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The ordinary meeting of the City Council was held last evening. Present: His Worship the Mayor (in the chair), Messrs. Masefield, Garratt, Burns, La Roche, Fleming, Harper, Aickin, Thompson, Waddel, Dacre, Crowther, Bevore, Phillipps, Field, Stevenson, George, and Mackechnie, Patent Stone. —Mr. J. C. Firth wrote, covering a letter from E. W. Glover. Mr. Glover said he had lately been offered the agency for New Zealand for the sale or manufacture of patent stone. The stone was suitable for all purposes where stone was usually used in buildings (ornamental ■or otherwise). It had been thoroughly tested at home.—Referred to Streets Committee. Look Hospital. —Mr. G. S. Cooper, Under-Secretary, forwarded a copy of the Gazette in which the building , recently erected on the Stockade reserve, Mount Eden, was declared a female refoimatory under the Contagious Diseases Act, ISG9.

New Cemetery.—Mr. H. J. H. Elliott, Under Secretary for Crown Lands, forwarded a copy of the Gazette containing a notification o£ the appointment of the Corporation of the city of Auckland as trustees for the cemetery in question.

MiLLS:LiNK. —Messrs. Mason and McIwraith wrote stating that they would be nnable to up the Mills-lane drainage contract, owing to their having made a mistake in the eatimate.—The deposit of Messrs. Mason and Mclwraith was forfeited. Mr. Archibald, the second lowest tenderer, will go on with the work, Symonds-street.—Mr. J. Gilinere wrote complaining of the dust in Upper Symondsstreet, and requesting the Council to provide for systematic watering of the street.—The Mayor moved that the service be atten ~ed to when the new water cart, now being made, is received.—Mr. Crowther said that the systematic watering of Upper Symonds-Btreet would coat £500 ayear. Uwing to the lowpressure there, the road would have to be watered by means of hose, unless a very large expense was incnrred. He proposed as an amendment, " That as soon as the Council has definitely settled the best mode of watering the streets, the application will receive due consideration."—Mr. La Koche said this street was the main outlet of the city; it was the most exposed, place, and pedestrians were constantly almost blinded with dust. It was most important that this street should be watered,—Mr. Waddel Reared that there might be a dearth of water if the Coancil was not careful in this matter of watering streets. The dust nuisance might be greatly abated if the streets were properly scraped and brushed. Kyber Pass would have a good claim if Symonds-street was watered.—Mr. Harper and the Mayor said that Symondsstreet was no doubt the dustiest street in the city, being in a line with the prevailing northerly and southerly winds.—Mr. Crowther withdrew his amendment.—lt was agreed that the service be attended to so soon as the water cart is received.

Gbafto v-road. —Mr. John White wrote requesting the Council to remove a bank of earth lelt during the improvements lately made in Grattor.-road.—Agreed that as soott as arrangements can be made for depositing the earth the request will be complied with, and that temporary accommodation be given at present;.

Alleged Harsh Treatment.—Ellen E. Ellis wrote protesting against the treatment she had been subjeetid to ia reference to a recent prosecution for allowing a nuisance to exist on her. property. The writer blamed Mr. Goldie, Inspector, for neglect o£ duty.— The Sanitary Inspector reported that if ilra. Ellis guaranteed the same supervision as was done during her late husband's lifetime, he had no wish to press the directions given in the notice attached. —Inspector's recommendation adopted. / Newton Road Board.—R. T. Warnock, Chairman of the Newton Koad Board, wrote stating that it was the iutention of the Board to repair all the leading roads as soon as possible; and reminding the Council of the heavy traffic to the waterworks, the abattoira, and the nigfcit-eoil depot. He rekuested the Council to grant the Board 100 tons of broken metal to assist in the work.— Mr. Thompson moved that the same quantity of material be supplied to the Board as was dene last year.—Carried. City Valuer.—Mr. H. Q. Wade, City Valuer, wrote requesting that his salary be fixed at its present amount (£200) exclusive of the cost of preparing and delivering the notices of valuatiou.—Referred to the Finance Committee. Seafeeld View.—F. W. Brookfield wrote asking the Council's attention to the. open I drain running at the rear of all the houses on

ittfe western »de of Seafield View-raid. He wished the nmsance abated, especially before £» ions.—Mr.- Field -presented a pett. tition from residents in George-street Ponsonby, asking that the street be cat to its fi&ed level at the earliest convenience of tho Council.—Referred to the Streets Committee. —Mr. La Roche presented petitions from residents in Birley-street and .Nugent-street for alteration of levels of these streets as proposed by the" Council.—Referred to the streets Committee.— The residents in Ire-land-street, Alma Place, and Ponsonby petitioned the Council to form, kerb, and channel this street as soon as possible.—Referred to Streets Committee.

Lboax, Committee's Keeobt.—Tha Legal Committee reported as follows: — Firo hose-reel Superintendent of Fira Brij-idii bo authorised to have hose-reel made suitable for one horse. With regard to the hor»e, Mr. Quick's terms be accepted for tho present. Cemeteries (Waikomiti, 18S acresl : That the Engineer be instructed to have the same surveyed, and plan prepared and subnutted. Memo, from Town Clerk, re Sanitary Inspector's Department: That the Clerk of YYorks be instructed to see the' Sanitary Inspector's book daily,-and initial the same, and also the date when the work is attended to. Lock Hospital, re regulations : In reply to a communication received, reply has bsen sent. The committee will be prepared to accept any regulations in addition to those forwarded that the Governor may think necessary. Letter from J. M. Mowbray re pre* sent of books to Free Library ; That; be received with thanks, Letter from C. Rhodes re donation to Ohinemuri Library ": That reply be sent that at present committee have no books at their disposal. Letter from J. A. Dobson (Te Avoha) re magazines: reviews, 4c.: That reply be sent that at present any surplus magazines are to be sent to the Hospital. Memo, from Sanitary Inspector re emptying of closet boxes; That the Council be recommended to pay for ; work ordered by Sanitary Inspector on Council property, and that the Sanitary Inspector bo instructed to take proceedings against anyone committing a nuisanee before ordering the removal o£ nightsoil. Memo, from City Engineer ra steam-roller. Returned to City Engineer for fuller information.—W. R. YVaddel, Chairman.—Report adopted. - Streets Committee's Report. — The Streets Committee reported as follows: Letter from H. Heal re removal of buildingUpper Queen-street: That the Engineer's report be adopted—viz., "That house be removed back at a cost of about £30." Letter from M A. Rattray re removal of earth, Graf-tou-road : Itut as soon as arrangements can be made for depositing the earth, the request will be complied with, and that temporary accommodation be given at present. Petitions from residents, Wakefieldrstreet, re pavement in front of Dampier's : That recommendation of City Engineer be adopted, viz., that the' prayer of petitioners be granted. Petitions from residents of Upper Queen-street, re footpath: That reply be Bent to effect of City Engineer's report, viz., the asphalt cannot be widened here until the centre of road is made up, and kerb 3 and. channels laid " down, the hollow in Upper Queen-street is. not sufficiently advanced for that yet, bnfc is gradually being filled in. Petition of residents Alma Place and Spring-street re repairs : That reply be sent to the effect of City Engineer's report, viz., instructions will be given to proceed with the necessary work, now the weather has settled. Memo, from Town Clerk re covering of fire-plugs : That the Building Surveyor be instructed that in issuing permits be insert a clause that no building material be allowed to interfere with water plugs, and that free access 'be left thereto, on penalty that the permit be cancelled. Memo, from City Engineer re Rich-mond-road : Committee do not recommend the work to be done at present,—Report adopted.

Finance Committee's Report. — The Finance Committee reported as follows:— Letter from Secretary St'. Paul's "Vestry re' site : That the Mayor and Rev. MrJ .Nelson pat the suggestions made in writing; Rev. Mr. Nelson submit to vestry, and afterwards to be submitted to the committee. Section 53 : That plan of new streets and subdivision be approved and submitted to the Chairman, J. M. Clark, Chairman.—Report adopted.

Accounts.—Daring the passing of the accounts, Mr.' Thompson objected to the payment of £56 to Mr. Halyday, for desks. He was not aware that the purchase of these articles had been authorised by the Council. Tenders should be called for all supplies of this nature, so that all persons should have an opportunity of competing.—Mr. Garratt moved " That the payment bfithe account be held over until the work was completed." Motion carried. Kybbr Pass.—ln reply to Mr. La Roche, the City Engineer said he had altered tho levels of the KyberPass-road at the junction with Grafton-roaa two or three days after the levels had been fixed, — The matter was referred to the Legal Committee to report whether it would be necessary to re-advertise the levels. Asphalting Footpaths. — Complaints were made of the dangerous state of the footpaths in West Queen-street, street, and other streets. Tenders. — No 2 contract, Ponsonbyroad : The following tenders were received : —J. T. Knight, £5061 j A. Magnire, .£5100; J. Taylor, £5600. The Surveyor's estimate was £5500. Mr. Knight's tender was accepted. Tenders wero received for laying water - mains from the following James Barnes aud Samuel Draffin, Laurence Burke and Co., W. Gray, J.-T-. Knight, P. Conlan, John Kirby and M. Murphy, J. Heath. The following teiiders were accepted Ponsonby, J. Heath ; Grafton, Barnes and Draffin; Karantjahape, W. Cr-ig. Kabangahapjs-road.—The City Engineer submitted proposals for altering the levels of certaiu portions of Karangahape-road.—Oa the motion of Mr. Burns, the report was referred to the Streets Committee.

Ukey-strekt.—The petition of ratepayers in Grey-street in reference to filling up the hollow at the loot of Grey-street was brought up for consideration,—Mr. Phillippa thought that an estimate of the coat should be prepared for the Council, and the properties effected thereby shonld be stated.—Several members of the Council objected to the peti. tion, as not coming from a majority of pro. party owners in the neighbourhood of th e proposed work. —Mr. Crowther thought that if the probable amount of compensation was ascertained, and made known that, in itself., would "kill" the proposal.—lt was agreed that the Engineer report on the probable cost of the work, the properties affected thereby, and the probable amount of compensation required. Adulteration Prevention Act. — The Town Clerk drew the' attention of the Council to the fact that the Adulteration Prevention Act would come into operation on the Ist of December next, and it would be necessary for the Council to appoint officers under the Act.—Referred to Legal Committee. Fixed Levels.—A plan showing the proposed levels of Karangahape-road was laid on the table. —It was agreed that the levels be advertised. . , Oliphant and John Streets.—Mr. Field moved : "That steps be taken by the Council to connect Oliphant and John Streets through the property of Mr. E. Porter, and that his representatives be communicated with on the subject."—Carried. Maning-stbket. — A former "resolution passed by the Council re; diverting Maningstreet was confirmed. • The Lo«n.— : A certificate of authority was given by the 'corporation' to borrow£loo,ooo in terms of the Loan Act. '

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6828, 5 October 1883, Page 3

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CITY COUNCIL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6828, 5 October 1883, Page 3

CITY COUNCIL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6828, 5 October 1883, Page 3