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A " . Gazette in Bankruptcy. IN. THE SUPfiEME COURT OP; NEW i ZEALAND, ' XORTHEIIU • JL'DICIAt. DIS- ; TKICT. - IN BANKRUPTCY. ''In -the matter' of •" The .'Debtors . and' Creditors i '.'•/ Act, 1876," and the several Acts .amendin?; the same.-and of • the'Bankruptcy'of "'JOHN. 2. . - ROBINSON, of Ondhunga. in the Provincial. R.i •. / District of Auckland,NewZealand,Baker,a Debtor. ~ -. Under the powers vested inmeby'theabove-hamed'; Acts, I do hereby Sumnion'a General ; MeeUngvof ;the ! , Creditors of the naid John Robinson, held in the, * Supreme Court; Buildings,: Auckland; on .w'EDNESv ". DAY, the 13th day of February, ISS4, atv the,hour; of - ' half-pist, eleven o'clock., in, the.^forenoori^to;!receive - my report, and to paw a;resolution that th '. i Robinson be forthwith discharged from all- liabilities I / under the said Act*. ' • # t . Dated at Auckland this 9th day of February, 1884. . ' , , : THO. MACFTARLANE, Trustee:.. ; vi' Russell and. Campbell, Wyndham-streeti'Auckland, - Solicitors for.the.Debtor.-' 7, ... .... • .• ... • "" i J N BANKRoPTC Y. 1 IN; THE COURT OP BANKRUPTCY HOLDEN AT [\ ■ AUCKLAND. a'' Inthe matter of the Barikraptcy : Act;lSß3;.an'd of. ... , the Bankruptcy of ROBERTSON of N.cwmarket, noar Auckland 1 , PastryCook, a j, ... •Bank'nipt^jv':'-;'' ] > Npticftl , s by an order of j" .Court: of Auckland; the'above-named James/Robert^ - sonvwas This. :Duy'atijadicjited: a. Bankriiijt' within ; the.ihten.t anil,'meaning of, the above-mentioned Act, v,. .The.First.Meeting&f..Creditors; will fbe held ,at ; "my;. Oihco;;Supreme-.Cburt Buildings'/intheCity pf'Auck. lancl, onrSATURDAY,: the' 1.6 th Febrnary'l'ns'taht,,at 11 o'clock:ftVin'. .Broptof debt and proxy forrds can be,<my Office. •Dr.ted .'tliisiOtli 'day of February, .ISS4, •j • jdiivS'tAWSON, f Official Assignee, .in Bankruptcy. 3 ; G. T. Kketley, Queen-street, A'uckl'andi .Bank*; : rupt's:S.oHcitor. . ' J N BAN JC U P TOY. :. IN THE COURT OF BANKRUPTCY,. HOLDEN AT AUCKLAND, • In the. matter of, .Thp. Ban'kruptcy Act, l£S3. Notice, is/he'r.eby' fi'ven that I, George Henry Whitr* } Jato of Bay. pf r ;lsiand3,'i'o:thp Ooun.ty of. Bay of Islands, . * in .the.Colony of New Zeaianit, Publican, but now of,; : : • Auckland/in/the, Col/ny af'ore'aaid, .'Settler* have;this k . day, filed, in'.tfte ; said Court,.at Auckland* a petition to be aajudged.i Bankrupt. Dated "this nintivday of February, ISS-*. G. Li. WHITE. . , .liraoes an"dG.eoiu;c, Shortiand-.street, Auckland, ' Solicitors for the Petitioning Debtor, v .N B A IV K K tJ P' T G V' 5 • IN THE COURT OF BANKRUPTCY, HOLDEN [; .' AT AUCKLAND. In 'the matter of The, Bankruptcy Act, .1533. .... No'tice'iis'hereby'glyen that' I, james Newmarket; hoar' tu6 Gity of, Auckland, in New;. Pastrycook;'.liav.o this day filed in the said Ccurt, at Auckland, a petition to be adjudicated a Bankrupt. Dateid this ninth day of Februa'rv, 1534. JAMES .ROBERTSON. , :G. .TV Keetl.ev, Queen-street, Auckland, Solicitor:. , ■for tho said James Robertson. LlceEs\ag Notices. "J j ICE NS I NCt ACT, ISSI." EAST WARD. . :: ELECTION OF COMMITTEE. I, iBCEKRY.. Ripii>*as, Returning o:Scer ,for the, City . : ,bf Anckland,:in,:,accordanice with' '' This Licensing Act, • : : 188i ; ;'' and ,the : .:' 4 ;Regulation3' of; Lccal.Electlbhs Act, -IS7G," notify that'the undermentioned persons have been norain'Ated' ;.for : the Office of' Slembors, Of' tho , ;Xicensihg Committee', for East Ward, City of'Auck- . ''14114:7—; j":-"" : ! AICKIN, GRAVES BUCHANAN, JOHN : CRAIG. JOSEPH. Er>SON, JOHN. FRY, ROBERT HARPER, GEORGE: HELLABVi "WILLIAM . .BESKETH. CHAR'UES HILL, 1 THOMAS: Bi : NEWMAN, JOSEPH .MONTAGUE,: MOSES , : ! : RATTRAY, WILLIAM , .As the numberof 'Candidatos (12): exceeds the nurar. ber of offices to be flllod, 1 hereby give, ho.tice that a. t Poll will bo tAkeii, at 1 the .Room at back of Free library," between I ,thb.,' hours of 9" and 6' p'im.. on , !• TUESjDAY'j the.lpth.'day' Of February, ISS4. 1 !HENRy RIDINGS, Returning Officer. y■ • Fobriiary i ßthi 1534. 228 1 • "• • — I " J^IG.E N SIN G ACT, 1 S Sl." NQRTH WARD. , :VstEpTION OF CQMMITTEE. I,.Hekry,,Eii>is"os, .Roturning OfTicer for the City 'ofiAucklinidi : in accprda-nce with " The Licensing Act, .1881," and. "Tho .Regulation of Xjocal Elections Act, ~ ; 1576, - " .notify' that .the undermentioned, persons have • -.teen Nominated ; for the dffico of; Members of the ; 'Licdh'sing' Committise for the -North Ward, City of '• Auckland ; r BUTtER, JOHN A. THOS Wil. GEORGE HA IiBUTT; ; THOS. J.. KING,. JAMKS POLYBLASK MACDONNELL, I)i£NNiS G. iIcIvENZI E; TV. H, NEAL, ivOBERT oaven:., cjkorge "\vm. THOMPSON, THOSIAS >yiNSTONE, GEORGE. '. the iium,be.r:of. Candidates (10) exceeds the num- ! . ber. of QtHcea to be, fiJUd,! hereby give not ice that a- | Pbl.l will ,be;taken at 'tho. Temperance Hall. Albert* ~ ' : strect, between tho .hours of i) a.m.. and 6, on' ' ;;T'UESDAY,. the 1 19 th day .of February, ISS4. HENRY ,RI'DINGS > Returoing Officsr. ■February 8; 1534. 223 y si K;g act, issi," south ward. = ' ELECTION OF COMMITTEE. I, Hesrv:Rii>iSGs,- Officer for the City ! i of .Auckland',.in.accordance with '* The Licencing Act, : ISS)',"' and •■' The Rigulktion of Local, Elections .-,ct, i the nu.dcriponti.oned persons h.i*v» ; .'been Nominated for the office, of of the , vLicenßinV'Cpmmitlee'for the South Ward; City of .Auckland • j A LEY,, ALFRED CAPcADUs,. JAiihs CARR, JAMES WM". CONNOLLY, WILLIAM GEORGE FLEMING. ALHXANDER GO'LDJE, HER'APATii', PIIILiP HILL. CHAKLH.S G:= MAS'EF'IKLD, THOMAS J. THOMPSON, Tiip.MAS ' : j. As,the-number of Ca'ndidAtes llOJ'exceißds the number''of;,offices,to be, tilled, .1, h.ereby give notice, that a • Poll, wili'be take,n at' the Catholic Institute, \Velling- , ton-,street, bet.w.ed.') ,tli" ho.ur* of 9 a.;m. and 6 p.m. on. TUESDAY, .tlie liHh'Hay or February, 18S4. : H, E NI IY. RID IN (J S, Returning Officer. 'February .S,,iSS4.; tIS ,f Ju 1 ° A c 1 s 1 >" KARANGAHAIPE "WARD. EL'E.CTiON' O.F COSIMIXTEE. I, Hen ; rv Iv'iturninß o.fficer for the City • pf w.ith. ''The Licensini; • Act, iss'l." and "Thei Regulations of. ,Looal Elections '• Act,is.l6;*?'notify-,that' the nndtirtneiuiopod persons T: ■ have been nominated the Office of j\l embers of' the Licensing CcminittSe -for Karangahapo \.' Ward . BEVIN. GEORGE D. . v. GAItHF.TT- KENRY T. Goodie; nAvin j.-.. HEItAPATII; PHILIP HOHSO.;v.. THOJf AS 'M'ORKISOS', JOHN • STEVKNS 'N, ROBiP. WAUREN, JOMSri* Wilkes, john Collins ; , ...WOOD, ENOCH, •1. As the' of Candiclatesfi.Q) C.tcceds the nu.m----i bet of'dffices. td 'bfi filled, I hereby give nbtic.e that a •.Ppll'will 'lie.take - ?' atllie Fx.ceisipr Hal), Upiier Pitt-. . ' streoi',. bo.tvi'e'en the 'hour.s of :9 a.m l . arid (5. p.m., on . TUESDAY, the Il'th day of F'obruary, ISS4; . . H£Nn.Y RIDINGS, Returning Officer; .February : S..ISSI. 22S [y'. ■ •■■■■■■■■ '■■■■■ — : — iS.'X' N & ACT, ISS. h « EAiINELL LICENSING DISTRICT. ELECTION OF COMMITTEEMEN. j r : ,I..Samuol Reynolds, •Substitute. Returning Officer . •for 'the Uprbugh-of Parnell, hereby notify ;.that ;FRIY. the 22ud dav of Febituar}% 1534, is the day for : . •' tho-Klocttou "of.' .Five.' idu'ly' quali'fle.d persons', to be: : •JJembets of.' the Committee for the D ; strict . of Parnell. I;also appoint WEDNESDAY, February, ISS4, 'until';nooiv as", the day,, and the .'Borough Council Office as the place, for the Nomination of Candi* . . « «•' Dated this.7th day of February, ISS4. &. REYNOLDS. ■ l'\\ "SubstittUeßeturning; Officer. LAUGH-IT'S TRUE. j 3000 Men's Shirts at lljd. 2!0; Tweed' Trouser s: at . 500 Tweed ls .6di AT ?. S. COOMBES & CO'S. Queen-atiect.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6937, 11 February 1884, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6937, 11 February 1884, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6937, 11 February 1884, Page 8