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| insurance Companies fJIHE - COLONIAL MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE SOCTET? LIMITED. | Chief Office] In New Zealand: High-street, Snnedla. DraEcxona. EDWIN J. SPENCE(DaIgety and Co.), Chairman. W. J. M. LABNACH, C.H.0., M-H.E. ' - Hps. GEORGE MoLEAN, M.L.C. , edbzet stooij : 1 AH profits belong to the members. ' Policies uncon dltlonst unchallengeable, and Indefeasible. H. S. H. LYALL, - Secretary. ; Gentlemen required to act as TRAVELLING AGENTS. Liberal terms to capable men. s™ FIEE omCB, . . LONDON Insurances' effected upon almost every description of Property a* the Current Bates of Premiums. Total. sum Insured. 1881 -££91,300,000. Claims arranged ÜberaSty 0 Bn< ' P®ld with promptitude; sol " . Q. W. BINNET, Agent, Qnecn-streot. : \TOBIEBEN ASSUKANOB JJI COMPANY. Capital, 000,0001 STATEMENT SHEWING THE PROGRESS OS {EBB NORTHERN ASSURANCE COMPANY Slnca Its establishment In 1838 to the present tSm> . ; 1878). ----- - T Net Fire "Net Ufa E fJ?£! le Revenue. Revenue. jjJtSest 1838 . S&loo 1833 1,000 000 2,500 1811 8,200 < 9,800 2, <00 63,900 IoM 4,000 14,000 4,000 95,600 1847 6,800 18,200 . 6,900 184,600 1860 7,000 28,000 6,600 102,800 1853 22,800 37,400 8,600 225,800 1856 68,400 66,560 18,200 812,600 1859 100,300 62,600 18,600 453,600 \ 1862 127,900 75,300 24,200 £92,400 1886 163,900 87,400 84,700 802,709 IS6B • 182,600 113,700 41,100 940,900 IS7I 236,400 119,900 E7.700 1,241,600 1874 813,300 133,000 78,400 1,778,100 1877 403,700 157,699 , 2,215,800 LIFE DEPARTMENT. It is wose than useleess to possess a Life Policy ant less there Is the certainty that the sum assured willbt paid at death. A man may for years trust to It as tha rapport of his family, and ultimately find that It Is ot • no value. The sums assured by the "NORTHERN".' are guaranteed by the Shareholders capital of Throa Millions Sterling, and by its Accumulated Funds, all > safely invested, amounting already (December, 1577) to more than Two Million Two Hunched Thousand Poxnn>s, and continually increasing. * In the Participation Branch, the whole of tb ascertained susf iius at each valuation belongs to the Assured. The undersigned. Agent for the above Company, prepared to accept Bisks against Fire on Buildings anfi Contents in the City and Province of fAuckland, at tha LOWEST CURREN T RATES. THOMAS MAOKY. Fort-street, March 19.1879. Mutual life association op AUSTBALASIA—E STAB lis HUD, ISS9. Incorporated by Act of Farriament. Head Office for New Zealand : 81, QUEEN-STREET, AUCKLAND. Dibectoks : _ Arthur Heather, Esq., A. G. Horton, Esq, Medical Offiokr: , • T. B. Kenderdine, Esq., M.R.C.S.,England. ' ~ , Bankers : The Bank of New Zealand. SoiiiciTons: . Messrs. Whi taker Russell, and Buddie. Principal Office: Sydney, N.S.W. Branch Offices also at Brisbane, Melbourne, and Adelaide^ BONUS YEA E, 1884. POLICIES effected before 30th June, 18S4,wiU participate in the - - DIVISION OP PROFITS which will be made as at that date. At the last Investigation, riz,, 30th Jane, ..1879, ft urplnaaf £11*000 was shown, out of Funds amounting to £112,746. by an absolutely puro Premium Valuation. At the close of present Quinquennium it may be confidently expected the v - • INVESTED FUNDS WILL EXCEED £360,000/ * Xhe Association's Policies are Indefeasible from date of issue, and Non-forfcitable while Surrender value lasts. Its Conservative Management secures business at a lower rate of expenditure, than any other Mutual Life Office established in Australia within the last Thirty Years; and carefal selection of lives has resulted in a remarkable reduction of its yearly mortality experience, as regards number, amount, and per rm ihft flrUMyig Ammr^-p^y, For Tables of Bates and fall particulars apply at the Head Office or any of the Agencies throughout the Colonies. "WTLTiTAW T. J. BffLL, * ReMdent Secretary. Confectioners. STEAM CONFECTIONERY WORKS DURHAM-STREET, AUCKLAND. EDWARD WATERS. In thanking the public for the liberal support ex* tended to htm in his efforts to establish on a firm basis a New Local Industry, begs to announce for the information of merchants and storekeepers that he has now completed all arrangements for the manufacture of every description of Confectionery.-' • 'The sum of money that is annually sent out of the colony for importations of impure and .deleterious swaetmeais is enormous, and' the advertiser would respectfully cautiou purchasers of the noxious compounds which are .now being extensively introduced here from Australia, and which'are exceeding in* children's health. His own Confectionery is made of the purest materials, and no poisonous colouring matter is introduced in its manufacture. Storekeepers will find it greatly to their advantage to pnrchase their goods from"him,'as the price is con* siderabty below that at which the English confections* are sold, while the quality of the locally-made article has been pronounced alike by connoisseurs and the public tohe eminently superior to that of the British manufactures. • His renowned CONVERSATION LOZENGES need no recommendation, and all other descriptions now made at his factory are fully to those in quality and flnlab: : Chomists 1 Proprietary Lozenges, neatly and carefully stamped and prepared. Always on hand, and made to order! Lozenges, Comfits, \ Jujubes, Pastiles, Medic&Ud Lozenges, Genuine Black Currant .Lozenges, Cough Lozenges (equal to Keating's), Conversation Loz&ages, Peppermints, Double Extra Strong Mints, Powdered, Icing, and Boiled Sugars of every description* * Sugar Candy. All Goods Manufactured on.the Premises, and of the best materials. Medicated Lozenges of every -description always on hand. Just Arrived, . "* VT, Wedding Cake Ornaments, Bonbons, Somebody's Luggage, t&c., &c. s &o. Testimonial Provincial Laboratory, Auckland, October 26,1875. Mr.'E. Waters.—Sir, —l have much pleasure in Informing you that after having made a very careful analysis of various samples of Sweetmeats .manu. factured by you, l find that they are free from all adulteration, and that the colouring matters are quite innocuous. With regard to the Chocolate, I find that it is quite equal to the ■ best English or French pre* parations. and being entirely free from husk, it will form an excellent article of diet for invalids, especially those suffering from an impaired digestion.—l have the honour to oc, Sir, your obedient servant, Jahes H. Tunny, Provincial Analyst. Orders, accompanied by draft or good reference! will receive prompt attention. The above goods may bo had through any respect* able wholesale house. . N.B.—E&ipty packages only allowed for when re turned in good condition. EDWARD WATERS,' WHOLESALE CONFECTIONEB, Durham and Queen-streets; Auckland. Commission Agents. -fIfiDWARD J^EYNOLDS, COMMISSION AGENT AND GUM ; MERCHANT, ' No, 1, ALBERT-STREET. Opposite Dock, Auckland. j Highest Cash Price given for Kauri Gum, and eg mittaqces forwarded on day of receipt* W. "V:. S T E v B N s ' .. LAND AND FINANCIAL AGENT, • , HIOH'STSEET CHAMBBBS. f(HAELES T O T H 1 L I LAND AND COMMISSION AGENT, • JVHANGABEL • ' ' TTTf L. PRIME, House and Land Agent, JD 'O Office: No. 25.- Insurance.CoapanyVSuild* ng, Qaeen-Btrceu '

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6997, 21 April 1884, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6997, 21 April 1884, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6997, 21 April 1884, Page 7