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BlmW.tb, today— Auckland 10 9 -10 S5 Maaukaa 1.49 -2 15 Jβ* —Rises.* 44 ; sets. » 11 "•Oβ.—First ir.. May 2. 5 48 p m. ARRIVALS. Australia, K.M. ».s., 1714, K. C. Ghest, from Sydney. PMNn|«n :-For Auckland : Mr. E. Stunner, Mrs. H. Webber, Mr. and Mrs. A. Vlokers, Miss Vickars, Messrs. E. Vjckers, C. Temple, Jesse Kitg, H. Engelbert, E. C. Kngelbert, Mrs. Turnbull and threw children, Messrs. T. James, W. C»variagh, F. J. Tboraw, H. T. Manning, J. McNaughton, Miss Dee, Mr. H. Brock, and five steerage unci through p*aaeng«rs from Sydney,—T. T. Gamble, agent. Manapouri, •.■., 1783, Logan, from Melbourne and Southern porta. Pasnenger*: Messrs. Perclval and Lloyd, Mcudamc* Weeton, Harper, Olover and two children, Desuzaiqe, Hmith and two children, Chovce. Missts Andrew, Nolan, Hayes, Harper, Williams, Martin, Smith, Messrs. J. F. Clark. Wright, Davis, Duiaur, McCroskrie, Pbilcox, Coxon, Gallagher, Weetee, Harper, Glover, Glendinning, Bell, Desazaiqe, Hawkini, Goalen. Wood, Choyce, Boy lan, Evans, Lord, Kuauzle, Thurbura, Harrii, Russell, Mareden, McK>y. TVilllam*. Banaders, Oarrick, Hovell, and 75 steerage.— Union U.S. 00., agents. Waitaki, i.e., 413, Crawford, from Whanjar*i. Passengers : Messrs. Jjck/ion, George Kerr. Churchward, Adams, Mesdataes Kerr aad Kioharda, Aliases Kerr and Stewart, aad 4 ia the st«erag*. — Kamo Coal Co., agents.

CLKA.RED OUTWARD. Australia, R.M. s.s., 1714, R. C. Ghesr, for Honolulu and San Francisco. Passengers : — l'"rom Sydney : Marquis arid Marchioness of Norman by. Lord H»rvoy Fhippn, Captain Le Patourel, Dr. and Mrs. James, 2 children, and servant; Mr. and Mrs. Tayloriou, Mr. and Mrs. Henrique*, Mr. W. Sutherland, Mr. and Mrs. Harriman, Dr. W. Forbes. Msears. W. E. A. onstrong, H. Parsnns, J. D. Tucker. Mr. and Mrs. Otway, Mr. andMrt. G. Elliott and sen, Messrs. E. B. Robertson, P. P. Fnrer, Miss Dods and nteoe, Mrs. Reid, Misses Kei<i, Brock, Brookman, Messrs. H. Berry, K. T. Burry. Mr. and Mrs. McGeorge, Messrs. J. Kither. V. Willis, F. Pflausa, J. P. McArthur, W. G. Keane, J. J. Barobett. K. P. Davies, F. L. Doids, Mr. and Sin. J. Greenwood, Messrs. H. P. Tucker, CM. Fox. J. T. Brophy, J. Gougfa. Mr. and Mrs. Holland, Uoun. J. McE'.hone, A. A. McElhone, H. Blofi«M. Hits Blefield, Messrs. J. Lysaght, W. Grace, A. l<. Winltlor, O. A. Btoets, Mr. And Mrs. Campbell, Miss Oatnpbel), Mr. R. W. Morgan. Miss Morgan, Mr. aad Mrs. O. Butleck and child, Messrs. W. H. Bradkam, J. H. Battley, Mr. and Mrs. Weber, Mr. and Mrs. Aaroos, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart, Messrs. N. Harry, W. Derham, R. D. Napier, W. Cabitt, Miss E. Wells, Mr. T. W. Clarke, Mr. and Mrs. Stimpnon. Miss K. A. Fe«hy, Mr. C. S. Johnsou, Miss Robertson, and 40 steerage. From Auckland : Messrs. Stanley Watts, D. Hmith, Allan McDonald (M.H.K.), H. Jone*. C. Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Reed and family (2), Messrs. E. W. PattoD. J. 8. BhapUy, J. McLtchlan, C. M. Compton, JUb«rts, R. Hewitt and wife, Rev. W. H. H. Jervols, Messrs. G. Mois, W. Barton. Mis* Morrin. Mr. and Mrs. Mainwering, Mis* u'owie, Messrs. Arenas, R. Greenhalgh. W. Anderson, A, H. Shipley, W. Bill, and 10 in tho steerage. —T. T. Gamble, a?ent. Emperor, brig, 284, W. 8. Cleary, for Newcastle. —E. R. Cardno, agent. Macgregar, s.s., Johnson, for Whangarei.— Northern B.S. Co., agents. Rowena, s.s., for Mercury Bay.—Northern 8.». 00., agents. DEPARTURES. Australia, R. M. us., for San Francisco. s.s., for Whangarei. Lu on tana, Isarqae, for Newcastle. Keweui, is., for Mercury Bay. THE UNION a.?. COMPANY. Th* follewirg are the movements of thf. sttanshlps of th* abcre c&mpasy for the preu«* wmc :— To-DAT.—Manaponri leave* for Rassel), 5 Ratoraa leaves for Souih, 11 a.m. FIIOAT.—The s.i. Manapouri arrives from Rumll early, and leaves for Scathoru port* -i;a Melbearma at noon. The Penguin arrives fro m Lytteten. IMPORTS. Per i.i. Manapouri, from Meibource and Hydaey : t>3o pacicagec tea, 2008 p^ckageisugar, 14 OAaea champagee, 14 oase* 1 had. wjf, 2 cases biscuits, 204 oases brandy, .'0 extea tewing machiaes, 847 cases trait, 3 buadie* swmgletr««a. 2 rolls mattinp, 20 sacks oatmeal, H'J bundle* s«»adards, 767 sacks wheat, b box** •altaaaa, 25 omm ringer ale, 10 cases 1 bhd ale, 40 saok* petat«e*. 4 ca*«« stout, 2."> cases meatj. 2 octaves t»0 case* whisky, 105 pieces timber, 20 ea««« oil, 1 hone, 03 sacks E"»i* s«e<!, ■'> eic»» b««swa>z, l>4 boxes candles, ibO skak> m.ize, a quantity of tranahipnent prr ».g. nro and barque Himalaya, aad oCi its dries.

Per i.i. Manapouri : 250 cases apples, 100 baxea candle*, G. W. Bmaej. EXPORTS. P«r R.M. 1.1. Auitralii, for San Francisco, 342 tackt poUtoci, 10b bundle* whalebone, 100 mki oftta, 5 hogshead* ale, 2 utiei ipoci.-neni. IwWAlus CoaSTwi*K.— Lagoou, barge, from Whangaiei, with 21,800 fe«c t:niber ; Mcuhaa, bttrge, from Omaha, with 2')C'J paling*. 2.~> tone firewood, i<oo potts ; Vtnm, k*tch, from Opotiki, with 217 tack* potatoes, 'Si nacita wheat, 94 aaoks maize. Outwahds OoaSTWI.HB. — fo: Port Oharlei; Opotiki. schooner, for WUangkrei : Adah, ketch, fo.- Thames, with 17 torn 00*1, 121 »acki pot&toet, S'.-t cve«"n cheese, 70 •aeki o«t«, 20 cm«i kerokttne, 10 cite* caitor oil, 10 bundles: iron ; Lagoon, barge, for O«romand«l ; barge, for Omaha ; Fgjnnj Kelly, ketcb, for Whang&roa, with 'J to»i tugar, 1 ton oati, 1 ton lime, 1 tou potat<>e>, 2 ton* tiour, 2 ton* iron, 100J feet timber, 2COO brick*. The i.i. WiiUki. from Whangarei, came into harbuur l*st eTpning with and cirto. Thii erening the Waitaki w.,11 leare again for the «aiE» port. Th* Union Co.'* i.e. Manapeuri, from Melbonro*, via .Southern porta, came into harbour mt\j yeiterday morning, with pacaengT* and c»rto. Owi»g to all the berths at the Qiveu•treet Wharf beiof occupied. Captain l.ogan b>4 to be caatetit nith a at the Kailwa.r Tk« Rlanapouri left Melbourne -t 5 p.m. OB the lSth called xt Houart on the 18th, and reached the B!uff at 7 a.nj. on tke 22nd ; oalltd at OuDedin on the JX-n, Lytttlte» on the '25th, Wellington on the '.J'ith, Napier oa the-27th, and Giiborne <>n thn 'Joth ; l->arirnj th» laet-naaed port at 10..>0 a.m.. Pastel the Ea*t C»p» at 4.20 p.m., Tiritiri :it 7.40 yeeterd*J Morniafi and orri*ed a* abore. Mail !i«i-,t •ouiberlj wind* and lino weather to tht« Blutt, thaace to arriral bere light vaiiable wiudi cU»r weather. Tbe Minapouri proceeds to Ruacell tais er«>loe, r«tarniDC a sain <m Friday morninf, aad at noou that day aha u to leave for Kou there port*.

The barque Aiastor citne up harbour rally yeiterde* raeniing from the powder grouDd, sad was berthed at the Queen -street Wharf. A start was at o«ce made with the ot tbe veaael, and as far- her cargo is tumiuj; out is exoelleat order.

The bris; Emperor cleared outwards at the Customs yestercLj- for Xtwcastle. bta goes .eeoo in Wallast.

The iohooner Kndeavenr left the Thamce with -.000 feet timber, trom Bagcall Bros." mill, ct. he 27tK instant. She is bound to Lytteltou. The barque Loongana took her departure for Newcastle early yesterday morning. The barque -iUniey will, it u expected, nci»h diacUargi»>z her oargo of sugar at Kirkenbeail to neuow. It U all boiug turned out in caj>i'.;il order.

The destination oJ tho übip Uißfitiki hm kfea ohanged, and instead of proceeding to Lyttelton there to loud for ■* home port, sh*- ii to remain here and load for t.ondon direct. Today she is to talc* in the first of her outward oirge IB the thap* ot aorn* 200 c*»'<k of tallow. A.I the New Zealand Shippiaic Company h%ve a large portion of tho ergo desired for tbe Rangitiki already eugaged, they anticipate for her quick despatch.

The nrigantina Look-out was on the berth and loadiDt *t Sydurr for this poit when the Australia left on thr> 24th inst.

The schooner Three Cheers omploted tbe transhipment of hnr caryo of copra, etc., into tbe barque Loch Brudan, for London, yesterday afternoon.

The s.s. Macgregor, for Whangarfti, and Kowena, for Meroury Bay, both took their departures last evening with passengers aud c»rgo.

The H3f.«.s. Australia, from Sydney, on route for Honolulu and Han FruDcisco, carne into harbour shortly after 5 o'clock yrsterday Dooming, under tho charge of Pilot Hwinty, who witheut delay berthed the vessel at the ond of tbe Queen-street Wharf. Upon this trip the Anstmlia, like her predecessor, was most liberally patroniaed by passengers, nroongst whom were the MarquU and Marchioness of Norroanby, in fact thn space available for paesengtn wu so fully takeu up that the heit were forcod to refuse to book a Urge number of intending travellers, much to their di.ap polntment. The Australia w»h in excellent trim, aid a perfect model of cleanliness, and Captain Ghest fully expected to be able to eivj a good account of himself U p on th« voyage to America. Tho utoareer discharged the Sydney pilot on th« 24th Apiil, at 3*4". p.m., and experienced fresh h«u<l winds ihrougbont the pissaje. Kound*d North Cape on the 28th instant, at noon, and received the Auckland pilot yesterday, at 4.20 a.m., arriving as above. At 2 p.m. sharp the Australia hauled off from tbe wharf, and dropped anchor in the stream to await tbb arrival of the Southern mails per Hotorua. At ■ > p.m. she teoeived tho Uβt of her mails, aed a few miautee after that time eho got under weigh, and proceeded down tbe harbour ouc« again, on hor way for Honolulu and San Francisco. Her departure was witnessed by u. large number of ladies and gentlemen, who had gone "iJI » te »n>er Alexandra to bid friend* good-bje and boa voyage.

Of Captain D. H. McKenzie's new barquentice the Eill»n Donan, which arrived at Melbourne on the lS.h instant, the Melbourne Argus says: —"The Killan Donan is a powerful-look-ing craft of tbe wooden school of bottom*, and hail* from Not* Scotia, where she was built recently. She is of hermaphrodite rig, and besides being able to carry a large cargo, the is a fast sailer. The schooner was built by Cxfiin and Co. for Captain D. H. Mackenzie, of Auckland, f»r the intercolonial timber trade, and for thi* she is said to be exceedingly well adapted. The hall and framework are of spruce and hackmatack, and this Teasel is well and faithfully built. To add to her value, she baa b*en copper-fastened throughout. The schooner has been nicely draughted and well finished, and her appearancH is altogether in her favour."

The steamer Victory returned to Townsville on April 21 from the search about Hinchin Brook and Palm Island for the supposed wreck of the missicg schooner Mary King from New Zealand. Nothing was seen of the wreck, bat a portion of the wreck of tha Duke of Richmond was found at Kinchin Brook. I'he Victory was gratuitously lout to Cnpr..iin Bowron by Messrs. Bum*, Pnilp, and Co., for the purpo»e of searchirg fur the wreck of the schooner nm named.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7005, 30 April 1884, Page 4

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7005, 30 April 1884, Page 4

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7005, 30 April 1884, Page 4