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Corporation Notices. 0I T Y O F UCKL AN D. The Allotments of Land adyerliso'l 'ir isale on TUESDAY neit. by' Vr G. W. Biijin.. ■: for the' present W TUDKAV.'. .• v.UOSI SALE, toe being Postponed,for a time. ■ • ■ P.'A. PHILIPS. Town.Clerk. Town Clerk's Office. February 21.1884. 235 Sermons. Lectures, Soirees* &c; THE FRIDAY BIBLE LECT ORES FOR LAUiKS will bd Resamed THIS AFTEI:-. NOON. at three o'clock, by the . KEV. J. S; HiLL. in .ho Lkctuile Hall oi the Young Men's Christian: .Associati u;'.-' EPSOM HALL.—The/Rev. Mr. 'Boyd, : of; Sidney, will Preach'in.Epsom .Hall next S&buathEvecing,. at 0.30. • ... : : Board and Residence. ■ ATACANCIES;for two.or- three gentlemen, V orlady and gentleman plunge and shower >aths.—Sandiord House, Cpper Hobson-st>eet •. • . d H OVKKNOiM , r iitSAJ VVN hi HOTEL ur HOBSON-STBZBT. Soard and Lodging. - —20s per weel , do. do. (single room)—26s do. . FEMPERANCK: 1 BOAHDING- HOUSE, ..GKEY-STREET.(Near to Queen*streot). « E. WILLIAMS. Single and Double.Bedrooms. VisitoM will find a comfortable home. . Plunco Bath...Terms reaaouable. PANAMA -HOUSE,. Lower Syniondsstreet, beautifully aituatedi .overlooking. 'Government.iiouse grounds. Mrs; Dalton has now ixcellent accbminodation i6r families ; also, for one *r two. .geptlemea.. Piano, bath and shower, professional.mtfcn cookl .Terms.'moderate;' OAM BRIDGE HOUSE, Lower Vin cent . Btreet~Mra:'Richm6nd begs to inform heir friends • hat ebe.has now/iopened her.: new,■ premises' as. a boarding, houso. Single, .and. double, bed- : Plurige and shower •afchs; '..and' every, accoramodatioh for vlsitors. 'Two ;uinntes walk from Opera House.—Terms on applica- : .ion..' ' "/V ••iV/FISS MtJRPfI.Y ::begs to ipform her l-v fl : ' sbe has removed from.''Cypress » iUa,. . Lower. Symohdb-street,: io .The.. Kctreat/' Upper Symondsrstreei. •oppo.fcit'e- ,u The' Nook." , The. . iouseri<? :in a healthy and pleasant. situation pff the oad, with a. view, of;tliP»-.harbour,, within, ten .minutes'' valk of tl) e Post Qftici vaud con tains * ccommodatiorf ' : »r, gentlemen .and frtm..iies.''' Term?- moderated ' '' • HOTEL, IT - STREET, OFF VICTORIASrßfclET. 'Tho.above honse,'.being. ; recently.'builfc for ..the- ipurpose, affords the'very : 'ac'cpmmpdatioii "to trayel•era. The rooins aro aH well yentilated, >and a' good abio kept, and'every thing to make, people'cqmfort- ' ible will be-done. " situated : of'the.fluietest' ' . city, and: Within'three''minutes' 'walk rom Queen-street: single and Rouble beds always .- cady and available. at:all. hburs^ Terms to suit the timeSi E. T. KIN,G., Personal. • y IR,—I hereby give you notice that: I you, (in connecti- n with the Salvation Army) to iresyesi* on my property m front'of .ttie btar; ■ Hotels and in . if the , act is ropeated, J shall tike logal proceeoiaKs.-to protect my nghts. gainst nby sucli inierfcrouce.- D.iVid .Chapman, star Hoicl. O T I G . E. I hereby give Notice that. I will hot be responsible -* 'for any Debtscontracte'd by my '.Wi/e...Lizzie. . ALEXANDER LAMB. ■■ February 21, 1884. . Q H; A L L-'. ""e' . 'N/ '. 'Q. E . :• MR. E..B.usseil haying steted to Mr. Porter that ; he:would play aither .Mr. .< "ireqii pr,myself at : , American Bowls,. I hereby cliallepge him to the best of. eleveh ; 'games,, on any date agreeable to hiia. for £ip.or jt2p' . a-side, he to piay as he likes; MWand money ready : at ! Nevada' Hotel. v.'. T '. J. R SCOTT., Lost , and Pound. , J" OST—A Gold Seal witb toy attached.— ' - a-J Kinder on. returning sumo .to Claremoat House, Princes street. . . ... ... ■• . r T ÜbT—A B Pony (mare), 1.4 hand« high, . JLi with white cloth, tied on its .tail and m&no. aod . a ilesh wound.on. its; neht.hinri. .leg. Anyone return--ing the. * B. Grubb, -Baker, Newton, will/ be. . rewarded;. . . : 'POUND REWARD.—Lost 'rom .•TsJf onehubga—One ' Hay : v'are, about! 14. wuh crack on front hoof: white star on. forehead.. one Black Mare, white star on-forehead, and. ..hollow back; Anyone dftairuDg them afier this dale will bo prosecuted—W Mclvor Onohunva. BUNNING oh my Place a Black Horse,. .no brand, arid twp cows. Doscriptioh: of' Cows : : ' On«.\brlndl ; « ne ; rod. witli strawberry .spots. both store. The owners can' have'.theoi by paying 'expenses;., • If not claimed wthin fqurteen' (14) :, aays 'from , thiH date . -will be sold.—Apply P. .Gallagher, Ayondale; Febrii- ; ary 18.' ' BUNMNCr on my place, a Bay P<yhy • Mare ;• sm>li : white ,'star oti white , ; heeis.. about three years old', DP on near shoHider. •' . .Owner can havo. same on, paving expooaes. If riot . claimed 1 in f lirteen, days will b'e soid.—J. H. Wick- . ham,. Avondale.—February .20. 188'4. W anted. 01 GAR MA KERS WANTE D. . Twenty Hand/s required by the New Zealand : Tobaccp-growingand Manufacturing' Company. None i but firstrclass hands need apply, AUGXJ.Sr VOLLBRACHT, Working Manager. : Mercantile Chambers, Queen-street. ; A STEADY Youpg Man, stranger in ■jljL. Auckland,.is.desirous of pbtui'nihg;.etpploy.ment in e'stablishirt'eut. iLieirig anxious fpr aN engagement, would be satisfied, to begin with; small • salary HehaLd Office^ .M?Q: desires 'Engager JQi mpn't as . Book and Storekeeper on Statiori.- 1 - • .Australa-ia,. HKRAiu, Oflice.;Bj^XP^RIENCED Dressmaker.desires En- ';' IP J' gagement in gentleman's family ; J'iwlbourne '.' refuroncps.—Address, Weekly, Heralb.'Office.. •- O.y^ERNE^S.— Young Lady, as GovernosH.; salary. about £40; chil . drea young;— Apply Pox 93, Post-ciliice, Auckland: M ARRIED Couple r-quire employment . on a farm. under-tand and general farm work (5 c lnldren).—Applw .Heightc.»n anil Co.'s Regisitry und Labour 177, . SITUATION WaDted fnr Married Couple k3 (wife as cook; man as groom*.barman,. .. ; flrsirclassTeferoncsß.—. R. M; beighton and • • Co.y Oone at, *-gents, 177.. Queen-street. riHHU Advertiser dcHires a Situation td ■ - JL . assist in household ;duties : good ncedh woman.. ' excellent.references.—rAddress.A. B;.. II kuald Oihce. mo SHIPWRIGHTS AND OTHERS.fl.'-:- to Sell Four Kauri Spars; 00ft; long,. . 18in. x 121n.; nearly all hoart.—John bhechaoi Darga'l•'' ' • ' ' THE. Advertiser, who has aome Capital, ia desirous of an Fngagera'-nt; with a BuslnfSs Firm for'about (» or 12 wiih thi idei lf the business is suitable of berouun*.' a partner -in same.— Address by letter; M.P.y Hkkald Office. : ANTE very body to know that , /. T y Captain Ilarvrave. has. become Proprietor of the, I\!sing bun .Hotel, Nowton, where Haricork's XXXX Uraughtand Bottled Ueer may.bu,obtained: WANTED Known Parties visitint; ! Waitakorei Falls; can obtain Horses and 1 ; Accommodation at tho UraUa llotel. Henderton.—A E Heard Proprietor;. ... , ;, \\7" for the Feet-,-v• ▼ . Hand-sewn;' and: Shoes made toVor tor ; repairs-. done, while customers' wait--At WillianLi Miller and Son'd, High-street. ' 1 : T\7* ANTED Known—Dampier's. second • • V Y •• 'Kashionablo Drapery Shipment: froiii England includes : Children's Print . Costumes, 2s: 9d ;. Print Oostuirieo, Bs6d : ; Ladits' Kancy ". Aprons, 9d v ftdd ls ;. Coloured ,Satin liibbone, li. 4d";'' ■Indian Muslin/Scavves Is.; Coloured' Toilet; Sets, Ib. '• At Dampier's 'Wakefield-,street .Shop. " XTTANTPjD Known—The Fresh Drapery .\. includes,Mieih r s'.DuDgaree Paritsv ; 2s/; I'rillklo.i 2s 6d ; Men's and; B< ys' Hard .Black ,ft'elt,.Hat*,;is 6d i -Mcn's:French.Pcak Caps. fcUi eriqr quality^.:9d; Boys' Tweed rHats, 9d ; Men's• .Tw.fted Hats Is 6d ; SJenV • Snirts. Is 2d ; >Vhite db., 2s .6d. —At ; Dampior's \Vake• -' field : streetßhop. : . AN TED' Known—^That. Miinro -and \f i. X.Milllgriti,, Tailors, Clothiers,.„ and Drapers, desire to'bring under the 'notice of numerous: patrons and the public gerierally n the large and choice : assortment of Spring and Summer Goods just opeued and now ready.for inspection.;" Ladies .will) find new pattern Prints^Nun's Veiling in various shades; richly variegated Sateens; also/an extensiveand judiciously solected Stock of Millinery; from which orders can be ; executed in afewheurs; • Gentlemen are invited to inspect the Stock of ;;Mo!giel ,rad o;her Twoeds and Clothing . Material, *w' ich is' unsuipassed ,in.;Auck-: laiid, befor° ordering clo'.htngelsei he re.';;,'. Suits maoe j to orfer, warranted shrunk, .fit guaranteed, and first:,i class workmanship.. From- tlie number of persons • asking if we'would goods for ready money, there seems to be a prevailing idea among the general public that our business is .pc on the deferred payment system only. ' Suchus not ih»»: case, v our Customers, who take- advantage of tht 5 per cent ' discount (one shilling in: the */Ound ster'iDg) on all carcela of 2Q& and upwards, are nunmous. : ... <

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6947, 22 February 1884, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6947, 22 February 1884, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6947, 22 February 1884, Page 1