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Sewin* Machiaet. ! ,[EsTAr»usHKD 1853. J By Special A P»> ointMW,, - OrPOSITB THB MARKET, QUEKN-STREET, AUCKLAND. i Harinj SOLD the whole of my STDCK of DOMES TIC and OTHER SEWING MACHINES to MR. W. C DENNES, of Auckland, I beg to thank all mf customers for their support, tad trust that they will nattw thoir patroa%ga to Mr W. C. D*naaf. ' t Ilavln; iiurchased of Mr. fchakeapear hi» Entire [ Stock of aud interests in the Sewing Machine businese, I am now better prepared than over to supply the public with tirst-clasj Machines, facing SOLE AGENT FOR THE MARVELLOUS WHITE, DOMEbTIC, STANDARD, FOSTEft & UOSSIIAN etc. W. C. DLNNKS, Quoen-streat, Auckland. Vou cacnot put t!ie nctLlle in wroc; or too high rnjuire to screwdriver ; no alUrition of tension Tbe Shutile fcoiils eighty yards, instead of the usua thirty, and it requires no thre»dini;. It is a fact that, lince the uniaigarcalion of the relebtsted old firm ef Grorer and Baker with the l>or»*st:c Machine Co., so gie»t is the hold this Murhlne has Uken upon the American and English Markets that nearly erery maker of any standieg is trying to copy as nearly as they dare ttia unique specimen of mechanical art. Insurance Companies SUN FIRE OFFICE, LONDON KSIieiISHKC 1710. Insurances effected upon almost erery descriptioe of Property it the Current Rates of Premiums. Total «um insured, ISBI -a; 2&1,300, WO. Claims arranged i by the Local Agent and paid with promutitude and liberality. O. "W. BINNEY, AfKut, w»«c-street. XTORTHERN ASSURANCE i-T COMPANY. Capital... £.?,000,000 BTATEME.VT SHKWIKO TUK PKOORESS OF TH» ifORTHKRN- ASSrUANCE COMPANY Bhice Its establishment in ISB6 to the preeont tint Ib7f=). YeAT ' Net Fire ! Net Life Re .^f n ne U " Ye * r - Reyenue. ! Revenue. T ': om t Fnnda in : ; interest. hM(> « I £. i £ j £ ISM 9W I 700 ; 1,200 83,200 1838 l,« 00 . CKHI i 2. SJO IK4I S.'JOO ■ 9,800 2,4u0 63 W>o lol* 4.000 ! 14,000 ! 4,000 • 9.Vf>oO 1847 ti.siK) ! 18,200 6,800 ' 131V.r0 HSO 7.1W0 • 2«,000 ; 6..vJ0 : lda'ttiO 1553 22,fKX) 37,40(1 ; 8,«K) i 225,500 ; 6S,4i'O ori.&UO ; 13,?C0 '• Sl'?'r.(« ■ liJ>9 ](X),::oo ea.fiC'O ! is,eoo j 4;.3'600 ise2 liT.iKw i 7:>,300 ; ! bv>;,'<c-o lies Ies.DOO i 57.400 I 34,"00 '. &y>'7on iae» 182,f>00 i 113,700 I 41,3'.K> '■ Oio'yOO i li7l 236,400 ll;»,9tiO ■ 57,700 I 1 "A' (!00 1374 813,300 i 133,000 ! 78,400 | 1 775i00 ! 1877 403,700 ! 157,500 ■ '' 2,215,500 ! LIFE DEPARTMENT. ! It Is wose than uaeltess to possess a Life Policy nu. i less there is the certainty thit the sum assured Will b paid at death. A mio may ior years tniii to it as the I support cf his family, and ultimately ftnd that it is ef I I no value. The suuih assurnd by f.ho "NOP.THERN" ! j are guaranteed by the Shareholders capital of Three j Mlihens sterling, and by its Awuraulated Funds, a.l I tafely invested, arcouatinj already (Dscember 1577) to more than Two Million Two Krs»K«D Thousajjk PooNns, and ccr.tinuaUy iacreas;c;. In the P-irtk-iriatJon Brarch, the whole of th *!ohtai.xiid bcju-lus at eath »*luaUon belon?s 10 i the Assured. j The undersigned, Agent for tb? abore Company j prepared to accept Risk: a*idn3t Fire ob Buildings aid lo^t'curh^TAt^. 1006 ° f " tu I THOMAS MACKY. Fcrt-strcct. March 19. IS7O. MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCIATION OF j AUSTRALASlA—Ksxjuslisbkl', 1809. ; liicorpoiated by Act of Parrinment. j Head Offick for New Zealand • bl, VjUJSJUi-STKKKr, AUCKLAND. DißicTOita: Arthur Heather, Eg<i., A. G. Horton, Esq. Medical o> fh cr , T. B. Kenderdtne, Ksq., AI.R.c.S., EngUnd. Kanekes; The Bank of New Zealand. Siuidioiis: Messrs. Whitaker Russell, and Buddie. Principal Ofhce: Sydney, N.S.W. Bianch Otlices also at lirbb*ne, Meloourne and I Adelaide. BONUS YKA R, 18S4. POLICIES effected before 30th June, ISB4, will participate in the DIVISION OF PROFITS [ wliich will be made as at that date. At the fan Inv<Mrti<j:U!on. viz, HOth June, 1579 a urplueof Jtll 000 was shown, out of Kumis a ounti'ng t0i112,7-ie. by au mbs.ilutely puro Premium Valuation r At the closo of preeent Quinciaennium it uinr be ' 1 conndentiy expected the ! INVESTKI) FL'.VDS WILL EXCEED £3f,0,000. The AsßOciatiom's Polities are IndrfraatbU from date of issue, and nonforfeitable while Surrender value lußt3. lu Conservative Management secures busires? at a li.wer rate vf expenditure tban any other Mututl Life Oflice β-taihshed in Auuralia wjihin the lan Thirty Years ; and c*reful selrctiou , f lives has resulted iu a remarkable rduction of its y ti rly mortality fxpcr:ence, *s regards number, aiaouut and per centaje on the existing Assurances. .u Ft JI T * blM of Kates »n»i full particulars apply at the Head Office or any «f the Agencies throughout the Colonies. " I WILLIAM T. J. BRLL. Resident Secretary. "J> & W. HELL AB Y, WHOLESALE, SHIPPING AND FAMILY 1 BUTCHERS. Shobtland-street, Auckland. FRIME CORNED BKEF and PORK alwat* cv Hand, in Kegs or Tiercos (quality cuaranteed) * CORNED AND SMOKED TONGUES ALWAYS HAND. Calyks Rennets in ant quantities. ! poultry o» all kindß drkssbd to ordes Dealers In Game. Pheasants Uve or dead, always o I Towa and Country Order* pnmcioaUy atteeded to FanalUci walud m la Town and Suburb*.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7005, 30 April 1884, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7005, 30 April 1884, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7005, 30 April 1884, Page 2