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' "Wanted. QUBURBAN HOT EL. GOOD OPENING. ' ST. HELIER'S PROPERTY. Wanted—Applications, from a respectable Couple willing to Lease the Largo llouso ».t Glen Orchard and conduct it as a Family Hotel and an attractive place of accommodation for visitor's. Apply to WM. AITKEM, Land Agent, Shortland-streot; Or the Secretary, F. A. WHITE, , S3 Queen-street. TO BOOKSELLERS & STATIONERS.— Wanted, a Situation as Assistant: homo and colonial experience. Advertiser is sole colonial agent tor Isbistors and Co.'s Schoolbooks, -c. Will be glad to give agency to employer.—A.B., Herald Oflice. WANTED, by tbe NELSON EDUCATION BOARD—A Master for the Charleston Boys' School (West Coast). Salary, £140 per annum, and an allowance of £20 in lieu of house. Applications, stating age and qualifications, and accompanied by testimonials, will be received by the undersigned until MONDAY, October 20th in«t. By oider of the Board. STEAD ELLIS, Secretary. Nelson, October 5,1553. ■ "ff> EQUIR.ED for the Cambkidge DistrictJL _ High Scuool an Assistant Master, competent I* to teach Latin, French, and Mathematics. For information apply to the Secretary, Education Board, Auckland. WANT¥D, by December next—A Situalion as Messenger or Caretaker, or any place of trust, by a strictly sober man, age 45; can be well recommended; six years in last situation.—Address, 45, Panmnre Post-office. ANTED— _oung and old to Visit the Exhibition—viz., tho Finished alterations and Extension of London House, Victoria and Nelson Streets.— James Scatt,jolß proprietor. ANTED—A sight to see, did I hear yoa say—Tlien, go to London House To-day. WANTED -A sight to bco, did I hear you say—thon, review my Millinery Window Today. / WANTED— A sight to see, did I hear j you say—then, review my Fancy Window To-day. WANTED— A sight to see, did I hear you say—then, review my Dress Window To-day. ...■.'' WANTED— A sight to see, did I'hear j yon say—then, rovicw my Underclothing and Baby Linen Window To-day. ANTED—A sight to see, did I hear j you say—thon, review my Stock and Prices, of Mon's and Boys' Clothing, and from me you will not run away.—James Scutt, General Draper, Clothier, Outfitter, &c., London House, Victoria and NelsoaStreets, Auckland. . . _ j WANTED —Builders to know they can be supplied with all kinds of Timber, at the Devonport Saw Mill, at wholesale prices. WANTED When you are in Hobsonstreet call and see the large and choice stock of Mosgtel Tweeds just opened for the present season, at Munro and Milligan's. WANTED— The Ladies to know that Munro and Milligan's Millinery Department is now replete with all tho latest English and French novelties for tho present season. WANTED KNOWN — Cheap Boots ! —Cheap Boots' At the Cheap Boot and Shoe Warehouse, No. 42, Victoria-street, Auckland. WILLIAM HOLDSWORTH, importer and Manufacturer. Country Orders punctually attended to, when accompanied by cash. WANTED ( Known—Spring Tape Mea-J surcs, 2d; Siioioa, SJd; Glass Cloth, «d; Shirt Buttons, 3d a gross; Pink and Bluo Hose, (id, slightly faded; Toilet Sots, ad; Green Window Holland, Is Id; Straight Busks, 2d; at Dampier's. WANTED Seen —The grand lot of Fresh Bargains in Boots, at Dampier's New Boot Shop, Victoria - stroct, near Hobson-street. N.B.—Observe the name, Dampier, in red letters, on ' the window. WANTED Seen — The grand lot of Fresh Bargains in Boots, at Dampier's New Boot Shop, Victoria - stroot, near Hobson- street,, N.B.—Observe the name, Dampier, in red lotters, on tho widow. ■__ .__ WANTED Known—That the BIBLE STANDAUD can be had from tho following agents: Messrs. Upton and Co., Quccn-strcct, Mr. John H. Hamer, bookseller, Newton, and Mr. C. W. TurabnlL Clothier. Newmarket, : WANTED Known—Toilet Pins. 2 for Id; Crcwsl Wools, ljd .skein; Egyptian 6d; Ivory Buttons, 35-doz.; Mon's Boating Hats. Is lid; Lace lUbbed Hose, lid'; Crochet Cotton, 2}d; Splendid Cretonne, Is Cd : Turkish , Towels, 7d. At Dampier's. WANTED Known—That T. Cain has returned from tlie South and opened a business in Eutiand-street with Robert Irving' as Wholesale Confectioners, whero he hopes to see his old friends. ANTED Known—That I have a Good Stock of Tweeds, Cloths, and Coatings always on hand. All goods well shrunk. Fit and style guaranteed. Prices Low.—E. Stow, Tailor, SB, Victoria-street. WANTED Known— That P. Louis, Watchmaker and JeweUer, has opened in those premises lately known as the Wharf Pharmacy; Queen-street Wharf. First-class Workmanship gua antcod. - WANTED Known—The Auckland Timber Company (VVholos&lo and Retail) supply on application, new Price List of Doors, Sashes, Sash Frames, Mouldings, etc Also, Illustrated Priced Shoets of Mantelpieces,- Gates,- Turnery,, Brackets otc. WANTED Known—That we deliver Tauplri, Bay of Islands, and Newcastle Coal also Firewood, to any part of tho City or Suburbs at Lowest Katos.—W. & G. Wlnstono, GiutomuonitL_ WANTEP Known—Men's Dux Collars, Sd a box ; Men's Linen Collars, 6d ; Brown Windsor Soap, S for Is; Boys' Dimity Collars, 4d; Frilling, Id; Tablo Damask, lid; Rollor Towelling, 3jd; at Dampier's Waksflold-street shop. TXTANTBD Known—Money to Lend, on 7 T personal socurity. Persons borrowing £5 receive £4 lfls Porsons borrowing £10 rooelve £.9 Persons borrowing £20 roeoive £18 Persons borrowing £69 receive £45 Strictost secrecy. Bills discounted daily. -London Loan and Discount Company, High-streot two doors Bouth of Vulcan Lane WANTED Known—Antimacassars, 6d and Is; Whito Shirts, 2s 6d; grand lino Men's Socks, 6d; Boys' Trousers, 3s lid; Mon's Mole, skin Pants, 6s; Flowers, 3d a bunch; Oilcloth. 7d; Crowdson'sCalico, 2jd; Cord and Tassels, 2s set; at uampior's. WANTED to Rent—A Family Residence near the City, containing at least ton rooms. Albert Park, Mount Eden, preferred.—Apply to Wm. Altken, Shortland Crescent. WANTED Known—That all Working Men can save. their money by calling at Governor Gordon Restaurant. All meals 6d. Board and Lodging, 15s per week.—Robert Mukdock, Proprietor. Note the address, nearly opposite the Waitomata, and close to tho Dock. WANTED Known—Selling at Dampier's: Umbrellas, Is; Sunshades, Is 3d ; Summer Hats, 8d; Millinery Net, 2d; American Leathor, lid; Cretonne, 6Jd ; Cretonne Fringe, 6d ; Sateens, 6d ; Union Shirtings, 6Jd; Cotton do., 4Jd; Boys' Sailor* Hats, 4d; at Damplor's. " " WANTED Known—That Munro and . MUligan, Tailors, Clothiers, and.Drapers, desire to bring under, tho notico of, their numerous patrons and the public generally, the largo and choice assortment of Spring and Summer. Goods just oponod and now ready for Inspection, ladies will find now pattern Prints. Nun's Veiling in various shades, richly variegated Sateens; also, anoxtensivoand judiciously selected Stock of IHUincry, from which orders can bo executed in a few hours. Gentlemen aro invited toinspect the Stock of Morgiel and other Tweeds and Clothing Matorial, which is unsurpassed'in Auckland, before ordering clothing clscwhoro. Suits made to order, warranted shrunk, fit guaranteed, and firstclass workmanship. From tho number of porsons asking if wo would supply goods for ready monoy, there seems to be a prevailing idea among tho general public that our business is done on tho deferred payment systomonly. Such is not tho case, as our Customers, who take advantage of the A per cent, discount (ono shilling in tho pound sterling) on all parcels of 20s and upwards, are numerous. TT OUSEHOLD 'w.OEDfj, Two yeara liavo fully proved tho truth o'. it in Auckland — that many of Neil & -Clifford's PREPAnAXIC-MS have, in hundreds cf familios, become Household Words. DANDELION PILLS. No family should bo without They aro used all over New Zealand. A box sent to any address on receipt of Is in stamps. DANDELION COFFEE. A favourito Beverage for Indigestion and the Liver, 2s lb. BALM OF GILEAD. All who have utod It recommend it to their Irlends, 'if suffering from Colds, 2s bottle. ■■•■ BOTANIC COUGH SYRUP Is a special favourito for Children or Adults. LIVER TONIC. Superior to Koutor's Life Syrup, at less than halt tho price. GENUINE HOP BITTERS. Hundreds aro declaring how much good Nell and Clifford's have done them, 2s 6d bottle, or 6 bottles, 10s. . -- , COMPOUND I. USAFARILLA, 2s Cd, or 5 bottles 10s; and many other things too numerous -to - mention how. ' ....... Being the Largest Importers of British and Atncricfin HERBS in the Colony, aro oblo to supply wholesale or retail, on the most reasonable terms. Consultation personal or by lcttor, NEIL & CLIFFORD, Medical Herbawsis, WE.r.E.'JiEv-sTflE.i- East, 1 • AVOSLASJP. -

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6838, 17 October 1883, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6838, 17 October 1883, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6838, 17 October 1883, Page 1