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' Confectioners* STEAM CONFECTIONERY WORKS DUBHAM-STREET, : AUCKLAND. EDWARD WATERS." In thinking the public "for" the liberal support extended to Ua In his effort* to establish on a firm basis a New Local Industry/begs to announce for the Information of merchants and atqrekeepenthathe has now completed all arrangement* for the manufacture of every description of Confectionery. ■„•. -«■■ . ■, • • Th» sum" of money that is annually sent but of the colony for importations of impure and deleterious sweetmeats is enormous, and the advertiser would respectfully caution pnrc&aaers; of- the noxione-oom- ■ poonds' which are now being extensively introduced " here from Australia,, and which are exceeding injurious to children's health. " . His own Confectionery, is made of the purest materials, and no poisonous colouring nutter Is Intro* dnced in its manufacture.■ .-..-, •. Storekeepers will find it greatly to their advantage to purchase their goods from him, as the price is con- - siderably below that at which the English confections' * are sold, while the .quality of the locaUy-made article, has been pronounced alike by connoisseur* and the public to be eminently superior to that of the British - manufactures. " ■ ■ _~ ■ " ~' ■ His renowned CONVERSATION LOZENGES need - no recommendation, and all other descriptions now made at his'factory are fully equal to those In quality - Chemlsts' Proprietary lozenges, neatly ana caiefaQx stamped and prepared. Always on hand, and made to order ! . Xorenges, Gomflts, Jujubes, PasHles, Medicated Lozenges, Genuine Black Currant Lozenges, Cough Lozenges (equal to Kcatinr's). Conversation Lozadges, Peppermints, Double Extra StroDg Mints, Powdered, - Icing, and Boiled Bugai-s of every description. Sugar Candy. - All Goods Manufactured on the Premises, and of the best materials. Medicated Lozenges of'every description always eo hand. Just Arrived," WiDOsro Cake Omumares, BonbOHs, ' ■ SoILEBODY'e LuaOAQE, [it, &&, &c. I" ' Tesiihokiai,' ". i Provincial Laboratory, Auckland, October 26,1875. ' Mr.' E. WAIEBS.—Sir,—I have much pleasare IB Informing you that after having made a very caraf ol ■ analysis of various samples of Sweetmeats manufactured by yon, I find that they are free from all adulteration, and that the colouring matters are quite innocuous. With regard to the Chocolate, I find that it is quite equal to the best English or French preparations, and being entirely free from husk, it will ■ form an excellent article of diet for invalids, especially those suffering from an Impaired digestion.—l have the honour to be, Sir, your obedient servant, : James M. Tuxky, Provincial Analyst. Orders, accompanied by draft or good teferencej ■ will receive prompt attention. ■ The above goods may be had through any respect- - able wholesale house. . ~ ~. . N.B Empty packages only allowed for when re turned in good condition. EDWARD WATEES, WHOLESALE CONFECTIONEB, Durham and Qctekn-stkeets, Auckland. Conveyances. T>,OTORUA VIA WAIKATO. Tourists for Kotorna will do well to. take the Waikato route, being eqnally cheap as'the other, and saving the unpleasant sea voyage to Tauranga. Leave Auckland by 8.20 train; arrive Hamilton 2.10 p.m. Stay, all night, or drive samo: afternoon to Cambridge, starting again nest morning at 7 o'clock, in covered or open trap, for Ghlnemntu, arriving there —say, 5 p.m. same day. Spend next day right-seeing at Ohinemutu and going to Walroa, visiting. Whaka rewarewa en route.' Next day " do" Botomahana and back to Ohinemutu, returning following day. to Cambridge and Hamilton, taking train then for and arriving at Auckland afternoon of filth day. •_ ■ ■; _■ rr i . Betum Fares (including railway, Ist class)—Anckandto Walroa and back, £5 ISa 6d for a party of •four or more. Special arrangements for a less number. Orders by letter or telegram addressed C. E. JOHN i STONE, Coach Proprietor, Hamilton, «rtU receive prompt attention. •' Gwynne's or Hatty's Hotel, Hamilton, March 7. TELEGRAPH LINE OE MAIL COACHES BETWEEN TAUBANGA AND OHZNEMUTU, VIA TE PUKE AND OEOPI BUSH; AND TO WATBBFOBD, KATIKATI. - ' LIVERY AND BAIT STABLES DEVOHPOHP BOAT), TAUBANGA. The Mall Coach leaves Tauranga every Tuesday.' Thursday, and Saturday for Ohinemutu; returning: t every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Fare to Ohinemutu (each way), £1. The Mail Coach leaves Tauranga for Watarford, KatlVati, every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday mornings at 6 o'clock returning every Monday, Wedneaday,andFriday, atßp.ra. Fare to WaUrford, 7s 6d. Return, 12s 8d The Mall Coach leaves for Te Puke every Tuesday Thursday, and Saturday, at 8 a.m.; returning every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. ■ ' :. ■'. .; Fare each way, 7s 6d; Return, 12s 6d. ,' ■ Coach Fares and Carriage on Parcels payable la advance, . . ; All care taken but no responsibility. Telegrams will receive prompt attention. E. BO BESTS ON. PBoraatOß," ~ <' Devenport Road; Tannines. TOTEWTON AND PONSONBY 131 . . OMNIBUSES. ETEKT FIFTEEN MINUTES from 8 a.m, to 7 p.a WEST END 'BUS COMPANY, Propbhto&V.. Office: 210, Queen-street. TIMS TABLE. VIANBWTON— Z~ From the Unloa Bank, from 8 a,m, to 7 p,m,| e| the hour and half-hour. VIA FREEMAN'S BAY— From Union Bank, from 9.15 a.m. to 6.15 p.m. the qnarter to and qutrtar put. HOME BAY 'BUBES— From Union Bank, via Victoria-street and-Col lege 80ad—9.60,10<63, 1L63, 1.63, 2.63,8.68 4.53, 6.53, - From Home Bay to TJnion Bank—B.46, 10.40 " 11.20, ia2o, 2.20,8.20,4.20, WIGHT 'BUSES— , 8, 9, and 10 p.m.; Saturday, 8, 9,9J5,10,10.15 W GROWTHEB TV* VIOTOBIA LIVERY* BAIT STABLB3. corner of Lorna and Wellesley streets. Patronised and appointed Livery Stable-keeper to H.E.H. the Dnke of Edinburgh and His Exotb lency Sir G. F. Bowen. - , For Hire—A great variety of Carriages,- open anS close; Broughams and Wedding Carriages, with bar horses; Buraics, singlo and double-seated, hooded" and open; single or pair of Horses; Four-wheeled Dog-carts; Breaks for picnis parties; Covered Coo veyancee for driving passengers to out-districU Ladles' and Gentlemen's Saddle Horses, Ac &C. Charges Hodorat*. - TjlOR THE HOT SPEINQS. A Royal Mill Coach Trill leave Devonport (or Waiwere every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, on arrival of the 9 a.m. Boat from Auckland, calling at local Creeki Dairy Flat, Wade, Orewa, arriving at Walwera, at half-past 8 p.m., and returns from Waiwera every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at half-psst 8 a.m. arriving at Devonport at half-past 2 p.m. Fares to Walwera: Single, 10s; Return, 15s. J A ME S D OD D, PBOPRIBTOB HOLLIS AND CO.'S- LINE Off COACHES. Leaves Onehunga. Leaves Atickland. . Wanukau Hotel. Greyhound Hotel, 8 o.m. ■ 9.45 a.m. 8.30 a.m. 10.30 a.m. 9 a.m. n . 11a.m. - 9.45 a.m. ji»J 12.15 p.m. ■- 10.30 a.m. ." o 1 p.m. 11.15 a.m. Sg= 2 p.m. 12.16 p.m. igjgg 2.45 p.m. Ip.m. o _t» 3.15 p.m. 1.30 p.m. "Sgg 4 p.m. '■ 2.30 p.m. a-S n 4.30 p.m. 3 p.m.. BiS 6 p.m. 4 p.m. ' 6 p.m. 5.30 pm 7 p.m. Saturday:; Saturday I] 6 p.m. 10 p.m. 6.50 p.m. .".: ' ■ 11 p.m. Monday, 6 p.m. Monday, 11 p.m. Sunday : Sunday : S.3oa.mJ • 10 a.m. - - ; " •' 12 noon. 2 p.m. 4.30 p.m. , 6 P-nv : .':,-!■,-"• Coaches for special trips, Buggies, - Breaks, , and Saddle Hones for Hire, at Manakau Stables, Lonec Quecn-itreet, Onehunga, . . HOLLIB & CO., . • . . Proprietors. mELKGRAPH LINE OF COACHES. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO TOURISTS AND , " OTHEBS. :" W. K. CASTER begs to announce that on and afieo TUESDAY, 29th January, 1884. he will run a Coach to the Hot Lakes, Ohinemutu-(conveying passongera and parcels), loaving Cambridge on Tuesdays and Thursdays, at 7 a.m.. returning from the. Lakes on Wednesdays and Fridays at 7 a.m. ~.-„,, Single Fares, £115s; or, return tickets, £S. All pasaeagers to be bookod at the Offlee before Saddle Horses and . Buggies, with experienced drivers,-on the shortest notice. Order* fty telegram OS letter promptly attended to. ' ' -iCambridge, 23rd January, 1884. • PHILLIPS , PIONEER COACH To PAEBOA and BACK DAILY, Carrying Passengen and Parcels at Reduced Bates. The Ooaoh leaves the Bank of New Zealand, Thames; Every Morning at 8.30 c Tj> ALEX PHIXLIFe.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6998, 22 April 1884, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 7 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6998, 22 April 1884, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 7 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6998, 22 April 1884, Page 7