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, Gas Engines. " :' J ■ : ; " '* :: i f 05P T 0 gIL EN T Q. A 8 NQI N E -26 GOLD MEDALS. KO BOILER NEEDED. . MBDALS.' ' I'• About 10,000 Delivered. ADVANTAGES: No Trouble with ICoaly, Ashes, Ssnoka, =lnsurance, Water, or constant attendancau • Ko -Danger or Risk of Fire. , r 1 Cleanliness, .Eoohom?, Convenience, .Safety, and DußAßiLrrr. A H\ lOh, ?4-7, fo., r Agents : AUCKLAND GAS -. (LlllITEi)), ■ ■ / •> :ij j... Porveyors of Light, Heat and Power. .' [ • V." ' bonveyaJlCßa. '.'.77"^^ rfIELEPH ONE "LINE O-F 4O s;C O^S:B S TIME TABLE OF TAKAPUNAiCOAOHKa V Leave Victoria Wharf, Devonport,at 10.20a.m.,2 p.m., and 4.20 . " Leave' Takapuna Schoolhouso, at 11.16 a.m., 8 p.m., ana 6.15 p.m. SDNSiyB—IO. 45 a.m. and 3 p.m. from Devonport.' From Lake Schoel-honse; 11.30 s.m. and 5 p.m. . .. . | .Fare each way—o»B Shxluiio. FOR H IRE— Special Carriages fct Invalids to WAIWERA, Hot Springs.' Buggies of every description. Waggonettes, Breaks, Coaches, Ladies and Gentlemen's Saddle Horses. Special Conveyances for Picnic.Parties to Lake Takapuna, Waiwera, or all parts of tfce North. , ' - Should sufficient inducement offer, a Coach and four hones will leave at any moment for WAIWERA Hot Springs. . . i • Orders sent by Telephone will recelva prompt attention, .•, » ' " 'f "- «' ' ; JFEANK J. QUICK, Pioprietor.

Seeds, Produce, &c. a. s. j A KIN s HABSONESALEWHITE*CLOVER ■RED GLOVER":' > v: v ■V. V7"" : qowQRASs7 /.'.T.'vJ'.-T- . " ALSYKE ,■ ■i. TREFOIL, . • TIMOTHY - . ;(WABRANTED ALL NEW'SEEDS). RYEGRASS , - •- -•? COCKSFOOT -1, PRAIRIE GRASS.'.' ITALIAN RYEGRASS " .v ' ■ ALSO, / ;. ; \\v t iso'-T° NS JI " '80 TONS BONEFLOIJR • .(Sydney Meat Preserving Co.) G. S. J A K 1 N S, CUSTSTOMS-REET. N.B.—All Goods delivered FREE toStatidn. Special quotations to large buyers. Samples'forwarded on application. , . 1 TRADE PRICE. > SYDNEY MEAT PRESERVING 00.'S BONEDUST. ' 10 torn and upwards. ... _ £6 IBs Smaller Lots .. .. £7 (NettCaah) - i— G. S. JAKINS. OUAKIiES HESKETH.] [AUSX. AITKEN. igpESKBTH AND Are glad to inform their customers and the fnblib generally that having sold" the flholo of their last year's stock' of Clovers, Ac,, they are in ft position to offer anentlrely new Stock arriving per direct steamer Aorangi, from London; and per Mail Steamer from San Francisco, as under, all current season's growth, consisting of— " WHITE CLOVER (Trifoilum repens perenne) ■ BED CLOVES (Trifoilum pratense) ALRYKE CLOVER (Trifolitua hybrfdum) COWGRASS"(TrIfoIIum pratense perenne) SCARLET CLOVER (Tiifolium uctumatutn) TREFOIL (lledicago lupulina).' LUCERNE (Medlcago saliva) ALFALFA (Medicago Chilians) ' . '.' •; •7TIMOTHY.' (Plileum prmtsnae) - \: .' CRESTED DOCJSTAIL (Oynoauniß criatalus) . ME ADC W FOXTAIL ( Alopecurusprateiisds) j V' SHEEPS FESCUE/Festrica ovlna) 1' 1 / -WOOD MBADO W -GRAaS (Pnk " Y , . .PRAIKTK (Brcmus Bchlcsderi) ...... . :• DOOBGRASS; - - •" • >•; • ■: 'V ;* BAT-TAIL ISporfcbolus olongatiu) .T's U RYE-GRASS (Lollam porenno'seuipervlrensfr •' • COCKSFOOT (Dactylls glomerata) ■ "-■ . - PJJKPLE' and GBEEIT TOP- ABERDIEEN-TUR-' NIPS ~, < DEVONSHIBE GEET STONE, WHITE STONE. - i-.-- andGLOBETOKHIPS »'■>=' SWEDE TURNIPS : .( f ... . .«ti .'t a. »<-? v- v./> /•*. v s nAajA. They are also Agents for the Bonednst as manufactored by the Auckland Manure Company, Sydney Bonednst and Flour, Mineral and Bone Phosphates, Potato and Grass' Manures, Peruvian Guano, jsitrate of Sodai and other Artificial Manures; Oats, Maize, Barley, Beans, Peas; Coarse, Fine, and Rock Salt, Cobra, and linseed Cake; New. Zealand Flax atl, Tow, «c, LOV E R gBE DS, RYEGRASS, COCKSFOOT, PRAIRIE GRASS, . BONEDUST. BONEFLQUR BLACK AND WHITE TARTARIAN SEED OATS, WOOD'S FLOUR, MoGILL'S'OATMEAL, MAIZE, BRAN, SHARPS, BACON AND HAMS, CHEESE, FRESH AND SALT BUTTER. LOWEST BATES. - ; GUNSON AND MARTIN, . 53, COSTOMS-STBEET,, AUCKLAND. JJONEDUSTI." 'jg'Qir.EDU ST! The undersigned, SOLE AGENTS for the SYDNEY MEAT CO.'B CELEBRATED BONEDUST, Aro prepared to supply same at £515 a nett cash f.o.b. All orders to be accompanied by draft or first- . slass Sydney reference. • Thia BONKDUST s without doubt the Purest and Best manufactured in the Colonies. None Genuine unless bearlog' the Company's' Registered Brandt Government Analytical Beport and Samples; posted free on application. . ■ ?'i ' ; :A. H. PRINCE & CO.; .' ''V • • GKAIN MEPBHANTS & COMMISSION WHAIUP SIORSB, STDKSV,''. G. ■ s. • 'J :,: A i N:;s,y : . ;; . Sole Auckland' Agent. J '' ' ROBERTSON & MAXWELL HAY, COBN, COALj ' t - ANZ> FIREWOOD MERCHANTS, '! Cosher or Kabaksabatkßoab ins Qubsn i ' BTRXET.. . Case Buyees of First-class Firewood, i I PIANOS FOR SALE, Jusx. LANDED.— Iron frames, Donble Sconces, First-class Makers, for £38. , . PIANO by a good English Maker, £35. ORGANS, Just landed,: S Stops, 2 Knea Swells, only £19. PIANO, Sooond-band, for £17. HARMONIUMSfor£9. . . .. ; . Mb. THOS. H. WEBB ' Directs the attention of his 'friends and\tho public' to his Upright Graods, which have been pronounoed by competent judges as being the bvst and- oheapesti in town. ; Other Pianos at Low Prices., Second-hand s Pianos taken as part'payment. " " ' - Note the address: Oak House, Hobson* street (three doors from Cook-street.)

' Money., ' v £10 ro" £1000. ■yiOTORIAN LOAN AND DISCOUNT * ■ AGENCY.'' , l " ; - j " HIGH-STREET AUCKLAND, OPPOSITE CITY COUNCIL OFFICES Honey advanced frem £10 to £1,000, on Persona. SecnrityV ' Deed* of Property, Shares,'So," Repayment! can be made In nstalments of ONE , _ SHILLING- PER WEEK ; for every., POUND. borrowed, or In any way to nit borrower!.. Oomaonlcattona Confidential,! Address i X OST-OFFIOE, BOX 99. T ONDON MORTGAGE LOAN AND JL4 • DISCOUNT BANK; SHORTLAND-STREET, AUCKLAND (OPPoaixa •A. CLABK & SOJ<B Wabeboubk) And Little Collins-street, Melbourne. . LOANS ABE ADVANCED FROM £10 £1000 pon personal, freehold, and leasehold security, rs payable by weekly, monthly, or quarterly nstalments, at lowest oorrent rates. Advances made on Fnmltnre without removal and all Classes of Merchandise. LOANS GRANTED UPON LIFE POLICIES, LEQA CIES, AND INTERESTS UNDER WILLB. BILLS DISCOUNTED AT CURRENT BATES. LOANS UPON DEPOSIT OP DEEDS. REPAY. MENT BY EASY INSTALMENTS. All communications and interviews beld striotly confidential. Fobms Gbatis. ~A UCKLAND PERMANENT CO. ±3L OPERATIVE BUILDING AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY.' ■- OJTIOK—I47, QTTKICN-STItZETI ' LOANS granted upon approved securities of i"rsahold'or Leasehold Properties in sums of £20 to £0,000 principal and interest being repayable in instalments at the following REDUCED RATES for repayment of each £100 borrowed:— ' Repayments extending Per Week Total amount i>> i;t;;r!over L i .: ■■■ ,1 Repayable,. '< ■ & b.' <L •'£ ■. d. lyear 2 0.0 ; IM. 0 0 2 years 1 0 10 103 6 8 Syears _ 2.- OU 7 113.16.0 4 years .. _ 9 11,8 121 0, 8 6years • .. .. 0 • 8 '9 IS6 18 9 '8 years „ •„ 0 7 1 147 18 9 10 years .. .. 0 6 3 162 16 S . And in the same proportion for smaller or larger loans. • DEPOSITS.—Tho Society receives money on do* positßepayable at 7 days notice, 6 per cent, per annum; repayable in 6 months, 6 per 'oent. per annum. •><:; .... i JOHN BATGEB, Secretary. TO £5,000 LENT, on Building '3& /v " Society principles, or on other terms to suit borrowers. Six per cent; allowed on deposlti until Invested. Mortgages, and Loans negotiated.— 0. Williamson, Land. Estate, and Financial Agent, High-street (near Shortland-street), Auckland. " TO LEND at current rates /W° "n" of interest on freehold security* W> F, O'Sallivaa, Bhortlmd'Btreet» t . , . MONEY TO LEND.—Vaile & Douglas, Investing Agents.—Bankers: Bank ef Now South Wales. — Owing to our Extensive Financial Connexions, wo have' always a 'large - amount ol Money on hand,, to lend in sucli sums as may be required, at lowest oorrent rates.—Vaile' & Douglas, Investing Agents. > . • •.,> . . MONEY* TO LEND, at current rates of interest.—Lalshley and Jackson, Queen-street. MONEY TO .LEND—A large sum to Lend, in sums of £25 and upwards, at lowest current rates of interest —Apply to Peter Oliphant, Solicitor, High-street. ' • MONEY;— £4500 to lend (in sums to suit borrowers) at current rates..of interest.— Apply to Wm. S. Cochrane, 26, N.Z. Insurance Oo.'s Buildinns: or Samuel-Cochrane and Son, Queenstreot, near Union BankT MONEY TO LEND—A large sum ol Money to Lend, In lams of £100 and upwards, at a very low, Interest,—Apply to Mr, W. Altken, Shortland-street. ' " ' ' - MONEY for Investment, at lowest rates', 'in stuns ol £100 and apwards. William Thome, Solicitor.,. - . , .. . ■ MONEY TO:LEND, at: a moderate rate of Interest.—Apply to Jaokson & BnaselL Solloitors, Fort-street. Money to lend on mortgage in rami ot £100 and apwards. ' ' JOHH M, ALEXANDER, •' i. ■ Solicitor, .: v: ■ ■j . ,Bank Buildings, . , ' • Wyndham-stf ei. "JV/TONEY TO LEND., on . Mortgage of JJvJL SirsWass 7re< hold Securities ■, • ; W. COLEMAN,Solicitor,; Nationallnsurarice Building, Quoin-street. MONEY TO:IiEND, in large or , small snmj, at osuul rates of Interest. .... CONNBLL * COOPER, ■ ' - ■ Solicitors, - ; ■. ■ -Vulcan Lane. MONEY LENT ON PROMISSORY NOTES, BOUSES, FURNITURE, fto. BILLS DISCOUNTED DAILY. MORTGAGE NEGOOIATED. JOHN W. HARDIE, LAND, COMMISSION AND ESTATE AGENT, 1 Hion-SIKEST, AnOEtiHD. TTIXOHANGE ON NEW' YORK AND JLU LONDON, In sums to snit. . For Sale by , ' ARNOLD, HINES, AND 00.,' ' ' Corner Customhouse and Fort->treet>. WAIWEBA HOT SPRINGS. ADD - ; ' - LAKE HOUSE, ROTORUA. tsr THE BEST PLACE; IN THE COLONIES XO •l' '. .. ;j.. SPE2TD YOUR HOLIDAYS. . - FISHING, SHOOTING, BOATINCJ, BILLIARDS, LAWN TENNIS., &0,

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6999, 23 April 1884, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6999, 23 April 1884, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6999, 23 April 1884, Page 3