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■The ' regular meeting of the City Council was held lait night. Present: His Worship the Mayor (Mr. R. Waddel), Messrs. Montague, Stevenson, Devore, Harper, Maokeohnie, Fleming, Waymouth, Laßoobe, Crowther, Fieldj Holland, Alckin, Burns, Thompson, Garratt. The minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed, and headings of ■ correspondence sent since the last meeting of the.Coanoil were also submitted. Elliott-street.— Messrs. James Rae and others draw attention to the dilapidated and uninhabitable state of some houses in Elliottstreet, and hoped' the Council would abate this continued offence to publio taste and comfort. Mr. Goldie, Inspector, reported that the houses in question were unfit for human habitation.—Mr. J. Kinlay alao wrote on the subject.—The Mayor said that, much as they sympathised with the complaiuants, they had no power to order their removal so long as they were not dangeroue to life and limb, and he moved that a reply be sent accordingly.—Carried. St*p3.—Thomas Moyle reported haviag completed cutting down his allotment, and asked the Council either to erect steps or allow him £10, and he would erect them himself.—The City Engineer could not recommend more than £5. —The Mayor moved that that amount be offered in full of all demands.—Agreed to. Upper U-nion-Street. —Mr, Joseph Edwards complained of adrain which ran underneath his house.—The Engineer reported that it was put Where it is by consent, but it was only meant to be a .temporary measure until the embankment became consolidated. The pipe could now be continued through the embankment into the existing pipe at opposite end, and he that this be done at a cost of about £40. —Referred to the Streets Committee for their report. Baker-strkbt. — Mr. E. Smith, solicitor, wrote that his olient was not satiiified with the conclusion the Council arrived at, and instructed him to state that nnless one or Other ot his proposals was accepted and carried into operation, he would take legal proceedings to recover compensation for the damage his property had sustained, and would continue to sustain.—The resolution of tbe Council was, that this portion of the gully will be drained when the Council decide to drain the whole block between Sale and Cook Streets. This resolution had been confirmed at:» subsequent meeting.—The Mayor regretted that a ratepayer should think fit to threaten the Council, and mored " That he be informed that the Council does not see its way to alter its previous decision." —The motion vu agreed to. Lamp.—Meisrs.'Oheek Brothers, grocers, asked permission to put up ' a pair :of ■ lamp reflectors. —Permission was granted, ttie work to be done subjeot to the Engineer's approval. • Complaint'—West-street.—Mr. W. ; J. F. of ',a .sickening nuisance' which, liad been perpetrated on his family and hwWelf' by the ■ night-soil con tractor by placing" the night cart in front of his house while they collected from the various closets in the neighbourhood."—Mr. Goldie reported that Mr. White, contractor, was ignorant of this annoyance'being caused, and would instruot his : men to place their carts so as not to be an annoyance to anyone.—lt was agreed to reply that the subjeot was enquired into, and the contractor had undertaken that the nuisance should not be continued.—Mr. Stevenson said Mr. Donald had good cause for his complaint. Gka*ton-ruab District.—Mr. C. Alexander applied to have a bank which was left in front of his premises removed to give access to the road.—Referred to the Streets Committee.

Street Stand. —Thomas Craig applied for a permit for a month to sell goods in the streets. The. Town Clerk reported that after expressions-of the Council regarding similar applications he bad declined to grant the permit without the permission of the Council.—lt was agreed on the motion ef the Mayor that the permission be refused. They had recently passed a by-law to prevent obstruction in the street, and the applicant could apply for a hawker's license if he thought fit. Ireland-street.—Mr. W. Forrest laid that the cutting of Ireland-street left his property five feet above the street level, and he was anxious to know if the Council wonld allow him a sum of money to help to put up a retaining.wall;and .steps. He estimated the cost to be £20.—JReferred to the Streets Committee. W. Adams submitted plans of three brick buildings he proposed to erect on No; 9 allotment, foot of Grey-street.— The Building -Surveyor reported that the plans .were not-in accordance with the by-law.—lt was agreed to notify Mr. Adams accordingly. • ■ ■ Graiton-boad. —Mr. J. James, Secretary of the Auckland College and Grammar School, requested that the ground in front of the four bonses in Grafton-road, end of Wynyard-street, be sloped back preparatory to being fenced by the Board.—lt was recommended by the Engineer. There was plenty of room to deposit the earth in the gully,—lt was agreed that the work be done. Contract.—Mr. Morrison sent in a claim for £56, re asphalt contract entered into in 1874, in which he entered into a bond to keep his work in repair for ten years.—The Engineer reported ~tat the whole of the repairs were now being done by the present contractor. —Referred to the Streets Committee to enquire into to ascertain whether there was such an agreement as that referred to.

Plans.—Mr. H. G. Wade submitted plane for building for Mr. James Brown iu Market Reserve.—The Building Surveyor reported that they were in accordance with the by-laws. The estimated cost of the building " was £9Uo.—The plans were approved.—Mr.- A. Pollard submitted plans for a villa residence for Captain Lane in Selwyn street, Poneonby. They were approved by the Building Surveyor. The coet would be about £475. The plans were approved. Wateb Caht.—Mr. J. Gilmour applied that the water cart should visit Symondsstreet, and pointed out the necessity of watering tbe street regularly and ayatematicklly.—The Engineer that the cart had been on every day bo t one this week. He was so informed by the foreman, but Mr. Laßoche contradicted this statement.—lt was agreed to refer the letter to the Streets Committee,' and in the meantime order that the water cart should visit the street daily. — The Mayor hoped they would have a water-cart for every street next year, and do away with the hydrants. It was false economy to put on metal and bind it, and then wash it into the channels. —Mr. Crowther considered it partial legislation. Why should they pay for watering certain streets, when in others they were unable to get a load of coal or their houses. They should have a watering rate, and let those who wanted it pay for it. Plans. —Chas. Madden submitted plans for building in Alberkstreet.—The Building Surveyor reported that they were not in accordance with the building regulations.—lt was agreed to inform the applicant accordingly. Main Drain. — The Secretary o! the Harbour Board forwarded the following resolution : "That the resolution adopted at a meeting of the Board held.on the Ist April, that the main drain be extended on lines marked AA on the plan he now rescinded, with, the view of a reconsideration of the whole, matter."—The Mayor explained the position of this drain and the application of the Council to extend the main'drain. A certain plan was granted by the Board, but this was rescinded, the desire being to get the silt where it oould be dealt with. Those most affected were the Freezing Company, who could not go on with their works until the question was settled. They had no reply from the Government as to whether they would give the £BuO, the balance to credit for the main sewer extension. He moved, " That the letter and the subjeot be referred to a "committee which would, he believed,. be appointed • to" deal with the whole r mattef : of sewage."—Mr. Aickin also made ah'explanation of the different plans proposed—a A, BB','and r CC on the plans. HoABDING INSURANCE Br/ILDINOS.—Mr. Allan Maguire' asked permisaion for the hoarding : around the new buildings of the New Zealand Insurance Company, facing Shbrtland, Queen and Fort Street, to remain standing for 12 months, and he would maintain-iights. The latter was deferred until the Streets Committees report was received," and finally the application was granted; subject' to the condition that the fence: should be from 6 to S feet in height. Fleming presented a petition from the residents in Union-street to have the footpath formed.—Referred to the Streets Committee.

Stanley'stbbbt Drainage.—Mr. Aickin presented a petition from residents in East Ward, re Stanley-street drainage. — Received, and referred to the Legal Committee, as it had already the matter in hand. Finance Committee : Kaeauoahape Allotments. —The committee reported in favour of cutting out the allotments faoing Karangabape-road, as recommended by the Engineer.—The Mayor explained that the cost Would be about £1000, but if extended to Uopetownstreet it would cost £1100 more. Half would be charged to the wards ailooatiori, and halt to the endowment fund. It seemed a large sum, bnt it would be money well spent. Be moved. " That the work be authorised." — Mr. Burtuf seconded the motion.—A discussion then'took place as to which ward was entitled to the earth. Mr. Fleming claimed it for the South Ward, and Mr. Burns and Mr. Stevenson for the»ngahape Ward.—Finally, after bearing an explanation from the Engineer, the wbole matter was reierred to the Endowment Committee. , S tbeets Committeb. — This committee a report was read. It referred to various small works referred to the committee. Re hoardings : It was recommended that they be not less than 6 nor more than S feet; that the work in Martin's-lane be done atacost of £100; that temporary repairs ba made in Vermont-street ; that the right of-way applied-for by Mr. Spaed be granted on the usual conditions, and that a gate be erected. Several slopings were authorised. It was reoomniended that the Engineer prepare plans and specifications with estimates of cost, and report thereon to the Council re the petition from residents of Ponsonby Ward re sewer. Several clauses in the renort were discusied, and Mr. Crowther moved an addition to the report, "That a aum of £9 to £15 be expended in building a retaining wall in Mount-atreet, at Dr. Wine's allotment." Dr. Wine was under the iaipresaion that the Council had agreed to this course. — Mr. Thompson also said he was under the ; impression that the wall was to be built. — The amendment was opposed by Mr. Stevenson, Mr. Garratt, Mr. Maokeohnie, Mr. Field, and Other members, who objected to further conCessions being made to Dr. Wine.—The amendment was lout.—Mr. JLaßoche, for Mr. Waymuuth, moved. "That the petition re Totara-street, be referred back to the committee."—Mr. Burns seconded the amendment pro forma, but it was lost, Mr. Fisld pointing out that the matter had received full consideration from the committee. — Finally the report was adopted without amendment.

Lkgal Committre.—This committee's report recommended that uniforms for the Fire brigade be authorised ; that Mr. Cooper's tender for bookbinding be accepted; that the thanks of the Council be forwarded to Dr. Aoki for hie present of books relating to Japan to the Free Library ; that the Council offer the sum ot £200 for 15 feet for permanently widening High-street; that billiard-rooms be only opened at the same hours as licensed houses.— Mr. Montague moved an amendment to the clause referring to the dosing of billiard rooms that ic be struck out.—Mr. Garratt spoke to the same effect, and seconded the amendment.—Mr. Devore supported the clause in the report, as there was a danger that if they were not closed when the hotels closed drink would be taken to these rooms and drank there.— Mr. Wa> mouth also supported the clauise in the report.—Mr. Maokecknie suggested that the matter should be referred bac& for further consideration. —Mr. Crowther seconded the amendment. —The Mayor supported the clause of the report.— The clause was struct out; and the report as amended was adopted. Balances. —Tne ordinary balances were submitted, and accounts were passed for payment. Departments.—The ordinary departmental reports were also read. City Engineer's Report.—"Plans and specifications are on the table for kerbing and channeling in Grabam-»treet and Hard-ing-street, also for extension of Newtonroad culvert, and for culvert in West-street. Authority to advertise for tenders is required for fencing round cemetery, Waikomiti, and earth cutting in Sentinel-road." —Authority was granted. Fire Plugs and Valves.—The Mayor said that they had observed a paragraph in the Herald regarding a fire-plug cover being placed on a valve, that the Council and their engineers had blundered in having placed a fire-plug cover over a valve was incorrect. The form of the covers was different, that of the fire-plu;j being-' squire and the other round. He had examiued into the correctness of thie statement, and found it wrong and incorrect, the cover in question being a fire-plug. There was another error in the same paragraph that there was a diffiouHy in opening the plug. He was there before the hose-reel arrived, and when it did arrive they merely wheeled round and attached the hose at once. It was clear, and the conneotion was made without any impediment. Whether there was anything wrong with the plug before this he could not say, but the other statements were decidedly wrong. There 'VS'as no error in the covers, and the plug was clear when it was required. He wished to make this explanation, as bo mnoh had been said about the Council and the Fire Brigade. Lighting ok Queen-street. —Mr. Aiokin drew attention to the defeotive lighting of Lower Queen-sitreet, and gave notioo to move "That the Engineer should report on the matter." Western Springs Estate.—The Town - Clerk eent a memo, that he attended the sale of the Western Springs Estate, but was unable to purchase it at the price limited.

Abt Gallery and Public Library.— The Major drew attention to the fact that it was now seven or eight w.eeka since Mr. Grainger had met the Council, and no communication had yet been received from him as to the plans and specifications for the Art Gallery and Public Library.—Mr. Harper asked leave to make an explanation. Ho went to Australia with Mr. Grainger, who instead of carrying his plaus overland with him left them to be forwarded from Sydney. He only received them two days before he (Mr. Harper) left Melbourne, and asked Mr. Harper to explain to the Counoil tbe cause of the delay in forwarding th« working plans and specifications. —The explanation was receired as satisfactory. Obstructions. —In answer to Mr. Montague, the Engineer said that the tramway contractors bad no authority to deposit shingle in Victoria-etreet.—Mr. Crowther inquired whether the couxraotors had permission to deposit shingle in Queen-street, and the Mayor said the permission was not asked. Notice had been giren to the Council that they were about to lay the tramway in Queen-street. They had a right to occupy a portion of the street, if they erected lamps. Paget-street and Franklin-koad Road Works.— J he following tenders were reoeived :—Nicholls and Gatran, £5954 4s 6d ; W. Blewdon, £4696; James McGee, £5194 15s; J. S. Kmght, £4522; Coo ion and Regan, £4399; Robert Lamb, £5612 15s; William Fouguey, £4392 16s 5d ; D. Berry and . Uawkes, £530S ISs 4d ; A. Archibald, £4230; W. Kirby, £5940 ; A.. Pascoe and Rouse, £4992 2s 6d Tho Engineer's estimate was £4400 —Mr. Kirby's tender was accepted with the proviso that if any complaints or difficulty arose as to the mauner in which he carried out his contract, the Council would consider the advisability of whether they should accept bis lender in future. Waterworks Plant. —Re tenders for waterworks plant: three were received.— Mr. Thompson moved that the time for accepted tenders be extended for six weeks, as it was stated outside that the six days' notice given was not sufficient to enable others to tender. —Mr. 'larper moved as an amendment "That the extension be three weeks." The letter was carried as an amendment;, but lost as a subataßtivs motion, and the tenders were opened. They were, T. and S. Morrin, £2245 ; Wingate and Burns, £2570; E. Porter and Co., £2413. —The Mayor moved that Messrs. Motrins' tender be accepted, and Mr. Montague seconded the motion.—Mr. Garrett moved, as an amendment, "That the matter be referred to the Finance Committee," and Mr. Thompson seconded the amendment — The amendment was carried. Drainage.—Mr. Maokechnio, acoording to notice, moved, "That a committee, oonsisting of the Mayor, Measru. Aickic, Thompson, Field, Holland, Garrett,, Fleming, and the mover, be appointed to take evidence and report on the most advisable system to be adopted of draining and disposing of the sewage of the city, with authority to expend on suoh enquiry a sum not exceeding £150."He urged the necessity for some combined plan and system of drainage, and pointed out its importance to the city and Harbour Board.—Mr. Aiokin seconded the motion.— Mr. Devore moved that his name and that of Mr. Stevenson be added to tbe committee, bo aa to give to the new wards two members

each. — The amendment was lost. — Mr. Thompson then moved "That the Legal Committee be substituted for the committee named by Mr.Maokeabnie."—This amendment was also lost, and the motion was carried oa the casting vote of the Mayor. Cemetery Bridge. — Mr. Mackechnie, pursuant to notice, moved "That the City Engineer be instructed to employ professional aid, etc., to prepare plans and estimates of a wood bridge (cart and foot passengers) across the gully between Symonds-street to the GraftOQ-road."—Mr. Holland seconded the motion There was a lengthy diaoussion as to the nature of the bridge, its cost, and the suitability of the site, and Mr. Mackechnie withdrew the proviso as to the cart bridge. The question arose as to whether the coat should be paid out of the Ullooatiou of the loan to Graf ton Ward—After a good deal of discussion, Mr. Mackechnie's amended motion was carried. Nelsou-stbbet.—Mr. Montague moved, "That the levels of Nelson-street, between Victoria and Cook Streets, be fixed." —After some discussion, as the question of compensation arose, the matter was, on the motion of Mr. Garratt, referred to the Legal Committee. . . . ■ ■ Hobson-street.—Mr. Montague moved, "That the Eogineer report aa to the best method of carrying out the resolution of the Council re cutting down Hobson-street; also tho formation of Customs-street West, Moore and Chapel Streets to their permanent levels."—The motion was agreed to. Stanley-street Dhain.—Mr. Crowther moved, " That the Eugiueer be instructed to prepare plans \ai speo : fications for drainage works in Stanley-street."—Carried. Grafton-road. — Mr. Aiokin moved, "that the matter of forming, kerbing, and channelling the northern aide of Graftouroad, from Symonds-street to Domain-street, be referred to the Streets Committee to report upon."—The motion was agreed to. The rough estimates were read at eleven o'olock, and the meeting rose. ' r

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7007, 2 May 1884, Page 6

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CITY COUNCIL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7007, 2 May 1884, Page 6

CITY COUNCIL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7007, 2 May 1884, Page 6