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RACING FIXTURES. f-'BW KKALANL). -March 17 and 18-Hawit«- a Bay Jockoy Club Autumn ••• .Meeting. Ma-oh 17—Hendorson's Mill Turf Clab Races. - : March 17—KagUa Joclioy Club lUce« : — Murch 17—Ivaukapakapa South Racos. '■ March 22-Northern Joclcojr Club Meotlnir April 1 and 2-Taranakt Joolcey Clab Martin*'.April 3—Hoklanga (Pakanae) Races. ««••• ■■?■■■ . April s—Taltapuna J. C. Autumn Meeting' April IS and 14—Auckland Autumn Meeting - April 23--Pap*knra Race*. ■■-. Al>t MeeUug M *' l-oambr ' dse Jocie y cl ab Autumn Jlay.24—Takapuna Jocko* Club Meeting. ; : " AUSTRALIA. M«rch 15—Victoria Amateur Turf Club's Meetini April 14, lfl, 18, JO—Australian J. C.-Autumn Meeting


; March :14—Nominations. for: Takapuna Jockey Club Meeting..March 15— Nomination-for Onehunga Cnp, Publicans ■ ■ Pursa.-and Hurriln Race: April 10-Ncmlnations for.Papakura Cup and Hurdle Kace. March-17—Nominations for Cambridge Jockey Club Bacei.

ANSWERS .TO .CORRESPONDENTS,—Grand-Flaneur .won-the Norma'nby Stakes as ,«,two-ye*r-old. : . • think :Lone; Hand-came: to New Zealand :in . the year. 1579:.. . won, the Australian Cuo five' times — viz ouXurline, Klchmond, Savanaka,' Navigator, and Morpeth;. w .f.S.—Oap-ii-.i/ie defeated: Chester m tha A.J.C. St. in 1575.,, -laZ-the.' Cumberland 1 Stakes (two mi)*s), ruu Rt the samo nceetiog; thoy-ran adeud ; beat, aud in tbe run off Chester woo by a neck ' Pi G.~Trie':riame« cf;> the" h'brses'.Uiat". star tQdfqr'_.the: •Australian ; Cup.havo not yot como to hind AVe may; .however, state.that Mtgnot-was hackediby hij' owasr, a few.days prior to.: the race, so that' it n most likely , he amongst thoso who went to the pon. • .F.J.K.—'lhe-Adelaide col-t.Ned o* tho Hills ran fivo •furloiigs'at th'e' receut;C: ; ':Summer • 'Aleeticg, in", lmin. -.lsec- •• This performance has never been be»t<9n i iu.England or Australia, though; JsevelU covered the same dutanco ut. MoQmuth Park,m America. in •lmin/.Oisec.

ENGUiRRR;T-Mr; A. F; Smart gave 2000 iruineas for Warwick aui yearling.. Tuis 1b the highest prion ever .paid ln~ Australia for a yearling. Tiie lion. James' Ayiiite theri condition -of .Hn" «r:ra' thousand if he.won tho.Marl-: byrnonc Platcv whtch ho did; Mr. Town therefore received 2000 guUc<«. 3lartmi- Qenry was only sir months old when Mr. >Viute. gave. 1250 guineas for him. '


Thf victory, of Le Grand and the defeat of Martini-Behry ;in.the Champion Stakes has; : it is almost needless to sayj been the great . topic.' of conversation in Auckland.. turf circles: during the whole of tho present week. That the form displayed by Martini-Henry in the race i 3 his true one would be a fallacy to believe, bus leaving that until later on, we . 'will"just take a', glance at the performances of .Le Grand, in order to show that, however satisfied that tho son of Musket did. not exhibit his true form, turfiies were greatly ,at fault in.altogether overlooking the claim, of the son of Epigram for. tho. race; He had proved him3elf>a good, one and a stayer, and totting up nis .performances prior to the race, what do we find ? A record of ten victories !. out of seventeen attempts, and that in firstclass company too. Wo saw liim get to Kingsdale's head very easily for the A. J.C, . Derby, feat, probably the best .performance: he ever recorded prior to his great; victory on Saturday last was in the Royal Park Stakes at the 'V.R.C: Spring. Meeting, on which ; occasion:, he defeated. Sardius, and several others, the : ..mile and a. quarter being, got oyer in the splendid time .of 2:nins. lOJsecs. For. the .Newmarket Handicap,., three-quarter mile; run on the, Saturday , previous to. the ha went ti> the post a 100 to 5 chance, and with Sst lOlos in the saddle :he finished up to the. winner's: throat. Then again on the Thursday following, his ptrformanca :iix the Australian Cup, wherein he got third; to Morpeth and Sweet William; should have certainly suggested to our. minds that he had . a say in the great weightrfor-age race, but instead, he was altogether .ignored, JHe appears to have been, in great condition, and O'Brien (who, I think would ride him), leaving his final effort till the straight; was. reachwd; polished off Commotion without much; difficulty; and won by half a length.from Off Colour, who was three lengths, m front of Commotion. That a mistake: has somehow been: made with i Martini-Henry would appear to be a very reasonable assumption. His easy win in the ' St. Legrr the Saturday previous, wherein Off Colour, (who was second in the Cham-: pion) was. his immediate attendant, and the work hs had been doing of late, oil the training ground with Morpeth, certainly made his chance look one: of the 'rosiest for : the great race: On the Tuesday prior to the rase he and the Australian Gup winner recorded a splendid gallop, which' is, stated ,thu» in the.Sydney Herald :—" The most, interesting worn of the morning was: provided by .Martini-Henry and Morpeth; . Til a pair cantered up to the two-mile post;, when they struck out, and made the round ; in 2mins. 33j3ecs:,, whilst two miles recorded S.mina,. 43iecs. This was better than any other seen at Flemiogton for year*. Three years ago Grand Flaneur did a. couple of miles in .a.-second hut cbnai'deririjj.'ihat.. the. going was heavier in Morpeth's and. Martini-Henry's case, their performance may be classed as the better of the two." Whether this gailpp 'had .6he; effect of. overstritiging. the soil, of Musket, of course it is impossible to say, but. one thing seems, pretty, certain,, he did not exhibit his true form in the race; from whatever .cause arising. The: following; is the extended pedigiee or the winner, from ■ which it will be seen what, a rare bred 'up he

■ ; 1 1 ho Karen " %***"* l-s' Melbcur&e •.,: . - rt „ . • = - iShnkEonny; .-,.. , . : —» V 1- .Queen Marv^XntiVvm ; |f| L ' ■" J-.r-j t :{ Chan ti clear } •)■,.' ... . . :—r- — ' f% ' ' ' whim . : k'"" C |.i. : i|| : llAnercosi "■••Ellerdale iCoUstordale j I'.mitToy : ~' 2 ■ . ■ ' ;1 . ■'. rtvtn j fa.-ape 2 Touchstone .'"V 1 1 .1.-- .... ■ oa^tor C —' -NeiFmmster ~ --- — * V ' Beeswing : ,'v S - tnUl 3 ;j , b . . , \ijt;o*s%u mare 0, , .'Melbourne' s.>J"jstoUn.. ( Mo- • ory«n .ea. mfcre : ■jr.-!' inenti. Lid'y Mi*i. Je,;ihtof.H.uid.' j ! t|. ;!: . '''. bavfa ,\J,ygrave, mare ljj-1 'j ' Emlliuj '^J lO I] .jPompe,, I h j— • 1, -Johanna- S tbcote : : iC ... ; Jcreed , Ih^v . j 11 """ Sister to .V- -dg "" :|- (• Hornse* | vri.- ,ii-.hiara It is the intention of the Se'.v Zealand Stud Company to hold their first sale of Wood stock 011 the: 16th ot next month, when a draft of fourteen yearlings and two-year-olds will be submitted; Of this: number six aVe, by Musket, two by I.eohnus, two by Cadofan, and . one each, by uteres, C&p-a pie, he Marquis, and Kingfisher respectively. Amongst thoße to be offere<l. is a, full brother to that rattling good colt Lsos; who is a son of Leolinus from Pctroleuae —one of the best grown yeatlmgs.l have ever seen, There is also in the list, a two-year-old half sister (by Marquis) and a yearling, halt brother (by Cap-a-pie) to that good colt Kelson; and Smother noteworthy in the lot for competition is a yearling colt' by Musket trom that game mare Perfume; Tne. sale has been very aptly fixed to take place on the Wednesday following our. Autumn Meeting,, when there will, no doubt be .a sjood number of hersefowners present; The Hawke's Bay Jockey Club's Autumn Me<?ting takes place on Monday and Tuesday I' an'! from prtsent appearances it looks is though tue club would have a very ■successful meeting. The principal'event of the meeting is the. Xapier Handicap, for \vliich th« following horses have paid up :— it. !f. ' v . St. IT. LcGßOra ... ... .S. lo" Tii.ti .. ... 7 5 JLeona:* ... S "4 Xeljon .. 7 .'>■ The.Poet' ... .. *7 IS' JVVapiti .. „ 7' .2 Kmi'r Bij- .! T 0 Eniiird .. .. 6 IS SouVester ... }7 S lUdacaej .. .6 li) ■ V:\Ori .. 7 5. ♦Including 71bs;peDa!ti\.. ;Jlnelnding 51bs per*HV.: For this event Sou'-wester fiasbeeninstalled a very warm favourite; and looking' at -his forward running in Duaedin, the race certainly looks »■ real-good thmg for the son o: Goldsborougb. He has been :dotng good, work at ' Napier for. the «past. eight or ten days, and -a private itelegram .informs me that on Thursday he - was tried {.over .the distance.'i when he acquitted himself..lll s. : very satisfactory manner. Emir Bey. ; has .been, spoken of during-the-past *ew .days.-, as a .likely, -winner, but on. the streDgtn of former deeds, I think ; him worthy or little support. If either Nelson or Wapiti; are landed at the post in their best condition, they will, I think, finish in the first three. ; For the chance of Leonora I have a

groat liking, and it I was anre that she could be dressed in her beat on tbe day, I should think vary seriously of giving her my vote ; but as I aoarcely think she lias done eufYi oient work to justify me in doing so, I must go for Sou'-wtster, giving the daughter ot Lcolinus second place. ;;A very pleasant afternoon's sport will be provided on Monday next by tho Henderson's Mill Turf Club, who hold their annual meeting on that day. There are seven events set down for decision, the entries for which: , are first-class, and , therefore give .'promise of ; some excellent sport. " The following are the names of the horses left in for the Hurdle Race and Cup :—

at. 1b.......- :. , • . st-lb. Fish woman, 4yra...: 8 ;4: Woodpecker- 6yrs. 7 4 ;MttUo;*agod ■ . . 8 0; Mystery, 4yrs. ._ : 610 K*lo. iyn... 12 vS«rordfiman, 4yrs... 6 0 Kenllwortb, 6jrs... 7. Jitran O'Lviin ijiz. 6 0 i' .ifiime^a, agod .7'. .4 " Golden Crown- aged.. 6: '0 ;; -BuBDLt RACC

St. lb. ■ >t. lb. "foodpeckcr.Cyrs. l .. 11 7: Corrtgan, Byri. J; 9' 7 ..H.trk*war;.«ged ■■■..■. 10-10 : Native i: -' 9 4 1 •Miouet, aceu .. 10 • 7 Miss Walton, ajed - 0 0 Snotover. oyr*.:. .0 7

, The Hurdle Race should, :I: think,'go to Woodpecker, but, as ho is very leniently treated in the Cup, bis party may elect to ■reserve-him for. that-race; and if they ■do so. Minuet, of whom I hear very favourable accounts; will -be the most dangerous;■ The Cup will, no doubt, brinij a good field to tfce post, and it looks as if the finish would be fought out between Fishwoman. Kalo, and Woodpecker;. .If'the; reserved for it, ■he will take a deal, of beating.; ; but, should he be., started iu the Hurdle Race, Fishwoman will probably be the mosfc ; worthy of support. '"■'."

J-he Cambridge Jockey. C!ub 'have put' forth a very, liberal. programme for their autumn meeting, which is fixed to take place on Wednesday and 1 hursday, the 30ih April and. Ist May next/. There are twelve events °.n the. programme,, the added money to which. ■; fo<>ts up to the respectable :total of £•>6O, which.sum.has been:distributed ; as follows First day : Maiden Plate of 20sbvs., Handicap,Hurdlo Race of.4oiovs;; Cambridge 1 Cup of lOOjovs., Shorts Handicap of 20sovs;, Maiden of 20sovs., HurryScurry. Second day :. Handicap . o nfdle of 30jovs;, Publicans'-Purse of oOsovs;, U aikato Steeplechase of. 4030v5.,.-Waikato Plate of loaovs., .Hack celling . Race of : lOiovs., Consolation Handicap of loaovs. Nominatibhs forall hahdicips. close on Marcli-•l-7.

.Normanby (Tat 41bs), Refrigerator (7st), and Bayard (Gat 91 os) appear , about the beat : treated in the Taranaki; Handicap, though if Libeller,: (7st-7lbs),was himself; he would; '! think;., finish in. front: of the. three Gained. -For-his recent win .at Wanganui, Maori his caughfcifc.pretty hot with Sst ;71b3j .ahd'Fishwoman, with. S3t, is another thac is very oruelly treated; and the pen will, I think, go through her name at datev The. weights for the, Great Autumn Handicap have made their appearance, ami from a cursory glance it appears to me that Nonsense (Sat, Gibs); Vanguard (Sat 3lbs), SouVwester (7«c lOlbs); Tim Whiffler(TssSlbe), and'the two Auckland representatives; kelson arid Wapiti;, who are each weighted at Sit; are 1 beat treated of the thirty-six engaged. The.Bundoora Park yearlings were sent»to; the hammer on the 29th ultimo, and from papers to hand I. notice, that of the twentysix lota ;sent up for disposal all Wdro quitted ercept six. The sale was: a very gooii : one; ; the total reaching 5180 guineas, au average for the twenty lots of £271 19s. The : principal: lots quitted were as .follows'.:-— Angler's Gi-in. brown colt; by AnglerTopaz, Sir W. J. Clarke, 1000 guineas ; Heartsease; brown -filly," by -Anirlet—Ace cf Hearts, XJr. John. Leek, 300 guineas: Violet Stone, .brown flllv; by King of'the Ring or ADgler—Amethyst, Mr; T. Cliirnside, 450 guineas ; Lady Teazle; brown filly;, by Angler — Calumny, Air: Brewer, 550 guineas ; My Charmer, bay or- brown filly; ; by Angler—Coquette, Mr, E. Brans; 700 guineas. Murroondah, a brown colt, 1 by Angler, out of Lurliae, . dam of Darebin; was also offered, but withdrawn at a reserve of ,1250 guineas. - .

The JNon. J. White's: stable was in great form on the first day of the V.11.C. Meeting, : no.less than three-victories falling-to the " blue:, and white-", The Ascot Yale Stakes went Bargo (a .two-year-old 'son of MaribyrnoDg and Guelder Rosf), the St; Leger M Mariini-Henry, aDd, thb iiopeful : Stakes' -to .Salvo, (a two-year-old sonviif Somous and Stella), f. Hales was in each case on the back of the winner.

Malua. who got home first for the Newmarket. Handicap sat the late V.R;G 'Meeting,, won a, big stake for his-party, : £20,000 being,, it: is said; the amount-landed. The colt was in great request .on 't'ne day, and went, to second- favouriteiat 7- to 1; Segenhoe held the premier position in the betting; but oould .get .no nearer than fourths Malua was ridden hy T. Ivemy, who will be remembered as being m New Zealand a couple of years back.

It is said that when the licensfs were recently granted for jockeys by the English Jockey Club, tevtral of the most popular hors»meu reoeived the mo6t emphatic and sterne«t cautions from the stewards concerning the betting question, which the turf legislative body has taken: up with such determination as a. pernicious evil which must be stamped cut.

Like many others; "Nemo" -was- rather 1 " ■sceptical, as .to■ Morpeth's (the to get two miles and a quarter in'the Australi !in Cup. \S riting on his. chance days^ l '.prior to the race Sidney' 1 ■ '• Up to a mile and a-half tne chestnut :of Goldsbrough is., every inch a racehorse, but s'aving doss notseein to be his forte, and T shall be greatly out in my calculations if Sst; stbs and miles do not combine to put him into sad trouble." f Nominations for the Hurdle Race; Cup, and P.ublicins' Parse, to be run at the Oaehuiigi Meeting next.month, 'close-to-night'■ at eijiht p.u'n. ■ ■: The Melbourne Sportsman of the oth in at. i has an article, on '< Owner* and ths Public," ih Which it takes, the Hon. Mr. White . severely to'task .for -keening -Martini-Henry-iii the Australian Cup until almost the eleventh hour, and then.striking him out. Navigator was o:Fered for'sale prior to the > ; Champion Stakes, but failed to encit a:bid, and; was .passed iu; the reserve s-:t upon the, soil ''of Robinson ■ Crusoe-,beinc £3000. : Ifc is said that Mr. Gardiner, of Bunduora Park, offered £'2000. guineas :ur him privately, but the oiler was not accepted. The open ditcbcs in English,steeplechases will soon, it is said, become things or the past;. They are loudly clamoured" .against ! by jockeys and owners, and petitions against them are being numerouslv.signed tor presentation, to. the new Grand National fiunt ' Committee. i From an analysis of. the yearling: sales of ! the year, published m Bell's Lite. Hermit is j .again'the tore,, ttie.nine iots.or his-proauce I: publicly sold averagine-O-H*.guineas.. spring--;! field's sir fetched .>O7O guineas, giving a ; capital average or oil s guineas ; and Beauc!erc is not far behind, nine ot nis progeny j being disposed :ot for 4320 guineas. The I youngstera got by Doncaster: Macaroni; and | Roscrucian, return the: or | over 400 gnineas ; and well to the fore in 1 the list.are Chilpenc: Craig Mnlar; Isonomy, ! . l.owlander, bee; Saw,. -Silvester, Silvio, .i . iSirath'cpnan, aod Uncas; The hignest price ; was' obtained tor the colt Golosmitb. bv ■ Hermit, out of Crucible, who wa3 sold at ; Doncaster for 2000 guineas, and three or ; ; Roscrucian's g.-t iriched 2000 guineas; 1500 ■ guinfeas, arid 1200 guineas .respectively:.' One.; of Beauclerc's brougnt ISoO guineas, while a yearling of. Macaroni s.realised, 1200 guiDeas. l The amount of aloecl money given in■ : Great: Britain for tne past tour years tots up. I to over a million, as lollows :—' I iSSO.' .1851 ISS2 ISS3 j: £216;So8 £2-19.-987 >£263:329 -£263'577 I On lasi year's amount £30.310 was given tj :: two-year-old races. £22:b0.) or. which was for-selling'races, and £120 931 Ss waj to handicaps, ilreland 'Contcib'uted , '£Sd97 16s 2d of- the total amount: and scotlacd | £6303. The total value :ot stakes won, r calculated accordiug to Rule 21 (in); exclusive of matches and private swsepstates, . was ; ,£355;501.. This sum:does.not include prizes to second! and third norses, ic; Over £409,SsS was won by horses of dififerr ent ages.during the pist season, and. ot this . ..amount it is gratiiving to, notice" that tne. classical:or wtignt,ior-age rscea:absorbed the largest sum,, viz££-191.-69l ; the value or the handicaps' was ;£l4-i,262'; and of /selling . races-£73;93-4. : An English- paper says :—'' Hermit, who ;may be styled the Eirperor of Stallibns. his i metwitha: fdrmidable ' rival iac.C : . ttud honours, and bad his sons Fulmea; : and St. Simon b*'t-ii di=qu-li*it*d lor tiielr many rich engagements .by, the,death of their owner and' breeder,, sPriace....BatthyaScy; there'\ is little doubt *! that- the,; winnings of Galopin's stock would have been equal to, if not more , than.' Hermit's. . Mr. Chaplin, the owner of .Hermit, made a good investment when he bought him for SOOO guineas at the Prince's sale.-'

23 t^'° 8 °at of 83 mounta. a^Ul 0 { " . naa been computed that onon ran » England daring last rL°L tbem were ™*t>orLT two-year-old cntf v--_* market out of Commotion,YW Star, was recently put tp to a , , bourne, and realised 45d P gn i ne^f 00 « Mel! •v rough btjures Lnpri p.t > *•■ £200.000 m stakes k"£* h « *Ga would bs interesting to hear fn-' m It his expenses have been in tbe iim'..-" 1 *t«i" 'v- stallion The Hook was nfV "■ j lrlle -' ". ce £r'y. and- «te down t° M,-. T, Chirnaida f or S o o o H , ook "\ 8 got by, Fishhook f Sardins, ,v.rho was a good deil ' theAustralianSnp whfn-the w£W°made their appearance; did hot V fif3t partem:the. race, . having, been 1 tli ' ; the.TuesJay prftvioas. v ,cra >caed aa '. Acceptances for the Tarana'-; . on Saturday for the t o U owm ";= e3 doj, Handicap, -bteeplecease i ■ ® nts Club Handicap, FiymgHandican^'p Joc ' ! 7 HuadleSj District Hurdles Haa '-i!c»p


ni g T ht B :l olloWing entriea wer3 reived H _II K N".S VJ LL CfjPITA N" I) [ p :T> PIP ; Swonlß'Ki'o' Merlin ' , .POBL!C*.N'S Po*Stt HlNDlcip r. ' ■wnmin; Kilo: . IT i:. hicap HOKDLE3—Harki'm* .. . * SlmtoTer, Ot*rs, Evening. S'-ir.. ; ~"Steward's Handicap.—Kk'in P-'.u ' 1 Swordsman tt„w. ' AT — Evenins Star, Shoto„<vtki. Handicap — Bririina ■' ■ f u wver. ; , MAii>.r.x JiDiiDL.E<.—.oe.iri/.shotover B.VoBU «x,.s .Kcmb.-—-Otiri, Viitßi?' s> •, • -LiDlEa ru^.SE.—iliu-iilleas- ' Kl!a


There was first-class racing.. The,, events .were, well ooatestßi*'' 8 Handicap .Hurdle Race, of 50 iO v 3 - r .milts 1 ; Mr- J. Dooley's Milo, 10<t 2!b? Mr.. J, Miller's.Fairp'av Sst falsi '? - Mr. J. Leckey's Fawn; Ssl 71bs "" - Litt'.e John (9»u 12!bs). Chester (9,fc'4 i Karearo (9at Slbs), and Thornton™.,. ran. M,!o was in the rear f.U ?g?jf§s> was reached, when he was broach; front: At the, distance, ."tiost all the Ks ~ , °' were close together, with the Chester and Thorns. M,lo won fe #: length from Fair Play, who ciawWfc?? 4ml r 1 - Ueq! ' jpJj p 4 being on tne winner • dividing'■Vg Tile Hack Husdi-b Racb was won C .Alpody i : arter a good racd wiih Fair Play. ■ Oamaru ChampXg'xe,Stakes,. of SOiov!; Mr, Thomson's filly Mr. Hobb s Tramp... $ Mr, Linton's Ringtiflva ... ~ Rosemary, filly won. by fifty yards, a nil. tr.nce of a .quarter of a milu sepirat'uj th» third, troui. .the :.secp'.nd. Totilisator; 310 V 121 : ..0n. winner ; divipeudv £2: tiSi :St. PATRiGK'siHiXDiCiPi of oOaova. ■Molly Bawn.,oat ... ... . , Hazard.. S--t4ibs . ' Trumpeter, Sat 3ib3 Spo3o r th to t) a'lo ran Molly Batvn led the «aj inu von a capital: race from, flizird a.len s tn, Ti.umpe.fer' being closa ne " ; :32 .on the.'.w'iniicr dividend, £"6'2»: ' ' 1* ovel Race of io3ovs. Birnett ... ..... ~ Smdy ..... Tristran ... . ~. ." J Won easily.. TotaUsatori"2l6;"s7 oa'tha winner; dividend, £2 Ss.

CorNT"sis All-aged Stakes- (handicap) 'bf SOsovs.. Billy ... ... ... _ J Karerea ... .... _. t o. Trappar ... ' ' " j Billy won this race from ,the start.. - 3Jiy. llower was killed at. the. enfcraace. :, :to the ■ straight-, thr.oujn, bung forced; oi itae/riii'ij.. Totalisatc", '333.;; 154. da' the winner : dividend, £lSd. The NovEL Race was won by-Kittle Jaok. The Consolation K,<ce oi oihovs. Trumpeter, Sst 7lba ... l VVki-bacu,-,.7aG 11d ti o Fawn, fist Tibs, ._. '3 Won easily.


r ;fBK TItLEGRAPH.T—PP.E::S,..ISSOCIATIOKi] !■ . ■.Wi.NG4XCI i : : Fr!dlj. 1'... The fir3t, meeting of tne i Kai-a-Wai Jockey Club was held to-day; tie course being on the. property of. the iluin. Moore,; and Currie, near Kai-arWai. Tne weather was fine, biic ' the attendance w«s. li'init'edV.only.aorae'iOO pn^tbe: grouDd,. mostly. Maoris, by whom the'-.ciub.'his beta formed. 'X.n% : arrabgements'wete.veijpriEii- ■ tive; the grand.staad consisting of a bij tree which an extra charge of: 2s 6i teas made. .Nearly--a;I the races -were Limited -:to Maori ovratn ;and. jockeys. Taere wsi do totaiisalor cn-, ■'■the/ground'. The .ibilovnng are tfce resiiti: Hurdles, of lusovs.; i Aropsta Tamaou's, Oiiepute, lOst, 1; Hica Netoca'a Grey Douglas, lt), .2-. M«dtn piatej.of losovs:; i mite an.t a-halr.—Kilt-katuka's Kohai,. 1 ; Reraoran»'s Wairanft 2 ; Takama s Moranga; 3. Kai ; cap, of 20'OV3j ; -2 miles.—:Tcitna Kow»e*»i Tawera,. Sst, 1;. Tarau Utiku s Parisian, "st.Tibs. '-3. .Flying -.Race; oi. 10*gvs.; 1 •mile.—vMoCaul'si Loyi,. I ; Reremoici! AH a? .rang!, 2i District Handicap, oi 155ct3.;1 mile and a-half;-—A'Opet* Tomana's Oaepatc,, IO»t, :1 ; Te TeLU-.-.vs Te iVmti; 7*>. solation Kace; of osovs.; 1. mile.— wanui, 7at; 1 ; Lemonade; 9it, 2.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6966, 15 March 1884, Page 6

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SPORTING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6966, 15 March 1884, Page 6

SPORTING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6966, 15 March 1884, Page 6