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___- : Medical. THE SEEMING ; MYSTERY OF CHOLERA AND ' . ' FEVER. rpHE OFFICE OF THE LIVER IS TO CLEANSE THE BLOOD, ; X as a scavenger might sweep the streott ; when the liver in not I /#?'S%S^' ; S:<>V^s^ , K- S working properly a quantity of effete (or waste) matter is left floatin « : in the blood > under theao circumstances, should the poison li®W4&%&SS. Mrm or Cholera or Fever be absorbed, then the disease results ; on gf&W&L-^ the contrary, anyone who»e liver and other organs are in a normal or healthy condition may be subjected to precisely the acme condilionas to the contagious and yet escaue Cholera or Fever. This, I consider, explains satisfactorily the seeming mystery that persons who are placed Id circumstances peculiarly £^M^4jflc£-r^is??<^tii^ i 'p 3% favourable/or the Developmer of Cholera or Fever, who, in fact, #?§ft ~' Te ,n tbe midst of ''■ «<»Pe u scathed. Cholera and Fever may •Iβ. ' will not K row ° n « oli<i flagstones; and what I contend for is this, F#«V^i^®!^ , yss2?* ; »>r that tt Person may be subjected to tbe Influence of the specific iftwl poison—that is, the germ of Cholera or Fever—and not contract P^ : ***A VViT the disease. Why? Because his secretions were in a tborouebly Ksf yS'SSi 1 normal condition, and consequently the poison could not take root, *S V'<ll,/ vVj 1 I ;K>R!>* ! ft : S^%"i"*i<i anv more than a weed could do on a flagstone ; and, on the other g£«fi;?'py y3 •'rlS.vt'3P?svw'^ l l han'l, a person in <y have the soil (that is, disordered secretions, £4i¥r/$A \ f«%'Si^> ,^; -S etc -> ver y favourable for th« disease, and still he escapes. Why? •Kf/' jffiJfiK \ ' iljy?^j^ r T < ' Because the soil was prepared, bat there wm no seed. Hence tha SV jSj'kA. N / import mce and srreat value of KNO'.S FRUIT SALT, which, under ' I all circumstances, keeps the secretions normal; if only as a preL'i'i^Jlh\\XK' I I vontive against and sure remedy for prisoned blood, biliousness, rtSv'sJi ' siclE headache, etc., no one ought to be without it. H ENO ' S FKUIT- SALT k'--#?'M \* \\ T> EMOVES POISONOUS MATTER caused byimpureor vitiated BwJIvYV i\ \\\\ -tV air, errors of e*iing or drinking, etu.. b» niiuial means. No H'Si\\ »\SA\\ V\\l TOW v^-fSfc' , " on e is site without having at bund some efficient uieansof warding WJ3 l'Avs\\\\\ of BLOOD I'OISONS. After a very patient and careful observa frj/1 i\T >&\ \ tion. extending over many years, of the en\cu of KfiO'B FkUIT -**?vO> SALT, I have not the least hesitation in stating that, if its great "line In keeuing the body healthy were universally known, not a fr'is.Wp&&' Bin ß'e travelling trunk or portmanteau would be without it. ss slet T IIpr, I I TANT TO TRAVELLERS Al*D ALL LEAVING HOME Pwt^'«^MiS^Vfw' ! (*W<t -*• FOii A CH*NGB.—"We have for the last four years used Jour KliUlT SALT during several imponant survey expeditions # WflfcTk < >B'Ws3B& In the Malay Peninsula. Si»m, and Cambodia, ami have undoubtedly PS d derived very great benefit fr.m it Jn one instance only was one of ?■■!?>& \ Is' our party attacked with fever during that period, and that hap-K-vfP'£& ''M pened after our supply of Fruit salt had run out. When making K-i'WJA f\ : i^'-W?V long marches unrtcr the powerful rays of a vertical sun, ortramping ff , W ;rt /W %\ &P?w-.4SESff»CS3a throogh swampy district-., we have nsod the Fr.iit.Salt two aud f««y M ff^:V<*%ffi» t 'VV«WW three times a day. •'! he Fruit Salt acts as a gentle aperient, keeps *i? i; S&Pe VS? ; &«; : ®yW.'>H™ th!! blood cool and hi-althy, aixi wa-ds off fever. We have much fcV'vQtC'Fti'l Pleasure in voluntarily ti'Stifving to the value of your preparation fc*TKvt'4 i sWiil A'SiSJSS^IMTVaS and o>tr firm b«lief in its efficacy. W» never go in the jungle !&' ! y^ i without it, and have al>o rec .mmended it to others.- Yours truly. ,uj Commander A. J. Lo t -rus. F.K.G.S., hi E SLimefe iljjostys Hydroi(rapber ; E. C. Davidson, Siamese Government Telegraphs. B».n;;kok,.Slarn, May, 1853.-J. C. Eso, Esq., London." ENO"S FRUIT SALT.—" After eufTerin? for nearly two and a half yciTß from severe headache and disordered stomaoh, and after tryin; almost everything and spending much money without findlmj My benefit, I was recommended by a friend to try your FRUIT SalT, and before I had lini-hert one bottle I found it doing me a (treat deal of rood, and now I 'am restored to my usual health ; anil oihers 1 know that have tried It have not enjoyed tuch good health for years.—Yours mos , - truly, Kobekt Humphrkys, Post-office, Barraaford." " TTOWTO AVOID THE DEBILITATING EFFECTS OF TRAVKLLING."—"I travel by rail between JjL twenty and thirty thousand milos each venr. and in my opinion there is no mode of travelling so debiliuti'g to the human system as that. For a long time I sufferer! from m-rvo-.soess. sluggish liver, indigestion flatulence, and moet of the ailments common to thos* wlio travel a great do;ii. After trying many and all more or less worthloss remedies, I was induced to try your Fruit Salt, and since doing so (nine months ago) I may indeed say I am a new man, and new 1 never consider my portmanteau packed unless there is a bottle of £x i ''S FfiUIT SALT in it. I think it right to Tccommerul it in every way—h-nce thb letter ; for 1 »m sure it needs but to be tried, and nn traveller would thinu of being without so ereat a friend In all cases of need. I enclose my card and sm, faithfully, yours, Tituni. Tho Xrossachs Hotel, Loch Katrine, Cailander, X.8.. 27th June. ISS3." STIMULANTS and insufficient amount of exercise frequently.derange the liver. ENO'S FRUIT SALT is peculiarly adapted for :tny constitutional weakness of tho liver. A world of woes is avoided by those who keep and u?e KXO'iS KBIT IT SALT.—'• All our customers for EN'O'S FRUIT SALT would not bo without it upon anv consideration, they hnviug recoived. «o much beneflt from it."—Wood Bi'.otueiis, Chemists Jersey, IS7S." TT'GyPT.-"Cairo."—" Since my arrival in Egypt-, in August last, I have, on three separate occasions, been XL/ attacked by fever, from which, the first occasion, I lay in hospital for six weeks. The last two gratitude for my restoration and preservation impels mo 10 arid my testimony to the already overwhelming store of the sinie, and in so doing I feel that I am hut obeying tha dictates of duty.—Believe me to bo Sir gratefully yours, a Corporal, 19th Hussars, 26th May. ISS3.— Mr. J. C. Eno." ' ' SUCCESS IN LIFE. —"A new invention is brought before tho public, and commasds success A. score of abominable imitations aru i.nuiedia'ely introduced by the unscrupulous, who, in coprini the orlcinjl clos-Iy enough to deceive the public, and yet not sr» exactly as tn infringe upon leval rights, exerrise An Ingenuity that, employed in an original channol, could not fail to secure reputation and profit."—Adams. DIRECTIONS IS SIXTEEN LANGUAGES HOW TO PREVENT DISEASE. CAUTlON.—Examine each Bottle, and see that the Capsule is marked " ENO'S FRUIT SALT." Without it you have been imposed on by a worthless imitation. SOLD BY ALL CHEMISTS. PRICE 2s 9d and 4s Qd. Prepared only at ENO'S FRUIT SALT WORKS, HATCEAM, LONDON, S.E., BY J. C. ENO'S PATENT.

A largo proportion of the diseases which cause human suffering result from derangement of the stomach, bowels, and liver. Ayep.'s Cathartic Pills act directly upon these organs, and aro especiatty desigued to euro the diseases caused by their derangement, including Constipation, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Headache, Dysentery. and a hose of other' -ailments, for all of ■which they aro a safe, sure, prompt, and pleasant remedy. The extensive use of these Pills by eminent physicians in regular practice, shows unmistakably the estimation in which they are held by the medical profession. These Pills are compounded of vegetable substances only, and are absolutely free from calomel or any other injurious ingredient. A Sufferer from Headache Tvrites: "Ayer's Pills are invaluable tome, and are my constant companion. I have been Pills are the only thing 1 could loo"k to for relief. Ono dose will quickly move njy bowels and free my head from pain. They are the most eifective and the easiest plivsio 1 have ever found. It is a pleasure to m« to speak in their praise, and 1 always do so Tvheu occasion oilers. \V. 1,. Pack, of W. T>. Pago & Ero." Franklin St., Richmond,Ya., dune 3, 1852. "I have used Ayer's Pills in numberless instances as recommended by you, mid have never known them to fail to accomplish the desired result. Wo constantly keep them on hand at our lionie, and prize them as a pleasant, safe, and reliable family medicine. FOII DYSPEPSIA they are invaluable. J. T. HAVES." Mexia, Texas, Jnno 17,1882. The Rnv. Fha:nxis B. Harlo'WJE, -writingfrom Atlanta Gα., says: •' For some years pist I havo been subject to constipation, from which, in spite of the use of medicines of various kinds, I suilered increasing inconvenience, until some months ago 1 . entirely corrected the costive habit., ami have vastly improved my general health." Ayer's Cathartic Pills correct irregularities of the bowels, stimulate the- appetite and digestion, and by their prompt and thorough action give toue and vigor to the whole physical ecouomy. PEEPAItED BY Dr. J. C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass, Sold by all Druggists. YOUNG An experience the wonderfnl 111 n AMD benencial effects of liin'niF Ayer's Sarsaparilla. ,„"„ Children with Sore Eyes, Soro AbtU. Ears, or any scrofulous or syphilitic taint, may be made healthy and strong by its use. Sold by all Druggists; SI, sis bottles for 50. KEMPXHORNE, PEOSSER & CO.'S NEW ZEALAND DRUG COMPANY (LIMITED). GK IMA VL T & CO., POAMACEUTIO4L CHEMISTS. Paris : Rue Viviennk, 8, Paris. DUSAEX'S SYJIUP OF LACIOPfIOSPHATE OF LIMB This preparation enriches the. blood, strengthens the bones,'and improves all the vital.energies. ■. Phosphate of Ltnm is the substance most taccossary to life ; indispensable (or the. formation arid nutriment of tfe bony syac* m as for tlfe transformation o' food into muscular'fibre. Without it the body wastes away, anrt it is to supply the lack of the Lai:tophokphate ol Lime that Ilnsart's Syrup Is so nscfu!, and it is of inestimable benefit fur Convalescents, Wk'K, and Old People, and Rickkty Children, who fid in it the Calcareous Elements enterine into the Constitution of the Bonks. Well adapted to Ladies in the Family-way. Wet Kcjrses (whose milt it enriches), and lo stop Cuildbk.n's Diak. KHCEA. ASTHMA ! ASTHMA ! GRIMAULT & CO.'S INDIAN CIGARETTES. Asthma, Nkkvous Couons, Chronic LARYNGITIS, liOA t'SENIiSS, LOSS OF VoiCK, KaCIAL KEUp.alota. and so mm a, are rapidly relieved by using these Cigarettes. DISEASES OF THE CHEST. . GRIMAULT & Cu.'S SYKUP "F HYPOPHOSPHITE OF LIME. Persons suffering from Oatabrii, CoNSOMPTioIf, Colds, or Obstinate Coluus, and generally thuse afflicted with diseases of the cliest. brnnchla, or lungs, should use GUI.\fAULT <.■ CO.'S SYRUP OF HYfOPHOSPHITEOK LIME, which, prescribed for rears past by the medical authorities of all countries, has invariably effected wonderful cures. Bp the use of ihistjyrup the cough is calmed, nocturnal sweats disappear, and the appetite rapidly improvos a fact soon demonstrated by an increase of weight anil improved appoiranee, ' QIUMALTLT'SSYfWPJtot'arose colour, andeo n tained in flat ova.l bottles.. . GRIMAULT & CO.'S MATICO CAPSULES AND INJECTION. Renowned Physicians prescribe GRIMAUI/TS RIATICO a* tho most active and &t the fame time the most inoffensive remedy in the treatment of Aoutk like Copaiba, the inconvenience of giving Nausea* The liijection is used in recent, and the Capsules la the more chronic cases. SICK HEADACHE ! NEURALGIA.! GRIMAULT & CO.'S GUAKANA. This Medicine owes its curative virtues to the great quantity of Caffein which it contains. Dr. Wilkn, of Uuy's Hospital, declares in the British JJedlcal ""'cuaranft Powders aro a certain remedy for Sick Headache."-The Lancet, Ails. 31,1872. , . It is tho m'st valuable remedy against RnmEA DfsKNTuRY, and all disorde/3proceediu(;ffom derangement of the Stomach or Bowels.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6948, 23 February 1884, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6948, 23 February 1884, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6948, 23 February 1884, Page 3