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Medical. ]yp B, T Y H D A It S%: ' BUBGKON DBNTIBT, Hve yean udsUnl to Mr. Plunder), Begi once more to present the Anokland pnblld wltt - hU list of prices ;— Sold Upper and &ow« „ ;j £U OeOnlold „ ■„• .;j ■ £H> Valctalte „ Irom ;;•«:' Gllvar e fnjnj ;,• £3 Dertal Alloy „ only ' „ £10 Single Toeth, from Ef. eepalring to Vulcanite, boa lOtv *•„ '«» O» OSIT'HIBIIT.' A LL thoae who, from in* XTjl. discretions, excesses, or ther causes, are weak, unnenred, low spirited, physically drained, A end unable to perform Hfe'e duties properly, can be certainly and permanently cured without, stomach medicines. Endorse* (m> |k■ by doctors, ministers, and ,tf-» , K3>V/VJbM P rea »- Th « Medical Wrt? f says :—" The old plan of tnd s NerTOUS DebiUty, Physloil W-, , ' &c, la wholly > " TO THE MAKSTON BOLUfJ." ) <en • mm hopeless cases assayed >* certain restoration to fott i* perfect manhood. Simpl* — " MCM tive, cleanly, pleasant. S< ; ;oe "' *i^ , i treatise. ConsulUtion wit vuyician free. MARSTON REMEDY CO, 72, ELIZABETH-STEEEI, SYDNEY. K.S.W. AYER'S tw Cheny Pectoral Ko other complaints are so insidious in their attack as those atfecting the throat and lungs: none so trifled with by the majority of sufferers. The ordinary cough or cold, resulting perhaps from'a trifling or nnconsoioua ex- , po3ure, is often out the beginning of a fatal sickness. Ayeb's Cheeey Pectokal hzß •well proven its efficacy in a forty years' fight . with throat and lung diseases, and should t>9 taken in all cases without delay. t y = A Terrible Cough Cured. "In 1.8571 took a severe cold, which/affected my lunge. I had a terrible cough-and passed. . night after night without sleep. The doctors" gave me up. I tried Ayeb's Chebey Pectoral, which relieved my lungs, induced sleep, and afforded mo the rest necessary for .the-recovery of my strength. By the - continued use of the Pectoral a permanent cure was effected. lam now 6a year* old, hale and hearty, and am satisfied your Chekby 3?ectobal saved me. ■ . • .- Hoe ace FAiRBEO-raps- ,, - . Eockingiam, Vt., July Iβ, 18$s. v . SS. tSsronp.—A Mother's Tribnte. ' "■WTiile in this country last winter my little boy, three yeara old, was taken ill with croup; it seemed as if he would die from stoangu- ' lation. One cf the family suggested the use of AVer's Cherry Pectoral, a bottle of , . which was always kept in the house. This I was tried in small and frequent doses, and ! - to our delight in less, than half an hour the ..'• little patient was breathing easily. The doc- - tor said that the Cherry Pectoral had saved my darling's life. Can you wonder at our gratitude? Sincerelyyours, Mrs. £iuu Gebney." ' 159 West 128 th St., Kew.Tork, May 16,1882. "I have used Ayer's Cherry Pectokaij in my family for several years, and do-hot- • • hesitate to pronounce it the most effectual remedy for coughs and colds we have eres tried. . A. J. Ceahe." Lake Crystal, Minn., March 13, 1882. " " I suffered for eight years fromßronchitii, i and after trying many remedies with no success, I iris cured by the use of Ayer's Cheeky Pectoral. Joseph ■Yy.ALDEN." Byb alia, Miss., April 5,1882. • t: I cannot say enough in praise of AVBB'e - CherrY Pectoral, believing as I do thsft but for its use I should long_since hare die 4 from lung troubles. E. Bragdon. ,, " ' Palestine, Texas, April 22,1882. ■ No case of an affection ol the throat'or-:' lungs exists which cannot be greatly relieved by the use of Ayeb's Cherry Pectoral, and it will always cure when the disease is not already beyond the control of medicine. PREPARED BY - — ■ Dr. J. C.Ayer&Co.,Lowell, Mass. \ Sold by all Druggists. .'. V KEMPTHOENB, PSOSSEK & CO.'S NEW ZEALAND DETJG COMPANY (LIMITED). SAINSBDRY, ELTISDON, & CO. L Wholesala Diuggists, Duneclin and Chrlstchurcb. CONSIGNEES FOE BAISS BROTHEKS, LOJiDOH REGARD'S PfiEPAKATIONS. Anckland Agent: A. BADDELBY, 91, Queen-street. _ ' j> U P T U It E S, Persons suffering from the above should apply t>3 J. P. S. Strickland, Surgical tnztrnment iMaanfac- -■ turer (late maker to Leeds, Bradford, and Wakefleld Hospitals, and Gateshead Dispensary), Vincent* street, Auckland, 13 doors from Cook-street (on tb/. right). '"■'.■■,;'! DR. BRIOHTS PHOSPHODTNE is the Safest and only Reliable Preparation of Phosperpus. Thoroughly re-establishes health.. ' V . DR. • BEIGHT'a PSOSPHODYHE ie the only Reliable Remedy for Narroasness, Debility, Lassitude, Indigestion, Liver Complaints. Female Complaints, Pimples, Depression,-Premnture Decline, and all Functional Derangements. DR. BKIGHT'S PHOSPfIODYNE enriches the Blood, strengthens the Nerves and Muscular System, animates the Spirits and Mental Faculties, promotes Appetite, and improve* Diges- ~' D toD 'B. BBIGHT'S PHOSPHODyNE is•: patronised 'bj the Aristocracy, and the Elite, extensively used in .the Army and Navy, and highly recommended by tru leading Medical Practitioners. BR. BRIGBT'S PHOSPHODYNE ia sold by all Chemists throughout the Globe, in cases at 10s 6d. Caution.—Beware of Cheap Worth- ' less Imitations beaming similar names. Agents for New Zealand, Kempthorne Prosser and Co., Bunedin, Auckland, Christohuich, and Wellington. GKIMAULT & CO., PHAMACET3TICAL CHEMISTS. . Paris : Rue Viviense, 8, Paris. DUSART'3 SYETJ? OF LACTOPHOSPHATE Off • liIMK This preparation enriches the blood, strengthens the bones, and improves all the vital energies Phosphate of Lime is the substance most necessary to life ; indispensable for the formation and nutriment of tbo bony system as for the transformation of food into muscnlav fibre. Without it tho body wastes away, and it is to supply the lank of the Lactophosphate ol Lime that Eusart's Syrup is so useful, and it is of inestimable beneflt'for Convalescents, Weak, and Olt>'Peopx.b, and Rickety Children, who find in it the Oaixareops Elements entering into _ the Conbtitctlon of the Boitks. Well adapted tc Ladiss in the Family-way. Wet Nukses (whose milk it enriches), and to stop Children's Diabrhcea.

ASTHMA ! ASTHMA ! • GKIBAULT & CO.'S INDIAST CIGARETTES. Asthma, , Nsrvous Cocohs, Chronic TjaxysoiTis, Hoahseness, Loss of Voice, Faoiai, Nbtjraigia, and Ixsojihia, aro rapidly relieved bjr usinf these Cigarettes. . . DISEASES OF THE CHEST. ; : GRIMAULT & CO.'S SYRUP OF HYPOPHOSPHITE OF LIME. ' • : ■:■■ n Persons suffering from Catakkh, Cokbumtiox " Colds, or Obstinate Coughs, and. generally thou * afflicted with diseases of the. chest, bronchi*, or lungs, iihould.use GRIMAULT 4 OO.'S SYRUP OP HYfOPHOSPHITE OF LIME, whish, preicrihedfar years past by the medical authorities of all countries, has invariably effected wonderful cores. By tlie use of this Syrup the ooug'i -is calmed, noo turnal sweats disappear, and the appetite rapidly iro proves—a fact soon demonstrated by an increase of weight and improved appearance GRIMATJLTS SYRUP Iβ of a roao colour, andco n tainsd in flat oval bottles. grimault * co.'s matico dapsules and injj:ction. Renowned Physician, prescribe- GRIMAULT'S MATICO as tho most act ire and at the same time the most Inoffensive remedy in the treatment of Acsjir. and Chromic Diseases. These have not, like Copaiba, the JnconVeiiioace of giving Nauseai. The Injection is used in recent, and the. Capsules Iβ the more chronic cases. '*■■>'• SICK HEADACEE ! NEURALGIA 1 GRIMAULX i CO.'S GUARAIsA. This Medicine owes its curative virtues to the great quantity of Caffein which it contains. Dr. Wilks, of Guy's Hospital, declares in the British Medical Journal,.that GtTARANii acts -likea charm.' " Guarana Powders are a certain remedy for Sios Headacke." —I** Lancet, Aug. 31,1872., It is, the , most yaluable remedy ajainst. Diabiihoia DvsENriRY, and alldisordorsproceediag from derangement of the Stomach or Bow.uls. f*i OINGi GOING!! GONBII 1000 pairs Corsets, at Is lid; re ; jular prioe, 6s 94 3000 yards Figured Midris Muslin, 6Jd per yard £00 Men's Helmets, sit at 2s US. .' AT " S; COOMBEB & " Oueen-sbreet.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6936, 9 February 1884, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6936, 9 February 1884, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6936, 9 February 1884, Page 7