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V»h JFjtcb, tivfljiy.—Auckland 10.60—11.9 i • ' . . ,a • . • Manuisu 2.30— 2.(19 . .v- ... tooK—1UMK«I0; setfcs<oV.. EtOOH.—Flnt quarter, April S, 3.54 a.m. t /' ABBIVALS. Wait&ki, B.s, t 412, Crawford, from Whangs.'»L -.Passengers—Mesdames . McGinn, , Jacoos, . 'Wallace, RiCarrut'n, Carruth and five chi!dron s : Crawford,"Wilson, Oair;i», Miasea Scott, Downs,j Mather, .Thomson, Wilson, Meisra. HolmaD* W.' Taylor, Burke, Coobo,' Fidler, McLeod, Peroival,Butler (2), and Rev. Brooke ; three in. ] thi> steerage.—Kamo Goal Co.. agents.Fleetwlng, schooner, 54, Conch, from' Fiji,'! vi£ Botumab.—M. Nicool, agent. • • Opotiki, ketoh, 34/ F. Bust, from Opotild.—' Master, agents : Saucy. Kate, schooner, 41, Lewis, from Rui•oll.—Matter, agont. Be ward, sahooner, 40, McDonald, from Miuigonui.—Master, agent. • ; CLEARED OUTWARDS. Medora, aohooner, 23, Subritzky, for Awa®uii—Master, agents City'of~ Sydney, K;M. s.s., 3000, Dearborn, for San' Francisco. Passengers: Captain Field, wife, family,, and servant, Messrs. T. Mahoney, J. P.Lumtay, James To bin/Mr. C. Lairaon and •wife, Meisrs. D. Ryan, M. Bodgers, J. Clark, J. FXitoher, Captain Toulogue, ftletars. Pincer, J. p. Cardnell, Air. and Mrs. Hardy, Messrs. J. Fenlott, H. Turner, J. Mervial, Mr. and Mrs. Fell, Captain Soheldham and wifo, Mr. J. W. Eobertson and wifo, Messrs. H. Hayhurst,' Webb,' R. V.' Day, J. Campboll, Crouch, Stevorison, and Walters.—T. T. Gamble, •gent. 1 <";■ ' Maogregor, *.s., Johnson, for WhangareL—' Northern S.S. Co., agents. Reward, • sahooner, 40, MeDonald, for .Max-, gonui.—Master, agent; . ,* ,_Tarawero, s.s., 2093, Sinclair, for Sydney, via Rasa ell. Passengers Mr. and Mrs. Lennon, and Misses Lennon (2), Mr. and Mrs. £end#ll," Mr. nnd Mrs. Morley, Hon. and Mrs. Ivo BHgh, Messrs., "Hughes, George, Thomas,, Longdern; ! Consini>, ; Lorimor,- Sir. and Mrs.. Boger»,"M«adame.v Campbell, Morrison, Nor-' Woeel,< r 'Hay. Honeyman, Brown and family (2)i Mines' -Norwood, Johnson (2), Bloomfield, Messes.'. l 'Morrison, Holdsbip, Hay, Campbsll,; - Carr, McMillan, Walker, Holmes, Thompson, "Watt, MrWilliams, Skidmore, Tawhiao, Te W'heoro, Toj'a. Te Tuhi, and ten in the steerage and 22 througn- passengers from.Southern ports. —TXmori S.'S. Co., agents. ' • . Fotest'i Queen, ketch, 51, B. Owens, for - Townsrille, via Mercury Bay.—Master, ageat, • ' . ; DEPARTURES. ' , Tarawera, sis., for Sydney, via Russell. . City;of 3ydnoy, R.M. s.s.', for Sari Franoisco, - M&cgregdr, s.s., for Whangarei. . ZSPEOTED ARRIVALS. 3AN FIUNCISCO : • Australia, B.M, s.s., April 6. KOKDOK : -S. Thomas Russell, s.s., sailed Deo. 28, J.O.L.v. . . British Sing, s.s.', sailed March 15. - . - Rangitikei, ship, sailed December 19, VNKP. . I . Alastor, barquo, sailed January 3, vitgf, : Deva, barque, nailed January 21, K3TD. - Crusader, ship, sailed February 6, ; 'Glance; barque, loading. Loira; barque,'-loading. ; ■ GJanrosa, ship, loading. | BTJtw *OKK : ' Rebecca Crowell, barque, sailed December ( 11; (and for Wellington). —Qlaribel, barque, via Wellington, sailed January 22, whsk. HOBABT: . Loongana, barque, early. rwi: . . , - schooner, via Botumab, sailed . . • February 27. SEWCA3TI.E : : ,] ~ Naiad, brig, early. ' Pear lets, brigantine, early. ■ "i .'Nightingale, brigantine, sailed Match 22.DuitilDlN': , " CamiUe, brigantlno, early. IYTEELTOX : ' ; Endeavour,' sahooner, sailed April I,' ' J PROJBOTEDDEPAKTCTBES, 1 STDNET : ■ ' '. Australia, B.M. S.S.', April S.I.OSDON:- ' 'l Loch BredaD, barque, loading. LYTT&LTON : -• i : 1 Bangitikei, ship, early. . NAMES:."', . : - . . /., .. . . Northumberland, ship, early. • - : ■THE UNION S.S. COMPANY. - , The following arc the movements of the kteomsbips of the above oompany for the pre■ent wcojc :— Tpobsbat.—The . Botomahana leaves for ' . Soatharn porta and. Melbourne at noon. : - imports. - Per aoliobner Fle6twing, from Kotwnah :36 ] Cons copra. -■ ' . i ' . EXPORTS. • -. . . . i • Per B.M. s.s. City of Sydney, for San Francisco: 326 saoka potatoes, 30 bead cattle, 3 cases kauri gum, and 41 pacltages aun'drieß.' .. ' Per s.s. Tarawera'," for; Sydney : 609 sacks ■ inaize, 1 bag coffee, 162 doors. 3 bales paper, 3 baßkets r .fiah,. 29 kegs suet, 43 xnckages vegetables, n l4O barrels boof, 429 kegs butter, jj.2 sacks 25 gunnies sugar, and 91 packages sundries arid through caTgo from Southern ports. Per ketch 'Fairy Queen, for Townsville/ To ba ahipped at Mercury Bay: 45,000 feet "timber; ItrwAEBS Coastwise.--Agnes Martin, ketch, from Thames ; Norab, barge, from Cabbage Bay, Tith 30,000 feet timber ; Coralie, cutter, from Mercury Bay,.with 2S,OOO.fest-timber; Beward, schooner, - Mangonul, with 29,800 feet timbes.l. ~ . ■ • . odtwabx)3,. Coastwise.—Coralie, cutter, for WhangiiroiMercury,' cutter, for Tairua ; Norah, barge, for Cabbage Bay; Ocean, schooner, -for Mercury Bay; Waitem'ata, barge, for Whangapoua. !Thb lcetoh Foreat Qaeen, which has been lying'.in -harbour during "the last few months, cleared.outwards at,'the Customs yesterday, for Mercury Bay. . At that . port she is to load timber for.Townsville. The ketch has been purchased by, Mr. Owen SeUy, of Sydney. c; \ The ' s.s, Tarawem took her., departure for Sydneyi irit Buuell las ft night, with, a fall completnent *of pasiongora. A large of persons "were on the- wharf to seo the 'vasssel away. the attraction being " King " Tiwhia'o and party, who were passengers by her en route for'-England. ■ With this departure of the Tarawera'tho weekly service to Sydney ceases. The' Tarawera goes from Sydney .to Newcastle, and thence ,011 to Wellington direct. ,; . The Bingarqoma on her next trip from Sydney will proceed on Southland will be met by .the Tarawera. at either liyttelton oh Donedin,. where 'tEB transhipmeiit of passengers, etc . will take place, and the jitter- steamer will then.proceed on to .Melbourne. The. next steamer from here'to Ta An an, leaving here on' "^ %The follow.wlll leave on,.the rnext Tuesday fortnight after the.Te Anau, and then .every alternate Tuesday .after-: wards one. or .other of the Union, steamers will; • go from here to. Sydney. " .The'*s,s. Coromandel is to leaya .here.for. Coircimandel at 2 plm. instead" of noon, as previously announced. Y V ' The brigantine Ada O.' Owen ii expected to get 'away for' jEtarotoriga about Saturday next. She is .'sow' alongaidia the Queen-street Wharf' takirig-in cargo. ' ; -The ketch Opotiki,- from Opotiki, brings a cirgo !of 284 sacks maize, 71 tacks potatoes, 19 4 casks tallow, 35 hides, 156. sheep--skins, 52 pigs.: Fine weather prevailed on the passage up. ; The.' sghooner Saucy Kate, . from Bussell, reached oorty early, yesterday morning, with a cargo of 60 tons coal. ... ~Thp ».s.',City of Sydney took her. departore.' for Honolulu and San Franoisco at abotit yesterday.' Upon tho present trip sh's she is well patronised by passengers,' all ] her berthing'space being filled. ' . 1 Tho r schooner -Fleetwing,- from : Fiji,' via ' ■ Botumab;' arrivod in harbour shortly, after mid-day -yesterday with a' cargo of oopca from thiaj.lattei: iplaoe.. .The.schooner has bean some two j.and ja-half months absent from this - port, that time Captain Oouch has,mot with some very severe weather, the, particulars • of "which' we published some time back. , The Bohooner, b»weVer, comes into . port' without shdTring'atjy' signs of her recent buffetlnge, a fict that reflects very -much. upon .the care taken of the vessel by Captain Couch. Tho schooner han.besn eighteen days in making the posnage from Botumah—tantalising head and l(ibfe ' Win2s iprevaUing throaghout the'passage. The ;schooner is to tranship her:cargo into the barqae.Loob Bredan, for.London, ;. The-.faot ; o'f the steamshifis, City of Sydney,,., Rotoiiiahana, , Tarawera, Penguin, ship Northumberland, - and barques Loch Bredan aad.Notero, and,other vessels,, all being busily engaged it either takinjg in or putting out cargo" at the.'.Quean-street Wharf yesterday,'had the eSeoV of making business "pretty briak on that wharf, "arid foot passengers had to keep their " weather eyo open" to -avoid collision with tho ' : numerous carta and : trucks ' constantly niovine to'and fro.-'-To add to the bustle arid ootfasiori the foot -traffic yesterday was much •heavier than usual. ' . r .. ilhe ,Union Co.'s s.s. Penguin came; out .of r ' dock'yesterday morning and was berthed at the ; Qrieen-street Wharf. • She is to leave for Fiji on: Monday.ncxt. - 'I. -..The' revenue schooner Hawk _came into port ■"^t:2 ; p.«n. ; , yesterday, after a cruise.- *:» Theuch'oonor -Qaeen lefc Hoklanga for this -port on'Moriday evening laßt. . ■■■■,• -•f Thesischconßr Bn4eavoT>r.\ett here- yesterday, with » cargo of grain. ■ ■ ■ ■The batque Bella' Mary, henoe, arrived at "Mangonui at noon yesterday.' We learn that 'the repairs done here have proved most satls;factory; the vessel not having since made- un .inch'of.water. . / Ihe.Colonial Government s.s. Hinemoa in to ilsave'foi tbe Thames this.evening with His ExJcellepoy'the Governor. ' 1' ■ : " ; '_'The B.s.''Waitaki arrived from Whangarei last .'night;' with several passengers and a cargo of - 'Sruit, produce, oysters, and coal.

- - POKT 0F ONKHUNGA. ' AHBIVAIi. ■ ' ■Ha was, s.s., Hansby,~ from the South. Fan i singers: 'Misaes.Miliior (2), and Brown, Mes- ■ dftnoa Brown, Mowat.Feli; Messrs. Andrews, I Bendle, Pell,. Young, Campbell, Cottier, Hay- . hurst,. Youth.XEO,- Hayne«, Hant,, Ksralcarn, : Wilson, Noakeo, Afowat, Thompson, Houghtoii, \ Middleton, iVaxberton, Kelson, Bennett, Mad.(len, .Wlrikht,. Captains Gross, Wright, .Kef., •Biker, ana 16steerage.—Union S.S. Co., agentt,' '; ■ ' . ' DEPARTURE. • ' ' ; Argyle," : a. a., , Amodeo, for Hokianga.—A. Barnes, agcntl - ■ " Hawoa, s.s., for Southern ports. Passengeri -4For Taranaki: Messrs; Wilson Milne, Fraser, Malavy, J. Chambers, Bar. fit. D. French, Mr. and Mru.Raniaayy Mr.and Mr*. Copland. For \Wellington : 'Memra. Moßay, Constable Dill ou,* Bailey, Jacobs, Oox, E. D. Knight, Captain Anderson, .For Nelson : Sir. Jacobsen , and wife, Mrs, Novillo, Miss Durrant, Mr. Grossman. For Lyttalton :■ Messrs. Lind, T. J. "Ball, T.. E. Montgomery, Tate.—Union S.S. Co,, 'agents. , .. IMPORTS. ! '.JPer_a.a. H&we'a, from the South: 100 cues jim, 52 casea fruit, 6 hhds; ale, 100 gacki seed, '62 kegs batter, and 15 packages. ' EXPORTS. | Par a.s. Hawea, for the South : 60 coila wir«, 3bales' paper,' 43 sacks oysters, 10 boxes soap, 6 casks ale, twd 70 packages. ' ! Pers.s. Argyle, • for Hokianga : 295 bags fladr, .10 sacks flour, 105 mats sugar. 15 cases kerosono, 5 sioks'salt, 4 cases ale, li cases spirits, 10 sacks oats, aad ; S9'packages, . ■ : The s.B. Argyle left for Hokianga at 2 p.m. yesterday.; The Union Co.'a g.s. Hawea, Captain J. Haneby, arrived from.the South yesterday morning at 10 o'clock. ' The purser, Mr. E. J. Tonet, reports Port Chalmers on the 24th at 12.30 p.m.', arriving at Lyttalton on the 25th at | 7,45 a.m. ; sailed again at 9 p.m., and arrived at Wellington en the 28th at 1 p.m.; sailed ou the 27th at 2.20 p.m. for Pioton and Nelson, and arrived on.the 28th at 9.45 ».m. ; left again for ! Wellington on the 23th at 9 p.m., and arrived on-the 30th. at .6.40 a.m..; sailed again for Taranaki at 6.40 p.m., and arrived on the 31st !at 12 p.m. ; left for the Manukau at 7.5 p.m., 'arriving as above.' = She loft for t.he South again at 1:30 p.m. yesterday.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue XXI, 2 April 1884, Page 4

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue XXI, 2 April 1884, Page 4

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue XXI, 2 April 1884, Page 4