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Nsw Zealahd Hxbili> Office. • • Thursday evening. Thb to-day were £1208 16» Id. . Business during the paet week has been exceedingly quiei.'in a. measure owing to the fact of-its being mall week, and it being the end o: the month, when a, disinclination exists to de business. Exports to Sydney of maize, butter, &o. r " have bean m»do, and the market there is still reported firm* From the E»st Coast we learn that there isia feeling of uneasiness as to the success of the maize crop, Owing to the unfavourable weather\ that has prevailed thero. The whole of last year's crop has now been sent inte market, holders \being_induced to part by the present high prices ruling. We have no alteration to note in the kauri gum maiket, prices remaining as last quoted. A fair consumptive demand has been experienced in the flour mtirket during the week. We quote superfine silk-dressed at £12 10s; household, £11 10a ; 3outhern brands, £10 10s to £1110s. . . . \ Excepting the arrival of the barque Alastor frem London on the 25th ultimo, and the mail steamer from Sydney, '•n! route for San Francisco, the arrivals have not peea of any special importance. The' same remarks refer to the daparturee. The brigantine Peerless has concluded her loading for New York, and has on board 2633 cases kauri gum »nd 647 pieces selected timber. The barque Loch Bredan is expeoted to finish her loading for Loridon daring the ensuing week. She will go hence with a valuable cargo. \ Iα diiry produce we notice n, somewhat hardening market. We quote choice dairies at Is per lb. wholesale, and 1« 3d per lb. retail, and ordinary dairies at 10d per Ib.iwholesale, and retail Iβ per lb. Eggs have advanced 3d per dozen, and are now selling- at 2s wholtsale, and 2s 3d retail. ;


Kauri Gum • and Flax Market.— Receipts for month to date, about 15 tons. The following Quotations approximate to present rates : —Poor ordinary, £S3 and upwards • fair to good ordinary, £38 to £43: superior do., £45 and upwards; East Coast, £65 and npwards. Flax, per ton; £18 to £21; Tow, do.. £7 to £9; Fungus, per lb., 2Jd to 3d; Cocoanut Fibre, per cwt. 15s to 17s; Beeswax, 9d to 10d lb. Preserved, and Dried Fruits. — WioUtaUs Dried Prunes, 6Jd to 7d; Crystalized Pine Apples Is to 1« 3d per lb: Preserved Ginger, Is to Iβ 2d: Peanuts, ljd to 2d; Barcelona, 6jd to 7d per lb.; Shelled Nuts, 9d to Is; Brazil, ed to Od. Betail .- Drlea Prunes. 8d to 10d; Crystalled Pine Apples, Is 9d to 2s oer lb.; Preserved Ginger. Is 9d to 2s; Peanuts, Sd to Is: Barcelona Is to Is 6d; Shelled Nuts Is to Is 6d: Brazil. 9d to Is. . Farm amd Dairy Produui.— Wholaalt: Butter, fresh, 10d ; Butter, salt, Sd to 10d; Cheese, good looal 6dto6d: Canterbury, do., 6d to 7d; Eggs, per dor.. 2s; Lard, per bladder, 7sd; Bacon and Hams, Provincial, 6d to Sd; Hams, 8d to 9d; Canterbury Ham and Bacon, 9d, in cloth; Hams only, lid; Jams, per case, 5 dor.. £1 15s to £1 17s 6d: Fowls, per pair, 2s 6d to 4s; Feathers, baked,-clean and selected. Is 6d to Is 9d per lb. Bctail .• Milk, per qnart, 4d: Butter, fresh, Is; salt do., 10d to Is; Cheese, colonial, do., 9d to 10d; Eggs, per doz., 2s 3d; Lard, per lb, 6d to 9d; Fowls, each, 2s to 3s ; Ducks, do., 2s to 3s: Geese, do., 5s to 7»; Turkeys, do., each, 6s to 8s ed; Bacon, per lb., 10d to Is; Hams, do., Ji to U 4d. . Hat and Corn Market.— WheUtalt -• Malse, local, 4s 8d to 4s 10d; Oats, 2s tld to 3s ; Wheat. 4,8 ; fowl, 2s 9d to 3s; Barley, 2s 9d to 3s 3d; Malting Barlej. 5s to 5s 3d (no demand); Hay, meadow, per ton. pressed, £6 to £6 ss; Lucerne, do., £8 to £8 10s (nominal): Straw, per load. 18s to £1 10s; Chaff, mixed. £5; Oaten Chaff £4 15s to £6; Hay. oaten, £5 to £6: Clover, £5 10s to £7; Potatoes, per ton, £3. litlail: Maize, 6s ■ 6d; ■ Oats, do., 3s to 3s 3d; Whoat, fowl, per bushel, Ss 6d to 4s; Barley, feed do., 3s ,6d to 4s; Hay. per cwt.. Cs 6d to 7s; Lucerne, do., 7s 6d to Sβ;, 6s to 7s; Straw, do., Ss to 4s; Chaff, do., 5s to 6s. Garden and Orchard Produce.— Wholtialt: Apples, 8s to 12b 6d per ca»e; Apples, per lb., 2d to 4d; Lemons; per dor.. Is to Is Bd; Onions, per lb.. Id to 2d; Celery, per doz.; 2sio 4s; Garlic, 3d to 6d per lb.; Pumpkin, 4s 6d to 5s Bd per cwt; Cocoannta, Us to 10s per 100: Oranges, 10d to Is 3d per doz.; Bananas, lid to 3d; Pino Apples, 8i to 8s 6d; Oranges, 7s 6d to 9s 6d par case. Retail: Oranges, Is 3d to 2s per doz.; Lemons, 2d to 3d each; Onions, per lb.. 2d to 4d; Apples, -per lb., 4d to 6d; Celery, per bundle, 2a to 6d: Pumpkin, per lb, l}d to 2d; Bananas. 3d to 6d; Garlic, 8d to 9d per lb. IfiTf Zealand Flax Hope.—Prices subject to trade terms. Bone of all sizes, per ton, £40; Tarred Yam, do., £40; Wool Lashing, do., £38. Coal and Firewood iItBKET-^Coal: Newcastle (ship's side), cargo, 23s to 80s per ton; yard, 32s to 355. Bay of Islands, at yards, 275, scarce; screened, 30s; ditto at the mine, 13s; ship's side. 28s to 265. Walkato, 8s to 12s; in Auckland, 18s to 225. Kamo, 12s per ton at loading ground. Taupbri at mine, 8s 6d to 12s; at yard, 18s 6d to 225. Whangarei. at mine, 9s 6d; yard (steam), 17s; household, 21s, delivered 255. Firewood: Uncut at wharf (cargo), 9s to 10.i per ton; delivered. 14s: cut,.l7s to 18s. Floor Market.— Whtlttalt: Superfine Flour, silk diessed, par ton, £12 10b ; do., do., household, £1110s; hundreds 55., fifties 10s., per ton extra, sacks wid bagsfree: Southern, d 0..£10 10sto £1110s ; Bran.per ton (sacks inclndod). local. £6: Southern, do., £5; Sharps,' £6 10s; Cabin Bread, do., £18: Oatmeal, do., £12 10s to £13; Pearl Barley, do., £23 to £24; Bread, per 21b loaf. Sjd. ' „ , „. Seeds —Lucerne, Is 3d; White Clover, per lb., Is 3d to Is 4d; Hed Clover, per lb., 9d to 10d: Cowgrass, p«r lb., Is to Is 2d; Alsyke, per lb., Is 3d to Is 4d; Trefoil, per lb., 7d to 8d; Timothy, per lb.. 7d; Kapo, per lb., 4d to Sd; Purple-top Aber. Turnip, per lb., la 3d; Green-top Aber. Turnip, per lb., Iβ 3d; Green Globe Turnip, per lb., Is; Prairie Grass, per bushel, 6s; Byegrass, per bushel, 5s to 6s; Cocksfoot per bushel. 8s 6d. Miscellaneous.—Kerosene, from Is 7d to Is 8d ordinary brands; Fencing Wire, So. 6, 7, and 8. assorted, £14 10i to £16 10s per ton ; Lime, slacked. Is per bushel: Quick Lime, In stona Is6d to 2s. New Zealand Palings, srt., 7s 6d to 10s • 6ft., 13s; Ti-tree Rails, £2 10s to £4 per 100; Puriri Posts £8 to £7; Shingles; 13a to 16» 6d per 1,000; Hobart Palings, sft., los to 19s; 6ft., 17s to 21s; Hobart Bails; 75s to 85s. Buying and selling quotations. . Butchers' Meat.—Kefait: Boasting Beef, per lb., id to 6d; Boiling Beef, do., 3d to ed; Mutton, hindquarter, do., 4d; do., fore-quarter, ■ do., 3d Lamb. 3s to 4s quarter; Pork and Veal, per lb., do., 6jd to 7d; Steaks do., 6d to Bd;' Chops and Sausages, 4<l to ed. WlioUiale: Tallow, mutton, per cwt., 48s to 50s mixed, do., 25it035i. ■ • . . ■ Manures.—Bonedost, Sydney, prime, £8 to £810s; Bcmeflour, £9 10s; Auckland, £9, Inferior. £S 15s to £7 10s; to £8 10s ; Peruvian guano, £18; Maiden Island, £8 Huon Gnano. small lots, £5 to £6, bags included; Hurst's Chemical Manure, £1110s. . . BuriDiNo Materials.—Timber: Boards and Scantling, 100 ft., 10s to 15s, best dressed, 18s te 19s ed; second class, 9s to 12s 6d; rustic weather boards. 17s to 18s. Mills : Cargo, boat, 12s to 14s 6d ; second.class, 6s to Bs. Balk, 6o Gd to 7s. Bricko (at Whau), SS» to 40s; Town Yards, £2 6s to £2 10s per 1000. Drain Pipes, por 1000, 6 inches bore, 40s: 4 inches, 14s; 3. inches, 0s; 2 inches, £2 5s per 1000; Socket Glazed Pipes, IS inchos, Js Cd; 15 inches, 2s; '12 inches, Is Gd;l9 inches, Iβ 3d; 6 inches, 8d; i inches, 6d per foot


Mb. , Alfred BcciL»ND'e We«kly Ebpojit.—A the Haymarketj on Friday, April 25th, oaten chaff brought 4s CJ to ss; fodder, from 2s 6d to 4s (id per cvrt.; oats, -is lid per bushil. Horse stock vrere offeredin full numbers, and maintained their values; the unbroken thrce-jo»r-olds ranged Id price from £17 to £27105; broken draught norsos, wlth trials, from £20 to £28 10s ; medium draft, from £.11 and upwardt. On Tuesday a larger quantity of (udder than usual was brought forward, and found ready sale at Friday's prices. At the hide ssd skin sale, on Tuesday, there was a larger supply than usual, with a full attendance of buyers. Hides ranged In price from 2d to SJd per lb. ; tallow, 26s and 27a per cwt.; pelts and skins, 8d to 2s each; wool, from Sd to OJd per Ib. At Remuera on Thursday dairy cattle wore at late values.' Thoie advertised of Mr. A. S. Thomson -raoped from £7 to £10 Ss. Store cattle lower in •price. ■■ Fat cattle were in full number, and had an irregular sale, prices varying with quality from 12s Cd to 20s the lOOlbs. Sheep were yarded in lull numbers, and were at lower values ; 2Jd the lb. was'thc ruling price, and several pons wero withdrawn. Fat lambs were also dull of tale. Well fatted calves and pigs were eagerly competed for at full prices..-'.' ■ MES3B9. HoNrBR and Nolan".-. Weekly Refout —Horses : There has been nothing very noteworthy. Few strange horses.wore brought forward, but local r ones found purchasers at quite previous prices At the Durham Yards, on Friday, there w»s a. good number of entries, and although for several animals bidding was slow, almost without excoption lots were cleared. • We quote hacks from £8 to £27 ; lightharness horses, £17 to £22 10s ; medium draught, £20. Cattle: The supply of; fat and dairy stock has been Rood, but a limited number of stores were brought forward, and there was Httlo alteration in value. At the Newmarket Yards, on Tuesday, the butcher*' pons, were well filled, and competition was good throughout the sale, but there was no noteworthy alteration in value. • D.iiry cows were not in quite so brisk demand, and, except for good animals, the previous week's ratea were barely maintained; stores,

unaltered. Sheep hare bean plentiful. Well fatted I have maintained their vslne, bnt store sheep were relatively lover, wethers selling at from 9s to 10s 6a; •vres, 6i to Oi. Wethers sold to the butcher at from 123 to 15s 6d; lambs, 11s to 12s 6d- Flgi. source. 'THAMES. .-...:. _ Messes. Basks akj> Co."s Wekkly Rkpobt (By Telegraph).—At Parawai. on. Thuradsy fat cattle In point of nnmbots were not up to lato average, but U>e weight of beef was amply made up by the extra sue and condition of the majority of those offered. One draft of 23 steers from H. Vercse, Alaketu, being socb is we.have seldom seen Improved upon. This lot averaged £8, or about 18s peraOOlbs. : Locally fatted cattle unsaleable. Sheap were In (all supply, mostly prime Napier wethe-s, lor which bidding was slacK. A few pens sold at" 12s Od to Iβj. balance were withdrawn. Store piers sold freely at 8s fid to 15s 3d each; good cheese, 5Jd to 5Jd per lb. , '


»Exdlv. Auckland, May 1,1884. AUCKLAND STOCK AND MINING ASSOCIATION. May 1, 1884.

E. Frater, John Mowbray, E. Home, J. B. Morpeth, J. M. Lennox, W. Flood, H. J. Wlckens, D. B, McDonald, D. O. MacDonnell, Aitken Carrick, R. Spratt, Francis Hull. Joseph Newman, Chairman. CALL AND DIVIDEND LIST. oiLU. £ s. d. Datr. Union Beach G.M. Co. .. 0 0 3 — May 1 Humphrey's Gully U. G.M Co. 00 6 — M.y 6 Reuben Parr G.M.Ca 0 1 0 — May S Werahiko G.M. Co 0 0 2 — May H Lord Stanley G.M. Co. .. . e 0 3 — May U Kuranui Hill United G.M. Co. 0 1 0 — May 15 Onion Sssh and Door 00. .. 010 0 — -May 26

SoV 1 '* " 3 fig xa ce, "aasa s, asas e, 5asss-jss g4 eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee w O O->~d C3 -Q U3 ©3 CO Jt» NWWHOOew , "" . (5 cdlMCOlMieCQNHOOHOOtH _•• »*4 tO "* *^ 5*3 O»»^ eeooooooo00ooooooe o©o g§ M eoeoa> = e>oooooooeeo [eeo a°m MoooiooeooeoHeJiertiee S 180, . ~~~ : e _ I: j : i s J J s ; : : s 1 ; : 1 : llf - I : ll_jJ : .j :: . !! . : . : S ! -§"3 : »4? S a e-3 3_ b P a O 3* 3y SB a sffiimiiiiiii

Company. Boiineji. Closing Fricei. ~~ ~~~ ~ Buyen.j Sellers. Banks— £ s d £ e d Now Zealand .. 21/17/6 — 22 0 0 Colonial .... — — 2 2. 6 lN«Ur.JkKOCH— Now Zealand .. — — 3 15 6 Colonial .. — — — Ml50KLi-»J»»OTJ>— Auckland limber.. — '— 5 2 .6 N.Z Land and Mort. — — 5 12 6 Devonport Forry .. — 0 17 6 - TaupIriCoal .. — — 110 Coromandel Steam — 0 14 6 0 15 6 New Zealand Timb. — — 5 2 6 Mining— Caledonian.. .. — —0 0 0 Kuranut Hill .. — — 0 2 0 Queen of Beauty .. — — — Diamond Gully .. 2/ — — Prince Imperial ■ ■ 15/6.18/6 0 16 0 0 16 6

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7007, 2 May 1884, Page 4

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COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7007, 2 May 1884, Page 4

COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7007, 2 May 1884, Page 4