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Niw Zealand Herald Office. Saturday afternoon* The Customs receipts to-day were £439 14s. The duties collected at the Customs during the week amounted to : — Duties _ £4,515 12 6 Light dues.. ... .. .. 29 10 2 Forms and fees 2 0 9 Beer duty .. 249 10 9 Other receipts 583 0 0 £5,378 14 2 Business in the import market during the past month has, owing to the holiday season, been somewhat cjuiter, all orders having been sent in and executed during the early part of last month. The trade during and prior to the holidays operated but sparingly, and would only purchase for their actual requirements. The distributing houses have been kept busy by the orders sent in from the country, but the local demand haß been somewhat quiet, and transactions have therefore been almost entirely confined to small parcels. Speaking generally of business for the past twelve months, it may be said that it has been most uncouraging, and engagements have generally been well met. The stocks in bond have been very materially reduced from the full state they wore in at the beginning of 1833, and there has not been shown that eager tendency to what may be called glut the market during the past half year as there was earlier in the year jusb completed. Prices generally have not undergone any material changes since our l:ist summary, and stocks generally sire fairly supplied. From the Customs statistics which we publish in this

column, it will be seen that our remarks anent the reductions of stocks, by a drawing olf from imports to any very large extent, are fully borne out, as the value of our imports for the December quarter was £410,093, as against £539,560 for the September quarter. For June the amount totalled £437,019, and the March quarter £528,740, making the total value of our imports for the year to be £1,916,541. The exports for the December quarter reached £301,011, and for the September quarter, £299,228 ; June quarter, £216,709, and March quarter, £259,478. From these figures it will ba seen that the last quarter of the year has shown a considerable increase over the other quarters, which is a most satisfactory state of affairs. The total value of the exports for the year was £1,076,426, as against £1,916,541, the value of our imports, thus showing the latter to be in excess by £840,115. Rates of exchange and freights remain unchanged. The principal attention during the laßt month has been given to seasonable lines such as wines, currants, fruits, etc., but prices have not altered. Although stocks have been considerably reduced, advances are to hand of vhipments on the way, which wiil have the effoct of renewing them. The kauri gum market has been steadily rising during the last two months, and is now firm at prices quoted below, and with a very strong aud active demand for the beßt qualities—the poorer qualities not being so much in demand. We quote poor ordinary, £38 to £40; fair ordinary, £40 to £42 ; good ordinary, £43 to £44; and East Coast, £55 to £56. The barque Alcestis is on the berth loading gum for New York, whilst the barque Embleton has jußt sailed for London with a large shipment on board, and the barque Alcestis will also have a good shipment for the London market. Ia ales and porters there has been a good business done during the past month. Several good lines are reported as having changed hands at full prices, whilst in spirits there has been active demand for Teacher's, both bulk and case, and also for Walker's. Vint Brothers have also received fair attention. The market is fairly supplied with the latter brand, but Teacher's still continues somewhat scarce. The market is still firm for candles, but we do not note any alteration iu prices from our last month's quotations. For cordage and rope prices still remain without change. Orders have come forward freely for local manufactured. In fish there is no change to report, the market generally having been dull, except for salmon, in which a fair amount of business has been done. There has been a better inquiry and business in half and quarter sardines, the latter being somewhat scarce. Of ironmongery material there is, upon the whole

a fall market, bat still the buiiness done has bean fair, and prices fairly maintained. For timber there still continues a good demand, the building trade continuing briik. The mills in consequence have been kept going full time, and in many instances have found some difficulty in executing: orders to time. In flour there has been a fair conjumptive demand during the month. We have no alterations in prices to quote. Oils have been hardly noticed, only small sales having been effected at late rates. Oilmen's stores are movinjr off fairly at full rates. There has been a good demand for teas, and fair parcels are h«ing disposed of at full prices, whilst for sugars a fair demand continues, and good sales were made at current rates. Fair sales have been made of cornsacks and woolpacks at current rates. Jute goods have had moderate attention. Telegrams are to hand from Calcutta, advising an advance in the price of woolpacks, but we have not heard of any material advance having been made in prices here, although advances are advised irozn the South and Australian colonies. Tobaccos have been in somewhat better request, and we hear of some fair parcels having changed hands at full prices. CUSTOMS DUTIES. Comparative return shoving the amount of Customs duties collected at the port of Auckland for the quarters cndio? respectively December '61, I&S3, and December 31, 1552.

Rates ot Exciianoi ox l«ondon.—Buying : 120 days, If per cent, discount; 90 days, li percent, discount; GO days, § per cent, discount; 30 days.S; per cent. Sight, £ per cent, polling : 120 days, J per cent, premium; 90 days. •§ per cent, premium; 60 days, j per cent, premium; 30 days, 1$ per ccnt. premium; on demand 2 per cent, premium. Discount: 95 days, 7£ percent.; 125 days, S£ per cent. fc\xed deposits : 3 months, 4 per cent.; 6 months, 5 percent.; 12 months, 6 percent.

Fkeiohts.—The following are the rate 3 of freight quoted at this port for London :—Wool, greasy, gd per lb.: ditto, washed, j'd per lb.; leather, 60s per ton ; oil, 80s per tun of 252 gals.; tallow, GOs per ton ; copra, 60s per ton; whalebone, isOs per ton; kauri gum, 60s per ton ; shells, G3s per ton ; dead weight, 30s per ton ; cotton, pressed, §d per lb.; shoepskins Jd per lb.; measurement, 50s per ton

Ales and I'op.tek.—Marshall's Dunedm Ale (duty paid), in bulk (pale), £5; xxxx, £6. Ale, in bulk (duty- paid) per barrel, Uass's, £7; Ashby's, £S. Ale (in bond), Teiinent's, pints, 6s Gd; quarfe, Ss 9d ; Bass's Dogs-head brand (Road's bottling), pints, 6s tkl; quarts, 9s 3d : Bulldog (It. Porter and Co's bottling), 6s and 9s; Wrillin brand, 6s, 6s 3d. and 93 3d; ditto sparkling pale ale, 6a 9d and 3d ; W. Younger'*, 5s and 7s 3d : Ashby's, 6s 3d to 9s Bd and is 'Jd; Ind Coopc, pints, 0s Gd ; quarts, Ss 9d ; Bass's (Blood bottlers), pints, 4s ; quarts Cs Gd, Anglo-Bavarian : pints Us Gd, quarts 9s. Boar's Head : quarts, Ss9d ; pints, Cs 6d. Guinness* Harp brand by Foster: pints, 6s; quarts, Sk. Norway ales, pints 6s 4d, quarts Ss 6d. Bass' Bugle brand, M' ! *rts9s Gd, pints Cs Od. Stouts in bond : Fostf-r'* Bugle stout, quarts 9s, pints Cs 3d* Blortd'.-. pints, ss; quarts, 7s; Dogshead, Guinness (Read's bottling), pints, Gs 3d;quarts, 9s 3d ; U. Porter & Co.'s bottling, 6s 6d and 8s Od; Spark's Molinc bottliu#, 6s to 9s 3d ; Gritfin brand, Gs l)d and 9s 3d; Burke's, 63 and 9s; Cameron and Sauuders'a, 7s and 9s Gd ; other brands, os and 7s 6d ; Combe's, quarts, 7s; pmta, 5s 6d l>uty: Pints, Is Gd; quarts. 3s per dozen Building Materials.—Cement may be quoted atK.B. ]ss. Market fairly supplied. Slates: Supply beyond requirements. English Countesses are worth £11 to £12. American, £S to £10. Plaster of Paris, lis. demand slight Bags and Backing, d.p.—Market steady. "Woolpacks, full lOlbs., 27 x 54, Calcutta, 3s 3d; Dundee, 3s 6d ; cornsacks, 4-bush., 2§dlb., Ss to s>s 3d. Breadstuff* and Grain.—Local best silk-dressed flour, £1310s; household. £1210s; Southern brands, £10 10sto £11 10s; Adelaide(none). WheatfAuckland). 4s Gd to 4s 9d. Oats : t'eed. 2< «ld to 2s 7d. Bran (Southern), £;> to £•"> 106 ; local millers' quotation £6 per ton. Hharpa. £5 10s; Southern sharps. £5 10* to £6. Mai/e ; Local, 3* to 3s 3d: Fiji, none ; Sydney, none. Oatmeal, £13. Barlev (for malting). 5s to 5a 3d : Southern, feed, 2a 9d to 3s 3d ; poirl barley, £23 to £24. Cabin bread, £1S por ton. Potatoes, £3 10s to £4. CoitDAOfc, (Subject to trade discounts)— Manila hoinp rope, all sizes, Sydney, £60 to £70; Auckland made, £7» to £7S; wl ilo and lanco lines, £S0; cutting in falls, £ d • New Zealand Has rope, all sites, £40 Auckland made. £3S to £40; wool huhit. s, £38 ; clothes liues, 5d per lb., subject trade, discouut; Manila clothes lines, Sd; jakum, free, ditto, £40; *pun yarn two*yarn ditto, £4S to £55; twine, shou, d.p., per lb., 9d to ls2d ; sewing twice, Is id per lb.; local make, Is to Is 3d. Coffee and Spices (in bond), per lb.—Ceylon, coffce plantation, Is ; do., Fiji, Gd to Od ; chicory, colonial, 4Ad ; cocoa, d.p., Taylor's 1* 4jd; Fry's Is 4d; Van Ilouten's, 4s Id to 4s 2d ; Epps's, Is GUI; Maravilla, Is Gd ; chocolate, Tavlor's, Is 3d ; Fry's, Is 3d. Spices, d.p.; Cloves, la lid; bleached ginger, lid ; unbleached do., 9d ; nutmegs, 3sGd: black pepper, wliolo, 9d; white do.. Is to Is Id. Coal.—Newcastle is sufficient for requirements, 30s to 33s at ship's side ; 3'is to 35a in yards, may bo taken as a fair quotation. Bay of Islands is very scarce, and 13s, at the mines, is quoted; Whangarei coal, 9s 6d, ditto, Waikato; steam, Ss; household, 10s. Confectionery.—Local manufacturers are producing good articles, and the consumption is gradually increasing. "Waters's colonial boiled, fljd: dry, 9Ad; jujubes, 13 Id; Keillor's assorted confec i tions, 9Jd; Gray's, l)Jd ; candied lemon and , orange peel, dp., lOjd to Is; citron, Is 3d* jujubes. Is id to Is 2d. Gum, Flax, &c.—Gum market is very brisk. Poor ordinary, £38 to £40 ; fair ordinary, £40 to £4a ; pood ordinary, £43 to £44 ; East Coast. £55 to £56. , Flax: First quality, £20: second, £17 to £19; tow, £7 10s por ton. Cocoauut fibre, £16 to £17 ; Cocoanut oil (line white), per ton, £C 5. Copra, per ton. £9 10s to £10 Fungus, 3d. Ironmonoerv.—Ewbank's nails, invoice, lOperceut. off list; galvanized corrugated iron, duty now 40s per ton, G, 7, S feet, £23 10s ; 9 feet, £25 ; 10 feet, £26 12s 6d; English bar iron, per ton, £9 to £10; pig iron, £4 10s to £*' s s ; plato iron, £12 to £ltf; fencing wire is overstocked, duty 20s per ton * assorted sizes, £13 10s. Sheet-lead, £19 10s to £20 10s; pig-lead £IS(very scarce); sheet-zinc, £26 to £27. Powder, Kaimes', Curtis and Harvey's, fid per lb. ; Ball s 6d to 6id; sporting (in canister), 2a; for 20 and 24, d.p. canister, No. 2, d.p., 3a 6d. Vollow metal, 7}d ; Muntz, 7jd to 6a.

Jams, Dried .Fruits, &c.—The duty under th« new tariff on dried fruit is 2d, and on preservez, ljd. English marmalade, llb.-t!ns, 7s Gd to Sa 6d; Moir's, 7s 3d ; Hobart jams, Knight and Johnson, fls 6d; Peacock's, 7a ; jars, 7a to Sd; Nelson (New Zealand), 6s 6d: sultanas, 7|d to Sd ~ muscatels, la 6d ; elemes, 7d to 7£d; currants, sjd to 5Jd; figs, s£d to 9}d: Turkish prunes. 7d to Sd. Dried apples, ordinary, in kegrs and cases, 6Jdto 7d ; Alden's process, 7£d to Sd, d.p. Leather asd Hides.—Sole leather, lOd to Is Sd per lb.; kips, 1s 6d to 2s ; runners, *2s 6d to 2s 9d ; calf, colonial, & to 4s 3d; basils, 12s to *2Ss per dozen ; closcd uppers, 4s 6d to 9s 3d per pair. Hides, 3d to 3jd ; calf skins, 3sd to per lb.; sheepskins, 6d to 6s. —Australian bonedust, £S 10s ; Californian, £6 15s ; Auckland, £7 to 10s ; superphosphate of lime. 10s to £9 10s; bouetiour, *'S to £0; Peruvian guano, £17 to £1S per ton ; Jarvis Island, £4 per ton ; animal manure, none; cocoanut oil cake (none); linseed cake, £I*J; Maiden Inland guano, £7 10s; Huon Island guano, £6 ; Hurst's chemical manure, £14 10s. Maxt and Hops.—English malt is scarce, and no inquiry is pxperiencod. Colonial, 5s 3d. Hops: Nelson, Is 6d; glucose, £27 los to £31 lCs, d.p., delirered to brewery. Oilmen's Stobes.— Price's Belmont d. lid; 10id. d.p., per lb. ; Deßoubaix Jenar, 9jd. Brandon's Nevas, and Gouda's Schiedam, D.R.0.. 9d; McLeod's Dunedin sperm, Sd, Local bluemoitled soap, £2S per ton; carbolic, £29; bast yellow, £2s; household, £15 ; tirst Crown £2ti; second Crown, £17; soft soap, in tins, 4Ad per lb.; toilet, 9d to lOdper lb.; mould candles, 5d per lb.; all subject to trade discount. Salt: Coarse, £312s 6d; fine. £317s 6d ; Jordan almonds. 2s to 2s t>d. Blacking paste, Day and

Martin's, 4s 9d. Colman's starch, No. 1: white, <ld; blue, 4}a; Orlando Jones' starch, 4d. Gill and Tucker's starch, 4d. Mustard, d.p. : Champion's genuine 1-lb. book-shaped tins, 19s to 19s 6d; i-lb. tins, 9s to 9s 9d; Colman's 1-lb. tins (red), 10, 6d half ditto, 5s 9d; 7-lb. 4 tins (red to green), "ad to Is; 1-lb. tins (green), 13s ; $-lb. dittos 7s 6d; DSF i«lb. tins. Ds 3d to 9s Gd : iCeen's, 9s. Blue : Keckjtt's Thumb, Sjd; Paris, in squares, lOd; Keen's, SJd. Matches : Vestas, d.p., Bryant and May's 250, per gross, 16s 9d; ditto, plaid, 4s 6d to 4s 9d; ditto, fancy oval, 22s 6d; Letchford's, 17s; Bell and Black's, 15s to 16s; plaids, 4s to 4s 6d; 11. Bel) and Co., 250's. 14s ; plaids. 4s to 4s 6d; Crovra plaids, 4s 3d to 4s Gd; 250's, 16s. Oil: Castor, in pints, Ss 3d; half-pints, 4s 9d to ss; quarterpints. 4s 3d. Salad : C. and 8., pints, 13s to 14s; half-ditto, 7s Gd to Ss; Morton's pints, 10s ; half-pints, 5s 9d. Pickles : Stephens pints, 7s; Crosse and Blaekwell's, pints, 12s 9d; Pool's, 9s; Morton's and others, from Ss to 10s tsd. Kice (ground), in tins, 4jd. Sauces: Lea smd Perrin's, half-pints, 12s 9d; C. and !>., half-pints, 9s; Miller's, 7s 6d ; Stephens', 6s 6d; Goodhall's Yorkshire .Relish, os tid. Vinegar, d.p.: Champion's, per gallon, 2s 4d; Pew's, 2s to 2s 2d ; Evans', 2s 2d ; Burnett's, 2a 2s Id ; Potts', Is lid. Treacle : golden srrup, Sjd per lb. American honey, 2-lb. tins, 12s 6d, d.p. Sago, 3d; tapioca, 3d. Cornflour: Brown's, 4Ad, d.p.: Brown and Polaon's, 6£d; Johnston's. 6£d: Wade's, 5u ; Munn s. Ud. Preservedinilk : Nestle's, Ss9d ; Milkmaid, Ss 9d; Milkman, 7s Gd. Tartaric acid, 2s 3d ; cream of tartar, Is Sd; bicarb, soda, lCs to 17s; soda crytals, £7 10s to £S. Oils and P.wnts.—Duty Cd a gallon. Colza, in drums, 4s 3d; bulk, 3s lOd; linseed, boiled drums, 3s 9d ; bulk, 3s 5d ; raw drums, 3s 6d ; bulk, 3s 3d; castor, in bulk, 4s 6d; kerosene, d.p., is Cd to Is 7£d; kerosene, in bond. Is to Is Id. White lead, ground, per cwt., genuine, 2Ss; No. 1 white lead, 245; red lead, dry, £1 10s. Oil colours, assorted, £1 10s to £1 lSs. Turps, duty paid ; drums, -fs to 4s 6d; American, 3s 9d ; whiting,per ton, £4 15s ; resin, £.0 to £9 10s (overstocked); American carriage varnish, 7s 6d to lis per gallon. Provision*.—Cheese— Provincial, Sd to9d: Canterbury, s}d to 6d. Salt butter, led to Is for good sound. Kice, d.p., Rangoon, £22; Saigon, £23: •Japan dressed, £17, for parcels. Jfams and bacon (duty, 2d per lb.); Canterbury hams and bacon, Sid. Hams and bacon, in cloth, 9d ; bare, 3}d ; bacon, bare, Sd; hams, bare, 10£ d; In cloth, lid to I*. Fish : Ling, ssd ; preserved red herrings, in tins, 30s to S2a per dozen (2-lb. tins); white, 34s per barrel; Kindon haddocks, 10s; lobsters, American, libs., Ss 9d to 9s Gd; 21bs., 18s; salmon, lib., Ss 3d; pickled salmon, 3d ; sardines (Albert's), quarters, 5s 9d ; halves, 10s I 9d ; oysters, 6s Gd to 7s. Bcgars, d.p —Sydney, No. 1, £37; Yarraville, IC, £37 ; Queensland and Yeng&rie. £40 ; llillaquin, £'«7 10s; I\V, £41 to £42: brewers' crystal*. £37 to £40; Mauritius white crystals' £37 to £3S ; bright, £35 ; yellow, £32 to 10s; English crushed loaf, sd; Californian crushed, 4jd (very bare); Californian cube, Fijian rations, £24 to £2S ; yellow crystals and counters, £29 to £33; Penang Estate, Fiji, d.p., bright yellows, £31 to £33; white crystals, £37. SriiiiT.s. —Brandy : Rouyer, Gouillet and Co., 25s and Ss: Marcellain's, case, 22s 6d, IB; flask. 2Ss 8d ; half-flaak, 35s 6d; quarter-flask, 53 6d, and in bulk 7s 9d ; Ueunessy's brandy, bulks 13s 6d to 14s ; casa, 39s to 40s; Bisquit Imbouche and Co.'a pale, in hhds. and qr.-casks, 7s to 7s 6d; Beehive, bulk.Ss; Courvoisier'3, case, 34g; Otard's, case, 29a (nominal); bulk, 10s 6d ; Beehive, c£Sc, 245; Bisquit, Oubouche and Co.'s, 25s ; Hine's, 2Sa; bulk, Ss ; Gautier's, 32s and 10s Gd ; Burgaud's, 7s 3d to 7s 9d • Muller Frere's, 20s! Cavalier Vrere's, 245; J. B. Hone's case, 225; Meukow, 30s and 10s; Scaiinaud, 6s to 6s 6d; Dessandiers, 22s and 7s Gd. Whisky, bulk : Walker's WW, 10s; Greenless and Colrille's 5s 6d to 6s 3d ; case, Rob Roy, ISs ; case, Beith, Ross and Co.'s, 6s; Teacher's, 106 ; Vlnt's bulk, 7s 6d to Ss; Vint's case. 20s 6d; Dunville's, 5s 6d ; case, ISs ; Lorne Highland, 21s ; Red Deer 6s 6d to 7s; case, 19s; Craig, 6$ tfd and 245; Heddle's old case, 16s 6d; Royal Blond, 245; Teachor's old, 2Ss 6d; Encore, IDs; Banagher, 19s; Walker's WW, 235; Jeraboara, 2Ss; LL, 22s 6d to 235: all in bond. Geneva, proof, 3 gal. lons, JDKZ, 15 bottles, 16s; 20 bottles, 19s; key, geuova, proof, 13s Schnapps, Wolfe's, 21a 6d; Dew of the Alps, ;275. Gin. Booth's, 16s; Burnett's, 15s. Lownde' rum, 30 op, 4s 9d to sa; Red Heart, case, 25ss d; Burnett's case, 225. Key, 225. Teacher's white rum, 32s 6d in bulk, d.p. Duty, 14s. Timber. — Quotations are as follows: — Kauri boards and scantling cargoes, 100 feet, at mill, f.0.b., East Coast, IBs to 14s 6d, tirstclass; Ss, second-class; at yards, Auckland, 15s to 16s. flrst-class; 10s second-class. Flooring, 16s 6d to 17s 6d flrst-class; 12s second class ; rusticated, 17s to 18s. West Coast, sawn kauri 10s; square baulk, 6s; white pine (kahikatea), 7s; T and G, 9s f.0.b., at mills; at yard, first-class. 14 ; second-class, lis; Hobart palings, 5 feet, 15s ; Q feet, 17s ; Hobart rails, £3 15s. Tobacco. —Duty, 3s 6d. Venus, 10a ; three-quarter boxes, Is 3d; cases, Is 4d ; Venus, Navy flat work, Is 6d ; double-thick ditto, Is Sd ; Over the Wator, 103 ; case Is 2d ; Barrett's Crown, lid ; Two Seas, Is Id to Is 4}d ; Victory Twist, Is 4jd; and cases, Is t ; d; low, 10s, 9d to fid; Derby lS's, Is Id; Derby 6's, Is 4d ; Orion 14's, Is 3d; i Cameron's Fancy Aromatic. Is 7 lid ; Roya to Is ; Standard, Id Old Virginia, and flat, twis tls 4d.

Teas. —Priccs range as follows (in bond):—Congous, common to good. 7jd to Is Id; middling to tine kinds, Is ljd to Is 4(1 ; Saryunes and Panyongs, Is 4d to 2s ; Souchongs' and Chingwo Kaisows, Is 6d to 28 3d. Indian tea* are now coming into the • market regularly. Trices may be quoted for Semi-broken and fine Souchong kinds. Is 5d to 23 Id. Wi KEB. —Champagne, duty paid: Pcrier Jouot and Co., first quality, quarts, 30s; pints, 84s; halfpints,, 948; second quality, quarts, 645; pints, 68s; half-pints, 7Ss. Inglehcim, quarts, SOs: 8-is; Moet, quarts, SSs; pints, 90s; Roedercr quarts, 100s ; pints, 105s; Pol. Roger and Co., 100s and 103s ; Adolphe Collins, 60s and 70s; ditto oxtra superior, 70s, SOs. St. Huberts Australian, 22s per dozen. AUCKLAND STOCK AND SHARE MARKET. The Cbrißtmas holidays have of course interfered considerably with tbe stock market. Sloce the holidays there has been & fair demand for most of our local stocks, and prices aresomwwhat better. Bank of New Zealand shares are asked for. and have been sold at £22 ss; with few sellers. £22 7s 6>i. National Rank, small parcels have been done at 70s; and Colonials are offered at 445. Insurance share* are in fair request at quoted rate?. Timber shires are more inquired for. Sash and Doors are wanted at £7 lOj ; Auckland Timber at £4 17s 6d, w.'th few sellers at £5.

Gas shares are advancing, and sales have been made at £9 12s (id. with buyers at that figure. There- is a decided improvement in tbe mining market, consequent on the important discovery of coarsc gold at the 640 feet level in the Deep Level property. This has caused a considerable demand for this company's stock, and prices have advanced from Is 9d to 6d. The adjoining mine, the Prince Imperial, has also shared in the improved feeling— this stock being worth nearly 100 por cent, more than it was before this find.

A new tribute company, called the Caledonian Deep Level, has been most successfully launched. This company y ill prospect by means of the diamond and rock drills, at the 610 feet level, in the neighbourhood of the last shot of gold, which run such magnificent dividends in the best days of tbe goldtiold, and as the Caledonian Company is now on payable gold, and the Deep Level have struak coarse gold at the loweßt depth at which gold has been found on this held, thore seems every cnance of a brilliant future for this tribute company. Shares arc already aiked for at a premium of 100 per cent.

From the West Coast we are setting bettor news. Tho manager of Humphrey's Gully company has at last overcome the difficulty of Rotting through the bed of pus: which has so much delayed operations, and is now busily engaged driving at both inlet and outlet end of the tunnel, and the ground is being prepared for sluice boxes at a low level, and good payable gold appears to go diwn to the lowest levels.

itotfi United.—The No. 2 engine lately erected in the main abaft is working very satisfactorily and there it no chance now of any further delay in this quarter, the shaft should be down to the rich deposits known as Cassin's level during the present summer. The Prince of Wales.—This company has pushed on all their operations very rapidly and the elevator* aro now nearly in position while the wator race is being enlarged vory considerably. This promises to bo a very valuablo property. The following quotations will give a fair idea of the course of sales and the present market value :

Mr. R. Arthur's Wvkely Report.—A fair amount of business has been done in all departments, bat, owing to the holidays, only one auction has been held. Fint-claas cheese and bacon are in demand » second-class difficult to clear at low prices. Fruit has sold at hgh prices. Potatoes have sold at little higher than last week, tne supply beinc about eqal to the demand. Poultry have realised a better price.— inpply small. Furniture has been in gr?od demand. Friday's (r»*rket-day) sale of poultry*, produce, fruit. &c. At mart, the attendance was good : smart competition (for most lines. Fruit sold at high prices. Fowls. 1b Sd to 2slod ; chickens, 7d to Is Id; turkeys (inferior), <is 8d ; ducks, 2a 2d to 2s 7d: geese, 4s 9d ; pijreona. is Id to 2s 7d : small pigs, 3s lOd ; potatoes. 3s to 6*; peas. Sd to lOd ; beans. to sd; onions, jd to lid ; JemoßS, 1* 3d to Is 7d; cherries, lOd to lljd ; plums, 9£d to IOJd ; gooseberries, Sd to ; pear*, -Ijd; apples. 4sd ; apples (Sydney), 7s 6d per case ; oranges, 5s to 7s 6d ; oats. 2s 5d to 2s lOd ; niaiza. 3s 7d ; sharps, 5s 6d; flour, £6 to £13 10s: wheat, 2s to 3s Cd ; bran. 5s 6d ; cheese, -Id to 5d ; bacon. 2d to 7^d: leiron peel, lOd to Is; confectionery, Sd ; sugar, 4d to 4id ; tea (box), 24s,—half-chests. Is 6d ; biscuits, 5d to 63d; butter, 3d to 6d; fresh butter, Sd.

Messrs. Carbis-es and Taylor's Weekly Repot. —Messrs. Carbine and Taylor hold their usual Friday's sale of poultry, produce &e., and report a good attendance and fair prices ruling in each department. Poultry : Fowls, ls9d to 2s lid : ducks. Is 3d to 2s 4d; hens with clutches of chicks, Ss Cd to 10s 6d ; turkeys, few entered and in demand ; geese, 3s 9d to 4s 9d : youasr pijrs sold well from tts 6d to 15s ; canaries, 15s to 17s Gd : goldfinch and cage, ss. Produce ; Green peas, Sd to ls4d peck ; onions. £d to IJd ; newpotatoes come in freely, and good prices are realised —3s to 5s 6d cwu; an old lot of Canterbury potatoes were cleared at from Is to Is 6d, inferior. Ba=on: Superior. 5d to Sid ; inferior, 2d to -Jid ; hams.2d to sd, medium ; superior, 10d. Cheese : Wairoa. 4d to 5d ; Canterbury, inferior. Id to Keg beef. 2d lb.; fresh butter. 6d lb.; herrings. 4i tfddoz.: oatmeal, 3s t>d 251b. bag; flour. Ss Cd to 13s ; sharps, os Cd ; maize, 3s to 3s 6d ; oats, 2s 6d to 2s 9d ; br*n, 5s ; pigmeal, 5s ; chaff, Zs 6d to 3s ; cauliflowers, is 6d tc 2s sack; cabbages, Is 9d sack ; maccaroni. Is 3d. Groceries : Sardines. 6s ;6d : sugar. 3|d to 4«d ; starch. 5d ; kerosencc, Is lOd; soap. Ss &d to 15s ; candles, S}d to 9Jd : tea, 15s box ; tea io chests, Is 6d to Is lOd. The furniture removed to mart sold well at prices satisfactory. General drapery, faney goods, and jewellery all sold well. CALL AND DIVIDEND LIST. The followiag are the &irrent calls and dividends of the companies named below, as certified in our advertising columns: — a alls. 4> 8. d. Date. Humphrey's Gully Un. G.&T.Co. 0 10 — Jan. 7 Hero Te Aroha G.M. Co. .. 0 0 3 — Jan. 9 Hauraki G M.Co. .. .. 0 0 6 — Jan. 9 Phoenix G.M. Co. ..001 — Jan. 9 Hobsoo G.M.Co. .. ..010 — Jan. 9 Waitoki G.M.Co 0 0 3 — Jan. 9 New Corby G.M. Co, .. .. 0 0 3 — Jan. 9 New Diamond G.M. Co. .. 0 0 6 — Jan. 9 Detached Squadron G. 21. Co. 0 0 1 — Jan. 22 Northernn Boot and Shoe Manufacturing Company ..010 — Feb. 1

December quarter Coresponding 1SS3. qaarter, 1882 Spirits, 12s per gallon.. £268 0 8 £32 7 9 Do 14a per gallon.. 18,237 4 3 l.S/6 11 2 Do. 21s per gallon.. 106 IS 0 *251 18 7 Cigars and snuff, 6s lb. 2,206 11 1 1,611 11 7 Tobacco. Ss 6d per lb. 11,654 12 2 10,681 0 • Do. sheepwash, 3d lb. — 10 0 Wine, 5s per gallon .. 1.234 9 6 1,496 18 0 Do. sparkling, 6s gal. 152 5 6 102 6 6 Do. Austral'n, 4s gal. 413 10 10 433 4 9 Ale. beer, &c., in bottle, Is 6d per gallon .. 1.609 S 6 1.607 17 0 Do., wood. Is 3d gal. 165 6 3 131 15 0 T«a, 4d per lb .. .. 3,120 5 0 3,106 12 1, Coffee, cocoa, £c, 3d lb. 445 18 2 451 1 3 Do , roasted, 5d lb... 1 8 4 43 12 11 Sugar, molasses, Jd lb. 5,159 10 6 4,594 6 1 Opium, at 20s per lb. .. 14 7 6 19 S 9 Goods by weight .. 6,440 18 10 7,634 2 5 Ad raJorm, 15 per cent. 17,025 8 6 21,626 2 8 Do. 25 percent. 453 3 S 503 16 10 Other duties not specified abovo .. .. 2,670 17 11 3,273 13 5 Totals £71,420 8 8 £76,457 6 9 The following are the totals for the previous quarters of the year :— September quarter.. _ ..£38,245 12 6 June quarter .. .. 71,485 5 9 March quarter *• .. .. 73,860 10 ;< Grand total for year Z. .. £310,01117 2 Summary of receipts and payments by Customs, foe the quarter ended December 31,18S3. Consolidated revenue, viz.;— Customs duties (gross) •• M ..£71,757 0 5 Do. less refund •• « — 336 11 9 Do. net amount colIocUd 71,420 S S Merchant Shipping Act—sale of forms, &c., for registry of skipping M — 2112 0 Light dues M ». 500 17 10 Fees .. .. .. _ 1S5 7 6 Other receipts •• _ 117 2 0 Beer duty stamps «« p* «. 3,227 19 3 Land revenueGold duty .. 12 9 U* 1,272 6 6 Harbour revenue— Pilotage rates .# *• — 535 12 3 Port sharjes.. — _ 44 4 6 Total .. .. ' £77,327 10 11 IMPORTS AND EXPORTS. ToUl Value of Imports and Exports from and to each country at the port of Auckland for the quarter ending Dccemoer 31, 18S3 :— Import*. Exports. United Kingdom .. £263,959 — £87,660 Australian colonies .. 75,799 — 30.099 Norfolk Island.. .. 476 — 1445 Fiji 7,164 — 7162 Malta .. .. .. 33 — Cape Colony .. .. 2 — Mauritius .. .. 13,620 — 794 Hong Kong .. 172 — 310 Bengal - .. 601 — 106 Ceylon .. .. 83 — France .• .. 277 — Italy w .. 28 — .. Germany — .. 366 — United States .. .. 22,738 — 157,313 China .. .. 1,561 — Japan — 92 — New Caledonia 21 — 5,497 Friendly Islands •• 32a4 — 6553 Savage Islands .. 1393 Navigators Islands .. — 14 Cook Ialands .. 5817 — 1066 Kllice Group — 900 — 648 Phoenix Group _ 500 — 447 Carolire Island .. 1143 Sandwich Island .. 4S — 13 Kermadec Is'and _ G Chesterfield Island .. 810 Austral Island .. — 1879 Total .. £410,913 — £30,1011 Of these amounts the following are given for each place:— United Kingdom .. 263,959 — 87,660 British possesions .. 107,950 — 30,910 Foreign countries .. 38,974 — 173,435 Total £410,913 £301,011 The following are the totals of the imports and exports for the previous quarters of the year SEPTEMBER QCAJITER. Imports. Exports. United Kingdom .. £41,053 — 81,470 British possessions .. 75,027 — 35,014 Foreign countries 53,489 —» 175,744 £539,560 — £299,228 QUABTKR. United Kingdom .. 282 817 — 10,379 British possessions .. 90,776 — 56,029 Foreign countries .. 63,423 — 50,413 £437.019 — £216,709 MARCH QUARTER. United Kingdom .. £382.263 — £32,627 British possessions .. 104.108 — 72,533 foreign countries .. 4i,378 — 103,328 £528,749 — £259,478 The following is the grand total for the year— Imports. Exports. £1,916,541 £1,076,426

Company. «»*•»• S °»« 3 - U fr*cud. £ s. U. £ s. d. Bank of X. Zealand 22 5 0 22 7 G £22'5 National Bank 3 10 0 3 11 0 70/ Colonial do. .. — 2 4 0 — New Zealand Insur. — 3 18 0 77/6 South British do... — 2 16 0 — National do. .. — 13 0 — Union do — 14 0 .— Uoloa'al do. ..0 8 0 0 S 6 —» Accident do. ..073 — — Loan As Mercantile 5 15 0 5 17 C £5 15/517/6 National Mortgage 1 10 0 — Auckland Gas .. 9 12 6 — £912 0 Thames do. .. — 1 10 0 — U. Sash Door Co. 7 7 6 7 10 0 £7 6/ £7 10/ Auckland Timber 4 17 6 5 0 0 — New Zealand do. .. 6 17 6 — Mercury Hay do. .. — 0 13 0 — N. Z. Shipping Co. 4 5 0 4 10 0 — Devonport Ferry — 0 18 0 — Coromsndel Steam — 0 17 0 — Northern Steam .. 0 8 0 8/ Tauplri Coal .. 0 16 6 — 17/ New Zealand Drug 14 0 — Gold Mining Shares. Caledonian o 10 0 — — I)oep Level Tribute 0 3 4 0 3 7 3/6 Darwfn .. ..0 3 6 0 5 0 — London .. ..026 030 — Prince Imperial .. 1 3 0 1 4 0 24/6 Hand of friendship 0 3 G — — Success .. .. 0 t> 0 — Werahiko .. .. 0 1 G — New Find .. ..0 9 0 0 10 0 — Premier .... 0 4 0 4/ Dart — 0 6 0 — Caledonian Deep Lev. 0 0 6 — — Alex. Saunders, Stock and Sharebroker. Auckland, January 5, 1SB3.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6907, 7 January 1884, Page 4

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COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6907, 7 January 1884, Page 4

COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6907, 7 January 1884, Page 4