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■ .Public Noticed TELEPHONE EXCHANGES TO BE OPEN DAY AND NIGITT. General Pest Office. Wollirgton, Oth February, ISS4. Provided a sufficient number of piivnte-henso subscribers can be obtained, it is proposed to keep the telephone exchanges thr ujbout tbe (olony open diy ard nijht. The subscription his been reduced as followi::—, p-.jable quarterly, in . 'advance For hire of each sot of 'instruments, ana £ a. d ■wire from oflije or private residence for any d stance withlu half a mile of the Toleg'ai'hOnicc, fortlie Urst yeir, comAprl, July, or OctoLer, after tile dite nf connection 12 0 0 Korevery yejr.after the Qrst 10 O O For every additional quarter of a mile, or co'iimtnc'Dg on the lit djy of Jannir-, Ap'il, July, or October, after the date 01 connection 1 10 0 For every year after the first;. ... .. 1 0 .0. IntenJing subicribersshonld make early application to the Officer in Chargo of tin Telegraph'Olhce, from wli f *n: tho necessary app ication forms and full particulars cau bs obtained. C. LF.4IOX. ■Superintendent. "EIPSOM iiUAi* .DISTRICT. ■Ml . ... ~~rr ' . ' . KOADS >IvD: BRTDUEs I.OXsT.RUCTIOX' ACT, ISS2, AND RATING ACT, 1532. In term.J of abovementidned Acts,- it is , hereby notified that the , Kpsom"Road flbard■ing tO'.be''Jin. Vf,. ft.'.Co'chra'netf'Olfice , , AncU-1-i.rid. on the. lith' diiy'b' three p/jn., inakp. an.d levy.' :a ■."•pedal' 'of pne-eisrhth .of a Ponny in the: the rateable value^of,all the' .in'the;-district; which'" rato' shall 'be :an anriyallyrecnrrtng rat", iin'd shall be payable yearly : on the Ist. day of M..iroh in■•β-ich year! thb first pay-. mqiit ifiereof b-iini :piyiiblu on the iitda'y of March ■}%&:<; to the Ctiilcctpr (Mr. Wm. DJnuisou), Si*market, at whose' , cflice the. Kate-book may he inspected. FEANK LAWRY, Chairman. ■ TJS^γ AIROA (SOUTH) KOAD DISTRICT. . In pufsdance'ef the 49th Clause and snb-sections' 1, 2, 3and 4 of '• The R-ads and B.ridses Construe- . tioti Act, 1.852, ,, ' I. hereby sive notice that it is .'the : ; intvn.tipn of t;he trusti'es of: the abovo- faanied' district to iuttaV portions'ofihpni.iiirqail betwVen Papa'ltura ' anc.l Wairca.. tho estim'-uod cost of such , w.prk'.to'be i.92. Specifications, auj detailed estimi-.tes of .the cost of such work may be tiid Sflice of the .local bO'iy. A Poll of. the Riitdpaycrs will he. taken at the Public H.alU Waiiq*. (■South), oh the 29th ■Marua, betivesn the , hours, of 9 a in, and 6. p.rh:, itaobject a proposal, to .levy, a special rate, of 1-iiStti of a penny in '■'t.ha ,£ On; tbe rateab:e value of the property in- the drstric.t. in meet, a yearly payment of M 2 Gs (two pounJs.sir shilling!), ■CiiAS: Wμ. STEPHENS, Gh.Kirnian. Wairoa Road BqSra. Wairoa, February 20- Isst. TVTEW ZEALAND ART STUDESTS' Jl% association.. Artists, and .others desirous, of becoming Membprs' of. the above, p.rpf otimi-iiAg infermatipri cpneernibg. it. are iurited tof.ttend the lnaucural Lecture (if thi- . JVfssciaiipn, intitlecl "ihn-Jl'aoris, Whs. are liev'' ,, . whi.cliwill be rtelivtriul iii thoChpral Ha.'V, Svmoncis. street, on February 27, at S .pirn.Doors .open, -a'fr 7^30. ! S; STtfART, Hon. Sec. A V-QK-L AND HO SPI T A L,, COMMITTEE: Elected : Appqinted : J. M. Clark, Esq. Hon. .C6L Haultain J. . : Thomas; Peac6ck, , :Esqi,.M.H.R. Arthur Buil, Esq. ■ EiA..Arftck«chbie;E!iq.(.Chairm'an).Sydney UandO:. Esq. : Applications for admission by persons , sufferint;: from disease, and requiring iuedicartreatmerit , ,. , received : »t the ,, 'Hospital on any day between the . hpura.of 9-.and''lo;a,rn,"' ' '■" In. cases.of acciilent or. emergency..patients wlll'be. '■■ kept ready fpruigeiif-ciscis.. tlatients hble to do so. will' be required , their support at thp. Hospital, according .totheix pbsL tion and .circumstances. 4ubsErip.i;ipns: will' .bis thankfully, received .by any ■memb'erpf'the-Commlttceiin'ct'.b.v. She'anuersigned; H , . N. GARLANDi Secretary. ' . ' . Wvr,rth>m->tV»?t. iIKTEAV ZEALAND RIFLE ASSOCIA- : JcJl. TION; Tli<! Anuaai Prize Meeting will be .held. at. Ellerilie :on the 28th , February and. following day*! Kntrios : must be made'wlth.Mr. H;.G. Payne,:Juw6ller,Queenstreet, on :or ..before .SATURDAY, 2Srd F.e.bruai}-, at 9 p.m. M, EDMUND BENNETT, .Local Secretary.., ': AUCKLAND GAS €05IPANlf .OLIMITEt),): All accounts now due fbr Gas and Goke, which remain unpaid at s p.m.- on : SIO.Xp.AV. the 2.>t'ii instant, will, become payable iii full; without iU» count. E. B. P ; AKS6>:3, ' . . . . Secretary:. rr\Q "woß.k'Ejj.s-iN the gospel, and .1. SUNDAYS SCHOOL. .TEACiIEKS.. " Just published arid, to be had at. the Truct Depot, Kariinjahipbiioad , ,- FahlifniAVbrds for January,; ISS4. ls.per ilbzen.; also.-. Faithful Wqrdsi.LUtle.friend.and Good News Alniaiiacs for ISS4 (illusfrai'ed), penhy :eac'h. . " • G. C.OUTTS. mo THiBER DEALERS a.nd OTHERS. the; .mergury bay timber go. Has now on hand A large; assorted stock op SKA. SO NED ItAPRI TiMBE.R, DRESSED AXD UNDRESSED, : AND IS PREPARED TO EXECTJTE ORDERS IN QtTANTiry. The Ficilifies for loading, large vessels at their Mills offer special advantages, to shippers and '■ j. large consumers. Price List on application, at the Head Office, Fort' street,. Auckland. 7CTE. W LO VEE & EED S. Ex direct Steamship Abitixoi, CLOVER CJBEDS! ■' ■io ;i /SitOVER QEEDS 1 /CLOVER OEEDS ! &e,, &c.. &.C., O? SUPERFINE QUALITY, Also on Sale— \ RYEGRASS, COCKSFOOT, And other Agricultural Seeds, ot finest qualities, at lowest ciirr.eni,. , rates. j o h;n hall, OTAHUHU.. R. Q T A L K E R, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, BURLEIGH-STREEt, KYBER PASS ROAD. ] CbN.s.u.LTiKo R&oiis: Mr. Edson's, Chemist, Qiieph-stteet,. two to four o'clock ufternpbn. BO N'T READ THIS. :— r— ■■ 3000 Men's and Boys' Straw Hats, at Is 2000 Boys' Straw Hats* at 4d and .94 250. Mori'alweed Suits, at 18s ed. AT S. CPOMBES & CO'S. ~ TNK, TNK. TTrt-K, XNK, JL JL J. it CARTER'S COMBINED WRITING AND COPy. : ILNG. INK.. TOR ORDINARV OTTIPE TJ3E,. AND AT SAME TIME PERFECTLY: COPVABLE. IN GLASS BOTTLhS ALL SIZES. UPTON & CO.. BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, AUCKLAND. q<. c oom be s & co. Are now Ofloring 5000 YARDS TWEED, at lIJd Per Yard. ALL TRUNKS. PORTMANTEAUX, VALISES, "SATCHELS. AND HAND-BAGS; At half the regular prices.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6948, 23 February 1884, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6948, 23 February 1884, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6948, 23 February 1884, Page 8