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Gazette in Bankruptcy, IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BAXKRCJPTCY, UOLDJSN AT AL•CKLA^D/ In tho matter of Tba Bankruptcy Act, 1853 Notice is hereby (riven that I, John Anderson of the City 0/Auckland'lQ >iow Zealand Master Mariner, have this fljy ttled. id th.. said Co irt, at Auckland aPetition tubeanjd. ge 1 a E.n rpi, Dated this 21et day of iry. 1-S4 „ .. „ JOI£.S AVDEESON. C. N. Bp.assev, Coombes' Chamben, tiaeea-eUeet Baokrupi s solicitor. X N BA .N iv .. UPT cY. li! THE COUET O? B iNKEUPTCY. HOLDEN AT AUCK AND. In the mUter of "The Bankrnntcr Act, ISS3 " and of the Bankruptcy or Jons* Andep-»o-. Mister Mariner, of Auckland, a Bankrupt. ' Notice is hereby given thit by an order of the laid Coutft, at Auc'.l.nri, tue abovenamerl John Andersi n w»s this djj »iljudicat(d a UanLrupt wit in the intent and meaning of ttieabovßtneutioned Act The First Mo-ting of Cri-Jitors will be held at mv oftice, Sunreine Court in the Cit» of Ancklmd on the 27th of February nut at llo'clouk a .1 -roxy fornu can be obn nsd at my ofhee Proof of debt mual bo furnished prior to or at the meeting Datsd this 22nd day of Febrnary, ISS-J. JOHN Official Asii b ijuo in Bankruptcy. G N. BftASSEY, Queen-street, Auckland, Uankrupt's Solicitor. T'N BAiNrvIiaPTCY IN THE COUET OF BANKRUPTCY HOLDEN AT. AUCKLAND. In the mittcrof the " Bankruptcy Act, IS'3," and of the Bankruptcy of Juiis- And-i-sos, of Aurklann, Mas er Mariner, a BiiiVrup Notice is horeby given that, by an ordtr of the said Court or Auckland, the abive-uami-d John Anderson, Wii Thw I>.tv .uljiidictted a Laukrupt within the intent and meaning of th-above montioHcd Act. The First Meeting a Cre litors will be held at ruv office Snnrome Court Building*, in the City of Auckfand on WTDVESOAY iho27ih Febrmry mst.nt, at eleven o'i lo k am. Proxy forms can be obtained at my Ollice Proof of debt mnst be furnijhect prior to or at the Mcetin". Dated this 22nd day of Febrnarv, ISS4. JOHN 1 AW.SON , Official Assignee id bankruptcy. G. N. Bmssnv, Queen-street, Auckland, Baukrunfs Solicitor T N B A N. K ft UP T C Y. IN THE COUET OF BANKRUPTCY, lIOLDEN AT AUCKLAND. in-tbe. matter:of The Bankruptcy Act, 18S3. and ip-f the. Bankruptcy of W.i.l.Lia-m 'MbWtonMßKr pos'JEF, c.f. St. George's fiay, .near Auckland, T.ime Keeper,, a B»nkrupt. ■ ' ~ Notice is. hereby givon that, by ah order of the '.laifl Court of AucßlarirJ, the , above-named William Msutgbriiery Gosset was This Day adjudicated * Ua.nkr.ui.'t wifhin theintent.sna meaniiijr <if the aboyimeniibned Act-. Tho First Meeting, of Creditors will be.held at ihy Offlce, .supreme Court tiuiidings, in the ; City of Auckland, on THUESDA.V, jh'e 2S h day of : ..F.ebruary..iDstari.t,. l at.eleven o' I*roiy iorms. can bii bh'ta'ined.i't my CHHce... Proof of debt must be :fuin!she.d prior to or at the M'eetine' ' Da.lid this. 22nd day of Februiirv. ISB4. JOHN LAWSON, Official Assignee in Bankruutcy; ■, , Thomas 'Wood, Queen-street, Auckland; Bankrupt's ".Solicitor. - '..'.;■. , iiducationalv WAITAKI HIGH SCHOOL, OAJKAItU , . . . EECIOK : JOHN HARKESS M.A. (Late'SembrScliolar of.Cbrpui fihristiColiege, Oxford, and for:sit vears A-sistant Glaasical.and.Modern Languaßes Master' of :Ui' Chester '■■ Grammar Schbbl). Mii;iiKMJiTicA:t. Master: .ALGERNON CHARLES GIFFOED, B.A. (Scholar of 3t. John's CollbR!!, Ckmbrlttge; Fourteenth ■ ■ : . ',•■ Wrangler, 1883). : . ; The Schpol is bne.miie qufsidp the; town boundary 'of. Oatnaru, in ah admirable, aituatiou,. and' is »iirrpnndbil by .'3O acres of l'e.vej reserve land, which con- ■ tain, large football, tennis, and cricket grounds. The .buiidiDßS are tpeciallyidesitned (.or iipardors, and .con-:-tains- four large togetherwith'the .jfrbper. efiu.ipment of .lavatories uhd. ' '.Bjya are , ; prep>r.ed not..merely:forthe".!parhed prpfessipris, but also for ipr-ictical , and commercial'pursuits The SchTOllcburseinejudes.Mathematics.'.Phyaica'l.Scicnbe, .French, Latin'■.. Literature;. History, .'Geography,..and . "Political.Kcnnomy. '• and.(jerrna ':< are not con , .- : -puiTOryJ i;: 'A..Chomlcai Labnratpry. wlli;, shortly'.''be /added to. tho..School, and. arrangements made for i.teaching. Practical Chemistry and Drawing id alltlio ■boys. ■.' . . ' ■ ■ '-.. The School Bnildinßs are fine, and the crimate of Oamaru p.irticulariy gpbd;. Boarding.fee: 42 guineas a-ycaf; Ripply to the Rector. OF EKGLAND GRAMMAR vy school. (Aaiiated to the Onivors ty of New Zealand): : ■ ■ . Manukau. Road,.Auckland; ' ; Gori-nNpRs :. The Eight Eey. the Bisnpb. of ..Auckland, DVD. : Tub Von, Arch, llaunsell, Gl P.' Pierce. Esq L'-D. . C. C. .WbSlill»n, Esq. Tho V.en. Archdeacon Pritt H. G. i-eth' Sinithi Esq., -.Tiie Hop, Col' Haultain EIM. >■-»■. Headmaster .. H. T; Pycroft • E^: al> . Drawing andiPalnting .. ... K. Watkihs Writingi. Commercial .Arithmetic, ; Kbokkeeping ... /,. .. H. Smith '.Mechanical. Drawing, and.Superih- .' tenileht df : Vv'ofk»hop ..' ' .. E. J. Claridge : Buptrintehdent of iiyinnasium: .. A. B. Urbbm.hall : Terms Alonqay 4th February, :2Ctu May, lath September. :-P.rpspectuees can-be obtained from : F. J. CLARIDGE, ; AEent for.t]bie Gpyptnofs. YS ; APTAiN and MRS. DAWSON receive ivy tutu their family Boys from the.Obuntry who 'iwisti to .attend" the. Church of England Grammar .' School' pi- the. Auckland Grammar School. Situation, liualibyandconvenioru. Keierences kindly.periiiitted to the Eight Rev. .the..-Bishop- ot : > ucklandi Sir Maurice b'liorlio. Colonel Haultain,. the. Rev; G. H. S. Walpble , , .lncunibent of St. Mary s. Parnell, and ' .; It T.. Hycroft, l£sq., . tleadmaster of tho Church of Kileland Grammar School. For. particulars apply to .'Grammar School Houae,..P!arh.eil; ■ ' MR. "O ALL, X RTIST, SB ORTL ANP-STREE I, ■ Encouraged by the patronage which he has received : a Teacher of Painting, has taken a much, larger ;i"and more cbmmbdibus studio, in the. same central situation as his late oho—where he Will be able to receive ah increased number of pupils. Classes for ■OIL AND WATER COLOUR PAINTING, ■ On Saturday afternoon; for Ladies only Saturday morning, and Drawing, and Sepia on; Monday evening . .Pupils can enter at any time. 1%/TR. W: ,H. WEBB, lii-S.--S.-A. &oJLViB. ACADEMY OF iIfSICI, OAE HOUSE, liO USON-STEEET (3 doors from Cook-street). '. TEACHER OF'PIAiNOFCIETE, OEGAN, HAE- : MONiUM,-AND HAEMONY. Terms on Application. ■ IN CLASSES. EUDIMENTSOF MUSIO THPOItY OF MUSIC HARMONY. . There ure separate Classes fnr elementary, and ad-L-vanc'ed.slmlentsi conducted on the'principles o'£ the ; :.Epva!. Academy bf MuMc. *-.*-. ... Term of 12 les.3ous, I.Guinea. t>Oi.RDfNG AND DAY SCHOOL.-. 0-ttJ?: ST., JOHN'S COLLEGU.. TAMAKI, NEAE .AUCKLANi;. ,:,By pormission of the Trustees, pupils will be T«f ■■.ccivqd:on tlia-abdvepreinises for General Education. .lOrtor.Vfir-epartt.tlpn for' Univori ty Nlatrirulation. arid 'Kxaminatton's. The First Term will, conirrience . .011 February 4, 1884. Fiir Prospectus and references, applyto the Kov. T, F.King, Principal. i 7V/T -E. RALPH HOO D, EESSQNS IN PIANOFOETE PLAYING. tetters to be. left at Eady's Music Warehouse. Mr. Hood attends Cpncerts. . Mr; Hood resumes teaching oh the Ist of February. Vacancies for pupils. ,i/r b. jo N so N, xS/.JL Certificated Teacher of P H 0 N OG R; APH Y-i. ■Shorthand Teacher at the College and. Grammaj ' :-S.cliool. ■ Address: Karangahape Eoad: JO ONS,O NB Y R 0.-A p> ; '.. .SiRB..ANB.Tiii! : Mis3ES SHAYLE GEORGE i • inform their old friends and.pupils .RE-OPENED their. ScbooV::nu. WEDNESDAY,. 30th. -.January ■ "^..8011011; and thorough-. Kngllsu .' :.tion,,wlth.French,; Music; U.inciuK,- and Needlewoik: .yiill-'be offered , on moderat6,..terrhs,; .■■.:, ,' '.v.-v....: ,: '; ?.nh T/'m, HiJM.PHREYs,':S::A\i! } A '..('ambriiige;.:will .a , iiuiited'number'Of' .daily, Pupils"'and 'Boarders, at;-Koseneath,': , XovvVr Kemuera, from Monday, Marcli.-3. Full particulars jbn.appUcatiotii . - '■:[■':'"■■■' :^r: .. ■.' ."...:'f ' : /"':y -v-'-- ■'■«' : !(P\ IRiiS' : HiGHVSCHOOL;-' • !vsr. ■llaciame.Pooley.' visits the! 'Girls , High School ;for .Vripal liistiucliou.. duplication, to bo mado to ■MiJss.Bat<i3.;Prmciiiai:" '' '''.:'",~.,ij:"<'^ ! '' t "': ':.■■.'? ?^.ISF v :Te : acher of I ■ i.».L. 'fbrtOi.Kps:ei:House,:Bere3/ord-itreßt loflPittiatreeti Vacancies (or ijuijUj. :'■' ■■'■:■■ ■■■ - 1

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6948, 23 February 1884, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6948, 23 February 1884, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6948, 23 February 1884, Page 3