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Shipping. LONDON" DIRECT. ■JllJSglllr ' TO FOLLOW, THE ANTAREB. Ihe Clipper Barque : LUTTERWORTH, 883 tons register, 100 Al at lloyd'e, Captain tV. Pearson, having the greater part ot her cargo engaged will meet with quick dispatch. ■ ' ' Good accommodation for a few Saloon Passengers, For freight or passage, apply to CETTIOKSHANK & CO., Agents. 18, Queen-street, Auckland, January 30,1881. ' ~k , CJTEAM TO WAIWERA £j < HOT SPEINQS). MATA*It:^^K^KANA - KAWACT, OMAHA, AND The a.B. ROSE CASEY. Al at Lloyd's. TIME-TABLE ' ■ ■■'■ (From Warkworth Wharf). . For Watwera—Every Tuesday, Thunday, 1 and Satur- - day, at 11 a.m.; return Wednesday, Friday, and Monday. ~ ; For Matakarja,' Kawiu, and Omaha— Eyery Tuesday' at 11 a.m.; return Wednesday. ':':'-.. ',-. ' For Mahurangl — Every Thursday, and Satnrdav - at 11a.m.; return Friday and Monday; - " ' HENDERSON k MACFABLA.NE. nP HE TIMARU FISH Ss£S*s. JL COMPANY desire to Purchase or Charter a Vessel of about i^«l,it-~¥?T i 0 ton ' l- Scn d full desaiption of , wwi'ViTfi Jaw-, vessel and price, required, or rate per moHtb, without crow. K. SANDS, .'. , Secietaryi Tlmaru.' Sermons, Lectures, Soifeee, &c. •primitive methodist Churches SERTICE3 TO-MORROW as follows :— ALEXANDRA-BTKEET— . -..-■■ Morning, at H— Her.' W. S. PoUer. Subject • " The Blessedness of 'Enduring Temptation " Evening, at 6.3o—Rev. W. S. Potter. Subject • "The Christian's Name." PITT AND EDWjN-STREEXS 3 Afternoon at 3—Mr. Geary. Evening, »t 6.SO—Mr. Jlrame. -,i;..."'.T NEWMARKET— Afternoon, at 3—Mr. K. B. Horsley. i Evening at o.3o—Mr. O. Reid. SERVICES. BERESFORD ST. ■[ l Rev. J. Bobertson, M. A. MOUNT" EDE2T-&3O,'Mr. T. Ball. " jNEWTON—B. EvangeMstic service. Conditional immortality.—Mr A£ -Taylor ' fromthe Thame "' ' wln deliver a QT.. PAUL'S CHURCH.-8 a.m., Holy VJ> Communion; 11 a.m., Morning Prayer, Litany ™The Work ; o f^P- m, ?. ; ;E;venln S Prayer and Sermon,' QT. PAUL'S CHURCH.—Mr. W." J 'tP \ Sh»w has -bwn appointed Collector or Monies due to St Paul's Church.-W. Wildman, Jan. '■ Churchwarden!. February 8,1884. . "OITT-STREET WESLEYAN CHURCH -&.*£s#.■&£**?'. ~ QT. JOHNS WESLEYAN CHURCH Ip Ponsonby.-Morning, at 11, Eev. T. G. Oarr! Evening, at 6.30, Eev. A. Eeid; • v "" x - FARNELL WESL3YAN CBTJRIjHw Merning, at 11, Rev. G. W. J. Spence. Bvenias >t 6.30. Rev W. G. Parsonson. and Mr? • . 'tTkEVONPORT WESLEYAN CHURCH" 'TLf'O.UNT A.LBERT WESLEYAN Baptist Church, : Y.T .Sunday, February 10th,—fastot Tioeas Spurgeon will preach. Morning, in the Chapel at 11 Subject: ,"Th,- Bruising Heaietk Me.". Imping In the Choral Hall, at fl.4fi" Subject: "Kast and West." OUNTEDEN BAPTIST OHAPEL.2_ Paitor D. Whytock will prejSch' To-morrow ,Moraillg,,Uy Evening, &80. . : y.^^K^™"""^ , ; CHnRCk SERVICES, held in the JJJ Commerciil Rooms, over Rattray'a, Queenstreet. Morning,at 11 o'clock. Snbject: "Theßattle with Self—Life's trne problem." ': iTTNITED METHODIST FREE KJ CHURCHES, Pitt and Vlncent-streeU— Moraine at U.and Kveeing at 8.30, Rev. 8. Micfarlane. Sermon to young men In the evening. ■;. MOUNT EDEN—Evening at 6.30, Mr. J. M. French. BBOTT'S OPERA HOUSE—Edward H. Taylor will Leoture on Sunday night at 0.45. SubiecV'How have believers eternal life now ". Morning Service at the Temperance Hall. .•■■•• mHEATRE ROYAL.—SUNDAY EVENJL ING SERVICES, under the conduct of the Young Men's Christian Association, on Sunday Evenine from Bto 9. All aro invited. Seats Free. ! " , K7'OUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOJL CIATION, Corner of Wellesley and Albertstreets. —Meeting for United Prayer This (Saturday)'. Evening, at 730. A. BIBLE READING will be given,*; Friends are cordially invited. A BIBLE CLASS for MEN every SUNDAY AFTERNOON, from 3 till!. 'T>ATIONALISTIC ASSOCIATION, A\) Lorna-itreet Hall. TO MOBROW (Sunday)11 forenoon, Discussion Class'; Immediately after. Discussion Class, MeetiDg of Association to nominate and elect member*. Kvening at 7, Lecture by Mr. Kelly. Subject: "Moral, Causation." MublcLadles panicuUrly invited. , ' HOSPITAL LA W N ON SUNDAY at 3 o'clock sharp. Bandmaster Hunter will give selections of mutic ua- tinder.—Quiokstep.-sacred. " Meet me at the fountain " (E, Newton); , fanUs'a, "The Christian Soldier " (li. imith) ; anthem, 'The song of the angtls " (Cook) :' fantasia. " Eeminlscences of Moody and Sankoy" (H.Ro'dnd); grand eborus, "The heavens are telling " (Uaydn) ; solectlon, " The Revival". (R, Linter) : quickstep, s»cred. " I've Been Redeemed" (R. Smlt><). BIBLE AND PRAXisR ONION. ... ■ . NOTICE 1O MEMBERS. Members' Cards for V Si, containing their number on the roll, the princi) les of the Union, and a Calendar of Chapters for ihe new ear, aro now ready, and will bo sent on reecij t of name and address, with a twopenny stamp, on »i plication to Mr. Brakenrig, Young Men's Christian Atsociation, AacKlaua. . quote card number. ' . , ./ HE RR T OUIS mUTSCEKA [FROM THE IMPERIAL AOADEMY OF MUSIC, VIENNA], ~;:.■ Begs to announce tbat he is preparod to Giro Lessons in Singing, Violin, Piano, and Harmony... -■■••'"' For Torms: Apply to Mr. A. Eadv, Av.ckland Music Waiehouso, Queen-streot. Heir Tutchka will mako Special Arrangements with Schools. IVTORTH NEW ZEALAND SETTLER , J_l AND COUNTRY MAGAZINE. NOTICE O~F REMOVAL. Tho Proprietors having taken tho publishing of the above Journal into their own hands bog to notify that the PubllahCi r Offlco is now at No. 6, St. Mungo Chambers, Queen-street, Auckland, opposite BtNK Of NkTV ZkALAND. "' "ORINCE OF WALES HOTEL, JL HOBSON-STREEI', AUCKLAND. This First-class Hotel has just been Refurnished and Redecorated, and now offers every comfort that an hotel should do. Has largo spacious Bod-rooms and Sitting-rooms, and keeps a First-class Table at ono o'clock. . BILLIARDS. - ,_ rH R A Z_ I N..-:0v The Grazing of the AuckUud Plumpton Coursing Company's Land, at Fapatootoe, to be lot by the month Apply to Wm. McLanghlln, Esq., on the limd. C- WALLNUT, Hon. See. 3>ACKSTRAW & T> AMSEY, BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS, N0.'28, Wakefield-str:eet; / HOUSES MOVED, LOWBRED, OR RAISED, WITH - OARB AKD DE3PATC."TO WORKERS IN THE GOSPEL, AND SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHEKS. Just published and to be had at tho Tract Depot, Karangnh»pe Rood, Faithful Words for January, ISB*. Iβ per dozen ; also. Faithful Words, Little Friend, and Good News Almanacs for 18S4 (Illustrated), penny each. G. OOUTTS: SEALING-WAX for Fruit Cana, Sold by all Ironmonger" and oth«vs ; 8d single pound, 6d 71b parcels. Wbo.esale at manafarWry, Albertstreet, Auckland—C. Williams. ■ ■ ART UNIO. OF 25 PRIZES, on view, will nhortly close. Tickets, Is, from Mr. Salter, or Mr Dβ Couroy's Piotui . Depot, toj. of Queen-street. LASS f>LOWING! On satuhday LASS J3LOWING ! AFTERNOON, from 2to 6. Admission, 6d. Ptizes.—M. Cook, and Sons, Freeman's Bay. 'Lolly Jars, leoach,

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6936, 9 February 1884, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6936, 9 February 1884, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6936, 9 February 1884, Page 1