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Licensing Notices. -~r~ >V .N. N ,U;A L;LICi≤ »SI N G ME E T 1.-N; Gγ. S,; Notice is hereby given that the Annual Licensing Meetings of the undermentioned Licensing Committees wOl be held at the hour of noon on the dates the places let forth hereunrte opposite the names of each respectively, for th'« purpose of taking into . onsideratlo'. all_ applications for certificates for .uchLicensei, M by tlie Licensing Aw, 1881, are authorised to toe granted by the undermentioned licensing Committees, ana tne renewal, transfer, or removal of such Licenses : — < ■ _ . . . Name of Cpmmltteei Date ol Meeting. . .Place...'. .::.■: Auckland North ■ Mod day, June 2,1881 BesldeHt.Magistrate'e Court, Auckland. Auckland South, Tuesday, June 3 Do.. -, Auckland East Wednesday, June 1 Do. ' Karaqgahape . Friday, Jane e .......... Do. Ponsonby -... .... Saturday, June 7 .., 80. ......... — Parnell Saturday, June 7 Do. ... , Graiton ' ■ Monday. June 9 . . Do. .;. Newmarket Tuesday, June 10 Public Hall, Newmarket

J. BUTLER STONEY, .. ■ Clerk of Licensing Committees. I t"y op auc k l and. NOTICE OP APPLICATK/N FOE TBANBFEB OF .LICENSE. I, John Lynch, of Upper Pitt-street, Newton, being a holder of & pub lean's license in respect of the house and premises situate at Upper Pitt-street, do hereby give notice that I desire to obuin, and. will, at the next Licening Hoe.lα to be hoMen at the Resident Magistrate's Court, on the >ixth diiy of June, apply for a transfer of tbe said License from myself to Joseph John Donovan, my appointee. ■ ■ Dated the ninth day of April, 1184 JOHN LYNCH. AUCKLAND NORTH. NOTICE OS , APPLICATION FOB TRANSFER OF LICENSE. I, James Hawkins, of Auckland, being the holder of a Publican'* License in respect o' the house and premises situate at the corner of Wellesley and Albert Streets, and known as the Shamrock Hotel, do hereby give notice that I desire to obtain, and will, at the next Licensing Meeting, to be holder at the Resident Magistrate's Court, Auckland, on the 2nd day of June. 1884, applr for a transfer of the said License from myself to Johanna O'Sullivan, my appointee. Dated the 29th day of April,lßß4. JAMES HAWKINS. Q N E H. U N G A. NOTICE OP APPLICATION FOB TBANSFBB OF LICENSE. I. John Jesse Odium, of Onehnnga being the holder of a Publican's License in respect of the house and premises situate at Onehunpa, and known by the name of the Manukau Hotel, do hereby give notice tbat I desire to obtain, and will, at the next Licensing Meting to be holden at Ooehanga on the 4th day of June, 18:4, «pply for a transfer of the sail License from myself to John Gill Colllngs, my appointee. ~ Dated the 18th day of March, 1884. JOHN JESSE ODLUM. Seeds, Produce, &c BONBDUST! TJONEDUST! JO The undersigned, SOLE AGENTS for the SYDNEY MEAT CO.'B CELEBRATED BONEDUST, Are prepared to supply same at £516s nett cash f.o.b. All orders to be accompanied by dralt or firstclass Sydney reference. This BONTOUST s without doubt the Purest 'and Best manufactured in the Colonies. None Genuine unless bearing the Company's Registered Brand. Government Analytical Beport and Samples posted free on application. A. H. PRINCE & CO., GRAIN MEFCHANTS & COMMISSION AGENTS, Uabkst Whixt Storm, Sydket. G. S. J A K IN S, Sole Auckland Agent* L O V E R Q E E D S, RYEGRASS, COCKSFOOT, PJRAIRIE GRASS, BONEDUST, - r BONEPLOUR BLACK AND WHITE TARTARIAN SEED OATS, WOOD'S FL' 'UR, McGILL'S OATMEAL, MAIZE, BRAN, SHARPS, BACON AND HAMS, CHEESE, FRESH AND SALT BUTTER. LOWEST B4.TES. GUNSON AND MARTIN, r 63, CUSTOMS-STBEET, AUCKLAND.

No. 274J ANNUAL LICENSING MEETINGS. The Annual Meeting of the Licensing Committees for the undermentioned Licensing Districts will be held as follows : MANUREWA—Schoolhouse. Woodslde, Monday, June 2, at noon. . OTAHUHU—Courthouse, Tuesday, June S, at ■ noon. ONEHUNGA—Courthouse, Wednesday, June i, at noon. ONE TBEE HlLL—Public HaU, Epsom, Friday, •Tune 6, at noon. PAKUBANGA—PubIic* Library.'Bowick, Satur- ■ day, June 7, at noon.' WILLIAM O. P. O'OALLAGHAN , , Clerk of Licensing Committees. Onehnnga, April 30. 1884. THE Annual Mooting ol the Lioensiog Committees for the undermentioned districts will be held as folloos:— - WAlßOA—Public HaU, Wairoa, MOADAY, 2nd June, at noon. HUNUA—Court-house, Papakura, TUESDAY, 10th Junu, at noon. PaPAKUßa.—Court-house, Papakura, TUESDAY, lOth June, at noon. WILLIAM SHANAGHAN, Clerk Licensing Committee. Papakura, 30th April, 1884. THE Annual Meeting of the Licensing Committees for the undermentioned districts ■* 111 be held as fol towg :— KARAKa—Court-houce, Pukekohe, WEDNESDAY, 4th Judc, 1884. at soon. MAUNG « T AWHIRI — Railway Station, Tuakau, SATURDAY. 7ih Jnne. 1884, at noon. EOK-NO—Court-house, Mercer. MONDAY,9th June, ' 1834, at noon. WILLIAM SHANAGHAN, Cleric Licensing Committees. Papakura, SOth April, 1881. Electoral. A WITU HIGHWAY DISTRICT. The following persons were nominated on Saturday, April 26 :— Messrs. John Taylor and William Birch, and being the number required two (2), I hereby declare them duly elected Members of Awitu Road Board. THOS. R. TINDALL, .Returning Officer. Awltn, April 28,1881. XJANMURB HIGHWAY DISTRICT. Tho following Nominations were duly received for the above Highway Bond- tlz. :— Messrs. Thus, deary JohnMaklns James Fleming As tha number (3) exceeds the number required (2), I hereby declare a Poll to take place on WEDNESDAY. May 7th. between the hours of nine to six p.m., at Miss Sage's Schoolroom, for the Election of Two Trustees. ALFRED J. LOOMS. . Returning Officer. Panmure, April SOth, 18S4. "|*/TOUNT EDEN ROAD DISTRICT. ELECTION OP TRUSTEES. Poll of Eatepayers on SATURDAY, May 3rd, at Waite's, Mount Eden Hall. CANDIDATES: Joseph Potter Christopher Bailey James Paice Samuel Jenkins. . J. STIOKXEY. Olerk.

ALBERT HIGHWAY BOARD. The following persons hare this day been duly Nominated for the two (2) Vacancies on the above Board, viz. :— Beck, Richard Martin, William H. Pago, James And the-Election will take place at the Public Hall. Mount Albert, on WEDNESDAY, May 7, between the hours of nine a.m. and six p.m. S. BROOKING, .Returning Officer. May 1, ISSi. ■JV/TARAETAI ROAD DISTRICT. The following Candidates for the office of Member of Road Board have been nominated this 26th day of April, 1884, to fill two ordinary vacancies in the Maraetai Road Board, viz. :— William Thomas Duder And George Couldroy As there are two vacancies to be filled, and there are only two candidates nominated, I hereby declare the said candidates— William Thomas Duder And George Couldrey to be duly olected members of the Maraetai Bond Board. . • ■ THEOPHILUS 1.. STEVENS, Beturning Officer. Maraetai, April 20,1884. Educational. T> O O K- K E E P IN G. Mr. HORACE SMITH iChurch'of England Grammar School) holds KTenlnp <:la'ses at his residence on Mondays and Frldajs. from seren till nine p.m., and . n Saturday Afternoons frcm half-past two till hallpast four. Private Pupils received at Venusia, or attended at ' heir own residences. Address: Vanusia, Upper Pitt-street, opposite the Baths. MRS: CLAYTON'S " Ladiea' School, Parnoll.—The Dancing Class will be undei " Professor Bernard's supervision, next term. NonpupUi may join, by applying to Mr». Clayton. f*i LENSIDE, Upper Symonds-etreet.— VJT Mrs. Glover's Boarding and Liay School.—The second and third, terms begin on May 20th and Sept. i 18th.—There will be Afternoon and Evening Dancing I Olasses nnder Professor Barnard. MISS DONOVAN, Teaohek or Pianotokte, Roxobel Houso, ' Berojford-street, off Pitt-atreet. Vacancies for pupils. MR. W. H. HARD WICK, (Organist of St. Paul's Church!, TEACHER OF PIANOFORTE AND ORGAN. For Terms and particulars address Eady's Muiic Warehouse. MR. JON SO N, Certificated Teacher of P HxO NO G R A P H Y, Shorthand Teacher at the College and Grammai School. Address: Karangahapeßoad. R- T> O O L E Y, Organist of St. Luke's, Bemuera, TEACHER OF ORGAN, AMERICAN « Vi ORGAN, HARMONIUM, PIANOFORTE AND 3INGING, WELLESLEY-BTREET EAST. IMF ADA ME pOOLEY, TEACHER OF SINGING , - AND CULTIVATION OF THE VOICE, WELLESLEY-STBEET EAST. DANCING, Masonic Hall, Princessstreet.—Prof. Bernard's Evening Classes (at , tbove Hall) begins on Wednesday, Oth April, 7.30 p.m. Afternoon Class—Thursday, 10th, Sp m. Juveniles— Saturday, 12th, 3 p.m. Intending pupils must apply early. Specialities—the New Valse, the Slow Valse. and the French Cotillions. Terms: Gents, £1 6a: Ladies and:javenile>. One Rnluea. Private Lessons. ['daily at Kail. Residence, 76, Kobson-aUeet. Catdj Lat Up , Quaea-aUoet,

OHAHLES HESKETH.] [ALEX, AITKEN. TTESKETH AND AITKEN Are clad to inform their customers and the public generally that sold che whole of their last year's stock of Clovers, «c, they are in a position to offer an entirely new Stock arriringper direct steamer Aorangi, from London, and per Mail Stenmer from San Franciaco, as under, all current season's growth, consisting of— WHITE CLOVER (Trifolium repens perenno) BED CLOVER (Trifoliam pratanee) - - AL>YKE CLoVfiR (Trifolinra hybridum) COWGRASS (Trifolium pretense perenne) SCARLET CLOVER (Trifolinra incamatum) TREFOIL (Medlcago lupulina) LUCKRNE fM.dicago saliva) ALFaLKA (Medicago Chlllana) ' ' TIMOTHY (Phleum pratonse) CRESTEI' DOGSTAIL (Cynoaurus criatalus) ME»DCW FOXTAIL (Alopecurus pratenses) : SHEEPS FESCUE (Festuca oTina) WOOD M> ADO •< GRASS (Poa nemoralla) PRAIRIE (Bromus Schreaderi) DOOB GRASS, ■ RAT-TAIL (Sparobolnsclongatas) BYE-GRASS (Lo)lnm perenne sempervirens) COCKSFOOT (Dactylis glomerata) PURPLE and GREEri TOP ABERDEEN XUE. NIPS DEVONSHIRE GREY STONE, WHITE STONE, and GLOBE TCT&NIPS SWEDF, TORNIPS They are also Amenta for the Bonedust as manufactnred by the Auckland Manure Company, Sydney Boneduit and flour Mineral and Bone Phosphates, Potato and Grass Manures, Peruvian Guano Nitrate of Soda, and other Ar ificial Manures ; Oats, Maize, Barley, Beans, Peas; Coarse, Fina, and Bock Salt, Cobra, and linseed Cake; New Zealand Flax atl, Tow, <tc, a. s. j A K x N s HAS ON SALE— ■ WHITE CLOVER , RED CLOVER COWGRASS ALSYKE TREFOIL TIMOTHY (WARRANTED ALL NEW SEEDS). RYEGRASS COCKSFOOT PRAIRIE GRASS ITALIAN RYEGRASS Also, 150 TONS JI BOwEDUST 80 T0^ S BONEFLOUR (Sydney Meat Preserving Co.) G. •S. J A K I N S, CUSTSTOMS-REET. N.B.—All Goods delivered FBEE to Station. Special quotations to large buyers. Samples forwarded on application. * TRADE PRICE, SYDNEY MEAT PRESKRVIKG CO.'S BONEDUST. 10 tons and upwards 1. _.. £615s Smaller Lpts .... .. £7 (Nett Cash) G. S. JAKINS. • •JY/TR. W. H. JONES, M.R.C.V.S.L., -*■ (Member of the Boyal College of Veterinary Surgeons, London), late Veterinary Surgeon, North Metropolitan Tramway Company, London, has commenced practice in Auckland, and may be consulted on Disease! of Horses, Cattle, and Domesticated Animals at the Masonic Hotel, Prtnoes-street. All com munlcatlon's left at Mr. Hailett'e, Chemist, Queenstreet, will receive prompt attention. Telephone So. 40. ;The Register of Members of the Royal College of Teteilnary Surgeoni can bt teen »1i Mr. Hulett's.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7007, 2 May 1884, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7007, 2 May 1884, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7007, 2 May 1884, Page 8