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' f Baiaftce Bheek JTreehoia Premises(Head Office Pitt- '■" ' £ D? e (vidiri«)" ~ 2 flaili 3 r Do. (South Australia) iS I i Do. (Queensland) j.. „ !«,{( . , Dp.,Of«w ; Zfl*l«ndX:.<> •: «. - , ~S2S»I» Da (Tajmoio — _ lis?Ml • . Do. {New Booth Wales) »•.•;<< " J ii'Sji ?U' Ofilc® Furnltore, > Head Offin ond • ~ Ki 3 ( ■. {Blanches ; ~..- -.-. - •!„ Sundry Debtors.. .. .. ... I Beversion&rr Interest.. .. .. i Toi 9 * Agen£s*-Balances -' ~- .> - , 'IS J. J Outstanding Premiums, Head 68c* , " I T * : £f- fm » I Cash on Deposit with Bsnks .. , .. osijsi ! '••D0..-Current'""Account •tlio ; 2 U . . Society Bankers (Head Odea :< - r , 73 U J ... "' : " .-;::t?MORMOE Ai BUCK, Actuary * ...,. V. :: ALEXANDER J. BALBTON, sicnt^ . CTe..the nndscsigned.<heroby csxtify that w» V examined the Books,."Voucher*, Accounts. Mnrt* D»«d«, Public and other Securities of the Al-.teTJ?" MnrnJiiPßOTiDcirßSooiixr,'and companear* with the abore Balancc-sheet, and find them all =■' jas.'D:nam; *f«»«Son, - Bydney.'-Sgth March; 1884. - _ ■ insurance Companies gul* >./ PIRB , - OFFICE, LONDOIJ Insurances effected upon'almost every of Property at the Current Rates ef Jremians. ToS sum Insured. 1881 -£291,300,000;" by the Local Agent and paid with pTomtUtuiTsi " "• '■ 6. W. BINNEY. Agent, ■ ' 1 ' / ' . Qpe<n-«tral ' "KTOE'TEEEN, ASSIJEANoi J3I .company. CAMTAK——£3,OOO,OOO] BTATBMENT BHKWLNG SHE BBOGIIBS3 Of &J NOBTHEBN ASSUBANCE OOWPANT Since Ita establishment in 1836 to the prewat Hbi . " . ' 1878). -NetMre Wetlife' , • Beresos. Bevenue. intact. | « £ -. £ « | 18S8 SOT." ■ 70S, l,m E8.550 ! 1888 1,800 000 8,600 . 1841 8,200 9,800 'J,*oo (3,903 1044 ' 4,000 14,000 4,000 85,60# 1847 6,800 . 18,269 6,800 - 134608 : 1860 . 7,600 £6,000 6,500 182400 i 1858 22,900 37,408 8,600 225,800 I l«S6 r ' 68,400 ' 66,640" 13,200 S42.SOR 1869 100,300 62,680 18,600 453J09 1862 127,900 76,800- 24,300 691,400 1866 . 168,900 . 87,480 54.700 802,700 1863' 182,500 113,700 ' 41,100 940,900 1871- 286,400 119,900 67,700 1,241,000 ' 1874,, 818,800 .183,000* 78,490 1,778,100 i 1877 408,700. 167,600 2,2U,&» JUIE'DEPARTMSira. It Is irosa than useltess to possess a Life JPellcy q," less there is the certainty that the sum assured vffli, paid atdnath. A man may for years trust to It uUI support of his family, and ultimately find that it is if nsralue.' The nuu'ossured by the "NOSTHESy are guaranteed by the Shareholders Capital of One Mtmann Sterling, and by Its' Accumulated Fuads, alt safely invested,: amounting already (DecamiMr, 1577) to more than Two Mimos Ttro Hmnam Tmaum Poottdii, and continually Increasing. In the Participation Brannh, the whole et th AzffEßTirmD' arraptcs at each raluitlott helesgi to theAisurod. - The undersigned, Agent for the above. Cempsay, prepared to accept RMra againrt Hre on Bulldlngwt Contents in' the City and Province oTAnckland. &ttw LOWEST OtTKBEIT BATES. , : • - bh6mas MAranr. March 10,1879. Mutual, life association op ATTHTR AT. A HT * — 1869. ' ' Incorporated by Act of Porriament. Hau> Orate* toe Nirw Zealand : 81, AUCKLAND. , Disioioita: . Arihar Heather, Esq., A. Q. Eorton, Esq, Medicai. Ottjovi: v T. B. Eenderdine, Esq., M.8.C.5., EnglaniJ. Bakesss: . The Bank of New Zealand. • • Boucitobs : : ' ' Mesant Whltaker Enssell, and Buddie. Principal Office: Sydney, N.B-^V. Sisach Offices also at Brisbane. Melbouzae, asd Adelaide. BONUS YE AR, 1884. ' POLICIES effected before 30th Jnne,' ILB4, nil] " ... , i-. '"I.i sparticipate in the . ' : DIVISION OF PROFITS ■ which will be made as at that date. At the last Investigation, viz., 30th June, 187S, • urplns of £11,000 .was shown, out of Funds amouatiiii to £112,746.- by an absolutely pnro Prumlum Valuxlicn, At the close of present Qulnquenninm it may be conftdently expected the . INVESTED FUNDS "WTLTi EXCEED £350,098. , "The' Assodatloa's Policies are Indeftasiilt from date of ■ lsaae, and Non-forfcitabU while Snrreader 'value lasts.;.- : Its Conservative Management secures business at I lower ratfe" of expenditure than any other Uutual Li/fl Office established in Australia within the last Thirty Years; and careful selection of lives resulted lc b remarkable . reduction of .its - yearly mortality experience, a? regards number, - amount, and pa centage on the existing Assurances. For Tables of Bates and full particolars apply at the Head Office or any et the Agencies thronghont the Colonies. WILLIAM Tl J. BELL, " ' ' "* ' Resident Secretaiy. rpHE COLONIAL MUTUAL LIFE . ASSTXEANCE BOCIST7 LIMITED. Chief Offices in New Zealand: High-street, Doiedln. ; - DIBSOIOES. ; £DWINJ. SPENOB (Dalgety and Co.), Chalrnui. W. J. M. LABNACH, C.M.0.,- EES, Hoir. GEOBGE MoLEAH, 11.1i.0L ROBERT STOtJX . . ' All profits belong to the members. Policies uncai ditional, unchallengeable, and indefeasible. " ' ' as. H. LYALL, V v.-- Secretary. Gentlemen required; to act as TRAVELLING AGENTS.' Liberal,terms to . ' ' Confectioners. CSTEAM CONFECTIONERY WORKS HO DXJBHAM-STBEET, AUCKLAND. EDWARD WATERS. -Jn thanUng the public for the liberal support extended to'him in his efforts to establish on a Am basis a New Local Industry, begs to announce for the Information of merchants and storekeepers that he has now completed all arrangements for the mannlactro of avety description of Oonfectioaeir; . . . . . The sum of money that is anaually seat out of tin .colon; for importations of . impure and deleterioaj sweatmeats Is enormous;"and the advertiser_woma respectfully caution purchasers of the norlous coslpounds which an now being extensively introduced here, from, Australia,!-and' which are exceeding iB" jurlsus" to. children's health. ~ • His own Confectionery Ir maie of tha purMt cuterials, and no poisonous colouring matter ij introduced in its mannfscture. ; Storekeepers will find it greatly to the&r adrantsgs to purchase their goods from W", as the price Is een* siderably below that at which the Wngll«b confectiosi are sold, while the 1 quality of the locally-made artius has been pronounced :allke by connoissenrs anduu public to be eminently superior to that ot the Eritisli miuiufactures.' | His'renowned CONVERSATION LOZENGES n. no recommendation, and all other descriptions nc? made at his factory an fully equal to those in qcallv and f Chemitfa',Proprietary Losenges. neally and carsJaUf .. stamped a&d prepared.; ~ - ■ Always on hand, and made to order! Loiengea,; • Comfits,'Jnjubes, . Paitlles, Medio!<J Lozenges, Genuine Black. Currant Lozenges, Ooa{B Lozenges (equal to Heating's), Conversatlna Lozesjw Peppermints, Double Extra Strong Mints, PowuWJJ Icing, end Boiled Sugars of every dtecripoos* . j,. ... Sugar Candy. \ ... All Goods Manufactured, on the Premises, and w " ' . ' best materials. Medicated Lozenges of every description alw*n <® '' hand. Wrddisg C!aee Ornaments, BOHBOSS, Somksody's Luooage, ; t&C.,7&C.„&C. : ! _ ' TBnxMOHiA£.' ProvinidalLaboratory, i - L Auckland, October M, Mr.f E. Watkhs.—Sir, —l have much plean®* »! : Informing you, that after having, made a very carew analysis of various samples of Sweetmeats m*""; : factored by yod. Ifind that they are free tnm_wadulteratlon, and that thecolourlng matters are Q°J'r innocuous. "With regard to the Chocolate, I nnj itis quiteeqnal to the best English or. Pgr parations. and being entirely fre< fromhus«» form an excellent article of diet for invalids, espeow ' those suffering from an impabad digestion.—a i the honour to oe, Sir, your obedient servant, . Jakbs M. Tosst, Pjovincial Analpfc I '.Ordert' accompanied hj'drift, or good refsW^f (vrilliecewe prompt attention. ' - —meU ! - The above goods may be had (trough any reap** l wholesalehbtue. ii , n l! N.B.—Empty packages enly allowed for .*®" 1 »* turned in'gocnl condition. F - . l ; EDWARD WATERS, . ' ■WHOLESALE..CONFECTIOSEE, I DOMASS ASD AOOttiBB.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6999, 23 April 1884, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6999, 23 April 1884, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6999, 23 April 1884, Page 6