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~~" : Wat, STEWART DAWSOJNT & CO.'S UNRIVALLED WATCHES, THE BEST AND MOST PERFECT IN THE WOBU> SELLING IN HUNDREDS. The Result of SCIENCE, SKILL INVENTION, and the APPLICATION of CAPITAL cnlmfcui. ' - ing bttSJrtito;ot Si the different of ""n**"* to one huge Ita^SSSS ■ r with the adoption of the most improved and efficient machinery-- Upon this aywam onr factory & " ' organised. anS the benefits th.t remit therefrom tons summarised :-(l> The various pro- -■ cSes of the trade, instead of being carried on in thirty to forty different places, are all brodght ■ Snder one management. (2) Scientific machinery..withits wonderful ex.ctitude, U employed with 1 , tecUculalU advance for cer.ain portions of the Watch, which are taproved and £?. fectod by thit method of production. C 3) At the tame time, _ and. in conjncction therewith, the services of the mest highly-skilled workmen are amployed, thus blending the intelligence and jafe. nSntof the cultivatedartificer with the products of the animated machines. By ■ . • - combination we may say that we have realised p.rf action in Watch manufacture, and are fully j Ma . " fie™ in the assertion we make, that in the system a> thus developed by us, there fa a unity of ide" , "oherence; and a fitness that is not to be found in any other, and that under it there Is a proportion - attainable AND ATTAINED that cannot poaibly be reached otherwlw; & as the introduction of steam power revolutionised the indtutrie. of the World, so our unique syneo marks a new departure in the art and science of Watchmaking. "..."■. Wβ will now direct our attention to .the completed Wateb, and indicate as briefly,a poafcla ' '•■ some of the particulars in which the quality of our Lever Watches may give the chalkuge to tha 6r solnaWatcb, duralSlity and stability depend lirgelr oh the foundation. THE FOUNDATION OF OOR LEVER WATCH IS SOLIDITY ITSELF Our reader, wouia he astonished if they saw the disc of solid metal which is intended to form the PItLAB-PLATE of future Watch. This is turned, parallel and true; it is recessed to receive the wheelwork under the dial; it is fitted with pillars, upon which the top plate is placed; and when the pair of pht« technically FfiAMES, made on our system, are pnt together, they form a foundation within which the wheels can be run with a steadineis hitherto unattainable Our frames are what is knowiT„ HOLLOW BACK, the ieat of the dial beinjr as solid and steady as the metal itself, giving an in, men»e adrantase ovor the ordinary and cheaper make. i. EVEBY WHBKL U accurately gauged, and is of an absolutely exact proportion, both ia sfe a and thickness, for the position and work for which it is intended. • ■™ THE PINIONS.—The same remark, in the attainment of perfect proportion, applies to the a . nnisitely polished steel-toothed Arbor, known as the PINTON, which formu the axis cf each wW * »nd is intermediately the receiver of the power of the maia-spnng-. ~* THE ESCAPEIIEST is .djusUble to a nicety that admits of the perfection of performance bela* attained, and although our Watches beat no fewer than 16.200 times In the hour, yet wear in thta most important part is unknown. Every separate actionbeing jeweUedin hard ruby, the unweuirf ■ pnlse as a conseqnence will beat as free, and the DEAD BEAT action wIU be as perfect in one of o« Wstehes in Fifty years'time as when it is first turned out. ■ " THE BALANCE STAFF.-The same wmark of uniimited durability applies to the BALANCE STAFF. Thi«, workine in its holes of jewel, drilled aad polished to a perfect surface of the • highest tfoss. seems to defy wear. - . ._,.;, ~ .. THE HAIR SPBiNO is k marvel of fine manufacture, bemr (notwithstanding the apparent im« cossibiUty) hardened, aud then tempered to the highest degree of elasticity. ~» , THE DIAL is the best make, known as hard enamel, and has the seconds piece recessed, so that the hand for marking seconds is completely removed from contact with the hour hand. * " The GILDDJO is of a very superior class, and the movement is lefi with a degree of hwdnejj that wonld be unattainable if the gilding were not frosted and finished by steam power. This hudaess meS The ISTEKU WOKK throughout the Watch is hardened and tempered and finished to the highest egl The CASE owesit* formation to the influences of scientific Case-making Machines, finislied, showing a symmetry and style, combined with strength, that mark it a* fim-dass. It uuS possible to enumerate every point of excellence In our Watches. We have not even mentioned the power of going during the operation of winding, which power on our system r*vcr falls; nor need we ennmerati any further. It simply remains to say that the result of this organisation of labonr. this out. lay of capital, with the use of steam power and machinery, issues in the production of a Watch, thit wUI stand the roughest wear and enjoy it, will give its owner less trouble and more comfort, wilita ' more years, and will cost less in repair than any other watch known—a Watch, indeed, th»t is at once the masterpiece of ingenuity and accuracy, the praise of everyone who is intellijent and fortunate enonith to posses, one, and which every reader can for himself prove to ba in truth and in fact tha best VVatch'ever carried by ordering one of them as under:— ORDER EARLY. ©R»ER EARLY. PLEASE NOTE.—The following Prices include duty paid by us. It will be observed thai for lE* present wo are paying over two-thirds of the duty ourselves, thus extendinj to our pitrons the mort liberal terms. Every Watch, quality considered, cannot be bought Retail under Double the Prices. "

time. Wβ ask you to observe that we supply ear magnificent English Levers at a far less price than often charged for common foreign watches. PRICE, IN HUNTING CASES, £315s ;IN OPEH iFACE, £3 6s; practically saying to each ~ purchaser from £3 to £4. A £4 HUNTING DEFIANCE WATCH Fo * £1 15s None should hesitate to send far one of tiess Watches, truly named "DEFIANCE," if only to see the perfection that can be attain :d by a firm whese enterprise and energy have revolutionised the Watch trade of Europe - Also open-face crystal front, £1 7a 6d; all sterling silver cases. S. D. & Co;'s LADIES , AND GENT'S MAGNIFICENT ENGLISH GOLD LEVEES Are truly marvellous valuer - We sell our Ladies , Gold Open-faced L«vers at £7 15s, better watches than sold retail anywhere at £11' 15s; , Hunters-ditto, at £10 15s, positive value for £16 16s; Open-face Keyless, at £10 lEe; and Hunters at £12 15s, nowhere equalled under £20. These are facts beyond dispute. Gents' .Open-face, £10 15a; Hunting, £13 ss; Keylws Open-face, £14 15s; Hunters, £1615s—each watcb saving to the purchaser frsm £5 to £10. STEWABT BAWSON & CO.'S English Gold J-plato Chronographs should be seen by every Gentleman who contemplates buy« Ing a Gold Watch. The finest, hnndsemeat, bead most modern, and greatest value in the world. ADVANTAGES TO CUSTOMERS AND COS. DITIOJJS OF SALE. First.—Our gigantic resources of manufactoriaf,' through our complete and efficient factory organisation, and our universal cash sales, enable us to supply each, watch at less than half the usual retail price. Second.—Each customer is supplied with hi 3 watch on a week's free approval and trial. The fall amount paid is returned to anyone dissatisfied.

A £7 10s GENT'S ENGLISH SILVER HUNTING LEVER Fo » £3 15s The most perfect English Hunting Levers in the world, in three sizes, small medium, and large. Every watch manufactured entirely in our own workshops. These watches are specially adapted for bush work, squatters, miners, etc., as they will stand the hardest wear: send for one of these watches and compare it with what retail dealers call their finest English Hunters at from £7 to £8, and you will at ouce declare ours to be the better watch. In opes face, £3 55,; ditto crystal unbreakable front, £3 lls; positively worth £610s. A £l(T10s ENGLISH KEYLESS HUNTING SILVER LEVER FoR £5 15s BTEWAOTDAWSON and CO.'s Superb Keyless Hunting Levers, a triumph of utility and convenience, a watch that is also perfectly air-tight, dust-tight, and damp-tight, keeping the works perfectly dean. Unequ* led at Ten Guineas, our direct cash price to customers being leas than the actual wholesale price to the trade. Made in two sizes, small and medium. PBIOE £5 15s. POSITIVELY RETAIL VALUE FOR TEN GUINEAS. Also, same watch In open face, price £115s. £12~12s ENGLISH SILVER HUNTING CHRONOGRAPH -' FoB £6 15s . STEWAET DAW3ON and CO.'S MAGNIFICENT ENGLISa CHRONOGRAPH WATCHES. Each watch a model of perfection; finest J-plate movement, full jewelled in rabies, r«al chronometer expansion balance, decimal dial, centre seconds, and outside stop; each timed to dead beat In positions,'to go exactly the same in extremeheat or cold. Notwithstanding the matchless perfection of this watch, we positively sell it at a les3 price than retailers charge for ordinary inferior made watches. PBICE £6155. FULL EETAIL VALUE FOE 12 GUINEAS. Also, same watch, in open face, price £3155. A £7~los

T ATYTTW TSTJfiT.TRTT • Third.—Every purchaser secures the most pernnWTMRnTffVFR fect **s^ l Lever eTer made - mwuiactureo. «- iiUJN JLUNIx LitiVOils, tirely In our own workshops, unequalled for •ct r» n, -« f beauty, for strength, for durability, or as a time. ■ eoB +..•% ' I OS -- keeper. The perfection of Improved mechanism °** 1 -' J-V» throughout,lnsolldltyofconstruction,andlsstiiig EVERY WATCH A WOBK OP AST, elegant in qualities, each customer receiving an English share, chute in design, of sterling English work- -Lever that will wear out three foreign or Ameiimanship,watchesthatwithfairusagewUllastalife- can-made Watches one after another. CALLi AND INSPECT THE ABOVE MARVELLOUS VALUE WHILE YOU THIS OPPORTUNITY. NOTE—ALL LETTERS AND ORDERS TO BE ADDRESSED— STEWART DAWS.O.IT & CO., • 195, QUEEN-STREET, AUCKLAND. iar Don't fail to write for Illustrated Watch Pamphlet, most interesting to all; 60 pages of wonderfd Testimonials British and Colonial, Illustrations of Gold and Silver Alberts at wholesale Eofriiih prices.' "With this will also \}o sent a new 32 page brochure, entitled "THE ENGLISH LEVER, ITS INVENTION AND DEVELOPMENT," with an essay on S. D. S; Co.'s system of business, which should be read by ererjt Intending watch buyer. The two pamphlets gratis for the postage, id in stamps.

Insurance Companies mHE FIRE INSURANCE ASSOCIA , B TION. (LIMITED) OP LONDON. HEAD OFFICE FOE AUSTRALASIA, SYDNEY N.S.W. CAPITAL AND RESERVE FUND, £1,083,572. The undersigned is prepared to accept Risks, la town or country, at Lowest Kemunerativa Rates. Losses and Claims paid, on proof, without referencs C. F. E. KISSLING, - Agent P. D. ot Auckland. _ UNITED FIRE AND MABINE IN« BURANCE COMPANY. ha undersigned is prepared to offer special indncW ments to insurers. BISKS taken at LOWER RATES than heretofore and LOSSES PAID PROMPTLY. ART. HEATHER, Agent. Lower Queen-streel; mHE COLONIAL MUTUAL LIFB ASSURANCE SOCIETY LIMITED. Chief Offices Iβ New Zealand : High-street, Dnnedifc' •: Dibectorij. EDWIN J. SPENCE CDalgety and Co.), Chairm**' W. J. M. LARNACH, C.M.G., M.H.R. Hojt. GEORGE MoLEAN, M.L.C. ROBERT STOUI AU profits belong to the members. Policies MCOO ditional, unchallengeable, and indefeasible. H. S. H. LYALt, SecretaryAucUand Agents: F. J. MOSS & CO., Shortland-atreet, . Gentlemen required" to act as TRAVELLINS AGENTS. Liberal terms to capable men. mHE EQUITABLE INSURANCE b association of new zealand. Capital—£l,ooo,ooo.

Booksellers and Stationers. riHAMPTALOUP & COOPER'S LIST OF WORKS ON ARCHITECTORE AND BUILDING, Etc., Continued. • . £ B. A. Newton, E. A., Sketches for Country Restdonees .. 015 0 Parker, J. H., ABC of Gothic Architecture 0 3 6 Parker, J. H., Introduction to Gothic Axchl- : tecture.. .. 0 6 0 Practical Lessons in Architectural Drawing, or How to make the Working Drawings and Prepare Specifications for Building, by W. B. TnthUl .. , 015 O Potter; T.. Concrete .. 017 6 Richardson, C. J., The Englishman's House 0 9 0 Boseagarten, A., Architectural Styles ..090 Rogers, F., , The Architect's Guide .. ..0 7 0 Reid, H., Practical Treatise on Concrete ... 017 6 Reid, H.. Portland Cement, Its Manufacture and Uses . .. .. .. .. ..116 Richardson, T. A., Art of Architectural . Modelling ic Paper.. .. .. „ 0 2 6 Spon's Engineers' Tables .. ..'..013 Smith, &. Architecture—Classic, Gothic, and Renaissance .. • ; 0 12 6 Smith's Tables and Memoranda in Mechanics 0 2 0 Stanler. W. F., Drawing Instruments .. 0 6 0 Strickland, G. W., Cottage Construction and Design .■. .; .. .. .. ..0 90 Shaw, R. N., Sketches for Cottages and other Buildings .. 015 0 Tam, E. W., The Science of Building ..090 Tarn, E, W., Roofs of Wood and Iron ..020 Trautwine, J. C, Engineers' Pocket-book ..1 6 0 Village and Cottage Architecture, select examples of Country and Suburban Realdeaces"recently erected .. ".. ..3 15 0' Viollet-Le-Duc, How to Build a House .. 0 14' 6 Wightwlck and liuillaume, Hints to Young -. Architects .. .. 0 4 6 76, QUEEN-STREET, AUCKLAND. . W* w .„" M A '^ CITY OF AUCKLAND.

. . ON MONDAY WILL BE PUBLISHED, A NEW MAP OF THE CITY OF AUCKLAND, Showing all recent SUBDIVISIONS OF FBOPERTY, _■■'■■ ■ ■ And the ; ■ NEW STREET NAMES. . UP TON & CO., BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, AUCKLAND. . . V UCKLAND HOSPITAL. .CSI.- '■ ■■ • .. -• ._ _ . . ■ ■ committee : Elected.: . Appoikted : Hl3 Worship, W. K. mddell,' Hon. CoL HaultaSn Esq. (Chairman) .Arthnr Bull, Esq. J; M. Clark, Esq. Captain Daldy E. A. Haokech&lo, Esq. Sydney Dando, Esq. Thomas Peacock, Esq., M.H.R. Applications for admission by persons suffering from disease and requiring medical treatment, will be received at the Hospital on any (lay between the hours of 9 and 10 a. m. - . - - In cases of accident or emergency patients will bo received into the - HosplUl without delay, beds being kept ready for argent cases. Patients able to do so will be toqnired to pay tor their snpport at the Hospital according to their position and cironmstancea. ■ ■ Snbscriptioas will be thankfully received by any member of the Committee and by the undersigned.. H. N. GARLAND. Secretary. • • Wyndbam-street MONEY RECEIPT BOOKS, PROMISSORT NOTE BOOKS (Blank)/ for Sale at theHeuaidOffice. ... - : ;;:_

FIEE. MASINE. IJFK AND FEDELIEI GUARANTEK ■ , Hiaj> Oftict: DUNEDIN, Comer Bond and Kattrsy-itreetJ. Dulectoes: E: B. Cargill, Esq. (Chairman), J. Haslett, Esq. J.Hogg, Esq. F.Meenan, Esq. A. Sconllar, EaqW. Gregg, Esq. • H. Guthrie, Esq. W. a KIEKCALDY, MasaK*' INSURANCES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS GBANTED oa thbMOST FAVOURABLE SBSa ASD AT LOWEST CURRENT BATES. AUOKLAHt) AGINT: ' ■•" " F. T: KNIGHT, Fort-street. HENDEB3ON & MAOFARLANB, ■ Chief Agents for Auckland. Poverty Bay, « a "' Plymouth D)-*Hnt«. r! ~ \ "errr.tli*

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7008, 3 May 1884, Page 4 (Supplement)

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7008, 3 May 1884, Page 4 (Supplement)

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7008, 3 May 1884, Page 4 (Supplement)