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Boaid and Residence. Board and residence.—To Let .• Fice Large Room, furnished; suitable for man and wife, without children; use of kitchen; or two steady men.—Apply, 'Mrs. J. Penny's Upper Hobaon-streat. SF,T,"Rr?T Board and Residence. Terms moderate; locality quiet; every comfort.—For addre»s, apply Herald Office. • • f\LAREMONT HOUSE, PRINCES- | V/ STREET, AUCKLAND.—Board and Residenco by the day, week, or month. Permanent Boarders i *ynd families on moderate terms. MRS. DALTON has how accommodation for lady and or one or two ! gentlemen. Terms moderate.—Panama House, Lower ; Symonds-street. - VJTTATBRLOO HOUSE—Waterloo QuadV* rant, opposite Government Gate. Promenade, Bath, and Piano; terms moderate: PRIVATE Board and Residence for a gentleman inPonsonby.—Address at H,F.nAt.p I Office. '■ - DOR HAM HOUSE, near victoria Wharf North Shore —Comfortable Board and RealI dence. Terms, moderate. BELMONT HOUSE Vincent-stieet — Board and Residence for Gentlemen requiring tho Comfort o< a Home. Rooms double or single; Baths, plunge or shower; piano; suites of apartments, good table. Visitors to Auckland will find this retiriog and healthy combined withevery convenience. Mo ierate terms. Mrsßaston. CAMBRIDGE HOUSE, Lower Vincentstreet—Mrs. RlchmoncLbegs to inform her friends that she has now opened her now premises as a first-class boarding house. Single and double bed* rooms and suites of apartments. Plunge and shower | baths, and every accommodation for visitors. Two ; minutes' walk from Opera House.—Terms on appiica- ; tlop. ' Young women's institute and BOARDING HOUSE, QUEEN-STREET. Open dally from 10 a.m* till d.30 p.m. Dinner and Luncheon, froml2 to 2 p.m. Tea, from sto 7 p.m. Boarding House for young ladies who are occupied during the day. Terms on application to the Lady Superintendent. . Y.W.C.A. Mooting eveiy Monday, at 7.30 p^n. Governess Agency, and Lending Library in con* nection with the Institute. • aOVERNOR BROWNE HOTEL, HOBSON-STBKBT. Board and Lodging— _20a per week do. do. (singto room).. — — —253 do. A S H B U R N H A L L, WAIKARI, DUNEDIN. SUPERIKTENDENT—MB. JAIIES HUME. PRIVATE ASYLUM FOR THE INSANE, EPILEPTICS, AND INEBRIATES. The Inspector-General of Lunacy reports as follows :— " I have this day visited Ashburn Hall Licensed House, which is situated in a very good estate of about 90 acres at *Waikari, a short difttanco from Dunedln. '* The establishment is licensed for 40patients, viz. —22 males and 18 females. " Tho establishment is exceedingly well arranged, and offers to its inmates all tho comforts of a private country house. Tho sitting rooms are neatly and substantially furnished. Each patient has a separate bed-room, tho bedding being all that could be desired. Baths and closets of tho most improved construction are provided in coQvenient sitnationß. " An excellent waggonette with a pair of horses, is in frequent use for the patients, who are moreover well provided with moans of amusement in the form of games, books, magazines, and a variety of illustrated and other papers. *' My visit gave ine a very good impression of the general management and arrangements. It is quite evident that neither*troublo nor expense has been spared in making the establishment accord with the modern views of treating tho insane." ■ Lost and Found. OOUND—Skye Terrier Pnp, about year oid ; no collar.—Owner can havo samo by ap_plying to C. J. Hutchinson, 16 Customhouse-street. LOST— A Brown Draught Colt; one white foot.—Otoe pound reward on delivery, to J. Lonnard, Three Kings. STRAYING on my Parm Bince the 7th of September—Owe Brown Mare, bobtail cellar mark, and a whito hind-foot. Owner can have the same by paying exposes; and, if not claimcd within fourteen days from' date, it. will be sold to pay expense?.—Robert Qarrott, Avondalo. ■ Personal. '■ . MR. BU.RNHAM will Sing " Thy Face," and '* si Tu flavals," at Mr. Pooley'a Saturday Popular Concort TO-NIGHT I TO-NIGHT!! TONIGHT !! I , , DEAFNESS! —Read my voluminous pamphlet, with its vory wildornoss of testimonials from all parts of New Zealand, Australia and Fiji. Stamps for reply. —T. B, Hannaford, Auckland, New Zealand. < Wanted. gU.BU RB A N HOTEL. GOOD OPENING ST. HELIER'S PROPERTY. "Wanted—Applications, from a respectable Couple willing to Leaso the Largo Houso at Glen Orchard and conduct it as a Family Hotel and an attractive place of accommodation for visitors. Apply to WM. AITKEcT, Land Agent, Shortland-street; Or tho Sesrotary, F. A WHITE, 83. Quoen-street. HIGH SCHOOL. Wanted for the Whangarei High School, a qualified Teacher. Applications, enclosing certificates and references, to be addressed to the Secretary up to November 1 1883. A PARTY of Gentlemen can hwe Private Boird and Residence in Parnell, sepuate and well furnished rooms, and exclusive usa—Apply, Herald Office. A THOROUGHLY experienced Man in milling and grain dealing desires engagement to manage Flonr Mill; references andsocurity.—Apply Hclghton and Co., 177, Qaecn-atreet. A FIRST-CLASS Cutter with London, Paris, and Colonial experience, is now open to engagement as cutter and manager for tho dressmaking and mantlo department, in first-class establishment.— /GOVERNESS.— Lady by birth, highly X3T accomplished, desires Situation in tho colonies. Thorough English, fluent Fronch (acquired abroad), excellent mnslc, drawing, and painting. Salary, £80, with passage.—Address, A B. (caro of Gordon and Golch, St. Bride-street, London, E. 0.). MBS. WHITCOMBE has a great many persons waiting employment at hor Registry Office—Cook and Housemaid, same family, Generals, Hoiuumaidis, Men for various occupations, WANTED Ejiown. — Feed for Race horses; Sp'.endid Canterbury Oaten Chaff on Salo by E. Mitchclson and Co. WANTED, by a LeadiDg and thoroughly Established Mutual Lifo Company in Australia, tho services of a gontieman competent to establish and manage aßranch of the Company In tho New Zealand provinces Applications, with Testimonials and foil partionlars as to qualifications, &c., to be sent, on or before the SOth proximo, addressed " Mutual," care of Gordon and Gooch, Melbourne. Melbourne, August 24,1883. WANTED Known—Money to Lend, on perwinal socurity. - Persons borrowing £5 receive £4 10s Persons borrowing £10 receive £9 Persons borrowing £20 receive £18 Persons borrowing £58 xccelve £45 Strictest secrecy. Bills discounted daily. -London Loan and Discount Company, Iligh-strect, two doors South of Vulcan Lano • ANTED KNOWN. Can a Good Thing be too Widely Known ? Testimony daily to hand to the unmistakable effects of ourLIVER TONIC, For Headache, Indigestion, Biliousness, Piles, and Costiveness. la Gd and 2s a bottle. Is it Round SVorms or Thread Worms that you aro suffering-from, or jour Children? Get at once our "WORM POWDERS, CAKES, on TONIC SYRUP. Is it Tape Worms?— Our remedies are safe and certain* DIARRIKE*. AND DYSENTERYs No Family should be without our Mixture, either Powder or Liquid. Is each. COMPOUND SARSAPARILLA, Of the best and purcßt quality, for all impurities of the Blood. 2s Od a bottle. GENUINE HOP BITTERS, 2s Cd BOTTLE. All orders prouptiy attended to.' Consultation, personal or by lotter, free of charge. NEIL & CLIFFORD, - . Botanic Dispensary, Wkilebley-st. East, Auckland. <Ti O T O B A T H— vUT To Roth'B Public Hot, Cold, and Showor Baths, Victoria-street East. Charge, o>\e Sdixxino. Open all week days from 7 a.m. to & p m., and Sunday Morninq from 6 till 10 a.m. Tho Bath-rooms aro all private, and supplied with every convenience, Turkish towels, ilo&h and hair brushos, combs, respirators, soap, Select bath-rooms (private) for Ladies every day, at all hours, with female attendance* Ohe Shilling. Please note the address: Victoria street East, above 'the Greyhound Hotel, and next tho Cheap. Bedding and Furniture Mart, Auckland.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6829, 6 October 1883, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6829, 6 October 1883, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6829, 6 October 1883, Page 1