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STEWART ' BAWSOST • & CO.'S ENGLISHjIWATCHES. THE BEST AND MOST PEREECT IN THE WORLD. SELLING IN HUNDBEDS. The Kesult of SCIENCE, SEILL. INVENTION, and the APPLICATION of CAPCTAI, culminat In* In the concentration of all the different branches of manufacture In one huge factory, together with the adoption of the moit improve* and efldent machinery. Upon thli syjwra our factory i» aS the beDefltTthrt wult therefrom may be thus «?nm.«i,ed j-<u The varfou, P"T; cesses of the trade instead of being cairfed on In thirty to forty different places, are all brought SnTer one mwagemSnt(2° Scientific machlnery.wlth Us wonderful exactitude., l> employed with , SicalcuUble advifltaee for c«m» portion, of the Watch, which are rn«vellou»ly Improved .nd Perfected'by this metfiod of production. (3) At the .awe Mm.., and in conjunctpo.tb.rewUh. th« terrtces of the nut highly-skilled workmen are employed, thus blending the inMUg. nee and jodgthaenlUnto?Krtiflew with the producU of the almost animated machines. By »uch a SmblnaUen wem7y «/Sat"e Sve ratUwd P'rfectton ta WatcV manufacture, and are fully ju.ti. fl.rt it, th« iuußTHnn w/make Slat in the lyatem »s thus develoved by us, there i> a unity of tdea, a under it there 1. a proportion and a perfection atUlnable AND ATTAINED that c*npot powibly be re.ched ptheprlie; and Just M tte taVrodncUon^r it*«f poww reTolutiopl«d the Industrie, of the World, K, onr unique nrttem some ot toe p«UcSari to which the quality of our I,wer Watqhea may give the challenge to the . W^i^^^^^VS9^f^S^%^S^^^^S B SSZ would beaTtonUfiedUthe^»W the diic of metal which), Intended tp fora the PILLA&PLATE of the . fn\urVWa?ch. Thilift'raedTpiraUel and teue; it is receded to recede the "beelwork nndn -tg. dial; it 1. fitted with pillars, ur>n wWph the top plate Is placed; and when the pah- of platM technically FEAMBS made on qur system, are put together, they form a foundation within which hitherto'nnatutaable. Qur frames are what Is toown M HOLLOW the dtal being »s solid and steady bs the metal itself, giving an Im.- ' ""bVbky WHEb" KA a 3 abaolutety prpportipn, both, to d** applies to the ex- '■ qulritely pplUhed steel-toothed Aibor, known as the PINION, which forms the axis of eaoh wheel, and is intermediately tt»e receiver of the power of the mainspring. . • ■ THE E3CAPEMENT is adjustable, to a nicety tf at admits of the perfeetien of performance being Atialnertl and aTthbush our Watches beat no fewer than 16,200 times In the hour, yet wear in this most"mportantS SaLnownf Every «parate afetlori being jeweUed in hard ruby, the unwearl.d Sβ Is a beat as free, and the DEAD BEAT action will be *s perfect in one of onr durablUty applies to th e ?4I.*NCB STAFR. IhU, "jewel, driUed and polished to a r perfect surface of the HAIbTpRxNoTs Tmarvel of fine being (nptwith.tending the apparent iinpossibility) hardened, and then tempered to the highest degree of ejMtlclty. best m»ke. known as hard enamel, and has the seconds piece receded, so that the hand for marking seconds Is completely removed from centact with the honr hand.The emniKO is of a very superior class, and the movement is left with a degree of hardness that would be unattainable if the gliding were not frosted and finished by steam power. This "'^TheIsTEEL - WOEE throughout the Watch is hardened and tempered and finished to the highert egT The CASE owes its formation to the influences of scientific Cue-making Machines, each case, when finished, showing a symmetry and style, combined with strength, mark it ai first-glass. It U imi ri6s»ible to enumerate every point of excellence in pur Watches, yfe have not even mentioned the _ power of going during the operation of winding, which power on our system never falls ; nor need we ennmerat" any further. It simply remains to say tbaf the result of this orgajiis<>tjpn pf labour, this ontlay of capital, with the nee of .team power and machinery, issues in the production of a Watch that will stand the roughest wear and enjoy it. will giro its owner lets trouble and more comfort, will go wdwui cost res. ii repair than any other watch Watch, indeed, that is at once the masterpiece of ingenuity, and accuracy, the praise of everyone who }• intelligent and fortunate enough to posses, one, and which every reader can for himself to be in truth and In fact the best Watch! ever carried by ordering one of them as under:— ORDKR HAR&Y. ©#DER EARLY, PLEASE NOTE.—The- following Prices include duty paid by us. It will be observed that for tie present we are paying over two-thirds of the duty ourselves, thus extending to our patrons the roost liberal terms. Every VTatob, quality considered, canaot b» bought Betail under Double the Prices,

time. We ask 70a to observe that we mpply oar • magnificent EnglUnLerersat a far less price than often charged for common foreign witches. PBIOB. IN HUNTING CASES, £S Iss; IN OPEN FACE, £3 6«; practlcaUj siring to e»ch purchaser from £S to £*. A £4 HUNTING DEFIANCE WATCH FoB £1 15s None should hesitate to lend for one of these Watches, truly named "DEFIANCE," if only to see the perfection that ran be attained by a 'firm , whose enterprise and energy hare revolutieniitd the 'Watch (rade of Europe Also optn-face crystal front, £1 7s 6d; all sterling silver cases. ' S. D. & Co-.'b LADIES' AND GENT'S MAGNIFICENT ENGLISH GOLD LEVERS Are truly marvellous value. We sell our I-adies* , Gold Open-faced Lvrers at £7 16s, bettor watches than cold retail anywhere at £11 Us; Hunters ditto, at £10 15s, positive value for £16' 15s; Open-face Keyless," at £10 15s; and Hunters at £12 16s, nowhere equalled under £20. These are facts beyond dispute. Gents' Open-face, £10 lSi; Hunting, £18 ss; Keyless Open-face; £1"4 I s ? t Hunters, £16 16»—each watch saving to the purchaser frem £5 toI £10. - STEWAET DXWBON & CO.'S > Bogllsh Gold {-plate Chronotraphs shonld be seen by every Gentleman who contemplates buying a Gold Watch. Th» nnait. haadsomest, but, most modera, and greatest value In the world. ADVANTAGES TO CUSTOMERS AND CONDITIONS or sale. First—Our gigantic resource* of manufacturing, through bur complete and efficient factory organisation, and our universal cash sales, enable us to supply each w*tch at less than half the usual retail price. Second.—Each customer Is supplied with his watch on a week's free approval and trial. The fall amount paid Is returned to anyone dissatisfied. Third.—Every purchaser secures the most per- ' feet English L«ver ever made, manufactured, entirely in our own workshops unequalled far beauty, for strength, for durability, or as a time* keeper. The perfection ol Improved meohanism " throughout, in solidity of construction, and lasting , qualities, eaoh customer receiving an English Lever that will wear out three foreign or Ameri-can-made Watches one after, another.

A £7 10s GENT'S ENGLISH SILVER HUNTING LEVER FoB £3 15s • Tie moat perfect English Hunting Levels In the world, in threo sites, small medium, and larje. Erery watch manufactured entlrelf in bar own workshops. These watches are specially adapted for bush work, squatters, miners, etc.,' ae they will stand the hardest wear; send for one qf these watches and compare it with what retail dealers call their finest English Hunters at from £7 to £3, and yon will at ouce declare ouia to be the better watch. In open face, £3 65,; diito crystal unbreakable frqnt, £3 lls; positively worth £610s. A £10~10s ENGLISH KEYLESS HUNTING ' SILVER - LEV;ER " .7 F<?E £5 15s STEWXRTDAWSON and CO.'s Superb rJeyIMS Halting Levers, a triumph of ntlllty and cobvsnienc*, » watch that is also perfectly air-tight, dust-tight, and damp-tight, keeping the works per; fectly clean. Unequa led at Ten Guineas, onr diract cash price to customers beinf less than the actual wholesale price to the trade. Made in two sizes, small and medium. ■!:,•■ PBIOE £5165. POSITIVELY KETAHi VALDE FOR TEN GUINEAS. Also, same watch in open face, price £4 IBs. A £12~12s ENGLISH SILVER HUNTING CHRONOGRAPH FOB £6 15s STEWABT DAWSON and CO.'B MAGNIFICENT ENQLISa CHRONOGRAPH WATCHES. Each watch a model of perfection; fineit J-plate movement, fall jewelled in rabies, real chronometer expansion balance, decimal dial, centre seconds, and outside stop; each, timed to dead beat in positions, to go exactly the'same in extreme heat or cold. Notirithstandui|j t~as> matchless perfection of this watch, we positively sell It at a lesi price thsn retailers charge for ordinary inferior mode watches. PKIOE £8 16>. FULL EETAIL VALUE FOE 12 GUINEAS. - - Also, same watch, in open face, price £5155. A i'TfOs LADIES' ENGLISH HUNTINGXeVER :; ; FoB £3155; / ' .I-''" EVERY WATCH A WORK OF AET, elegant in shape, chute in design, of sterling English workman ship, watches that with fair usage will last a llfe-

CALL AND INSPECT THE ABOVE MARVELLOUS VALUE WHILE YOU HAVE THIS OPPORTUNITY. NOTE—AIL LETTERS AND ORDERS TO BE ADDRESSED— STE WART DAW SON & CO,, 195, QUEEN-STREET, AUCKLAND. US' Don't fall to write for Illustrated Watoh Pamphlet, most Interesting to all; 60 pages of womderful Testimonials, British and Colonial, Illustration" of Gold and Silver Alberts at wholesale BaglUh prices. ■With this will alio be aent a new 32 p»ie brochure, ontitled "THE ENGLISH LEVER, ITS INVENTION AND DEVELOPMENT," with an esiay on S. D. t Co.'e system of business, which should be »ead by erery Intending watch buyer. The two pamphlets gratis for the postage, 4d In stamp'i.

Booksellerß and Stationers. nHAMPTALOUP t QOOPER'S Vy LIBT OF VfORKS ON ARCHITECTOBE AND BUILDING, Etc., Continued. £ B. & Newton, E. A., Sketches for Country Residences „ 015 0 Parker, J. H..18C of Gothic Architecture 0 S 6 Parker, J. H. Introduction to Gothic Architecture.- 0 6 0 'Practical Lessont in Architectural Drawing, or How to make the Working Drawings and Prepare SpticiScattoni for Building, by W. B. Tuthlll 015 0 Petter, T., Concrete 0 17' 6 Richardion. C. J., The Englishman's Haute 0 0 0 Boeengarten, A., Architectural Styles ..000 Sogers, F., The iichitect's Guide .. ..070 Reid, H., Practical Treatise on.Concrete .. 017 6 Bold, H., Portland Cement, its Uanufacture and Uses 116 Biohardion, T. A.. Art of Architectural Modelling in Paper _ 0 2 6 Sport's Engineers' Tables ' .. ';. •'•.. 0 1 3 Smith, R.. Arohlteeture—Classic; Gothic, and '' , Renaiisance .. - .i ' ./ .v "., .0 12 6 Smith's Tables and Memoranda in Mechanics'' o'2 0 ptanler. W. F.,-Drawing Instruments .. o>6 0 Strickland,- G. W.; Cottage' Construction and '" Design.. ..'■..»■:•.."i ... ■.. .0 9 0 Shaw, R. N., Sketches' for Cottages and other •■ Buildings '-~'.- .. .. ..., -_.01S 0 ■Tarn, E W., The Science of Building'•' j 'O 9>o Tarn, E. W., Roofs of Wood and Iron • ..020 Trautwine, J. C., Engineers' Pocket-book .. 15 0 "Village and Cottage Architecture, select ei-.' ' '.■ ample.i of Country a.nd Suburban Real- ' dences recently erected .. .. _ 3 15-0 Vlollet-Le-Duc, How to Build a House; ..•■OH-β TVightwick and vinlllaurhe, Bints to Young . ■' Architects .. .. ..' .'." ..■ 0'74 "6 76, QUEEN-SXREBT, AUCKLAND. TNK. TNK. TNK. TNK;. CARTER'S COMBINED ■WRITING AND COPTING INK. . . : ' 808 ORDINARY OFBICB USE, AND AT SAMS TIME PERFECTLY COPTABLB. ■' . IN GLASS BOTTLES ALL SIZE 3. . UP TO N & CQ.. . . BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS. - >■ ATJOKLAND. TOASTER CARDS I EASTER CARDS! Hand-palated with New Zealand Birds, Plants, ■ and Views, &c, " r ; ACTING PLAYS V A. Largo Auortment just Landing, early Application ■*"■■■ is jjeceseary. ' : '' ■ . v ;: '" LETT'S , DIARIES, The balance of those on hand an to be had »ti English prices under. G. T. C H.A P M A' N, ; BOOKS AND STATIONERY ; f ARTIST MATEI..AL, 4c, i ' M, Queen-itieit, Auckland (Oppoait* Buk tX Hew Zealand.)

REMEMBER THIS , tf you. A' EE Sl° ** If your are sick, HOP BITTERS will surely aid Nature in making you well again when . aU else fails. If you are comparatively well, but feel the need of a grand tonio and stimulant, never ' rest easy till you are made a now being by the use ol HOP BITTERS. If you are cestiye or dyspeptic, or are suffering from any other of the numerous diseases of the stomach or bswels, it is your own fault if you remain ill, far HOP BITTEES are a sovereign remedy to all such complaints. If you are wasting away with any form of Kidney Disease, stop tempting death this moment, and turn for a cure to ' HOP-BITTERS. , J If your are rick with that terrible sickness, -Nervousness, you. will-find a ISalnv Iβ :.• GUead"in;th'euse.of .S/, ;- '.". ■:•' v -HOP: BITTERS. : •■-■.■ " If youare'afreguenter,' , or a resident of a 'miasmatic district, barricade your system against the scouraie ofleU.deuntries—mala•rial, epidemicbluSusindintemilttentfeTers ' ; ' —by the use of ?;. ':."'.•'." ' " ' ' ''..: •■■' ." , If you have rough,.pimply, or sallow akin, bad breadth, pains ana-.aches, and feel miserable generally, HOP BITTERS will give £"' du fair skin, rich blood, the sweetest breath, ealth and comfort. In short they cure ALL Diseases of the Stomach, Bowels, Blood, Live/, Nexrea, Kid- ' neys, ac, and 1 £500 I v will be paid for a cue they will not cure .or help, or for anything impure or injurious ■' found in them. . ! That poor bedridden, invalid wife, sister, : mother, or daughter, can be made the picture I of health by a few bottles of Hop Bitters costing but a tri&e. WILL YOU LET THEM SUFFER? CLEANSE, PURIFY AND ENRICH THE BLOOD WITH HO P BITTERS .' And you will have no sickness or suffering : ' or doctor's bills to v pay. QKATEBI QKATES! BRANBTON & FOSTER - ■ ■ ■ ■ • ■■'■■ < ' . .-._..■ ■ ASB ' ' ■' - . ' ' MAKERS OF ROLLER SKATES, , ©» THE tATESX IMPROVED PBINPIPLE,' WHOLESALE AND KETAIL. MONEY RECEIPT BOOKS, FB0MI& sort note BOOKS (Sluik), for Sale at the Hirald Office.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7006, 1 May 1884, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7006, 1 May 1884, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7006, 1 May 1884, Page 6