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- Amusements, &c. ABBOT'S OPERA HOUSE. lessees and Directors: . Messrs. WILLIAMSON, GARNER, andMUSQROYE - KOYAL COMIC OPERA COMPANY. * The Directors have the honour to announce that arrangements have been completo,-l for a short Seasm. of COMIC OPI2RA by this famous organisation ' beginning? on ' 'x SATURDAY, 16ts PEBRTTABT, 1884. > Ami extending over a period of , TWENTY-FOUR NIGHTS, ' ' At Abbott's Opera House. . • THE ROYAL COMIC OPESA COMPANY Is undoubtedly the Largest, moat Complete' a** Successful Combination ever formed in theßoUTF>i£» Hemispheric, for the purpose of presenting P O ps2 Opera in the most pleasing form. The tour of th£ Company durirg the past two years has been™ Continuous Triumph, alike gratifying "to. th ft,gSS and remunerative to the Managers. *ooug THE KOYAL COMIO OPERA COMPANY Is under the Management of MESSRS J r wyt SI A^ H, AEJ ' GEORGE GROVE, who have been connected as Man,..™ individually and collectively with all the moat Successful Lyric and Dramatic (luting the past four years in the Australian ColonS? and to ensure the complete and proper represenUtiSof the Works made popular by this Company theKei Zealand Tour will be undor thts personal suprorision ME. GEORGE MUSGROVE. Tho Season will l>6 inaugurated with the first dm. duction ia this city of Audran's world-funed Com£ Opera, ™° i LA MASCOTTE ! (The Luck Bringer). The English adaptation by Messrs. Farnie and Raene LA MaSCOTTE is undoubtedly the most successful and pleasing Comic Opera of the day. Its popnUritv ia universal, and tU success has been so great tlul tht Opsra has been translated into English, Geniui Kusiian, Italian, Butch, Belgian, and Spanish, and the cordiality of its reception in the leading Gnti. ' nental Cities ha» only been exceeded by the brilliant I triumph which La Mascatte has achieved ia the leading Cities of England and America. When La Mascotte was produced in Australia hn Messrs. WILLIAMSON, GAilNEß,and MUSOROVE they endeavoured, by unsparing outlay of time* trouble, and money, to excel all their previous effort*! the result proving an OVERWHELMING SUCCESS* the Opera being received with acclamation through* out the Colonies. Ths second novelty will be Audran's aparkliag Opera, in three acts, OLIVETTE. This charming work first brought the composer's name prominently before the English-speakin» public and won for him a most enviable position—tie popularity of Olivette throughout England and Am«ric* even eclipsing its Parisian reputation.' In announcing Offensach's Grand SpectacuUar Open Bouffe, LA FILLE DU TAMBOUR MAJOK the Directors would call attention to the fuefc that the production will be on the same seals of maraj. ficent completeness as when the Opera achieved it* unparalleled run of oxe eu.vdked +si> om Kieras under ihe Management of Mr. George KosasOTE, it the Opeia House, Melbourne. FlauquettVsChefd'osuvre, LBS CLOCHES DE CORNEVILLE. This will be the First Performance in New Z«ilaldl. of ihe correct London version of this immeiuely successful Opera, and every effort will be made by giving an appropriate Cast, Beautiful Scenery, and Magnificent Mounting, to make this production a n> velation to the music-loving pnbic of Auckland, ol the possibilities of this fascinating work. SPECIAL NOTICE ! In order to keep faith with the public, the Directors have only announced tho Operas that will POSI--TIVELY BE PRODUCED, bnt should time and drcum&tances psrnut, they may present one other selected from the extensive list of Novtlties , for which they hold the Sole Right of Representation in Aug. tralia and New Zealand. THE COMPANY. The Directors refer with pride to the followfrjiist of Artists engaged, thus completing the most lower* ful MUSICAL and DRAMATIC COMBINATION! hitherto known to the Australian Colonies : Miss Nellie STEWART Mr. W. H. WOODF£ELD I Miss Fanky LIDDIARD first appearance in Miss IDA OSEORNE Mr. 30WABD VEBNBS \fi« Kxrnr WFW4ST Mr. EDWIN - KELLY AIISS MAGGIE BiiWAKI Mr. JOHN F FOEDE Miss LILLIE FORDE Mr. T. GRTJNDY Misses Aggie: Sttjart, Messrs. a. Leyibojt. K. Saba Kobd, Dolly Fobd, Robsox, W. Johksos, W. Louise Herbert, Mams Beaumont, Melcmor J Laearde,L>. Valentine, WniTBB, W. Webbe, K, Kate Ayhtos, Sobhie Vibxok, J. BLmv_Ey, F. Harris, Cora. Milne, L. Atkinson, T. Humt, 0. Dudley, a. Cohcon, Btjbt, W. Fobd, T; Aksie Caklton, E. EicbjLe.T)s, R. Dat3>sos, Siuth, A. Capper, T. B. Gwpmths, Cappeb, Amy atxisson, B. Hakkis, A. Claoky, and Stella. Bohs.E, Woods, M.Melbose. Mr. JOHN WALLACE; j Treasurer .. — .. Mr. H. MnsanbVjß Stage Manaoke .. .. Ms. J. Waixaoe ' ABSLSTAKT STAGE MANAGER MB. R. VebSOH ; Scenic Artisx .. .. Mb. W. Peaks Mechanist Mr. H. Pitt Costuhiere Miss Emillz KathS Akmookeb. Mb. W. Bo&dk : Property Master .. .. Mr. B. Griitites " GRAND ORCHESTRA, undsr the direction of HEJ W. H. HARRISON. . POWERFUL CHORUS and a LAEGE STAFF OP. AUXILIARIES. ' Tlie Whole Of the ■;■':■. NEW AND MAGNIFICENT SOENEEY/v By those Great Artists—CJiorge Gordon and JoHS Hensinos. - ' THECOSTUME3FOR JSACH OF THE OPERAS areallNsfl-, Costly, and Characteristic were mode in London and Paris -at enorxnorui- expeaie; while the properties and appointments lor each pro* duction will De brought from Melbourne and Sydn*y. The Well-known JSntrepreniiur SiGNOR O. NoßlLlhas bean retained as BUSINESS MANAGER i"ois THEXOUK. .-■,.■ PEICES OF ADMISSION ' OJf THE EVENINGS OT PeBFOJUtAKCI! t '

Dress Ciboj.z & OncaiSTSA Stails -SEciJHiLijiros ; ' Stali-s FoujtSaz&Lrsas - Pit ' .. .: .. „ ...Two Shjlukgs At the request of a number of music-loring public " who visit the Opera so frequently, and for thf con- ~ venience of families, the Directors have determined ' toissue - . . ■; ■ ■ ,'..•; •' FAMILY TICKETS £.T X REDUCED BATEI ' These will be sold in pacuages of Twenty, and will Vs transferable and available for any nigkt during tie ■, Season, at the fallowing prices:— Dres3 Circle and Orchestra Stalls (20 Tickets) _ £5 Stall* (M Tickets)'.. £3 These are no w to be obtained at Lennox's, Statioaer, '• Queen-street, Auckland, vhera seats can alto be Sβ- ' cured on and after MONDAY, 11th February, ISS4. If.B—Subscription List and sale of Family Tickets will positively close on SATURDAY, 16th February, at 2 o'clock p.m. ."■-•■'" " : ADVANTAGE TO SUBSCRIBERS: '' :i ~'' Holders of Family Tickets will be admitted a Quar« ' ter of an hour before the public " ■ -.' A Reduction is gained m the Price of Admission at One Shilling on eauh Ticket. The crush tit the Ticket Office is avoided. ' O. NOBELL, Business Manager. Board and Residence. fir VtVX)' Gentlemen can obtain superior Board JL and Residence at North Shore. — Apply E., Hn-RAia: Office. . rilWO Gentlemen nan meet with good and ' JL superior Board and Residtnce: situation very fino and healthy, close to town; bath and piano.— Enquire at Herhu Office. mEMPERANC B BOARDING. HOUSE, JL GREY-STREET (Near to Queen-street). E. WILLIAMS. Single and Double Bedrooms. Visitors will find a comfortable home. Plunge Bath. Ternu reasonable. GOVERNOR BROWNB HOXEL HJT HOBSONSTEBBT.. Board andLoJglng_______~^ w^^jg t p Mwee v do. do. f»ineiatooni)____jj6« Jo. "OANAMA HOUSE, Lower SymondeJL street, beautifully situated, overlooking Government House grounds. Mrs. Dalton has now excellent accommodation for families; also, for one or two gentlemen. Piano, bath and shower, professional man cook. Terms, moderate. CAMBRIDGE HOUSE, Lower Vinoent H_/ street—Mrs. Richmoudbegs to inform herfrlenda that she has now opened her new premise* as a first-class boarding housu. Single and double bed- ' rooms and suites of apartments. Plunge and shower baths, and every accommodation for visitor*. Two minutes walk from Opera House.—Terms on application. ■ - MISS MURPHY begs to inform her' friends that she has removed from Cypress Villa, Lowor !>ymonds-street, to "The Retreat," Upper Symonds-streei, opposite "The Nook.". The house is in a healthy and pleasant situation off the road, with a view of the harbour, within tan minutes* l walk of the Post Office, and contains accommodation or gentlemen and families. Terms moderate. "DRIVATE TEMPERANCE HOTEL, J_ HARDINGE - STREET, OFF VICTORIA. SrREET. Tho above house being recently built for tha pui» poso, affords the very bsst accommodation to travellers. The rooms aro all well ventilated, and a good table kept, and everything to make people comfortable will be done. l£ is situated in one of the quietest streets in tho city, and within three minutes' walk from Queen-street. Single and double beds always ready and available at all hours. Terms to suit the times. E. T. KING. . "OERTH VILLA, 1, Hobson-streefc, AuckJL land.—Mrs. Loverock receives Hoarders for • Temporary or Permanent Residence, end endeavours, by personal superintendence, to secure for her guests the comfort derived from polite attention, scrupulous cleanliness, and prompt 'attendance. The Table is liberally kept, the cooking particularly cared for, and the meals are punctually served. Perth Villa stands upon the cliff at the corner of Hobson-street and Mooro-street, commanding a full view of the harbour, Stake's Point, and the North Shore. 'to aspect is north and west. It is near the Star Hotel, only three minutes' walk from Queen-street. Parties arriving by steamer will find in Perth Villa the comfort and : quiet of " home." Terms from Twenty-five Shilling!, dependent upon individual requirement. DURING THE GREAT SALE— £000 Pairs Kid Gloves, at lljd per pair 1503 Yards Dress Materials, at 2Jd per yard A Grand Line of Oiford Shirting, at Id P« yard. A limited quantity onlji S. COOMBES & CO.'S, Queen-street.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6936, 9 February 1884, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 7 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6936, 9 February 1884, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 7 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6936, 9 February 1884, Page 8