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Licensing Notices. . J renewal, transfer, or removal of such Licenses: — ■ NameofCommltte.u Data of Meeting. . / Place. - Auckland North " Monday. June 2,188* . BeHdeat lUglrtrateJ Court, Auckland Auckland South Tuesday, June 3 go. ._..,. Auckland East Wednesday, June 4 »°- Kanwgahape - - Friday, June 6 -g°- ' rPon»ouby . Saturday, June 7 5»" ■ . ' Parnell Saturdav, Junei» "°- SSS&T* . r %S&S2LV-- PnMicHan.Ne^et

■ J. BUTLER STONEY, - dark of Licensing Committees. IT Y OF AUCKLAND. NOTICE OP APPLICATION FOB TRANSFER ' OF LICENSE. I John Lynch, of Upper Pitt-street, Newton, being a holder of & pub'ican's license in respect of the house and premises iltnate at Upper Pitt-street, do hereby jive notice that I desire to obtain, and will, at the next Licencing Meetim to be holden at *he Rerident Magistrate's Court, on the sixth day of June, apply for atransfer of the said License from myself te Joseph John Donovan, my appointee. Dated the ninth day of April, 1184. JOHN LYNCH. A U C K L AND NORTH. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOB TRANSFER OF LICENSE. I, James Hawkins, of Auckland, being the holder Of a Publican's License In respect of the house and premises situate at the corner of Wellesley and Albert Streets, and known as the Shamrock Hotel, do hereby live notice that I desire to obtain, and will, at the next Licensing Meeting, to be holdes at the Resident Magistrate's Court, Auckland, on the 2nd day of June, 188*, apply for a transfer of the said License from myself to Johanna O'Sullivan, my appointee. Dated the 29th d»y of April, 188*. ■ --■ ■ JAMES HAWKINS. QNEHUNGA. NOTICE OF. APPLICATION FOB TRANSFER OF LICENSE. I. John Jesse Odlnm, of Onehtinga. being the holder of a Publican's License in respect of the house and premises situate at Onehunga, and known by the name of the Manukas Hotel, do hereby give notice that I desire to obtain, and will, at the next Licensing Meeting to be holden at Ontthnnga on the 4th day of Jnne, l&H, apply for a transfer of the said License from myself to John GUI Colllngs, my appointee. Dated the 18th day of March, 1884. JOHN JESSE ODLUM. ' For Bale. AT RKMUERA.—For Sale or Lease, a comfortable 8-roomed Dwelling-house, Stable, Coach-bouse and 3 acres rich land, in orchard and paddock.—Apply to W. Aitten, Land Agent CHAFF! Chaff ]!—For Sale by the underFigned, Pure Oaten Hay Chaff, at £4 12s 6d per ton, delivered in Auckland.—W. Waters. Papatoitoi. TO WORKING MEN. — Houses on deferred payment, in good locality.—Grant and Crossan, Firth's Buildings. FOR SALE—A small Steamer, new, nearly completed,—Apply to David Gouk, Shipbuilder, Customhouse-street West, FOR SALE or to Let—Hotels (country), Stores, Bnsinessei, Boarding-houses, City and Snkurban Properties—Grant and Croisra, 75, Queenstreet FOR SALE or Lease—A Brick Building and Freehold Allotment, in centre of city, suitable for a Store or Livery Stable.—Apply' to W. Altken. Land Agent OR SALE (Monnt Eden Road)— Eightrooraed House (new)— Allotment 40 x 100 ; deferred payment; £75 cash. — Grant and Crosian, Firth's Buildings. ' FOR SALE, Cheap—Several Villa Sites, well situated: varying in size from three to eighteen acres; volcanic soiL—Apply James Moras, Norman's Hill, Onehnnga. FOR SALE—IO acre Farm, £55, "Waipipi; also, Sense, four rooms, freehold, Newmarket. £355: also, Allotments.—Heighten and Co., Lane Agents. 177, Qne«n-streat - FOR SALK—Shirt Business, with all applianoac, including four machines, steampower, bench, work-tables, eta (cheap).—Heighten and Co., Agents, 177, Queen-street Offices up-stairs. FOR SALE—IBO acre Farm, at £2 per acre, thirty miles north of Auckland, with siirooraed Dwelling, Garden, Orchard and other desirable improvements.—Apply W. McKinstry, No. 8, Qneenstreet, Agent. . FOR SAL E—A Farm within six miles of Eawakawa, Bay of Islands, containing gee acres, all fenced and jnbdivided, and well waters' : 8-roomed House, Stables, etc.—Apply to J. M. and J. Mowbtay, Land Agents. Fort-street. FOR SALE—A Cheap Farm of 80 acres, 3 mile* east of Monurewa Station ; House of i rooms and Ouutbuildings, Orchard and Waterpower. Place carries at present 100 sheep, 4 cows, and 2 horses.—Apply to Wml Gould, on th* premises. FOR SALE OR TO LET, FOUR MILES FROM CITY. A nine-roomed House with one or three acres of volcanic land; Nice Garden. Apply to W. F. O'STJLLIVAN, Shortland-street ■RJ" O T I C E. WALTHAM'S VERY BEST QUALITY LADIES' AND GENTS.' KEYLESS WATCHES. 24 Just Received, Plain, Engraved, and Enameled Cases, all 18 Carat Gold, and guaranteed for 10 years. F. H. LEWISSON, Watchmaker, Queea-street Opposite Union Bank. R E A ~~^- The undersigned has authority to sell a Valuable Freehold Hotel Property in the important rising township of Kihikihi, and the price is very moderate. All information can be given about the business done, and satisfactory reason for the present proprietor wishing to retire. Halt purchase money can remain on mortgage. Call early on EDWARD LEWIS as CO.,' - 67, Queen-street. m e a b< oh a. BUSINESS SITES FOR SALE. Several of the most valuable Business Allotments and best Residence Sites in the rising town of Te Aroha for sale. Apply to HENRY BUTTLE, Land Agent, Te Aroha. riITY ALLOTMENT, FOR SALE OR LEASE, 100 feet frontage to Darby-street. Apply to ■ "W. AITKFJf, Land Agent BATTLE OR SHEEP RUN. For Sale, an excellent Sheep or Cdttle Station, with comfortable dwelling-house, workmen's cottage, stockyard, and other improvements, situate inside the Raglan Harbour, and nearly surrounded by deep ■rater. The Run is well grassed—the carrying capacity being 300 cattle or 1000 sheep. Apply to W. AXrXEN, Land Agent FOR SALE — STMONDS - STREET— Commodious Family Residence of 10 Rooms, situated in tße moat pleasant part of *ynonds-street, and commanding an extensive view of the harbour and city. The Bouse is fitted with all conveniences. Gas and water aie laid on both up and down .stairs. Bath-room. Kitchen fitted with store, dressers, etc Allotment 40ft. by 105 ft Terms can be arranged. Apply (at once) to D. F. EVANS, Estate Agent and Auctioneer, Queen-street (next B*nk of Australasia). Tqi O ~R~ i=! A L E, THOROUGHBRED ENTIRE HORSE "PARTHENOPGSUS," aged, by Traducer, dam Atalanta. ENTIRE HORSE " NEW CHUM," aged, by Tradncer, dam Fair Wave. BAY MARE "HATRED," by Traducer, dam Emmiline, stinted to Foul Play, with Foal at foot by Foul Play. BAt" COLT, rising tee years, by Musket, dam Hatred. TERMS LIBERAL. For further particulars apply to GRAHAM, PITT, AND BENNETT, Auctioneers, Gisborne.

No: 274] ■ nrTHE Annual Meeting o£ the licensing . I Committees for the undermentioned dlttiicts | WAm\>A—Public °HaU, Wairoa, MONDAY, 2i>a June, at noon. ' HUNTT A—Court-house, Pepskars, TUE3DA*. iOth Jane, st noon. PAPAKURA—Court-house, Papakura, TUESDAY, lOth June, at noon. ' . WILLIAM SHANAGHAN, S Clerk Licensing Committee. * Papaknra, SOth April, IEB4. . ; ' 1 THE Annual Meeting of. the Licensing ' Committees for the undermentioned districts will be held as follows:— .' . „ KARAKA-Conrt-house, Pukeiohe, WEDNESDAY, 4th June, 1884. kt noon. MAUNGaTAWHIRI — Railway Station, Tuakau, SATURDAY, 7th Jane, 1884, at noon. POKBNO—Court-house, Mercer, MSNDAY, 9th June, : 18 84,atnoon. SHANAGHANj Clerk Licensing Committee*. Papaknra, 30th April, 188t. __ X ICENSESTG ACT, 1881, LICENSING ' _J ACT AMENDMENT ACT, 1882.-. | I, Henry Sidings, ai Returning Officer for the : several Licensing Districts mentioned in the nut i schedule herein, do hereby appoint the hour of : Twalre Noon on the day let opposite each of the said , Districts as the time, and the Resident Magistrate s Court, Auokland. as the place, at which the Quarterly cendne Meetinjs for the said Diatrlcts will be held . for .schol such Districts set opposite the name of each of such Districts respectively. Name of District. I Date " \ The first Monday in each of the AUCKLAND momhs of June, September, NORTH .. December, 1884, and March, 1885. AUCKLAND! The flrst Tuesday in each of the BOUTH .. I said months. AUCK LAND I The flrst Wedneiday in each of EAST .■ I the said months. KARANGAHAPE I The nist Friday In each of the [ said months. PONSONBY .. I The first Saturday in eaoh of the I said months. . . GRAFTON .. I Th» second. Monday in each of I the said months. HENRY RIDINGS, Returning Officer. May I, 1834. 27S - Sporting. rTIAKAPUNA JOCKEY CLUB'S 1 . - QUEEN'S BIRTHDAY MEETING. NOMINATIONS for following races close TO-MOR-ROW (Friday), April 2nd :— BIRTHDAY CUP HANDICAP of IOOsOTS. Nomi- ' nation, 2sov«. HANDICAP STEEPLBOHASE ol 8530T5. Nomination, lsov. WINTER OaHS' HANDICAP 61 SS3OTS. Nomination, taor. T. PEEL, Hon. Sec. COMPANY'S £26CO—Q TTEEN'S BIRTHDA Y.—£2600. Raoib, May 24,—Close about May 20." SUBSCRIPTION FEE 10H _— NOW ' 10» At the request of a large number of constant and valued lubscribtrs, the Company has been induced to adopt the 10s subscription. £000 Programmes at 10s each. QUEEN'S BIRTHDAY HANDICAP. MrstHorse «« Second do 2SO Third do .. .. - -. -- 10° All otheis divided (£3O each) _ .. 300 . Total for Horses .. .. _ £USO 3 Caih Bonds at £100 each .. ' .. £300 X do. do. .60 do. .. 150 ' 20 do. do. 20 do. .. 400 30 do. do. 10 do. .. 300 40 do. do. 6 do. .. _200 Total 96 Bonds fiUEO Total amount ol Prizes, £2600. There will be Six Separate Drawings for Each Ticket; tU., One Drawing for the Race, and Five Separate Drawiags for the Oβ Bonds. Programmes— 20s each, and two 2d stamps. Cheqnes (withls exchange) to be pajable only to a N0... or to Bearer. P.O. Orders payable to •• Fidelity Co." only. Beglstered- Letters and Telegnms not accepted. Aidnss only to FIDELITY COMPANY, . Care of Alfred A. Camercn, Box 251, Post-office, Dnnadio. Ha.APPLY EXTRA EARLY.—TIME LIMITED. Race on 24th May. Registered Letters ) nnnftn( Port offlce O" 1 * 18 T JSSS&.. A DAMASTOB'S NOVELTY CONSULJA. tation OH THE BIRTHDAY HANDICAP (To be Bun at Dnnedin). Will dose on or about 22nd May, 18S4. 8000 Members at 5s Each. IS6 PRIZES TO BE DISTRIBUTED AS FOLLOWS :- FIRST. .. .. .. .. .. £250 sEHOND .. .. .. .. * .. 160 THIRD 100 STARTERS divide .. .. .. ..IGO NON-STARTERS dlrlde .. .. ..250 £900 Cash Awakes. 2at £100.. .. £200 25 at £6.. .. £160 2at 60.. _ 100 50 at 6.. .. £50 10 at 20.. .. 200 20 at 10.. .. 200 £1100 Eaih Ticket has 7 separate chances, Bace and Cash Awards being drawn for separately. When convenient, please send P.O. Order, payable to " Adamaitor." By so doing you will protect yourself against loss, as it is equal to registration. Country Cheq.ues must have One Shilling added for exchang*. and marked correct by Bank. Two stamps must be sent for reply and result. Besult sent to every share holder directly after the drawing. Noi less than two Tickets sent to any one address. OTPlease apply early this time as the time is limited. Address If Stamps are sent, (ADAMASTOR,) FostOfficeOrders Jblease send One < Care of > or Bank Notes Shilling in £ extra. (Lyons & Hart, J preferred. Box 161, P. 0., Dunedln. XJI O R S A L E, TSLAND /"VRANGES. JUST ARRIVED, PSB OAMARU, 40,000 O RANGES IN FIRST-CLASS CONDITION. Next Boat in about a month. Store—Union Sash and Door Co.'s Office, Customsstreets Address: C3ABLES EAGLET, ParneU Rise, Auckland. TO ARRIVE, EX SENATOR FROM SAN FRANCISCO. 100,000 feet Pink Lumber 50 tons Salt 700 barrels Cement 200 cases Black Oil 100 cases Trout 100 barrels Salmon - ' 500 cases Salmon 100 packages Borax Expected Dally. _ ; "" B. TONES SCO.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7006, 1 May 1884, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7006, 1 May 1884, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7006, 1 May 1884, Page 8