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-"J ■ •' v.."".".'e %VT ANTED. Seen—The ■'Large Lot of ■ -VX . .Ladies Hand Basieta,'all .ono price 9d, at Dampier** Hobson-street Shop. . 'i - V\TANTE D—A Man for a farm permanent ;S •▼ y employment. Browa Hotels -v' TEL) —— A Washerwoman by the **, day.—-Apply at once at bouse next to Bowl* lag Green, Giafton RoatL .- :;, ;:■■■ AVrANTED—A; Bingle Man, accustomed • .• ▼ y. : ; to ? farm-work.'—Apply toW/Phillipcs and .Son, 95 and.9o,.Queen-street.,7.;-. WANTED,.. ;at oiico — A good General 1 . . . Sen-ant: —.Apply. to lira.: Pain; Curdon House,.Victoria .Avenue, Remuera. ; "VX7* ANT E D—-ToP lace an educated young... .Lady, aged;.is, In a School, as junior &uU* tant Education;.. . Post-office, Auck* v land.-"-\irANTED -— Female • Cooks ! (urgently),; ▼ T;-. .... : Housemaids, Waitress, Lads,.'.numerous' Younff,Girls, and others. —Mrs. Whitcombe'a .Beßist.y.; : :A\/I ANTED—A. Situation by, a. Practical ■ ; t v ;. -' Farmer, from Otago; thoroughly acquainted v with.agriculture,in.all itsbranches.—Apply. Hkrald : Office. XT77ANTED ... Known—Grand Suites- 'of .■ : T . iFurtJiture in Cretonne, only £1110s; Grand Suites in Green Rep, only £15 15s; handsome Stuffed ? Couches,' 88s. -Dampier'a Hobson-street Shop.'- 9; . A*/ r ANT&D,Known--Iridry weather, the .. W. Reading Books at Is each, will be. put. out- ' side the window ; the other books, 1 : from Is each, aro ; Inside, at Dampler's.Hobson-streeet Shop;,: ■ .... 'Needle*' /woman,.. smart Young; Man {-'forfint-claaa< private family, Hotel Housemaid, 4 Generals, 4Nursed girls/Servants for Waikato, Gisborne.—Mrs. Blsmore.' AJ^ANTED— Town ..Manager and Sales* '. •V ▼ man for a Brick and Tile Company (Limited),,: "salary/.and;enclosing testimonials, to. be, sent* to Box N0..275. General Post Office v Auckland, on or before Mooday, 17th March; 1 at noon.' - Manager.for the Waikato .'-■lf Y, sole.charge of fellmon*;' gery, basil tanning, also;;buying and selling.- State! •salaly and enclose referesces, to. Chairman of l)irec- i ton WaikatoyFellELongery Company,. Ngarnawahia; Grey. feecretaryV./ ;; v. ■ -/ WANTED Kiiown—Button Hooks, Id; .each ;. Efanthway's celebrated. I Pier' Gloss, 6di . the . bottle ; -Ladies' Cork Soles, 2jd pair.; Leather -Laces, -Id the; pair; Cotton;;ditto, 2d dozen; superior Shoehorns, Sd; . Boot Protectors, 3d per card .—-at Dan piei'a Boot Shop, Victoria-street. . : . ... % a/" ANTED Known—Single Mattrasses, 9a • TT'6d;,Double.Mattrasses, 16s;,Spring Mattrasses; 395; .Straw Mattrasses,:4s. 6d ; Single, Palliasses,,, 98; Double .PalHa3Soßj.l23 ; . Pillows; is lid.Bolsters, r 4a— : At: Daropier's, Great Furniture ■■■'■■ S % ftTANTED, afcr once—Private. Board and r .W : . Residence for married lady.—Apply J.G., -Herald Office. ■ » ■■■■'■■■v.. .-»•• .v • •. - WANTE D — House Steward ■;/.must be also. au : accountant.—Apply in writing,- to •• Secretary Northern Club. • . ..... ■' .> , \\T ANTED— A. General Servant.—Mrsy. ▼ Ooombes, Grey-streets -"^TTiiNTED-i-rAn'intelligent Boy.—Apply •V t Mr. Street* lleralo. Office. \ A /AN TED—A Strong :Boy to ride oat for W■ • orders.—E; M. Hallett, Parnell. . . : . or four sharp Liida ; to'nin the Her*ld —Apply Pabllsher; : VTSTAN.TEDt-^A respectable Youne Man W Plain to R. apd W. Hellaby; WANTED— Two Intelligent. Lads,--as Apprentices to. the. Printing;—.Apply-Lance • .■Office; . ■ -■'■.■-■.• '■ : .■.>■: ■ \\f ANTED —A Nursemaid ; references VV requirod. — Apply Mrs; Leslie,. Manukaa Road; Parhell. • l ly ANTRf)—Situation by a Young Man, Yy butcliery preferred ; canrido and: drire.-— Do wsett; % ,P,ost-office:.. ... ~ . ..... .... •"VT|7^ANTED— Comfortably Furnished BedW .room and Srtting-room.—Apply by lsttor to 'A.B., r Poßt'oflico, Auckland. Fireman who has a know- ▼ \-r- ledge of driving an engine for a bush saw*, mill.-^Apply:David Gouk: ■ Situation as Housekeeper r: VV : t Tor Housomaid in a good hotel; country pre-; ferred. ~Apply.lvHgßAXP,Office. . ;: ■; : . . : XXTTANTED—To Sell .Steam Winch; with V r/ : boiler; also, 8 horss Engino and Boiler.— James Mclntyre, Onehnnga.. - . : . ;XXTANTED—A< respectable. Young' Man V V as Book-keeper : and. CoHector;- reference requirod.—Apnly J. Groy and Son, Eden Crescent,. : ' :, . W ANTED to Let, for a term of years— v V. - —A Kestaurantin the Islands, doing a good . business. -H-. Apply to Mr.J;L. Hats well, Grocer,,; Princes-street. , "TJ^ANTED— A Situation as Hoiisekeepep;.. V'V hy a person thoroughly competent in all' departments of household duiies, and not .afraid. of' work; : country preferred.—.Apply, Housekeeper,, Herald Otico. %&rANTED. Known—Persons desirous 0f... 1 :vV. . .purchasing, leasing, or renting farms, houses, and town allotments;, will quickly be suited on applying toJ.H.Hamer,LandAgcnt,Waiker's Buildings, Newtony"', . A^TANTED.. Known —- Grand lot of ••••• t 6d ; Chair Cushions, Is 4d ;■ Foxtail Dusters, lid ; Shd6, Bruisbes; ls 3d the set; Grand Hearth Rugs; 6slld StaircOlirloth. Od Oilcloth; Is ld, ; ~at;Dampier's Hobson-street Shop. '. 2< MIANTEp, .]by a well-connectel Person 1 • of . and: experience—An En- 1 gagement in sothe position; of truat; is a good housekeeper and an expert needlewoman, Apply H., ''HERAip'.pfficei' ' XTTANTED, iri the. lower end of Queen* . . . . • street, or. neiar;.ih6 ; Shop and Pre-. : mises suitable for a Confectioner . and Dining Rooms. ,— Apply : to !> J; Mj iaiid J; Mowbray, Land Agents; ,'Fort-streei',, ; ; ~?'Cki.vy/.". u C'.. . WANTED ;.yont;can"gefc : ,your Watches, Clocks; and Jewellery repaired at W. G,: P.iggbtt);.B4'Victoria-street, third hoiue .above Albert : street, Auckland, good work.manship'kuaranteedl XXT ,Cai*d Trick, a - Gentleman- who. has retired from' the pro-teach'the-ahove either personally or by •letter,• enclose 2s. Bd. in stamps forr fnil-instructions proficiency guaranteed, personal lessons, :10s 6d.«*' Address Presto, Herald Oifaco. v . : . : . \\T ANTED Known—Tin . Saucepans: ..-V V•Hd ; Tin Kettlesi. 2s 6d ; Tin-Dippers, Is ; Collanders, 4s; Milk. Skimmers, lid; Graters, 4d; Towel Rollers, ls 3d ; Knives and Forks, Od the pair; Bellows;>ls lid; Window Screens, lid; Sp!ash Mats (for washstands), Sd:; at Dampier's Hobson-atrost ahop. • . ■ ■ ■. ■. ; v •; : va/ ANTED Known — Yerrall and Co.'s . Wi . Patent tmpfoyed Drays and Carts axe in conatant ;,use, and are admltted to be the greatest improvement of the day. : They effect a saving of 40 per; cent:i No extra charge :mada : for improvementa.— ; Newton Steam Coach Fa»tory. : . -. ANTEp Known — John;. Walmsley; V : ;Confectioner (of Grey-Btreet), begß to notify the public that he hais taken the'shop lately occupied... by E.. Payne ; in Victoria-street, and intends carrying, on a Wholesale, and Retail Branch of his Business on the said premises.—Note' the Address ; Three doors. • below Rew's.... ; w VJITT ANTED Known—Ladies 1 . Blackl.Lea- : T V thcr Bags, 2s lid; Gent's Black leather l Satchels, 2s.lid; Boys' School Bags, 2s lid—At Dam« ,■ •pler'sHobson-street.Shop. " .• XTTANTED Seen—The Bargains in. ... W . tures: Good-size:. Pictures, 2d each; very; largeV superior Pictures 1 (mounted),\ 6d; ■; grand line? elegant gilt : framed Pictures, Is 4d, no higher price,— and the/other lot of Bargains—At Dampier's Hobson:.street,Shop.j, .. - • .^lO. ANTED, widely known that- James' Tt ;. Sale of Drapery, Clothing; General Outfitting, has no*e commenced. .Country % settlers,.large.buyers, and.aU others will find> it profitable tb; embrace: the bpportiinity.of procuring- • what.Drapery .they l need.fbr\tne;.Eeason,'" as no state- - ments aie : . put ''forthiwhich-.are,, not 'earried out.—., James Scutt, General Draper,"Clothier, Milliner, and:. .'General Outfitter, London. House, Victoria and Nel-so.n-Btreets.;'Auokland:: N.B.—A [competent staff of Dressmakers kept on the.premises.: ; v "TTSTANTED Known—Dunne,. Hall,"' and " ...,'YVv Co., Queen-street, are .showing a SplendidAssortment of Ladies' and Children's Hats and Bonnets, quits new thingS iiu Boya* - Hats,' for Summer:,,' wear; : ' A large. Stock:of Millinery; and• Millinery V Trimmings in' Ribbons;' : .Silks,<i Satins;.i Flowers, • Fea*': thers;'and all- tbe. neWi materials;'. Dress Goods in'. ooldurs, v and all sorts; of ! black Goods.. Hosiery and Gloves;; Umbrellas and Sunshades. Special atten- ; xioN is called;'to; : our. large Stock of Shetland Shawls,'.; 1 which we are offering very cheap. : A light and ele-' Kant 1 wrap for' Summer. travelling. ;.Always a good: Stock of Real 1-aces on . hand. . Ladles will save by .. giving us a : call. on the premises, style and fit warranted. Ladies* own materials made, np:—2lß, Queeu'Street, oppoaite Measra. McArthur's . ''■ ft.? Known—That .Munro and£ V Voi . Milligan, .Tailors, Clothiers, and Drapery, i desire to,' bring under the notice of their numerous patrons and the public generally, the large and choice. .: assortment of Spring and Summer Goods just opened > and now ready for inspection. Ladies will find new pattern Prints. Nun's veiling in various shades, richly/.-, variegated Sateens; also, an expensive and judiciously j.. selected Stock of Millinery, from which orders can be '. executed in a few hours.' Gentlemen are invited to 1 , inspect the Stock of Mosgiel and other Twooda and , Clothing Material, which is unsuipassed in Auck- ;. land, before ordering clothing elsewhere. Sulfca mada to order, warranted shrunk, fit guaranteed, and nx«t- >. class workmanship. From the number of persons ,h ; ask"* if. wa would supply goods for ready money, there seem to be a prevailing idea among the general public that our business is done on the deferred pay- .. ment system only. Such is not the ' Ou"Vomers, who take advantage of the 6 per cent' discount (one shilling in the pound sterling) on all parcels ot 20s and upwards, are numerous.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6964, 13 March 1884, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6964, 13 March 1884, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6964, 13 March 1884, Page 1