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Sales by Auction. THIsbAY,At One a'Clock. G. W BINNEjr Will Sell, Ibis Day- at his FoiUtreat Stores, HIDES, SKINS, AND TAILOW. Atoo 40 Sack* Tasmanlan G*/snn« Baik. G. W, BINNE3T Auctioneer. JOHN LEYDON.j ' [EDWARD LBTDOH. THIS DAY At Eleven o'Clqck. TO WHOM IT MAY COHCEBN. JOHN & E. LEYDON Har» received tnsrructions from Mr. Frasar to cell, oa the,.at. Messr<. Houston and Co.'*, Blacksmiths, etc., Kiiangtbapa-road, I'EUS, left with Mr. Eraser by Mr. George Cook. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30. CITY FREEHOLD RESIDENCE (OPPOSITE T. RUSSELL'S, ESQ., SYMONDSSTREET), THE PROFERT2 OP MR. SNELL. E. & A. ISAACS Hive received instructions to sell by auction, at their Booms, Qneen-street, on Wednesday, April 30, at Twelve o'clock, ALLOTMENT OF LAND, 41 x 20, in Symonds-strset, with convenient Dwelling-honse thereon, containing six rooms, scullery.gnsfittings, gas stove, and other appurtenances, requisite for a comfortable residence: The Allotment ■ is well-drained, has a pared right-of-way at aide, and contains a neat garden, planted with a well-selected lot of trees and shrubs.- : The Auctioneers be; to call the attention of intending purchasers to the above Property, which Is a City Freehold, daily becoming more difficult to obtain. Cards to view and further particulars ca» be obtained from E. & A. ISAACS, Auctioneers. Government Land Sales. ■pUBLIC NOTIFICATION. LAND DISTRICT OF AUCKLAND. The following lands will be offered for Sale and Lease, at this Office, on MONDAY, the sth. Hay next, at the hour of £leven o'clock in the forenoon :— LEASE OP TOWN SECTIONS, ROTOEUA., HOT LAKES DISTRICT, for a term of 99 years: Block XLII., sections 1, 2, 8 9, 1 acre, npset r.'lico per annum, £21; sections 5 and 12, 2 roods, U'paet price per annum, £12. Note.—These sections are eminently adapted us site for a hotel, being situated in close proximity to the Bathing Pavilion, Hospital, and medical officer's residonce, <6c. Plans, terms of sale, and further particulars of sale can be seen and obtained at this office. LANDS FOS SALE.—Town of Hamilton Wist, sections 297 and SO3, npsst price £30 an acre ; Town of Tuakau North, sections 2, 3, 1, 333 and 331, npset price £30 per acre; Village of Te Awamutu, sections 71 and 72. npset p ice £30 per acre ; Town of Cambridge Wast, lot 178, npset price £30 an acre : Suburbs of Newcastle North, sections Uβ, 127.181,182, 189, 190, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205,206, 207. 208 ; Suburbs of Newcastle South, sections 103, 109, 318, 119, npset price £3 an acre. Hokiaaga County: Omapera Survey district, sections Ho2l, Block V.: Hangamukn Survey District, sections 3,4, 6, 6, Block VIII., npset price from 5s to 25s per acre. These sections are situated between the Waihou and Utaknra Rivers and adjoin the Okaihon Block. Hobson County : Manfcakahia Survey District, section 1, Block IX., 183 a. lr. 14p., upset price £55U 10s. This section contains valuab e kami forest. Parish of Kaiiraka : Sections 97,100,101, 102, and parts 84,90, 91, 9S, 103, and 104, npset price from 15s to 30s an acre. These ssctlons cfntain valuable kauri timber. Rodney County : Puish of Mangawai, lot 239.4 acres, npset price £4. Walheke Island : Parish of Waiheke, lots 79 to 82 and 84. to 90. 92, 9(, 95, and 97, at an npset price of from 5s to 20s per acre. Lit 84 contains 15 acres kauri bush. Waikato County: Parish of Taupiri, lots 54a, 7 acres, 65a, 3i acres, upset price £1 an acre. FOR LEASE for 2 Tears for Gnm Digging Purposes —Hokiinga County : Part Waipoua Block, 30,000 acres ; part Oikun Block, 70D acres ; part Walkoropupa Block, 4000 acres. Hobson County. Kairara Block, 25,700 acres. Bay of Idands Countv : Alangiuangina Block, 1700 acres; part Hukerenui Block (unsurveyed part), 15,000 acres. Great Barrier Island: Parishes of Aotea and Harataonga, 11,000 acres. FOR LEASE for Depasturing Purposes for 11 Years—4oo Acres of Wanganui Island, near Coromandel. Upset price per annum, £5. LEASE for 5 Tears of Right to Cut and Remove Timber from following Blocks :—Waitemata County: W»lp«pa Block, near HelensrilJe, 1973 acres. Coromandel County: Uoehau, Block IL., Section 1,980 acres. LEASE of QUARRY BBSERVE3, Eangitoto lil&nd, Sections 2, 3, and 4, containing »bcnt 10 Acres each. Upset price per Section, £10 per annum. Terms, seven years, with a right of renewal for a further period of seven yean. Maps ot tho above Lands may be seen and farther particulars obtainid on application at this office. Schedules, containing descriptions, etc., of above Lands, will be exhibited at.Railway Stations and Post-offices. D. A. TOLE, Commissioner of Crown Lands. Crown Lands Office, Auckland, 22nd March, 18S4. ' Watchmakers and Jewellers. XMPORTANT REDUCTIONS Jl ts watches, clocks, and jbwzllbby. alfbedalisy, watchmaker, and jswelleb, 2E6, QUXEX-SBBEXT. Begs" respectfully to inform his patrons and the pnbllc generally that having received large shipments of goods per ' Eexo, , ' Tβ Anan, , and ' Arawata,' con. statins of Watches, in Gold and Silver, by me moit eminent and Continental manufacturers also a large and choice stock of Gold and Silver Jewellery of the latest Oesigns, the largest stock of Clocks in New Zealand to choose from, consisting o Drawing-room Clocks in Marble, Bronze, Gilt, under glass shade, Dining-room, Bed-room and Kitchen Clocks, at all prices, and is prepared to sell FOR ONE MONTH AT PRICES that will ensure satis faction to aIL ' ' , A. A. politely invites all to inspect the nngnHl«mt stock displayed in his window. ALFRED AI/EY, "' Watchmaker, Jeweller, etc,, 256, Queen-street, Anckland. f(RYSTOLEUM PAINTING. Kj a. s. kemplay Bas much pleasure in intimating to his friends and the public in general that ha has taken Rooms for The Sale or and Ixsmccnos rs CRYSTOLEUM PAINTING, Being the NEW PROCESS OF PAISTING IN OIL?, By means of which KSTISB NOVICES IK THB ABT Are enabled to PBODUOK HIGHLIZVFmiSHKD PORTRAITS, LANDSCAPES, FIGURE AND FLOWER PIECES, And PICTURES ON ALL SUBJECTS, And IN ANY SIZE. All information retarding cost of materials and terms for instruction may be obtained on application at the Studio, GOODSON'S ARCADE (First Floor), Qn EEN-srK»ET. N.B.—Sneceis guaranteed to~ every pnpil instructed. UB E INDIAN TEA! DIRECT FROM THE KALABAREE AND NCCSiLBAREE TEA GARDENS. IN THB DARJEELING DISTRICT, INDIA. The Proprietors of these Gardens, after paying New Zealand a visit, have authorised me to otter to the Pnbllc of Anckland, a small lot of their Teas, made up expressly for this market, In 5, 7, 10, and 20 lb. boxes for Families, Settlers, and Storekeeper!, and at prices to suit all, and they confidently recommend it as an economical and Pure Tea, sure to make Its way on its own merits after a fair and impartial trial, its very purity being a slight drawback at the first, ai the pnbllc palate—long accustomed to China tea, which is always.scented, and very often adulterated—objects to the strong flavour of the Pure Indian, but in the majority of cases a short trial confirms its intrinsic value end establishes its superiority and general consumption. Having myself tettlwi in this colony, after a very long experience in India, I am naturally anxious to help the introduction of what I full well know to be a snporior Tea to the China, which In the near future it is sure to supplant—" the latest English market reports confirms this "—besides ultimately leading to a direct trade with India, the beneficial effects of which will be felt by the whole) colony; At present these Teas can be procured on application to myself at Bemuera, or car* of Ueisra. Craickshank and Co.; from Mr. R. 3. Carter, EUendle: and at Mr. Steadman'a 163, Queen-street, where I will make arrangemeata for sale in one pound packets, at the same time recommending the original packages in preference. Should- th» sale be successful I will guarantee a constant supply of . all .dvees of T Pfll*n Tea , , and make airaniementa for a retail store in a central position at presmt unattainable. ■ • - J. W. HEBROLD.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6998, 22 April 1884, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6998, 22 April 1884, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6998, 22 April 1884, Page 8