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This ordinary weekly meeting of the Council was held jeeterday evening, His Worship the Mayor (Mr. vV. R. Waddel) presiding. Present: Messrs. Stevenson,' Field, Devore, Growther, Thompson, Aickin, Montague, Wayraontb, Fleming, La Roche, Burns, Maeefield. ;

CoRBiSPONDENci; —In answer to letter o£ A- H. Nathan £25~. was granted towards cemetery wall. Messrs. Bayldon and Stephenson asked leave to remove their offices to the other ride near Mr. Bang's property : Leave granted npon condition that the same be removed upon completion of the building. Certain work recommended by Mr. Soares,; Wellington-street, was agreed to at a cost of £2. . Application for permit to A. ! C. Brown to erect iron building for Mission School in High-street was referred to Streets Committee. P. Matze'n directed attention to Ireland-street, opposite his pro--;pertjr: Referred to Streets Committee, the ■City Engineer to report. . C. Williamson, complaining of storm water overflow: Keferred to the. Streets Committee, Engineer to ■report. J. Mumford, complaining ol damage to his property in Mount-street: to the Streets Committee. . W. J. Mundy, drawing attention to the state of Irelandstreet opposite hie property; also aiking for certain tilling in of hollow ground -. Beferred to Streets Committee. C. Greenaway, complaining of access being taken from his property in Wellington-street : Referred to Streets Committee. L. D. Nathan aiked that crossing opposite hie store in Commercestreet be allowed to remain.—The Mayor said the cironmstances of Auckland had ■ greatly changed since that crossing was put in. He< moved that the request be not granted.—Seconded by Mr. Burns, and carried. J. A. Heldt asked assistance on account of outting in WetUngton-street : Referred to the Streets Committee.

..Loan. —A letter was read from the manager of the National Bank of New Zealand, "rr the Auckland fiVe per cent, loan," informing the Council that he had received advice* from London to the effect that the committee of the Stock Exchange had granted au official quotation of the above"loan, and that it now appears on the Stock Exchange liet. ■ PiSTiTIONS. — Mr. Waymouth presented a ■ petition from residents ita Totara-street to the [ effect that thie street was in a very bad ,state, every cait goiDg into it ran the risk 01 being upset. —Referred to the Streete Comrmittee. • . ' ! '

Streets Committee. —The committee reported as follows:—1. Letter from (i Sturtevant re Devon-street: that tb.3 work ,be done temporarily at Engineer's estimate 'of- £3. 2. Petition of the residents of ißrown-street, re footpath: That the Engineer make enquiry if owners will allow ; earth to slope into their ground, or, failing that, What amount they will be prepared to give in aid o£ building retaining wall. 2. ■ Petition' of residents in Curran-street, re formation: That the matter cannot be dealt iwith until the permanent levels are fixed. 4. Clause 3/ Streets Committee report, re order for water mains : Estimate as submitted approved.. 5. City Engineer's report, re St. Martin's Lane : Deferred. City Engineer was uncertain what the owners will be prepared to contribute. 6. City Engineer's report re Upper Symonds-street and Kyber Pass works : That same be deferred until the drainage of gully and Stanley-street ia dealt with. 7. Petition from Jervois-roa<l re formation, etc. Deferred until Alma Place drainage ie dealt with. 8. Petition of residents of Vermont-street re permanent levels. Referred back to the City Engineer to report what he considers expedient.—Mr. LaKoche moved, in respect to clause 6, that tenders be called- for at onoe. Negatived.—The report was adopted. FiNakob Committee. —The committee reported as follows :—l. Letter from lessee of markets re permit to erect shed for engine for cutting wood in the market yard. That the same be declined.—Motion of Mr. Devore re ■ cheoking Council accounts: That the following resolutions be adopted: (a) No accounts for supplies to be made out by any Council officials ; (6) tickets must accom pany carting accounts ; (c) no goods to he obtained without prior orders signed by heads of two departments only; {d) all stationery supplies to be ; made on requisitions and orders obtained from the Town Clerk; (e) water-works' labourers to be paid by the Treasurer; (/) wages sheets to be forwardedHo the City Engineer on Tuesday evening in eaoh fortnight for check. 2. Rβ Quick's account: That the same be paid. Mr! Burns moved, arid Mr. Laftoche seconded, " That the elau«es relating to Mr. Devore's motion be referred back to the committee."—Mr. Crowther said that many of the complications which, had arisen would be obviated when the stone-breaker should be at-work. The Mayor said that any.person committing a breach of trust should not be merely reprimanded, but dismissed at once. Mr. Burns withdrew. his amendment.— Beport adopted.

Water Supply Committee. —The committee reported as follows :—That the Council be recommended to offer a sum of £10,000 for the Western Springs estate. —On the motion for the adoption of :the report, the Council divided with the following result :—

Ayes, 8: Messrs. Stevenson, Field, Devore, Aickin, Way mouth, La Roche, Masefield, the Mayor. Noes, 5: Meesrs. Thompson, Crowther, • Montague, FlemiDg, Burns.—As SB instruction to toe Town Clerk, conditions were drawn up to this effect—the estate to molude the- hotel ; the title to be aatiefaotory ; no noxious business to be established on contiguous land belonging to the vendor.

Danoebous Heaps.—Mr. Aickin drew attention to complaints of heaps of stones left on streets at night.—The Engineer said he was not aware of any complaint.—Mr. Aickin said the Corporation was liable for injury done to pereons by. such obstructions. Wynyabd - pTßEet.—The Mayor asked whether the worke in Wynyard-streeb had been postponed until the spring.—The Engineer said the present contract was not postponed. But there were other works ae great as the present ones to be done. They could not be undertaken until there was a reasonable prospect of good weather. TsAMWAr.—The Mayor drew the attention of the Council' to the necessity of lowering the orowu, of. the road (Queenstreet) between Vioteria and Wyndham Streets. When the tramwaye would bo running, vehicles going at either side would bo.i at a very considerable angle, ■ eo great an agle as to create conuiderable danger to Xife. The Engineer recommended that nine inches be'taken off the crown of the road, the work to be done at night, and to cost £150.—Moved .by the Mayor, and carried accordingly; , ' : Drainage.—Mr. Waymouth said he had asked how eoon a comprehensive scheme of drainage might be reported on.—Several members safd that the propoaal was already in the hands of the Engineer.—Mr. Waymouth said the Engineer informed the Council that he could not enter npon the consideration for nearly eighteen months,, aa he had too much to do. The matter should be reported npon at once.—The Engineer said the difficulty was not the work, but the nature of the tfcheme ; the consideration the number of outfalls ; the position of them, and a number of important featiiree to be deoided by the Council. ABCADE BOIMHNOS (HOARDING). —Mr. Thompson drew - attention to costs being obtained against the Council in consequence of the boarding not beintf lighted; Tbe permit to Mr. Jaukinson was only while the foundations were beiDg put in.—The Mayor said there was no new application for permit.— Mr. Thompson : Then the Council was made responsible.—The Mayor suggested that the hoarding should be carted away. _— Mr. Crowther gave information of an accident to a lady at this place through its not being lighted. It was,agreed that unless the contractor made application for permit the hoarding should be removed. ;*.;"-. • City Engineer's Repoet. — The Town Clerk read the following report:—Levels, for apprdval in Karangahape Ward are .on the table for Oxford-Btreet, Exeter-street, and East-street, between' Symonds-street and Upper Queen-street.- Plans'and specifications are' on' the table for fencing the outer-boundaries of area agreed upon of the Auckland Cemetery at Waikomiti. I would like'the Endowment Committee to inspect section 53 on the ground. I believe it may be found desirable to out out the blook of ground fronting Karangahape-road to the new levels now being made,' before the allotments are lo»«ed ; 'the lota will -lease at higher rates if this is done, and the earth can (>e used with advantage';in the gullies in Karangahape-road; If the ground is leased as it is it will require to be 'iut av/ay by the leaseholders before it can be built up, and aa thoy (the leaseholders), will dispose of the earth to the best advantage the Council will, in all probability, ~ lose it .for /the purposes, above jndloated, and all that' can be, had ii needed in tb'se gullies. In ontting on , ; thie "-<und it would be far to charge th' one-

I half of the coat to endowments, and, the other half to the ward it is deposited in. It is also worthy of consideration, if this ground is cut, as the frontages to Elarangahape-road will be used, for business sites, whether or not it ia advisable to have brick or concrete' buildings erected. The back sites of course will be-used for residences, and as there will be a road between them and the Karangahape-road frontages, no restrictions need be placed upon them. In all likelihood before these leases expire 1 the brick building regulations will be extended to this part of the city ; and the Council, if they think it desirable, could specify in the leases that a proportion of the value, of the buildings would be refunded at the expiry of the leases. lam of. opinion that instructions of this-nature will not at all interfere with the sale of these lota, but on the• contrary, be preferred. I expect they will bring good*prices, - especially if the ground fronting Karangahape-road is cut out. I may state that a portion of the land. ' fronting Hopetoun-street is in Ja hollow, and should be filled in. Tbe advantage of this will be better seen on the ground. .These lots would not sell well unless filled in. Flans and specifications are on the tablo for small earth cutting in Sentinel-road ordered some time ago, and passed as urgent. I hope to have plans of Newton-road culvert. Wees-street culvert, kerbing and channelling in Graham-street and Bardinge-itreet, laid on the table by next meeting.—(Signed) Wμ." Anderson, City Engineer.—Tbe recommentiona of the Engineer were agreed to. Water Pipe*.—The motion standing in the name of Mr. LaKoche, "That the Waterworks Engineer be instructed to lift the present pipes in Seafield 'View and Auburn-street, and replace the same with six-inch pipes with proper fire-plugs," was referred to the Streets Committee. "

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7001, 25 April 1884, Page 3

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CITY COUNCIL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7001, 25 April 1884, Page 3

CITY COUNCIL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7001, 25 April 1884, Page 3