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Honses antl Land.- »' SALE. BY ORDER OF THE ) bxecotobs of the LATE W. p. GOBDON EVERSLEY FARM, adjoining the Hunaa Baiiway-stiiion, ccntiialng_3oo Acres ol excellent Land, fenced and subdivided in-o mddocfcs, and in grass, with large dwelling-house and numerous outbuildings suitable fcr * daiiy or milk ..walls. I'.'AppJy to, ' •••-••-' *•"- 'I. 1 " • * W. AITKEN, Land Agent. rtITY A L L O T M E NT, FOR SALE OR LEASE, ' - 100 feet frontage to Darby-street. Apply to V. AHKE2S* Land Agent. R, "• Tha undersigned has authority to sail * "Valuable Freehold Hotel Property. in the - important rising. towsship of K'liitihi, and the price moderate. All information can be given aboul the business done, acd sitiffactory reason lor the pies sot proprietor wishing tc ietire. Half purchase mcnev can remain on mortgage. CaU early on EDWABD LS^ls 5c CO., 67, Queen-street. F O R S A L E, First-class Qnarter-acro Enildin; Allotments, adjoining the Orphan Home, Parnell: alio in Conquest Place and Strangers' Folly, ParnelL All these Allotments aro beautifully situated, within easy distance of town. Terms easy. Apply to £• BAENAfiD, Shortland-street, K"ext door to Messrs. Brown, Campbell &Co * TtTF. Undersigned, about to leave the Provinca NOW OFFERS FOE SALE, On reasonable terms, SOME ALLOTMENTS in MOUNT BOSKTT.T. ROAD, Sot .Equalled in Mount Eden District. Apply S. !EVE*SOi, ** Valley Road; Or. EDW. WATTE, 5, Mercantile Chambers. FOR SAL E—A Farm within six miles of Kawakawa, Bay of Islands, con talcing SS6 acres, fenced and anbdivided, and well i 8-roomed Mouse, Stables, ctc.—apply to J, M. end J. Mowbray, Land Agents. Fort-street. FOR a ALE—IBO acre Farm, at £2 per aero, thirty miles north of Auckland, with six- | roomed Dwelling, Garden, Orchard, and other condesirable improvements. —Apply W.McKinitry, £»o. 8, Qaccn-street. Agent. • FOR SALE, at Devoaport (near Cheltenham Beach)— Sixty-foot Allotments, 40s per foot; also, Allotments fronting Domain, 30s per foot, conditional on srood honrass being bolls.—Apply, Alfred Cox. Lir.d Ajent, Mercantile Chambers; or Joseph Booth. Devonport. Photography. CLARKE BROTHER 3' (ItiLTS CB'OXBIB'S) BOYAL FINE ART PHOTOGRAPHIC GALLERIES, Qoees-stkeet. Aucklaxd, Opposite the Union Bank. Fint-claas Portraits from O. V, T. to Ufa Sisa, at Moderate Prices. Childran*s Portraits taken instantaneously. J> H O T O GRAPHIC " § "" Have just received a large and varied stock of Cameras, also many Photographic novelties quite new to New Zealand. CHEIiRY FABRIC, for dark»rocni windot7s,2s per yard. 1 Fry's Dry Plates, at Maker's prices, by the gross. A dark room for the use of tourists free of charge. Sole Agents in New Zealand for Seavey's Back grounds and Accessories. . Medical. R, TYND ALL, SURGEON DENTIST, Tire years azriztant to Mr. Plamlay), Begs once more to present the Auckland public with hliUsiofpzieea^ Gold Uppsr and Lover « £16 Celluloid „ «• £10 Vulcanite from — £fi Silver ' 9 from — £8 Dental Alloy » only «. £10 Single Tooth, from 61. , Eepadrhxg In Vulcanite, frcia 70s. 1 ' \ \j debility* exhausted 5 N *i-- F* _• - • power*, prematura decay » - yyv and f&iltiro to perform life'* * do tses properly are caused by j\ V\ excesses, errors of yonih, etc., I \ • -A:/a: LJ will iisd & pcrfeet aad lasting 7/#K restcrcticn to robtwt kealth end vlseroai maxkood ia FrJARSTON BOLUS. stomach dragon? nor Thistreatxaeatof ' €rT °ni Bebllltr and Is niy«ie»lJ>eeayisn2uior=a\y successful becane© based on perfect diagnosis, nevy and direct xaethods and abrolnte thoroaghnepf . Fell iaforzsation azsd Treacso free. Address Consulting Physician of WARSTON REMEDY CO., R. f Sydssy

DR. BRIGHT'S PHOSPHODYNE is the Safest and only Reliable Preparation of Phosparous. Thoroughly re-establishes health. DR. BRIGHT'S PHOSPHODYNE is the only Reliable lUmedy for Xerroamesi, Debility, Lassitude, Indigestion, Liver Complaints. Female Complaints, Pimples, Deprestioa. Premature decline, and all Functional Deranpemcßt*. DR. BRIGHT'S PHOSPHODYNE enriches the Blood, strengthens the Nerves and Masculir System, animates the Spirits and Xental Faculties, promotes Appetite, and. improTes Digestion. DR. BRIGHT'S PHOSPHODYNE Is patronisod fcy the Aristocracy, and the mite, extensively used in the Army and -Navy, and highly recommended by the leading: Medical Practitioners. Da. BRIGHT'S PHOSPHODYNB is to.d by all chemists throughout the Globe, in cases at 10s 6d. Caution.—Beware of Cheap Worthless Imitations beaxjag similar names. -.Acants forNew Zealand, Kempiborne Prosser a»d Co., Dunedin, Auckland, Christchurcb, and Wellington.


I3U»urity up the Blood.— Unless the blood be * kept ill a pure state the constitu"ion'must be weakened and disc&sc supervene. These *• >uiier'ul Pills possess the power of removing or neutn-iriug all contaminations of thebloodandsystemgeßorally. Thcyquietly, but certainly, overcome all obstructions Spaaing to produce ill health, and institu:* regular action to. organs that are faulty from imtJ.:ion c<r debility. The dyspeptic, weak, and nervous any rel r on these Pills as their best friend and comforter, as they act upon the main springs of life, and thus save thousands from a premature grave. Complaints op WoKKJf axd Children.—The VW7 mild and painless action of thos s tavaluable Pills re { commends them to every household as a remedy' or the first departure from health. Any mother, nurse or young person guided by the directions which ae omcany each box of Holloway's Pills has at one va liable means of checking disease, purifying the blood, and expelling from the system all gross humours. They are indeed, at all ages, the female's tried friend. Disorders of the Liver with Flatulency ani> Indigestiox.—Lots of appetite and flatulency are usually the forerunners of stomachic disease. These fainon? Pills cxercise the most s ilutary power on ali affcctions of the liver, and all r irregularities of the stomach and bovrels; they restcre a healthy function to every internal organ, overcome all obstructions and i cast out all impurities. - i Weak Stomachs Impaired Digestiox.—The wisest cannot enumerate one tithe of the distressing symptoms'arising from enfeebled digestion, all of which re ay be readily dispelled by these admirable Pills, as they rouse the stomach, liver, and every other organ of digestion to that healthy tone which fully enables them to convert all food and drink to the nourishment of the body—hence these Pills aro the purest strengthened, and the safest restorative! in nervousness, wasting, and chronic debilitv. Oouchs, Colds, Influenzaaxd Sore Throats.— For caring diseases of the throafr, chcst, and lungs j these Pills have established for themsolvcs a pre' eminently world-wide fame, as they purify the blood and regulate its circulation. Coughs, common colds, Influenza, bronchitis, asthma, pleurisy, inflammation of the lungs, and even consumption in its early stages, are successfully treated with this medicine, parti cularly if Holloway's Ointment bo well rubbed upon the chest and back night and morning. Holloway's Pills arc the best remedy known in the 'world for the following diseases:— Ague Gout .Stone and Gravel Asthma Headache Secondary SympBUious Com- Indigestion ) toms plaints Liver complaints Tic-Doloureui Blotches on the Lumbago Ulcers Skin Piles Venereal : Affeo Bowel complaints Rheumatism tions Debility Retention of Worms of ' all Dropsy Urine kinds Female Irregu- Scrofula or King's Weakness, fro*" larltios Evil whatevercause Fevers of all kinds Sore Throats &c., &c. The Pills and Ointment are sold, at Professor Holloway's Establishment, 633, Oxford-street, London, also by nearly eveir respectable Vendor of 2£edl» cine throughout the civilised world, in Boxes and Pots at Is lid, 2s od, 4s 64, lis, 225, *91.338 each. . Each Pot and Box of the Genuine Jedldnes bear the British Government Stamp, with the. words,. ■ Hollows/ a Pills and Ointment, London," engraved thereon. : On the. label Is the address, 633, Oxford-street Londen, -where alone they are manufactured. Beware of all compounds styled Holloway's Fills and Ointment with a •• New York" label

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6997, 21 April 1884, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6997, 21 April 1884, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6997, 21 April 1884, Page 2