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batches. .o. ■ . ' ENGLISH ! JgJNGLISH ATGHES ! ; SPEOIAIi AND IMPORTANT- AIJTN"OTJNOEMENT. ItEWART DAWSON & CO. OP LIVBBPOOL The CHAMPION WATCHMAKERS OP KNGLAND h»ve arrived In Auckland from Liverpool, England, ( with * magnificent stock ot their World-renowned ENGLISH LEVER WATCHES! THE LAUQE3T, BEST, AND MOST MAGNIFICENT EVER IMPORTED INTO ANT COUNTBT. FIRST IN QUALITY ! _1 •„ . . FIEST IN WORKMANSHIP! _ FIRST IN UTILITY AND DURABILITY ! MATCHLESS IN DESIGN AND FINISH. DIRECT FROM S. D. & CO-'S FACTORY IN LIVERPOOL LESS THAN HALF COLONIAL PRICES! The extraordinary merits of Stewart Dawson & Oa's Liverpool English Levers are too well known through the whole of New Zealand u well as from east to west of the Old Country that comment here Is unnecessary, itaffice it to say that thulr perfection in excellence' and value have given S. D. and Co. a patronage never equalled In the history of watch-making. 1000 MAGNIFIC ENT°PRES ENTS 1000 TO BE GIVEN AWAY GRATIS TO THE FIRST CUSTOViERS WHO PATRONISE S. D. & CO. FROM THIS DATE. GRANDEST OPPORTUNITY EVER OFFERED, AND SUCH AS MAY NEVER OCCUR AGAIN. Mr. D. S. DAWSON, of the Firm, ia now in Auckland, and in order to commemorate his visit, by his Firm's desire, will present to every purchaser of a Watch in price from £8 and upwards a Splendid Present gratis, worth half a guinea, suitable for Ladies' or Gentlemen's wear* NOTICE.—It it S. D. and Co.'s intention to open a Branch Establishment in New Zealand for the Sale of their Celebrated Watches, full particulars of which will :be duly announced; bat for the present they hare opened Temporary Premises AT 195, QUEEN-STREET (BENNETT'S CHAMBERS), AUCKLAND. FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY! FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY CALL EARLY AND INSPECT OOK MAGNIFICENT WATCHES. ONLY ACTUAL SEEING CAN CONVINCE YOU OP THE MARVELLOUS VALUE WE OFFER. ORDER EARLY. ORDER EARLY. ' PLEASE NOTE.—The following Prices include duty paid by us. It will be observed that lot ;the present we are piying over two-thirds of the dnty ourselves, thus extending to our pitrons the most liberal term*. Every Watch, quality considered, cannot be bought Retail under Double the, Prices, ... X fry -| / \ ■■ time. We ask you to observe that we supply our | Xvb magnificent English Levers at a far lruspdc. than nTOT'H FIsTTTSTT <STT WR often charjg.d for common foreign w»tcttes. GEN TBENGLISHSILYER PRICK.IN HUNTING CASES. £3155; IN OPEH HUN XlixOr JFACE, £3 5s ; practically saving to each Fob HO2 15s a. purchaser from £3 to £4. The most perfect English Hun tine Levers in the . A J world, in three sizes, small medium, and large. A 4?/j Every watch manufactured in our own oW jC workshops. These watches are specially adapted for bush work, squatters, miners, etc , jw they will HUNTING DEFIANCE stand the hardest wear; send for one of these wa tehee and compare it with what retail dealers call their WATfiH finest English Hunters at from £7 to £8, and you will at declare ours to be the bettor watch. In n _ . . _ open face, £3 65,; ditto crystal unbreakaDle front, J? OR -*• I I £3 lis; positively worth £6 10s. -L O a n w ~Z v-v None should hesitate to send for one of these 4-1/1 "I I 1q« , batches, truly named "DEFIANCE," if only to J- V XV/ O see tho perfection that can be attained by a Arm ENGLISH KEYLESS HUNTING the'Watoh Sde'of^rS^ 7 MTOlnUonlsed I SILVER LRVRfi | Also open-face crystal front, £1 7s 6d ; all For Xss sterlingailvercases. . STEWATiTDAWSuN and CU/sSuperb Keyless ! Hunting Levers, a triumph of utility and cob.- St D» & C 0; f 3 venience, a watch that is also perfectly air-tight, dust-tight, and damp-tight, keeping the works per- LADIES' AND GENT'S MA OTJTFTHRTJT fectly clean. Unequa led at Ten Guineas, our 1 O miiU-N IJUU& JNI direct cash price to customers being le*s than the ENGLISH' GOLD LEVERS actual wholes-Ie price to the trade. Made in two . . , sizes, small and medium. truly marvellous value. We sell our Ladies' PRICE £5 IBs. POSITIVELY MTAIL VALUE "«ta™ nywhe?* 7 FORTES GTJIN-bAS. Hunters ditto, .at £10 165,. positive value for Also, same watch in open face, price £A 153. * Open-face Keyless, at £10 IBs; „ and Hunters at £12 15s, iiowhere equalled under « r-K « £20, These are facta beyond t di-pute. Gents' +]y 19q Open /ace, £10'15s ; . Hunting, £13 ss; Keyless oW Abd 1 Open-face, £14 fl6s; Hunters, £16 15s—each watch ENGLISH SILVER saving to the purchaser frem £5 to £10. HUNTING OHROJSOGRAPH V .. FOB .jgg J STEWART DAWSON & C 0."3 , English Gold 5-plate Chronographs should be STEWABT DAWSON and CO.'S MAGNIFICENT seen by every Gentleman -who contemplates buv* ENGLISH. CHRONOGRAPH WATCHES. ing a Gold Watch. The finest, handsomest, best, Each watch a model of perfection; flnct J-plat© moat modern, and greatest value in the world, movement, full jewelled In rubies, real chronometer expansion balance, decimal dial, centre ' ADVANTAGES AMD CON. trerae heat or cold. Notwithstanding the match. . . oAAjE. lew perfection of this watch, we positively sell it First.—Our gigantic resources of manufacturing, at a leas price than retailers charge for ordinary thro >gh our complete and efficient factory organ!* inferior made watches. sation, and our universal ca»h sales, enable us to PfilCE £6 15s. FULL RETAIL VALUE FOE taffEST* *' le!s r< " 12 GUINEAS. Also, Earns watch, in open face, pries £5155. Second.—Each customer Is supplied with his watch on a week'e free approvul-and trial. The I Q fnU amount paid U: returned;to anyone diasatiiLADIES' ENGLISH Third.—Every purduaersecnrcs the most peri TprTT vrmi xj o t feet English Lever ever made, manufactureu en* JiUiMlINt, LKVJStt breiy .in our own workshops nnequaiJed for Foe J? O ~l beauty, for strength, for durability, or as a timelOS keeper.- The perfection'of improveo "mechanism thronshont, in solidity of oonttruction, and lasting EVERY WATOH A WORE OF ART, elegant in qualities, each customer receiving an English shat e, chaste in design, of sterling English work- Lever that will wear out three foreign or Ameriman ship, watches that with fair usage will last a life- can-made Watches one after another. CALL AND INSPECT THE ABOVE MARVELLOUS VALUE WHILE YOU HAVE THIS OPPORTUNITY. NOTE—ALL LETTERS AND ORDERS TO BE ADDRESSED— STEWART UAffSO N & CO., 195, QUEEN-STREET, AUCKLAND. OST Don't fall to write for Illustrated Watch Pamphlet, * most interesting to all; 60 pages of woaderful Testimonials, British and Colonial, Illustrations of Gold and Silver Alberts at wholesale EnglUh prices. With this will also b« sent a new S3 page brochure* entitled "THE KN'iLISH LiiVEK, ITS INVENTION AND DEVELOPMENT," with an essay on S. O. & Co.'3 system of business, which should be read by every intending watch buyer. The two pamphlets gratis for the postage, 4d in stamps.

Business .NoticesA LTJ A BIB ; IED T H S. . i If 70a are suffering from poor heilth Or liDgalahlDjf on a bed of sickness, take cheer. for HOP BITTERS WILL CUBE YOU. If yon are simply ailing, if you feel weak and dispirited, without clearly knowing why, HOP BITTERS WILL REVIVE YOU. If yoa are a Minister, and have orer-taxed yourself with your pastoral duties, or a Mother worn oat with care and work, HOP BITTERS WILL RESTORE YOV. If yon are s man of business, or labourer '' weakened by the 'strain-of - toot avery-day •- dnties, or-a man of letters, toiling over your midnight work, HOP BITTERS WILL STRENGTHEN YOU. I If yon are Buffering from overheating or ! drinking, any indiscretion or dissipation, or we young and growing too fast, as is often the case, HOP BITTERS WILL RELIEVE YOU. If you are in the workshop, on the farm, at the desk, anywhere, and feel that your system needs cleansing, toning,or stimulating, without Intoxicating, HOP BITTERS IS WHAT YOU NEED If you are old, and your blood +***" and impure, pulse feeble, your nerves unsteady, and your faculties waning, , . HOP BITTERS WILL GIVE YOU NEW LIFE AND VIGOUR. . ' ' HOP BITTE&8 la an elegant, healthy, and : - refreshing flavouring for-slck-room drinki, Impure water, &c., rendering them harmless, ana sweetening the mouth, and cleansing the stomach, CLEANSE, PURIFY AND ENRICH THE BLOOD WITH HOP BITTERS, Apd you will tiave no sickness or suffering or doctor's 1 . . bill to pay. \ HOP BITTERS gDSI NE S S NOTICE. EDWIN N. LEGGE, COMMIBSION MERCHANT, QUEEN-STREET. AUCKLAND. Having decided to add to his business that of HOTEL AND GENERAL VALUATOR, Has obtained the services of Mr. HENRY J. BACON a thoroughly competent APPRAISER Of seven yews' practice in London and neighbourhood and the last eighteen years in Olago and other parts of the South and North Islands, and Is therefore now able to effect VALUATIONS, With great advantage to clients, on PROPERTIES, HOTELS, FURNITURE, FARMING STOCK, GROWING CROPS AND GENERAL EFFECTS., N. B.—Special arrangements with Brewers, Insurance Companies, Commission Agents, Ac. Business will In future "bo carried on under the Dame of "LEGGE, BACON, & C 0.," Foai-BTBEEI, v — I :—" Accklasd. Opposite Star Officer (new bnlldiigs). •p U R 7 A T HS, UPPEP OUEEN-STREET. OPEN DAILY. SPEOIAL HOURS FOR LADTES ADMITTtt-N To SE THE BEST VENTILAT3D BATHS IN THE COLONIES. A l'roe reduction on taking a set Ci .Tioketa. UPPER .UEEN-STREET.

Commission Agents. G. W. B™ 1 * C°" AUCTIONEERS AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS. WOOL, GRAIN, AND PRODUCE BROKERS. Agents foe— THE SUN PIKE OFFICE, LONDON H. & T. PKAK'S HOBAKT JAMS J, KITCHE.n v SON'S SPERM CANDLES GR AY & a LDRICH'S FLOUR (Red Lion Brand) REID BROS.'O TMKAL ' J. GILMOUR'S BAMS AND BACON A. OLDHAM a SON'S FLAX' MATTING A. OLDHAM & SON'S BINDING TWINE. G. W. BINNEY & CO., QUEEN-STREET. FREE XncUimd. R NOLD HINES AND CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. IMPORTERS OF AMERICAN MERCHANDISE. AND . PURCHASERS OF KAURI GUM. Coraerot Customhouse and Fort Streets, Auckland. Are prepared to receire Orders for all descriptions Btate and Manufactures ol the United Any Commissions entrusted to them will lie csr» folly executed by MESSRS. ARNOLD HINES AND CO., OF NEW YORK, Who will promptly forward the Goods on first-class vessel*, at tba lowest rates of freight. F. J. M 033 1 G O -' HOUSE LAND, AND ESTATE AGENTS, SHORTLAND-STREET. Wo make no charge for entering In our Rsrfster any Land or Honses FOR SALE or RENTAL. Full to intending Bayers on application at our office, In SHORTLA ■> D-STREET. MONET to Lend at cnrrent rates. M. T. C LArTOH ' HOUSE, LAND, COMMISSION AGENT AND SHIP BROKER. ALLOTMENTS FOR SALE AT HAMILTON. NEW- . CASTLE, ALEXANDRA, and NORTH SHORE. MONEY LENT ON" GOOD SECURITY, Office : 27, Insurance Buildings, WANTED TO PURCHASE: Abont 20 or SO acres of Land, close to AnckiancL for a Dairy Farm. "PIDWARD j^EYNOLDS, COMMISSION AGENT AND GUM MERCHANT, No. 1, 'ALBERT-STREET. Oppobiii Dock, Atiozlisd. Highest "Cash Price given for Kauri Gam. and ra mlttancea forwarded on day of receipt. 0 HARL ES TOTHIJiTI LAND AND COMMISSION AGENT, WHANQAREI. W« Y. S T E v E N s> tAND AND FINANCIAL AGENT, . Bioh-stsik Chambers. FL. PRIME, House and Land Agent, O Office: No. 25, Insurance Company's Building, Queen-street. Money receipt books, promisV 80R Y NOTE BOOKS (Blank), for Salo at the nrniT,r> gfflce. I

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7004, 29 April 1884, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7004, 29 April 1884, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7004, 29 April 1884, Page 6