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The weekly meeting of the Board of Education ■ ■** waß'..held:. : ye»terday afternoon, at the offices, Wyndhttmistreet.'^ Present: Mr. Luke (in the*//: chair),.!.Measrßf%oldie, Carr, MoKenzie, Cnoper, and Buokland.—The minutes of lert'.K":''meeting were rsad and confirmed. ." : %- : ■■;■■ . CHiiBMAN'a Beppbt.—The Chairman's re-Ct port ■ wig 'read.'' It referred principally to ■■ buiiness;tranaaoted since last meetioe, of vhich ' the principal items are leave of abaence to ' teachers/ and tint cheque for £150 had been '. sig D edv.;forj; Alorrintville : tad? . Dl^? T ? D 80UTH.-A ] r .who had acted a. acrutineer at the', election ot, school .committee, proteated against ,the election on the ground that six persona bad 1 yptediwhp.were.not.iqaaliaed, being only men : district.' Mr. Chairman: ;» f .> h «.; , ?.«.e.M.D8.'/." explanation, and ttT :! et ? e ?: wa,, : re « ly edfrom the -minority''of the ' c °? lm > t . tee - , It 'appeared fine man had been ;electod on two :corjimitteea. and h&3 voted ».t ithe?two~meetinge.—The'eleotion was, on the ! jmotidh pf;'Mr.. Goldie.Vdeclared invalid and ■ : Monday:fortnight."at"''twelve o'clock, was :.fpri]the' : .freß.h»«lection: , / > 'Mr.:. i Goldie asked what i would .be of' the.'action-"of the ...who hadVb.een' acting iillegally"in reg»rd to the voting! fbr,tbembers of th-e Board.'- He for: : :pn6 should !bbject : .to theirivotes"being taken.. - ;Flat 'was iia"- pro test, <by 41r. : (Murphy .asoiinit .the .;.elecu6nv..on;?the ground ;thit. personi. iibt:.entitled .to: : v6teihad voted JthereV"' Cprreepondence , oh .thesobjaot wii! was igreed, to refer the correspondence ;tpaic6mmitteei to:report : before next Friday. - : ■ .KATr'KATi:, A : protest had been receive,!; the imeeciog not held in the piece appointed. :.-:■). :v .*"■ '■:•■■' y .QHiNSMoat; Uk :Mitchell : ; 'td' .whether a .cpntre'btbr-.waisqaali&e'd for eleotion. , ■— Mr. Buokl»nd'said,tlie;:Board had ruled that contraotprs-.were qualified.-. Hβ was attacked': violently by the HebaLD.for pointing oat that ■' the/iwprd .'' not ■' .had :been! omitted from the BIBALD3 report. .What he'said was that the Board Had. ruled that local 'contractors were not Cdppersaidthat'a good deal :pfimisebneeption.waiscaused: .by,. the,awkward '.thV-r.eportera were:placed in !■ the. r00m,., in. which it. was impossible for them -to hear distinctly- what, Wasjsaidl—Mr.sMoßS.'' : also pointed out how. a mieebneeptiori had ariien as to what he.eaid;.in.,coheequence; of i'a.printer's., error.: -.- ■ ■- . . ~:.:;...■■ ..-,.-.■ ■■■•. '"■■ !.-,:-i-\-.'■:?>:. ,:;■■" ; PuKEKOHB WEST.^-This.was a^protestagainst the yalidicy of the school; committee's eleotion. ; ; —Pe.ferreii for farther, irjfbrmation: - - ' !: : . Kei-obt. auditore'. rerjort, re ;: school.committees' ac.bp.nnta^ i iira'B' < .'received.--The'' ■fbllo:wiDg:committees have np' t -yg t j ent j a an.naa! .^ccpttnts^for audit. jHjArai. DargaViUe,. F!itv:Bush,^Q r eerton, Hotee. ■North, Maungakafsmea,. 'Matfrit" Eden, Pal Kauri, :-Sukekohe. Weat. {Kuakaka; : Taiiranga, Tβ, Puke,. Wade.— Ii !was agreed tb.ask the;furnish the, ';nece»sary..returrig.;': :! .j.\v •■' ■■'"'■ :Y : V--- -JiT.'.. .',.■,'" . . .■ptyiwoN.i.oi: District. rT-An; application for.the separation of Wppdhill./.frpm "Helensville . di'scrict: was. deferred for.further.information.,. . ,£ch6oC rJisTBICT of Ratikati North ,and.South;.were agreed toi ■ .ilterationa of Epinokprilci,.'bpandariea were de:ferred., Blauku-Puni: a.istricte'bouiidariea were :ifixed. Proposed .alteration bfCth'es.Tamahere. 5 ilie.tri.c.tiwas.deferred .for cpneultatibii with other Kcpmmittees interested; ' . ■ ,' v '.«-- .'.w '.-;'-'O-;;'.. ';■' iwas :;an> application .for aii r^™° t to - 1,,8n B' !:, a , bpll.ana.fbr drainage; , '.*o ; ;J-i». Pd. It : wae .agreecl to grant halfthe; : am.oiin.t aßked; ■■■ .'■■'.■.- - ' -.- "'.{■.'- ■■^■■■■■~ . : . ,'i."-v. i :". , -';..' Cprreepondence was received from the committee approving ■pf the.plans of .the :prpppsed fl'qhbpl in Napier-.'-street. —Jlr.. Gpldie said it was manifest they .c?uld not erect; at ,pr : esenc, : and-i-m'.°.yecl- that th.e;committee,!opmmunicate ; witri .the;St; sThpin>ie's .ire; temporary^use! ■ of the.building. asked that the ■Board should ; pla.ce.,:£ip.,to;;the. ; . credit of.:; the teacher for'eV-kin'3ergaftea'-!eyatem' :; for a'ppli,aiicesi~The Inspector irepbrted' against Jit, an requisitions should- be sent ■in ' the -usual . Gpldie .said;:the,;£lo had been: j voted, to'.the.committee;for this purpose. —It wae agreed to. ask the; /committee' to.. send in the I certified:.ac6purits;—Thecbrnmittee also sent for pf the instructions to head teachers.—lt was .'agreed to forward.: the ine'ructiona .:and circulars; . '":'= .u-.-i-j, , ...; 1 '■;■::.A' ! . : .">' '"' " h ii 'CAitBBi.DGE. —The 'co'inmftiiee , 'forwarded reeolutioQ r9.iemp.delling:the.:teiehingstaff of the ;sjgh School and:'Di.stric.t-.Sbhqpl. '...There .wae ft" .pt qtest from, three memhers -'of } tne!..'cbmmittee and a protest against this prbtbst. Thbluepector did not agree with the committep, but agreed that the assistant teaoher should be dispenssd with at once, and that aa soon aa a suitable place can be found for him the head toucher should be removed, as recent troubles must impair hie usefulness in Cambridge. It is duo in fairness to Mr. Stewart to state that he has conducted the school in an admirablemanner. He considered Mr. Wright's conduct unbearable and eubveriive of all discipline. There was a good deal of discussion on the subjeot. Mr. Cooper said it was evident whatever thp qu«i;£citionn cf the head master were the school was going to the dogs. If the head master was not qualified to oversee the work of 'n 6 u ß T stanc n "" ,ter . who, had charge of. the Uigb School? To bring matters to a head he should pi opose that Mr. Stewart and the assistant maeter be removed, <and that a head mastsr be appointed capable of undertaking the t'uties of the High School, and an assistant master be appointed to the District School. Devoktobt.—Aα Application for repairs to the school teacher's house was deferred. Gkaftos.—Agreed to supply gravel before winter. Hadtapd.—On the recommendation of tho committee it was agreed to make the school site four acres. Kaeo.—An application for a teacher's honia was daferred foi want of funds. KaowaeeaN'ja.—The committee wrote stating they had determined to bring the compulsory of the Act into force. They also asked regarding the establishment of niirht eohoole, and suggested that drill instructors should be diepensed with.—lt was agreed to forward the information requested recardice night schools. Madkd.—A letter was received asking for information aa to who asked to have the district divi,ied.-lt was agreed to forward the necessary information. , MAOr.GATAPEKE.-£G was granted for closeta. MADJ.GATUBOTO.—The applicition was for £4 for closets.—Agreed the committee be allowed to use school funde for the purpose. Ml'ftANDA.—This was an application for a pcho/jl. A site was offered.—lt was agreed that steps be taken to convey the sito to the Board. iVcODNT Eden.—This application w»5~ rsgsM. in?; the closets, reported on by Mr. AUright, wJjo approved of the application.—Agreed to. MODNT Koskill —The application was for a a'mall grant for repairs to the teacher'a residence. —Granted. Newton West.—Tho committee applied to have the teacher's house repaired, in order that it might be let. It was at present unoccupied, and destroyed by larrikins.— Agreed to; the Board to draw the renti. Miscellan£ods. —A number of applicationa 1 for eoidll grants from country districts were received and dealt with. Applications fob Emplotmeht.—A number of applications for employment under the Board were received and de*lt with. Notice of Motion.— Kx. Carr gave notice to move at tho next meeting, " That paragraph 17, page 5, rules and regulations, be'erased, and that paragraph 20, page 5, be amended ,by erasing the words ' From' to 'Board' (inolusive), and inserting in lieu thereof the words ' from school, districts. , " Newton East School.—Twenty-two applloations for the position of head master of Newton Eist School wore received. There were six new applications.—They were referred to the School Committee. Appointment of Teachee3.— Appointments of teachers to cert.iin schools, as recommended by the committees, were agreed to. Colonial Rii-le oleetiNG.—Captain Owen Mataon was granted le-tve of abgenc- from hie duties under the Board to act as stuff officer at the forthcorniLg New Zealand Kifla Association tieetine. Clccks.—Mγ. Bartlett's application for a of his contract for the supply of clocks was rbfnsed, the Olerk stating thut the clocks supplied »ore most unsatisfactory. AccouMd.—Current accounts were passed for payment, and thi> meeting terminated.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6948, 23 February 1884, Page 3

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BOARD OF EDUCATION. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6948, 23 February 1884, Page 3

BOARD OF EDUCATION. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6948, 23 February 1884, Page 3