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Gas . QI I 6 gII EN T '-Q A S N'G 1 Nfß 16 Gold Medals. NO. BOILER NEEDED. ~.15 Silyeb Medals, - • • . ABOUT 10,000 .; : ADVANTAGES: No Trouble with LCoal, Ashes, Smoke, Insurance, Water, or constant attendance. No Danger or Risk of Fire. . ■ . Cleanliness, Economy, Convenience, Safety, and Durability, Eitoin-*h in HF ' IN Boot aud Shoodo. -- SlZE3:{f n X^t S edHom Pow"r-L9, ij 3.96. 5% 1L67, 1i.7, 23.1, 4a, % IW. agents: AUCKLAND GAS COMPANY (LIMITED), j • Purveyors of Light, Seat and Power. j Conveyances. rp'tfJUJSP H o'n E LI N E OP EOYA COA CH B S TIME TABLE OF DEVONPORT AND LAKE TAKAPONA COACHES. Leave Victoria 'Wharf, 10.20 a.m., 2 p.m., and 4.20 p.m. . Leave Takapuna Scboolhouse, at 11.16 *.m , 3 p.m., 6.15 p.®. Sundays 10. 46 a.m. and 3 p.m. from Devonport. From Lake Schoel-hoitfe, 11.30 a.m. and o p.m. Fare each way—Oni Beilliko. FOR HIRE- Special Carriages for Invalids to WAIWERA, Hot Springs. Buggies of every description, Wagcnaettes, Breaks, Coaches, Ladies and Gentlemen's Saddle Horses. Special Conveyances for Picnic Parties to Lake T»k»puna, Watwera, or all parts of the North. Should sufficient inducement offer, a Coach and four hoitfes will leave at any moment for WAIWERA Hot Springs. ..... Orders sent by Telephone will receivo prompt attention. _ . . FRANK J. QUICK, Pioprletor.

Ironmongery. J R O N M ONGE R Y. **= ** JAMES jg jg LA IK lE, IMPORTER OP BUILDERS' AND FURNISHING IRONMONGERY (Dirfct from Manufacturers), Has on Sal* at Low Rates l Carpenters* Tools (Eng« lisb and Americas), Nails, Locks, Hinges, &c., Galvanized Corrugated Iron, Kitchen Ranges, Register • Grates, AlarbW and Enamelled tilate Mantelpieces, Tile Hearths, Fire Iron and. Rests, Goal Yaaes, Centre Ventilators, Slates, Cement, etc, V " VIOTOBIA-STREET. THREE FIRST PRIZES AUCKLAND AGRICULTURAL SHOW, . 1883, Fob TINWARE, COLONIAL OVENS, SPOUTING, & LEADEDGE RIDGE CAP.' QEORGE -J^/|-OOAUL, THAMES GALVANISED IRON WORKS AND COLONIAL OVEN MANUFACTORY, Baotni and Datt-streets, THAMES. QHEAP JJOUSE, 234, Qbebn-stbeb® Auckland. J. & J. DICKEY HAVE JOB SAM—■ ROWATT'S ANUCAPNIO LAMPS, Also, Extra BURNERS, FONTS, GLOBES & WIOB.S, And a Great Variety ol OHIMNIES. RODGERS', LOCKWOOD, & WIGFALL'S TABLE AND POCKET CUTLERY. JOHNSONS CELEBRATED SCISSORS. CLARK'S BOILERS, SAUCEPANS, fto. GRIFFITHS' PATENT TEA AND COFFEE POTS. Stamped Tinned Mead and Pie Dishes, ' Basins and Milk Pans, all sizes. Buckets, Tubs, Pails and Ovens Bbooms, Sobobbbbs, Whisks &0., Hath, CLOTH, AND NAIL BbCSHES. PARKES', BLACK'S, AND LYNDON'S SPADES AND DIGGING FORKS. GARDEN HOES, RAKES, & TROWELS, DISSTON SORBY, AND SPEAR AND JACKSON'S HAND, RIP, AND TENNON SAWS, AXE ADZEB, TOMAHAWKS AND CHISELS AUGERS, PLANES, HAMMERS, BRACES, TWIST AND PATEN BITS, all iltet, LOOKS, HINGE NAILS, AND BRASBWARE COOTT" GENUINE WHITE LEAD, SAW, BOILED, AND LINSEED OIL. g JpFR QENT. J)ISCOUNT , ' jaOlt'V . ALLOWED TO GASH PURCHASERS:;" On all Sales amounting to 20s and upwards. J. * J. D- 1 0 234, Qdeen-ssbest.

- Medical. T Y N D A L h, SUEOEON DENTIST, Five years assistant to Mr. Flumloy), Begs onoe more to present the Aucklond pablio irltb his list of prices:— Gold Upper and Lower .. a £18 Celluloid „ •• n £10 Vulcanite ,i from « £8 Silrer n bom —' £8 Dental Alloy » only ~ £10 Single Tooth, from El. Bepalrlng In Vulcanite, from 10a. t\Thos® debility* exhausted pow era* premature decay aad failure to perform life's duties properly are caused by oxceases. errors of youth, etc., will and a perfect and lasting restoration to robust health end vigorous manhood in THEMARCTON BOLUS. Neither stomach drnffginff nor instruroents. This treatment of Nervous Debility and PhjilcnlDecayisQQifarmly successful becauso based on' perfect diagnosis, new and direct metfeedt and absolute thor* ovrhaesi* Full information and Treatise free. Address Consnltis? Physician of MARSTGN REMEDY E2CuUaoigh St., Sydney

DR. BRIUHT'S PHOSPHODYNE is the Safest and only Reliable Preparation of Prosperous. Thoroughly re-establishes health. DR. BRIGHT'S PHOSPHODYNE is the only Reliable Remedy for Nervousness, Debility, Lassitude, Indigestion, Liver Complaints. Female Complaints, Pimples, Depression, Premature Decline, and all tfumctiosal Derangements. DR. BRIGUrS PHOSPHODYNE enriches the Blood, strengthens the Genres and Moscular System, animates the Spirits and Mental Faculties; promotes Appetite, and improves Digestion. DR. BRIGHT'S PHOSPHODYNE is patronised by the Aristocracy, and the Elite, extensively ; used in the Army and Navy, and highly recommended by tfae leading Medical Practitioners. DR. BRIGHT'S PHOSPHODYNE is sold by all < -herniate throughout the Globe, in cases at 10s 6«1- Caution.—Beware of Cheap Worthless ImitatUns bearing similar names. Agents for New Zealand, Kempihorne Prosser and Co., Dunedin, Auckland, Christchurch, and Wellington. OLLOWAVS PILLS. laiPURiTT of the Bloot>.—Unless the blood be kept in a pure state the constitution must be weakened and disease supervene. These wonderful Pills possess the power of removing or neutralizing all contasanations of the blood and system generally. They quietly, but certainly, overcome all obstructions tending to produce ill'health, , and institute regular action to organs that are faulty from irritation or debility. The dyspeptic, weak, and nervous may rely on these Pills as their best friend and comforter, as they act upon the main springs of life, and thus save thousands from a premature grave. Compi/Aikts op Women and Children.—The very mild and painless action of those invaluable Pills re commends them to every household as a remedy? or the first departure from health. Any mother, nurse or young person guided by the directions which ae oupany each box of Holloway's Pills has at one ▼a liable means of checking disease, purifying the blood, and expelling from the system all gross hu» monrs. They are indeed, at all ages, the female's tried friend. Disorders of the Liter vtith Flatulency jlni> Indigestion.—Loss of appetite and datulency are usually the forerunners of stomachic disease. These famous Pills exercise the most salutary power on all affection* of the liver, and all irregularities of the stomach and bowels; they restore a healthy function to every internal organ, overcome all obstructions and cast out all impurities. Weak Stomachs Impaired Digestion.—The wisest cannot enumerate one tithe of the distressing ; symptoms arising from enfeebled digestion, all of which may be readily dispelled by these admirable ; Pills, as they rouse the stomach', liver, and every other organ of digestion to that healthv tone which fully enables them to convert 'all food and drink to the nourishment of the body—hence these PUIa aro the purest strengthened, and the safest restorative) in : I nervousness, wasting, and chronic debilitv ! Oouons, Colds, Influenza and Sore Throats.— For . curing diseases of the throat, chest, and lungs, these Pills .have established for themselves a preeminently, world-wide fame, as they purify the blood and regulate its circulation. Coughs, common colds, Influenza, bronchitis, asthma, pleurisy, inflammation of the lungs, and even consumption in its early stages, are successfully treated with this medicine, parti cularly if Holloway's Ointment be well rubbed upon the chest and back night and morning. Holloway's Pills are the best remedy known in the world for the following diseases: — Ague Gout Stone and Gravel Asthma jHeadacha Secondary Symp. Bilious Com- Indigestion toms plaints 'Liver complaints Tic-Doloureuz Blotches on the Lumbago Ulcers Skin Venereal AffecBowel complaints Rheumatism tions Debility Retention of Worms of all Dropsy Urine kinds Female Irregu-Scrofula or King's Weakness, fro* larities Evil whatevercause Fevers of all kinds Sore Throats " «fcc., &c. The Pills. and Ointment aro sold at Professor Holloway's Establishment, 533, Oxford-street, London, also by nearly every respectable Vendor of Medicine throughout the civilised worH, in Boxes and Pots at Is lid, 2s 9d, 4s 6d, Us, 225, sii 33s sach. Each Pot and Box of the ' Genuine tiedicincs beai the British Government Stamp, fflth the words, * Holloway s Pills and Ointment, London," engraved thereon. On the label is the address. 533, Oxford-street. London, where alone they are manufactured Beware of all compounds styled Holloway's Pills and Ointmunt with a " New York" label. " Plumbers. ' QOME AND SEE / TEB / • / CHOICE SELECTION /k> /ra OF /j^ CHANDELIERS, A / BRACKETS, /V TANKS, GLOBES, 'V" NWABE > & ° &c., &c., & / 7/ plxjmblNG, AX Av /GASFITTING O.'OWM / a. / ■ /.&?/ bel l-HANGING, ETC., PKICEB /<£).. / . / O / AT SHORTEST NOTICE jUn> S/Wtown peiobs. /%>/ — ' /O. Mats' Buildin Dbyonpoet. JM.. & J. MOWB RA ¥ 0 HAVE BEHOVED TO SCHERFF'3 BUILDINGS, lOBT-STBKET, - • Opposite tho Uaiea Steam Ship Comjaßy'o Office.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7003, 28 April 1884, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7003, 28 April 1884, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7003, 28 April 1884, Page 3