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| For Sale. AT REMUERA.—For Sale or Lease, a comfortable B*roomed Dwelling-home, Stable, I Coach*house and 3 acres rich land, in oixhard and i paddock.—Apply to W: Aitken, Land Agent. BUSINESS For Sale—The .General Store ..of . the . undersigned; terms liberaL — Wm. ■ Stevenson;Onehunga; . . - . . . v • , • PRINTING-MACHINE FOR SALE;— A Quadruple News Main'B Patent, by Conlibee/ in good working order, with roller moulds, &c.' Will i be sold cheap.—Apply at the Hkralp Office. BONEDUST, NEATSFOOT OIL; GLUE, COW HAIR FOR SADDLES, Sc. . W. SOMERVILLB & CO, I • ..... . ■ 'i227,'Sussex-atreet; Sydney. • •TjIOR SALE—A small Steamer; new,; iJD nearly completed.—Apply to ; David Gouk, i Shipbuilder, Customhouse-street West, ■ . HjlOR 1 and Phaetons (six) Jj :various kinds and prices,.hooded and open.; also, Dog Cart.—Harvie, Upper Symonds-street. EOR SALE—A Good Upstanding ;Hackj, .. rising- 5 years, suitable for cross country' purposes. Prioe, 25 guineas—Address: H.-G., Post-, office, Epsom. . • •. • • .v % . ■. ■ "CjlOR Very vOld High--B*. :land Whiskey, pure White Jamaica Rumi etc., in i casks; octaves, ;and case.—H; Davison and Co/,: Quoen-strect. • :■ ~ •. TDIOR SALE OR LEASE, the Goodwill /JD .of the .Queensland Bakery, 1 doing 9 tons per. month splendid stand ; doing a-good trade in-nmall -(roods; owner retiring from business.—Apply P. Heath, Wakefield-streot. EOR PRIVATE SAL E^ THE. GOODWILL AND ENTIRE STOCK AND. FITTINGS 1 OF \ LARGE. BOARDINGvHSUSE,. situntcd within a few minutes walk from Queen-street,: and doing a; every bed botng occupied; and several permanent /boarders -amongst th*m. The '.whole to be sold choap for cash, as the owner intenrs leaving for Rrgland. Price;£2oo: . None but princi* pals dealt with.:—Address, R., Hbrald Officer mO : NEW ARRIVALS AND OTHERS, .JL FOR SALE—A. New Seven-roomed House, in flrat-class style,, with Venetian blinds,: register grates,, oveni wash boiler; etc; To be had :cheap on easy terms.—Applv to Walter Bayne, Eden ..Vale Road, off Mount Eden Road, a.few yards past toll gatei; or; Messrs.- Hughes and George, Solicitors, Shoftland-street, Auckland: TtJ S T R E GEIV ED, EX TON G ; ARI RO, A STOCK OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS. J. LEECH, •' . Shortland-Rtreet; BE R G E.R 'S . R I C E S T ARC H Brown's Corn Flour Large Consignments for Sale. JOHN REID & CO., 26, Queen-strest. OMM ERG IA L JJ OTE L, WHANGAREI. This now commodious and centrally-situated Hotel, FOR SALE OR LEASE, This Hotel is aituato directly opposito the..Railway ;Station, and in the. direct line of the n ain country roads leading .into Wbarigarei. A really gijod business :la every department. ' . i Gnod'Paddockiiig,. Stabling, arid Billiard Table. Satisfactory reasons given cause Of the. preicnt proprietor leaving. . A splendid opportunity for anyone wanting a good leading,country,hoteL For full particulars apply to ' G. B. HO WARD, Proprietor, ■i,. Whangarei; Or, SAMUEL .TAGGER, . Cjptlin Cook Brewery Mart. Auckland. To Let. , ■ FFICKS and Store to Let.—Apply An Mr.' ."•VJ* land Forwarding and ! Parcels Delivery Conir pany, ■ Cnstomhonse-street East. , rnO LET—A good Dairy Farm, with milk ; walk if ..required; r—For jurther, particulars, apply J«,Crawford, VVoodbank Farm, Epsom. 7TIO LET—An Office, first floor, fronting _-P..Qneeo-streot.; goodi position. Apply Mutual. Life. Association of Australasia, No.. 81, Queen-street. TO LET — A new two-storey House, . ; seven rooms.; Kyber Pass Roid. Modern conr venlencea.—Apply to o. Macdonald, City Chambers, Vajoan Lane...... ,- ... mo LET—Two Rooms, fariiiehed or tin-: ..A -v furnished :(unfurni'bed;. preferred). — Migg. Wren's Fancyfßepository, Victoria Road, Deronport, ;next Mr. Jor vis'. ' TO; LET, with immediate possession (AS: A , Stone Building to Fortstreet known as Lamb's. MUL—Apply to J. Lamb, :-or to W; Aitken,Land Agen^. TO LET—A larjge Building in Swansonatreet, built especially as a large, boarding;house aver f?0 beds.-rApply to X M : . Macdonald,, ■ City Chambers, Vulcan. Lane. . TO LET. -—' The Commodious' Brick Store in. . Lower. Alb occupied by : H. Elliott, and baring a frontage also to Little Queenatreet—Applydnthepremises. • rriO Building Anotment in Albert-. JL street on.iease fbif a term of years.—Apply to :,H. Ash ton andSon.S, New Zealand insurance Building . - '. . • ■ •• "•'; : - : mo LET—Stores in Customhouse-street, •JL/ suitable for wholesale warohouies. three storeys and cellar, patent: lift. and back entrance.— H.. Ashtph and Son, 8, New Zealand Insurance Build* •■inys::- ' . .. mO MERGHANTS AND WARE-'. :JL HOUSEMEN.-r-TO LET—Those ccmmpdious premises ih: CnstorDs-street Eiist, next Thames , Hotel, close tb tho shipping .and the. projected Railway Station ; 'suitable for Boot or Clothing Factory. —' iApply to H: Ashton and Son, 8, New Zealand Insurance Buildings. rj\ b" %. ' HANDSOME NEW SHOP, good.position ; situated corner of .Welleisleyrstreet and EUldtt : ,street. Largeupstairs room r coricreto. cellar. Shop fitted up witti marble-top ..counter, shelves, cupboard, gas. fittings, etc: water iaidon.. D. F..EVANS, . Estate Agent; TO LET OR LEASE. Warehouse.of two...storeys,, with eicelleht; cieliarj in Albert and Little Queen-streets< B. TONES & CO. . f\ FFI 0E S T 0 LE T U IN WYNDHAM-BTREET. Saite of three Konms, suitable for Solicitors or others. Apply. WILLIAM AITKEN, . ' -A S ent. ' Auckland, January ll- T»°a : ; . . FORWARDING AGENTS, LIVERY STABLjEKEEPERS, too. TO Large Premises in Durham-street, .adjoining the Hayusarket,.recently oocupicd as stores . Messrs! ! T; and S. Mprrih and Co. Very (suitable ''for any'.business requiring, large the centre of. the oity.-fApply to Mr. R. H. Witt, adjolnlhg'; or; Messrs.-W:.and Ei Basteh;'Wakefleld^strset; Board and Residence. BERTH VILLAi 1, Hobaon-atreet, Auok•land:—Mrs. Loyerock receives Boarders for Tempnrary or Permaneht.'Residence,..and; endeavours, by personal suporintehdencef to seoure for her guests the comfort dorived from polite attention. scrupalotis' cleanliness, and prompt attendance/ The' Table is : -liberally kept, the cooking, particularly c.ired for,, and : the meals aro. punctually served. Perth "V j.l.i. stands upon the. cliff at the [corner, of 'Hobau'n. and llooro-atreet, commanding a /ull view of 'til-, Stoke's Point; and the North Shore, ivj aipeeVis; north and .west. It is;n.ear the' Star Hotel, only three minutes' walk from Queen-street. Pai'i/.e-* s.rriviijg by-steamer will'Perth Vlllaihe c.'njfort apa quiet of " .home;' Terms from Twenty-tlve Shillings, dependent upon iridlvidual requlremeDt. jhi LAREMQNT HOU SE, PRiN T GES> V_y STREET; AUCKLANDi—Board and Residence . by tho ,day, week, or months Permanent Boarders and families on moderate terms. T>ANAiSIA;. HOUSE,. Lower. Symondsstreet,, beautifully: situated, ' overlpoking. Government Upnse grpunds. Mrs.! Dalton has now excellent accommodation. f6r families ; also, for oiie ,or two./gentlemea; Piano,, bath and iahpwer, pro* fesslonal; man, cook. Terms,.moderate., , MISS. begs to inform Her ;friends that slie has removed from Cypress . Villa,;.. Lower. Symorids-streiet, to ..!'* The Retreat,'' Upper Symonds-streeti. opposite V The : ;No6k." V. The v house is in a .healthy, and pleasant situation .oflf the road, with a >iew. ; of .th<« harbour,' withinlte.n minutes'. walk of the Pok Office, and contains , accommodation ! or gentlemen and families. Terms moderats., w ; CAMBRIDGE HOUSE, Lower Vincent : street —Mrs. Richmond begs to inform her friends that she, has ncm opened her new ipremlses. as ' a first-class boarding double .bed-: rooms and sultep of apartments. Plnnge and shower': baths, and every acoommodatlon for visitors. Two minutes walk from. Opera House.—Terms on appliestion. ■■ ' '■; ■-' '■; .' riOVBRNOR BROWNB HOI£L VIT HOBBON-STRKBT. Board and Lodging— -_- —— —_ _ — —SQa per week do. do. :. (single room) —Sts do.. 5,5. Lost and Found. "H" OS - / between; Oakley Creek and MornAJ injeide —A Carriage Rug.—lender wfll be rewarfs uo leaving same at Q.fclt'a Stables; 01 with [ tlu oraisr, Y. OtdlaDi Avonflale. ; ■

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6964, 13 March 1884, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6964, 13 March 1884, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6964, 13 March 1884, Page 1