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Licencing NoticesA RARIMU LICENSING DISTRICT. . ELECTION OF COMMITTEE. March 13th, 1884. • Votes recorded at Helens- Kaukapa- • -Candidates " ville. • ' kapa- • Ktuneu. Total. RohdrtSincWr 51 24 2 77 Isaac McLaod .•.••'•3B •' 21 - • 5 . . G4, : Andrew McLeod r:./35 22 >::: ?• 5 ■••• - ; 62 Jch» Foster .. 33 22 5 W John Slat'.er, Jan. .32; . .. 21 5. • •:•••.58,.Curtis Moore •.-...,'39 55 : - ; Hi»nry-B»llausi":': '32 «•.• 6,\l'. ;39 . ■ Wsll'.am Dawsoa .. 29 . • .• 6 '■•••,-• <1 36 .. PeanAl.; .-2S 1. v.. .•.•£4.-. .1 herby dec are the first five Queued gentleman to be the duly elected Committee for the above District, and I appoint the hour of three o'clock, on Wr<DNES-. Da\"; : March 19th, f for-the first meeting, : to elect-a: ■■ Chairman. THOMAS SEAMAN. Returning Oidcer. Maroh 14^i r 1884. Public Notices. JgPSOM ROAD DISTRICT. All Rates must be paid l to.the Collector,W. Dinn:*; son, Newmarket, on or.before, the 2ath lost. F;LAWRYj. • 'Chairman. March 12.1554. THE. ,HO\VIGK TOWNSHIP ; iKOAD: i , BOARD propose to.make-.a :By-!air on'Apnl .2,, •:1534, at 7:p m., io prevent HoiS:3,v.:c. t froinrunning; : i.OQ tlie'rpids after sunsel.Vr : ',Cob'y ? ''o/.. • ; tho,proposed By-law to be.seen at t-.e/koard-- Oikce. •• . • .ALEX; BELL. •• , Cierlc. ;. IlbwicV, Marclr.s.,lSS4.. ,j^J;A.NGEKE : PUBLIC POUND, ISS4. « on the 11th of March- by the . Raster— ' A iiay Mare, :whire..s»rip down: the face,:itt e .white: ; ''.oa''the.!, near hied foot, no vmble brands. .ArdTr- ■ ;-.defanl; above' Mare will ba sold on:.tho ,2*th.Mdrcn, at noou. WILLIiM ! R'A"Ei Pbundkieper, .Mabgere; ONDALE ROAD DISTRICT- : Mr.'John S. L. Cor, Sharing been; dulyappointtd.' • ...Collcc' or.of' Kates' for. .the*bove.d Is;nct; ••araxeape'ctmiJy .reqaested. to: pay ihtir-Sates- without':, i . duMar at.the/residence of Mr; Cox, Naterview, Avon- ' •.dale.. JOHN BOLLARD, Chairman;. I ; arcii ■ IQi lSSi'; . . • Athletics. } A UCKLAND IB I CYCLE CLUB. ■Xx • [Satablisned IS>l.] '.PROSPECTUS -OF TfciK ANNUAL SPORTS; 'Under •K'. , 2i '' , :Vclists' .Aijiinctj' KVilei'l to be nel'd ob ..EASTEit MONP Wj. AWRIL.I4, .ISSf., ■Commencios aV. ll o «:iock, at the.Domaia.Cricket Grou.hd. K, v k n is:—' 1. ONK MILE MAIDKN". H rXBICAP. 2. HALF-MILK - » I A*H SACE; '3... 200 V-AR'Da vLOV» K ACE. : .THKEK-MILVVCLjUi'. HANDICAP. •• 5. HALF-..VILE HA'CEV «. ONK-MIL. Iia.NtICAPi . 1i T\VO-UI';K U-VSIjL/A.P. 8. HaLF.MILe, M()LvlI>G iND DIoiIOUNTIXG " RACE '(S'.'clismVi'uiitsX. 9: TENMILS CH AMPIOX6HIP OF 'NEW ZEA- : LANDi (a.ralch)-. '.IQ. CONS;»LATIOX KACE. ..Entracce; t"ec'. for ,eic£' event,.'2s.6di .or. 10s'for the'. . r ' •■ will :be. repeiyed; : by the H;-n. •Bartlty.. AucVland, or Serric'i .and' •.Fittoni.22 Grey-strceij up to O o'cloti p.m. on M''bnday\. April 7i Course : Gsod; Quarter-mile, Grass. Board and Residence. YIXCKNT HOUSE. Junction of Pht.and. ' , : Hias'irarkiSv'Milliner for.tlic iiiii'. live years', ••kir 1t... H. thnhier.". ana Sol.. Quean-street; • des res 'to: inform . ' •her 'friebds.arii ? th'e!publ:C;ge'neriilly.,ihat sne.'.has 'com: : . inenced business at ft«s;^witb;..a'' '.Choice. ! Assortment of.Miliiuerr.and Kaney.Goods.' • 0OM FORTABLR Board sud Kesidence in privat- fam-ly for txo sin?le. or a married couple, situate in Franklin-road,'Ponsocby.; .'splendid;:'.ylew,..;fcve]ry. comfort, »hd'.' : terrus'viiib- ; derate.~ApplyF. fi. Macind'je, at Mr.-H-. P. Bnrber'aj • Foit'Street. . jpILAREMONT HO U i?KINCESSTREET, 5 AUCKLAND;—Roardand Residence s by the oiy,' week, or month. Permanent: Boarders/ and families on moderate terms. HOUSE, Lower. . Symonds-: :jl; Ureet, beautifnllr situated,, overlooking Government Bouse, grounds.' Mrs. Daltoa has now.. . . excellent accommodation .for ; families ; iklso, forgone nr tn-o genfclemea. Piasov. bath and shower; pro-, v: feiaional man cook. -Terms;-: moaerate. "Tfc/J"ISS MURPIiY begs to inform her. I t S.. : friends thut ihe . has : Cvpress; ; ; ViUa,-. Lower 1 . Symonds-street, to. r :*The Retreat,"; •Upper Symonds-streev; opposite " The'Xook." • The';' ' house' is. in'a; healthy/'and .'pleaaarit:.situation ''off ".theV ;:r6ad,.'with a':..view:bf .thn.harbour^,^within : walk of the'Post'|Office,:.and or gentlemen" and families. Terms moderate. ' ! .■ /CAMBRIDGE HOUSE, Lower Vmcent Xl/ .street—Mrs. Richmond begs to Inform her friends I' that ahe :has ''n6w ; ;new,; preinifies.'Vas' *. ; a;. : ' flrst-clasji boarding house.. Single and''ooable tosd> ' : rooms a?<d -Plnnge and'.shcwer ; • •baths,"and i every. accommodation foriTisitors;. 'Two : .."minutes iTrallc from Opehi'Houae.—Terrasion applicar. •'.tion.: . . f?i OVERNOH BROWN S HOrEL i HOBSON^TRBBT. Board - — — —-,20s per wesk j 'do-"/. 'do' v ' 'dc. >■ |3EaTH VJLFjA, 1, Hobsori-sfcreen AuckI.' JET' "land-—Mrs. Loverpck' receives Boarders for . j: Temp'.rary pr Pcrmauent. 'Kea!(i'ence,.'anvi' ebdeavpars,. j:'by; personal to secure for , l:tue.cpmfoft'.deH i v''om.pplite ; a:ttehiipn,,.scri'puldus j ; cle'anliij'es's, 'and'jiromiit' 'attecila'n'iev, T*ble' is' 1 !'• Ivb.eVallr. kept, the cooking p-irtuulArlyi'caTred for,.and. . •;' t!ae :m fals'e. pii nPtuiliy seryeu'.P.brilt Villa stand's; • ■ li 'Upon.'the cliff, .at. thi."'corner;' .of Hobion .street :knd' ' •' ilppro-s'treet, 'commanding.'i full v>ow ; of the.liarbbur.. : i •Stokers •.r'oint, ami the' North Shore. Its ;: _ ' north; and w«st. : It js nKar^thefStaj - Hotel,.oalv. : three ! ..rainutos' .WAlk.frcm" I'aities; arriving : • 'by.'steAmer. Trill' dnd .in..perih Villa'the' 'comfort i;id' ; • cuies of " h'.rue. Terms, from. I.wentwnve shillings,. ; dispendeEt.'up'oh iudlviduU'.r;'.q'uir'emcnt : [ . Notices of Removal. ■ T M. & J. il' OWB RAy ■ tP p HAVE . 1 REMOVED TO SCUF.RFF'S BUILDINGS. ! TORT-STREET, Opposite the iJnion Sream Ship Company'fl Office. ' JACKSON ' ■' SOLICI TOPwS;have rcmoyod.'from 'Fort-street 'to No: 42. Shdrtlahd-stra'et, opposite.Meisrsy Xv Clark'' •]( and'.Sohs. Warehouse. September 1, ISS3. : .I E.. O0 x & S Q DENIAL SUR^EpSS^ Nyyn'dhani-stfee.t,. Beg to inform their..patients (for wbo*e,confidence ; .- .and patronage, they'"tender; hearty liiiinfcs)' ih.-it .they , , :' hty'e:'.taken 1 "more central /.rooms" '6'yc'r 'Gopd vcn'ih i Arcade." <^iiee'p' : strt'et; (first :floor, new' p'rem'i?'es p'f the • A'ustra'«iait- i .Al'utual' P r o,y id ant ;Sd c i e'ty j 'v. ; hure' thoy.'biay ; be' cod'sulted. 6u 'fcsd;Hft'e'r,Monday. Ja.iiu'iiry• .iiSv. , rgr aoM A s ABe n, ' CIVIL ENGINEER, r AUTHORISED AND LICESSEDt SURVEYOR, £ 46, SHOP.TI.ASD-.STREET, ACCKI-ASD. ' ' ' '■ •■■■■■—'■ q mHE IIOKIANGA SAW MItL .COM- v JL , i'ANY (IiIMITKD). , 0 ' ■'■' ' ■■ -f Having special faci'liti'ea.fpr supplying^ :. in loDg leogt- s, are'prepared to exacutc for o sarae; at lew ra:es; ' A Stock of 'i'otara Piles, and baulk, amd'Kauri'Spars * always'.onhan'd. • Apply-to- ,E.-Ri. CARDNO, Fort-street. . : ts jp APAKURA gAW t , HUNUA. .Having: a Large 'Supply of .KAURI LOGS,. ! we,.aria . ..P now prepared; to/eiecateiordera,. to any size, Dressed n T; etc. ' * COULTHARD BROS;. n • STEWART AKp GAftLi(^ r Agen'b l :, land; '/ / /_;■ : J>OTOKUA VIA WATKAXO; Tonrists for Rotorua will do well to take the. Waikato route,:being-.equally cheap as the other,-and sat ing. : the;':unp!easant" sea vorage tb TauraDga. c - Leave Auckland by 8.20 train .: arrive.Hamilton.2.lo^■; p.m. Stay all '-ntght, or .drive s*me afternoon:'to: • Cambridge;, starting agaiihiiext morhin'g:at'.7.' :o'clock,./ ~ in covered er open trap, for ©hinemutu, arriving there : . —say. & p.m. l same day. ;Spend'.noxt\day sight-seeing . •• at Obinemutu and ' going 'to AVairua, Tuitmg :.N\haka-.: . s. rewarewa eo rouie.. . Isoxt day do .Mlotomabana and back to Ohinemutu, .returning, following day .to> j Camhricge and-Hamilton;-taking 1 , tram then for and. arriving at Auckland afternoon.of fifth day.. • . , H r Return Fares (including: railway, Ist class)—Auck-,; , land to Wairoa and back, £3 ISs Cd for a . ~ four or more. Special; arrangements . for .a. less. number. ' 1 Orders by letter or telegram addressed C.,R. JOHNSTONE, Coach Proprietor, Hamilton, will receive prompt attention. or HitfJy'i Hotel* ~ Hamilton, rch 7* .

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6966, 15 March 1884, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6966, 15 March 1884, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6966, 15 March 1884, Page 8