6th, 18S4, from nine ani to Sp m. All rates that are due must be paid before votes can be ™°»% QIiKS SEAM AN. Returning Officer. April 24th. 1884. .; ; ■;■ ' __ r>OINT CHEVALIER ROAD BOARD JJJLU-HX ELECTION. , ... ..., Messrs. William Edgcumbe - John Lawrence, and , V• i > • ■' ■ ••'■- Charles Frederic Partington having been this day nominated to nil the vacancies "blch have occurred in the above Boird, snd the number (3) betngmoro than the number)required (2), •I declare that a Poll will be taken under ''The Regulitinn at Loctl Elections Act, 1876, at Messrs. Partogton °n WEDNESDAY May 7th. 1884, from nine a.m. .to six p.m. u All,rates: that are due m «t te paidt -e vote. . . '.' '." eturnlng Officer. > April 24th, 1884. . - ■. : , FROM PAKI3 , ..-■■—-■:■ ■ir ADA ME. imiE^EX, DEESSMAKER, LIVERPOOL. STREET.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7008, 3 May 1884, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7008, 3 May 1884, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7008, 3 May 1884, Page 3