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Medical. MEDICINE. T AMPLOUGH'S PSTRETIO -SALINE JLi makes a most Purity inr, - InYiforatUf, and •. Agreeable Effervescing Draught that gives iastant ' relief in Pwcnx Hsai Jujroue FsvcSt in Hkas* . aohe, Sxa or Bilioos oKJE2fsss. Curds tho worst fcrms of Skin Complaints, Diseases fraa Cob-. ~ gested Liver or ether impurities. By vitaliriag the blood it thereby resists climatic influences^or the in-" fection of Fxvzks, and other crop tire affections. It is sold by most Chemists and the Maker (note th* trade mark), H. Lamplough, at the liabontoiy, US, Helborn Hill, London, S.C. • Agents for New South VTalea—Messrs. Kr.TJora Syd« VictoSa—Messrs Fkltoh, Gsnnriss ft Co.* Hal* bourne. South Amtralla—lCsssrs. Fatoppt, ft Co., AiUbdd». . QANDER AND SONS' EUCALYPTI K_) EXTRACT.—I, the undersigned, contracted en September 14th, ISSO. through ihe handling of a revolver, shot wounds on the second and third finger of ih« right hand. Dr. Owen, re*ident surgeon of tt© Ballacat District Hospital, gave the opinion, after - having attended to me for three weeks, that amputation of the hand (on account of the excessive swe.Uing and inflammation that in the meantime had set* in) would become necessary. In state, I at my own suggestion, Sander and Sons' Eucalypti itstract. By the effect of this medicine, swelling, pain* and inflammation subsided within forty-eight honrvv and a final cure of the injured hand was effected in* due course of time.—Walter Robertson, Ballarat, October 30. 1880 SAKD&K. AND SONS' EUCALYPTI EXTRACT.—In cases of Enelish Cholera, Djrsen- - tery, &&, an unfailing remedy. Dose, 15 to 25 drops in half a teaspoonfnl of water. Instantaneous cuio effected. • SANDER AND SONS' EUCALYPTI t-XTRACT is the most effective preventive against contagion in epidemics (chclera xnorbi£> typhoid fever, <£&). by taking occasionally a few drops internally, and by sprinkling it over clothes, tc. /NACTION.—Oar preparation is the only existing volatile extract, free of all resinous particles. All other preparations of the Encalyius, no matter where manufactured, are crude, resinous oils, irritating and blistering, rather causing inflammation - than staying it, and of real dangerif erroneously taken ' in internal diseases, ctc. -fcTO BOTTLES GENUINE except those _Ll with labels bearing onr SIGNAI ORE AND TRADE MARK, and secured ontslde with pink wrapper acd green band, the latter bearing our loca* tion and signature. Direction for use with each bottle, SANDER AND SON, Sandhurst, Victoria. SANDER AND SONS' EUCALYPTI EX TRACT.—Cure of Skin Diseases. Invercargill N.Z., 3rd of July, 1380. Messrs. Sander and »ons Sandhurst: Gentlemen. — Having suffered from eczema (a skin disease Tthich is very prevalent in this colony) fer about nine years, I had consulted numerous medical men here, and in Australia, and h*d taken arsenic, strychnine, iodide of potassium, etc.. internally, and had used preparations of rinc and lead externally. In lact,. 1 had tried all the re- . medics known to the faculty, aod wkat between travelling, doctors' and druggists' bills, I had spent a small fertune, almost, if not wholly without results, except to injure my constitution. Dariog a recent Visit to Hotritiki, I wa3 recommended to try. your Extract Eucalyptus Globulus by a brother who had experienced great benefit from it in alleviating a very severe cold, and, no less to my surprise than satisfaction, I found the disease which had - troubled me so long was conquered, and the skin resumed its normal condition. This was effected by the external use of less than two one-ounce bottles. You are welcome to make any use you please of this letter, and I subscribe myself—Yoors. etc. (Signed), John B. Eerr, Manager Union Bank of Australia (LimiUd). Sander and sons' eucalypti extract. — Sta'utory Declaration: I, Frans Raabe, IronbaTk, Sandhurst, in the colony of Vioitorla, Australia, do solemnly and sincerely declare that on the 25th June, 1377, my son Alfred, six years of age, was accidentally hurt with an axe on the knee. I at once took all pains to procure medical assistance, by calling at first on Dr. Austin, who was subsequently assisted by Dra Peufeld and Macgillirray. However, in spite of all the combined efforts of the said gentlemen, the malady took such a bad turn that the patient was lying in unlnter- ' rupted wonnd fever, and on the 17th August, 1577, the opinion was given by Dr. Macgillivray that an amputation of the injured limb had become imperative, in order to save life. At this juncture I called on Messrs. Sander and Sons, procuring some of their Extract of the .Eucalyptus Globulus, and by the application of the same 1 had th# satisfaction of seeing my soa within a fortnight out of all danger, and to-day he is recovered. 1 may just add that it was when the crisis had been reached, that the extract referred to was first applied. And £ make this solemn declaration, conscientiously believing* the same to bo true, and by virtue of the provisions of an Act of Parliament of Victoria, rendering persons making a false declaration punishable for wilful and corrupt perjury.—Franz Raabe. Declared at Sandhurst, in the Colony of Victoria, Australia, this seventeenth day of Octuber, one thousand oight hundred and gsventy-seven, before me. Moritz Cohn, J.P. T&fl" JR, T X N D A it L, SUEGEON D2NTIBT, Htb ysan uditut to Sir, Plnalty), Bfgi once men to praent the Auckland public fflih - hia list of price*:—

Gold Upper and Lower .. ~ m £18 Celluloid „ .. ~ £M Vulcanite from £0 Silver . „ from £8 Dental Alloy ■> only _ £10. Single Tooth, from Si. tUpalxlnz in Vulcanite, from 10*. ONE BOX CLARKE'S B 41 FILLS ia warranted to Core all Discharges from the Urinary Organs, 1b » the/ sex, aoqoirea or constitutional, Gravel and Fains in the Back. Sold in boxes, 4s. 6d. each, by all Chemists and Patent Medtcine vendors. Proprietors: THE LINCOLN AND MIDLAND COUNTIES DBUCt COMPANY. LINCOLN. KNQLAND.

Confectioners. STEAM CONFECTIONERY WORKS DURHAM-STREET, AUCKLAND. EDWARD WATERS. 1 In thanking the public for the liberal support extended to him in his efforts to establish on a firm basis a Nerr Local Industry, begs to announce for the information of merchants and storekeepers that he has now completed all arrangements for the manufacture of every description of Confectionery. The sum of money that Is annually sent out of the colony for importations of impure and deleterious sweetmeavs is enormous, and the advertiser would respoctfuliy caution purchasers of the noxious comEounds which are now being extensively introduced ere from Australia, and which are exceeding In* jurious to children's health. His own Confectionery is made of the purest ma* ! terlals, and no poisonous colouring matter is introduced in its manufacture. Storekeepers will find it greatly to their advantage to purchase their goods from him, as the pricels considerably below that at which the English confections ore sold, while the quality of the locally-made article has been pronounced alike by connoisseurs and the public to oe eminently superior to that of the British manufactures. His renowned CONVERSATION LOZENGES need no recommendation, and all other descriptions now made at his factory are fully equal to those in quality and

Chemists' Proprietary Lorenges, neatly and carefully stamped and prepared. , Always on hand, and made to order! Lozenges, Jujubes, Pastiles, Medicated Lozenges, Genuine Black Currant Lozeages, Cough Lozenges (equal to Ke&ting's), Conversation LozeJges, Peppermints, Double Extra Strong Mints, Powdered, Icing, and Boiled Sagars of every description. Sugar Candy. All Goods Manufactured on the Premises, and of the best materials. Medicated Lozenges of every description always on hand. Just Arrived, Wedding Cake Ornaments, BoHBOHS, Somebody's Lugqaqs, |&c., &C.| &c. Testimonial. Provincial Laboratory, Auckland, October 26,1875. Mr.|E. Waters.—Sir, —I have much pleasure in informing you that after having made a very careful analysis of various samples of Sweetmeats manti-' factured by you. I find that they are free from all adulteration, and that the colouring matters are quite innocuous. With regard to the Chocolate. 1 find that it is quite equal to the best English or French pre-* parations. and being entirely free from husk, it will form an excellent article of diet for invalids, especially those suffering from an impaired digestion.—-1 have the honour to be, Sir, your obedient servant, James M. Tunny, Provincial Analyst. Orders, accompanied by draft or good reference, will receive prompt attention. The above goods may be had through any respect able wholesale house. N.B.—Empty packages only allowed for when tt turned in good condition, EDWARD WATERS, "WHOLESALE CONFECTIONER, Dorh&m amd Queen -streets, Auoklasd. pEOTOGB A P E I C| Have inat received a' large and varied stock Of Cameras, also many Photographic novelties quite naw to New Zealand. ' ' , , CHERRY FABRIC, for dark room windows, 2s pe* yard; : ; ' • • • Fry's Dry Plates, at Maker's prices, by the gross. A dark room fcr the use of tourists free of charge* Sole Agents in New Zealand for Seavoy's Back' grounds and Accessories* ~ ~ t

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7004, 29 April 1884, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7004, 29 April 1884, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7004, 29 April 1884, Page 7