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TESTIMONY OF THE AGES,* , tTiiE above, is the title of a book which has recently attained a great degree of popularity in the United States of America. The publishers, Messrs. Bradley, -Q'arre'.l'son,. aud Co., of Philadelphia, have recently extended their publishing business . trj this city, by appointiug Mr, A. Pprter ..their /local agent. The sub-title of the work, gives an in- . di.cation of the nature of t;h> labour Dr.'■ ifpiyis.-has 'undertaken, Indeed, it is stated, that the greater portion or forty years was spent in -collecting the hiateriala. of which ■ the present volume is' composed. The work. .•ditTers from iiiany modefn publications on a ; similar subject. Dr. Momss w not fond of pbtr.ucJinv; his own opinion, on points where ■ for many,years pHsf a keen controversy has ; taken place. He contents himself a huiiibhYr,. but, perhaps, .for the purpose he . .had iri'view,ft move useful labour. He. toils :on:indefafigabl.y. .through the writings of the ■Father.p of the. Church, through the Classics :.of Ancient (ireece und Koine, inaii.y <tf \yhos.e yyfiters were actors in the drama, of life iri : the .early day s of the. Qhriatian Church, and others iyhb were contemporary with the ! sacred: penmen of,' tlio Old Testament; through the works of modern scientific writers, such as Darwin, Huxley., Kawlitrson, ifcci, culling whjab he requires; and : through the wqiiderfui records which the. .■translations of the. papyri of the arrow-headed inscriptions of Assyria, have made, known to us. From: thesfe and many similar sources, the details of which are recorded in liiany modern languages, Dγ; . ilorris collects freely,, and. gathers diligently with a discriminating care. The. results of his various gleanings are arranged, under different headings, the main divisions of his :jvorK following pretty closely the eectipiis into whidh the Bible has been divided. From, what we have stated, it will tjjj readily seen that the work. is. not well. ."adapted for making extracts to show the aiithor'3 style; or the closeness of .his reasoning. The work is eminently a compilation, gathered from ancient anil modern, sacred; and profane sources, and so arranged that it : is 6£ eisy reference by thbse who desire to consult its pages. At the close of the ybliime there is an elaborate index to the : authors and the names of. their books from wih'ichi quotations have been made, besides a : very, cprripiete general index of the. whole, of the subjects itroated in the volume; It. will thus be seen, that, while there is no claim rriade to originality., Dr. Morris has done a substantial, service to the. Bible reader; Ho great jabbur collecteil ail that has, been said on the topics; dealt with^which are the chief points in the Bible, story that: ;have;been. in. different ages the subject of, con-. troverey —'grouped theses extracts together,atfd■presented them in. a readable fbrfri. in the: : English/tongue; This is. ?• labour for which,, many. Bible readere will be very tbankful, and. there is PQ 3'oiibt that >vhen Mr...Thorn, the; icanyasser for the rjuhlish.ersi begins his.,' w.prk.lii bur midet he '.will''find. .Auckland; citizens as eager to, , possess such a yoluine, as tbe 'Bible 1 readers of the piiited. States; .'. ,'Asi: to the .manner in which it is got iip, it: : iriay be suffioient. to say, that, it is issued,; by a : wiell-knb.wii; enterprising firm, of S'mericaiujrjubli.shers. is we.ll .iliustrated,. nbt oiily in the text of djescriptiye wobdouts where desirable, hut sfchrqughout the yplume , are a. large number, of really,excellent steel. iengrayiiiigs, and is. well printed .upon.,gpb.d..' paper. Soicne of the steei engraying3:dispiet.: fanciful 'scenes, but: rnany of. themiiare 'tran-.. rscripte of actual, life scenes relating both, to.} :the; present and tbe past .history : of/ ; Bible lands., The Vrt>rk ;is. piiblished;:in,,Vafipus: ''styleS/bfJtijp'dingVirbm'ifail.'.mo^dc^to^cldth.] . ; >/. Testimony of ihi Ages: or Confirmations of'trio. Scriptures; 'trpm'./Modern-'Scicnew.:nnd..;:Recent':Uis-!.' ; coverie! ; ; Abcient'. .Kecprds and,' ..Monuments : ;'■ih'e--:ilnlna"of .Citics"and':Relics.:of .Tomb»-;"'-theV Greek'and. Latin ClaSßi(M;,A«sjrmn.ln>hripti6n'3 : .,nnd Egyptian. 11 ieroglyphics ; Antique Spuliiturea; Gems; and ; Medals ;tUe.Orainanue;Suryi-y.of;Sii]ai;, tbe'Late Ex,ploration,=;of.. Palestine:;. tho ; .Liteial'. Fulfllment:of Prophecies, as attested'by {the'.'Writings of Heathen Nations, &c; s ~By : Herbett. NY;.MorriSj Dp.', author of. i "Soieaco and the Bible," &c. ■ ' '..;," -.v!v;J,rfs/ft' : J

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6948, 23 February 1884, Page 1 (Supplement)

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REVIEW. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6948, 23 February 1884, Page 1 (Supplement)

REVIEW. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6948, 23 February 1884, Page 1 (Supplement)