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Photography. ' HLASKS lifiOlHERS' V (LA.TX CROMEIE'S) EOYAL FINK ART I'HOTOGEAPHIO GALLERIES, Qdeen-street. ACOKLAND, .... Opposite the Union Bank. Flnt-clau: Portraits from O. D. V. to Life SU«, it' ■ _ i M cxl eratfl Prices. ■t. Children's Portralta tnlr.n hitanhwnmly . HOTOGR A P H I C. Have' just recoiTeii a largo and varied 7 stock of • Cameras; also many Photographic novelties quiU new • to-New Zealand. ■ • CHERRY FABRIC, for dark room windows, 2s por • .yara.••■•.•• ■ •.••••• •• •••:;:•.■ v. , .J HYDRdKINONE; the new developer, 6s 6d per oz. *■. . sbie AgentSi throughout New : Zealand for Scaveys! '.Backgroubds Vpd . ''' •■'.•••'•.".?••'- '/ Medical. i;. ••'•'^-—. ' ' ' ."'!" .?!j,.'..!"!;."."*• R, T Y N D A :L L, . SURGEON DENTIST, Five yoan assistanV to Mr. Plumley), •••.•:•••• • •:-.. % : Begi once more to present tho, Auckland public with his liatofpricei Gold Upper and Lower «• ■ - £11 iCelluloid „ .«•: £19 , Vrdcanitb „ from . Silver m 'from ■'£$ Dental. Alloy l u only ■ '£19, SingleToGth.fromCs. ...... Repairing in Vulcanite, from 10& Tor o* GEiy.BißiiT. A LL.those wlio, from in-: discretions,' excesses,.,-or. other caua-s; are weak, uunerved, low. spintedi physically' drainied;,. ; jk iiud .unable'''to perform.' life's;, ■i duties-properly,; :_CRn';b^ •..and. perinanentlyvcured without. stpEQH'cli doctors, ministors, and the f*yC-JC JHa :prfts c . The .iledicaL /Weekly says : .The ioldvplan of treating Norvous Debility, Physical Decay. . Ac., is wholly, superseded- by XQ THE.MAKSTON .BuLUS." .Eren ——:hopelo'ss. ; ' .cases;' .-fassured v-of certain; .restoration • full and. perfect manhood.. Snnplo, offec*WJP jt| tiye,- cleanly; pleasant: Send for treatise; Consultation with'Phy-. ician.'fre'e; ,rv ■ •' ■ MARSTON REMEDY CO., 72,. ELIZABETH-STREET; : . SYDNEY, NiS.W. T\R.■ p H.OSPHODYN E ie the , JBLx Safeat and only .Reliable Preparation of 'Phos- : perbus. Thoroughly; re-establislies '' BRIQUT'S is the-..0n1y. ! for Nervousness, .'Debility,".Lassitude, /Indigestion, ■ Livor." Complaints;, i',Female Com pi ai n ts,yPl mpl es, Premiture Decline, and alli-Kunctiobar Doraiigomonts.' ; "fSR, JBRIGHT'S BHOSPfIODYNE enJUT riches: the. .8100d, 7 strengthens the Nerves and . System;.animiates .the Spirits and Mental •"Faculties, promotes Appetite, and improves Digcs- • -tion. 8R..;-: PHOSPHOD YNE V. is patronised/' by rtho Aristocracy, and the extensivoly usod. in . the Aimy and Navy, arid highly, tho loading Medical Practitioners! ■ TTVR. BRIGHT'S PHOSPHOD YNE- ia a / sohVby.all chemists: throuehout the.Globe;ln l.icases at los-6d. of Cheap vWorthless Imitations, bearing similar. nameslV New Zealand; Kempthorne Prosser and..Co:i-:Dunediri, Auckland, Christchurch; and WelliDgtori. J"|l|" OLLOW AY ' S ""i'TLii S. laircßiTT of TnE Blood.—Unless,the biood .be kept in a;pure state .the constitution muist be weakened: : and disease supervene; These.wonderful Pillspossess >'.the power.of. removing or neutralizing all contamina- : :tions of the blood and system generally.,...They quietly^ • but certainly, overcome all obstructions tendingHo • produce ill healthy : and - institutes regulars action .1 to ...organs that.are faultv from Irritation or v .Tha , dyspeptic, weak, and nervous may rely on these Pilla as' friend and comforter, as they act'upon . the main, springs, of life, and thus.savo thousands from .•a preriiature grave..... -• Complaints of Women and CniLiniE^—The veiy, : mild and'pamless action of those" invaluablo'Pills re:*. . .'.commcndsitheni' to everv .household as a remedyf.-or , or guided' by the :di«rections'?.which 1 .'ab; : ompany. each box of Ilolloway's Pills, has at oriii i va.Uable. means of. '{disease, 1 ; purifying' :thi blood,, and expelling from, the system. all.gross ;hti•mours. They are indeed, at all ages. thcfemale's tried • friend. . .Dihorders.of the LivER/wiTn Flatulevcy : Indigestion.rr-Loss of appetite and flatulency are ! -usually 1 th'e forerunriers.!pf. stomachic^disease.;. -These, Pills'exercise the most! salutary: power,: on 'all • : affections of :the. liver,, and/all irregularities of the .s:omach;aud bowels ; ithey.restore.a-healthy function . to every internal .organ, .overcome all obstructions and; 'cast.out'aU\inipurities:. " .'!' . '•;-• /Weak. Stomachs Impaired .Digestion. l —The ; tithe-: of-. the . ' .symptoms, ; arising from; enfGebled : dicestion, 'alli,:of which may. bo readily dispelled byithese admirable :lHlls,astheyrouse. the stomach,.liver, and every other : organ 'offdigestion. to; that healthy.ytorie' enables, them to convert all; food and drink to tbe c nourishment ofthe body—hence these' Pills are the ; purest: 'strengtheriers/ and- the .safest 'restorativej. in .'nervousness,. wasting! arid'chroriic debilitvK"'' Coughs, Colds, Influenza and soke Tiiroats" — • Fot 'curing of the ;throat,"''chest^'and' : lungs, ' "these Pills, .have establishcd/for tKemsolves ;a!ipre'-: .eminently'world-wide fame," as!they : 'i>urify,: : .t!ie.' blood' ] : arid'.regulate'.itsicifculation . .riflhenza, 'brorichitis/ : 1 pf'th'elnb'gSy'aridAevenconsumptibriinitsearly stages, Ur6 successfully' treated-^•>*ith'! ; : this'..'medicine/ : ,parti ' : ,c'ularly : if Hollo way's Ointment.', be, well-rubbed: upon, ■ •the'chest.and,,back'rii^ •Holloways Pills are the best remedy knownun the world forthc following diseases :— •Ague., .Gout . ;Stone and Gravel •.Asthma. .' Heada'cho:'/ ' !Secondary Syriap-.' : Com- I Indigestion , : tpms:' . jjlaints. iLiver complaints .Tie-Doloureux .Blotchcs. on • the Lumbago • ■» Ulcers'-: Skin ;Piles iVenoreal AJfeo • we 1 .'complain ts, R hcumatism 'v, tions' . .•.Debility [Retention of !Worms of all • /Dropsy'' j. /Urine'"., v-r.:/; j-"kinds ■/£ !• •:!.;'.•■ . Female Irregu-iScrofula orKing'siWeakness, " •.. •.!. Lvil. . wliatevercause ; Fevers of all kindslSore Throats : . J: &c, &c: Tho.. Pills, and, .Ointment are. sold at Professor • Holloway.s Establishment; 533, Oxford-street, Lon- ;' neaHyeyo'rV'.respbctabl'e'Vsndorbf.'MetU- ' ; .cine throughout the civilised worH, m Boxes and Pots , at/ls-'ljd, 2e 9d,'4s 6d, lis, 22s;.aii'33s -aHi:.,' ■•Each of the Genuine vlodieines bear : cho. British Government. Stamp, with tho words: ' Holloways pills and Ointment, vengraved . tlierepri'i K On the label is the address, 533; Oxford-street-London, where alone manufactured Beware of all compounds' styled Holloway a. ' Pills.and. Ointment, with a * 4 New York" label-. LIVER. COMPLAINTS. T\R. KING'S; DANDELION. . AND : 'QUININE LIVER PILLS (without mercury).- : THE BEST ~. REMKDYv.' :FOR . BILIOUSNESS .STOMACH. DERANGEMENT,\ -FLATULENCE, . PAINS . BETWEEN. THjflJ.. SHOULDERS,- 'BAD ; .APPETITE, ../INDIGESTION, ACIDITY, HEAD ! ACHEi.jHEARTBURN;, and'."all! other, symptoms o • : lisbrderbd 1 liver arid', dyspepsia. Acknowledged vby : aany : eminent-surgeon;!.to be the>safest and mildest pilla for everj* constitution. Boxes at Is lid, 2s 9d, and 4s 6d. -••••" i'old. by Chemists and Medicine yendors throughout <the W0r1d. ,: ''..•!,•!!; Prepared by Jas. Rorke; London. peclally valuable Pills/for reiidents abroad, and • ravellert.. LOriON;'—An Er ,■ ;K3 :i.terrial Means of CURING SKIN DISEASES: /There Is •= any, eruption , but will yield to. ' Sttlpholine" In a , few days, and commence to fade,' .away even if it seems past cure.lnordinary pimples,, .redness,'blotches, scurf, roughness, vanish as if by magic; .whilst old, enduring skin disorders, that have! .'plagued the sufferers for years, however dsenly rooted they-mayibe,!:-" Sulpholine"., will successfully ..attack' HhemlV : It destroys: the animalcule which cause these. . unsightly,; irritable, painful affections, and always produces 'bealthy .natural condition of the 'skini ~".Sulpholine!".:Lotion is sold bv most Chemists* Made by T: Pepiper arid London..'.Bottles, 2s 0(L. = (Bold by.Kompthorne. Prosser and Co !. "OEPPER'S QUININE and IRON TONIO - \rbuses)!and developes. the nervous energiei;. ;enriches r .the blood,, promotes, appetite, dispels ,laa« : gour .and depression,'fortifies the digestive organs;vis a'specific .remedy, for neuralgia, ague, indigestion,, !,fevers of every kind, chest affections, and in wasting! . fiiseases; ; scrofulous tendencies, etc. Tke whole frame : '?■ is greatly invigorated by. Pepper's Tonic, the mental : . faeultios brightened, the constitution greatly strengthened,'and a return to robust health certain. . Bottles, S2; doses, <4s 6d ; next size .lis. Sold by Chemists' . . everywhere... .-.Thb name of J. Pepper, Bedford Laboratory. ..London, must be on the label. There is no' ..Tonic-so certain in effect as Pepper's Qainine and : Ironlt is. strongly recommended to residents in! i lndia and the Colonies, and should always be kept! ready for use in every case of fever or febrile concur tion«—Sold by Kempthorne, Prosser. and Co. I mARAXACUM ; and PODOPHYLLIN;^- : JL' Prepared only by J. Pepper, London. ThU ./ Fluid combination, extracted from medicinal is .now used instead of blue pill and calomel for the;/ 'cure of dyspepsia, biliousness, and all symptoms of • congestion of the liver, which are generally pain , beneath the shoulders, head-ache, drowsiness, no ftp* : petite, furred tongue, disagreeable taste in the mornleg, giddiness, disturbance of the stomach, and feeling < .of general depression. It sets the sluggish liver in motion, very slightly acts on the bowels, giving a sense of health and comfort within 24 hours* It is the safest medicine. Taraxacum and Podophyllm is a fluid made only by Ji PEPPER, Bedford Laboratory London, whose name ie on every label* Bottles, 2s dd and 4s fid. Sold by all Chemists. A most ralnabla and essentiil medieino fo* India, Australia, the Cane and Colonies genorallyt—Sold by Kempthorne* Pro* and Co*

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6937, 11 February 1884, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6937, 11 February 1884, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6937, 11 February 1884, Page 7