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Nbw Zealand Szbald Office. Thursday evening. Thb duties to-day amounted to £1998 14s, Business in the iimport market during the past week has not been very brink, which may be accounted for by the fact of its being the end of the September quarter. With the new quarter, however, a more healthy bone is anticipated. The 4th of the month has been tided over with general satisfaction, and the promptness of paymeuts generally tend to show a very satisfactory state of trade. In no particular lines is there anything of note to report, the: business thi-oughouc being very even in tone. The flour market, still continues brisk, whilst the kauri gura market shows the inactivity of the l&Bt few weeks. Prices remain unchanged, and only the very best sorts are inquired after. In butter and a slight chango has taken place. Butter is rery plentiful, in fact in ezcesß of the demand, and the prices are now quoted at 8d per lb. wholesale and lOd retail. Eggs have become somewhat scarcer, and now bring IQd per dozen wholesale and Is retail.

THE AUCKLAND MARKETS. Garden and Obohaild Produce.—Wholesalt: Apples, 6s to 123Cdper ca^e; Pears,none; Lomons, per doz., 6d to Is; Onions, per lb., 33d; Celery, per doz., 2s to 4s; Garlic, 3d to Cd per lb ; Pumpkin, 7s Gd to 8s per cwt; Cocoanuts, 8a to 10s per 100; Oranges, lOd to Is 3d per doz.; Bananas. IJd to 2d; Pine Apples, 8s to Os 6d Oranges. 7s 6dto 9b 6d per per ca3e; Mandaiins, 8a Gd to lis (id; New Potatoes, IJd to 2d per lb. Retail; Oranges, Is 3d to 2s per dot; Lemons, 2d to 3d each; Onions, per 1b.,3d; Apples, per lb.2d to 6d; Pears, none; Celery, per bondle, 2- to (3d: Pumpkin, per lb, IJd to 2d • Bananas, 3d to 8d; Garlic, 8d to 9.1 per lb. asparagus, 3s to i'a per 100; New Potatoes, 2Jd to 3d per lb. Preserved amd Dkied Funns. — Wholetale: Dried Prunes, 6d to 8d; Crystallised Pine Apples Is to Is 3d per lb: Preserved Ginger, Is to Is 2d; Peanuts, IJd to 2d; Barcelona, 6d to 8d per lb.; Shelled Nuts, 9d to Is; Brazil, 6d to 9d. Betail 1 Dried Prunes, 8d to lOd; Crystalized Pine Apples, la 9d to 2a jier lb.; Preserved Ginger, Is 9d to 23; Peanuts, 8d to Is; Barcelona la te Is 6d; ShelledNuta Is to Is 6d: Brazil. Od to Is. Fa&h AND Dat&y Produce.—WhoXisaiU : Butter fresh, 8d; Batter, salt, 7d to 9d; Cheese, good local EdtoOd; Canterbury, do., 6Jd to 7d; Eggs,per doa.. lOd; Lard, per bladder, 6d to 7d; Bacon and Provincial, 6d to 8d; Hams, 8d to 9d; Canterbury Ham and Bacon, B}d to 9Jd, in cloth; Hams only, Is; Jams, per case, 5 dot., £117s6dto£118s3d: Fowls, per pair, 2s 6d to 4s; Fiiathers, baked, clean and selected, ls6dtols9d perlb. Retail: Milk, per quart,4d ;Butter fresh, lOd; salt do., lOd to Is; Cheese, oolonial. do., 9d to lOd; Eggs, per dca.. Is ; ILard, per lb, 6d to 9d; Fowls, each, 2s to 3s ; Ducks, do., 2s to 3s Od; Geese, do., 6s to 7s; Turkeys, do., each. 6s to Bs6d; Bacon, perlb.. lOd to 1s; Hums, do., la to la 4d

Hav akd Goun Market.—Wholetale : Maize, local. 2s lOd to 3s; Oats, 2s 4d te 2s 6d ; Wboat 4s 6d to 4s 9d; fowl, 3s; Barley, 2a Od to 3s 3d; Malting B&ilej, Sir. to 6s Sdj Hay, meadow, per ton, pressed, .66 to £6 ss; Lucsrne, do., £6 to £6 10s (nominal); Straw, per load, 18s to £1 10s; Cliaff, mixed, £5; Oaten Chaff £6; Hay. oaten, £5 to £6 : Clovor. £6 10a to £6; Potatoes, per ton, £3 16s to £4 6s. Retail: Maize, 3s 6d to 4s; Oats, do., 2s 9d to 3s 3d; Bran, per lOOlbs.. 6s; Sharps, per lOOlbs., 6s; Wheat, fowl, per bushel, 3s (3d to Is; Barley, feed do., 3s 6d to 4s; Hay, per cwt., 6s 6d to 7s; Lucerne, do., 7s 6d to 8s; Oaten, do., 6s to 7s; Straw, do.. 3s to 4s Chaff, do., 6s to 7s 6tl.

Kauei Gom anii Fxuc Mabret. — The gum market Is quiet at prices auoted below. Receipts for month to date, about -l>B tons. The following quotations approximate to present rates Ordinary, £32 to £37 • good ordinary £40; East Coast, £60 to £51. Max, per ton, £18 to £21; Tow, do. £7 to £9; Fungus pe lb., 2jd to 3d; Oocaiinut Fibre per cwt., 15s to 17s; Beeswax, Sd to lOd lb. Coax, 4sd Folk wood Market—Coal: Ncwcast e (ship's sido), cargo, 301 to 33s per ton ; yard, 32s to 355. Bay of Islands, at yards, 275, siairce ; scroonod, 30s; ditto at the mine, 133; ship's side. 25s to 265. Waikato, Ss to 12s; in Auckland, 18a to 225. Kamo, 12s per ton at loadEng ground. Taupirl at mine, 8s 6d to 12s; at yard, 18s 6d to 225. Whangarei, at mine, 93 6d; yard (steam), 17s; household, 21s delivered 235. Firewood: Uncut at wharf (cargo), 9s to 10s per ton; delivered. 14s: cut. 17s to 18s. Flock Mahket.— Wholesale: Superßue Flora, silk dressed, per ton, £14; do., do., household, £13; hundreds 65., fifties 105.,' per ton extra, sacks and bags free: Southern, do., £10 to £12; Bran, por ton (sackslncluded); local. £6 : Southern, do.. £6 to £510s; Sharps, £0; Cabin Bread, do., £18; Oatmeal do., £13; Pearl Bacley, do., £23 to £24; Bread per 21b loaf, 3}d.

Seeds.—Lucerne, Is 3d; White Clover, per lb is to is Id; Bed Clover, per lb., 9d to lOd; Cowgrass, per lb.. Is to Is 2d; Alsyke, per lb., Is to Is 2d: Trefoil, per lb., 7d to 8d: Timothy, por lb., 7(1; Rape, per lb. 4d to Sd; Purple-toj) Aber. Turnip, per lb., Is 3d • Green-top Aber. Turnip, per lb., Is 3d; Green Globe Turnip, per lb., lis; Prairie Grass, per bushel, 7s to 8s; Ryegrass, |3er bushel, 63 to 6s: Cocksfoot per bushel, about Bs. BinLDiNG Materials. — Timber: Boards and Scantling, 100 ft., 10s to 15s, best dressed, 18s to 19s ad; second class, £is to 12« 6d; rustic weather boards, 17s to IBs. Mills: Cargo, bent, 12s to 14s 6d • second class, 6s to Ss. Bali, 6s 6d to 7s. Bricks (at Whau), 35s to 40s; Town Yards, £2 6s to £2 10s per 1000. Drain Pipiis, por 1000, 6 Inches bore, 30s; 4 inches, 14s; it inches, 9s • 22 inches, £2 6s per 1000; Socket Grlared Pipos 18 inches, 3s; 15 inches, 2s 6d; 15! inches, 2s'; 19 Inches, Is 3d; 6 indii s, 8d; 4 inches, 6d per foot Kew Zealand FuiX Bop£.—Prices subject to trade terms. Bope of all stzes, per ton, £40; Tarred Yam. do., £40; Wool Lashing, do., £33. Bdtchkbs' Meat.--Retail.- Roasting Beef, per lb., 4dt o «d; Boiling Boof, do., 3d to 6d; Mutton, hindquarter, do., 4d; do., fore-quarter, do., 3d • Pork and Teal, pox lb., do., s}d to 7d; Steaks do.. 6d to 8d; Chops and Sauaiges, 4d to 6d. WhoUtale: Tallow, mutton, Der cvrt., 48s to 60s mixed, do., 2£s to 85s.

Jlahuhes. — Bonedust, Sydney, £9 10s to £10 according to quality; Boneflour, £9; Auckland £7 to £810s; Peruvian i:uano, £18; Maiden Island, £8 ; Huon Guano, small lots, £6 to £6, bsgs Included; Hurst s Chemical Manure, £1410s.

Miscellaneous.—Kerosene. from Is 7d to Isßd ordinary brands. Woolpacks in quantity, 3s 3d to 3s Gd each; Corn Backs, 8s to Ss 3d per dozen. Fencing Wire No. 6, 7, and 8, assorted, £14 10: to £16 10s per ton Lime, slacked. Is per bushel; Quick Lime, In stone s6d to 2s. Hew Zealand Palings, sft.; 7s 6'l to 10s; 6ft., 13s; Ti-I;ree Bails, £2 10s to £1 per 100; Puriri Posts £D to £7; Shingles, 13s to 16s 6d per 1,000; Hobart Palilngs, Bft., 16s to 19s; aft., 17s to 2ls; Hobart Bails, 75s to 85s. Buying and selling quotations.

LIVE STOUK AND PRODUCE MARKETS. AUCKLAND. Me. Alfred Bocikland's Weekly Kbport On Friday, September 28, fodder folly maintained its value, good quality selling from Sii 6d to 7s per cwt.; maize, 2s lid to 3s 3(1; oats, 2s 8d per bushel. Horse stock were yarded In fall numbers, and were In steady demand, ;ood medium draught varying from £23 to £27 each, At the hide and skin sale, on Tuesday, there was an improved inquiry for hides ■ prices ranged from 2gd to 3Jd. T.illow varied a good deal in quality, and ranged from 24s to 31s fld per cwt.: sheepskins, Is 6d to 4s 2d each ; lambskins 7d. At Pukekohe, on Monday last, there wan a large master of store cattl i, and quiet cows wore in demand at moderate values, but young; cattle barely maintained their late prices. At Bemnera, on Thursday, dairy cattle wera at late values; store cattle better worth; fat castle in full number, and fully sustained last week's values—drafts of cattle averaging 20s tho lOOlbs. Averages were—!!o steers, from the farm of Mr. Varasour, New Plymouth, £13 • 6 oxod, 8. X. Westney, .012; 1J oxen, W. Taylor, £11 5s ; 12 oxen, James Ta.rlor, £10 12s; 20 steers, H. and J. Goodfellow, £9125; 38 oxen, Whakaitane Company, £9t's. Sheep wore iri unusually short supply, and advanced in price 3s ei ch. Lambs wero in lull number, but good inquiry, .iind ranged from 4s to 18s each, but 150 lambs averaged. 14s. Pigs of all classes wore in brisk inquiry, particularly well-bred stores. Kessbs. Hunter add Noi.Aji*s Weekly Kkpobt —Horses: Tho supply has been lirgo, of which thore was an unusual proportion of thoso of a really good stamp. The demand 'vaa brisk, and higher rates ruled than has been tie case for some time. At the Dniham Yards on Fridiy, shipments from this West Coast, added to an increased number of local, had the effect of cramming the yards and attracting a Ur&Q AtUwd&nce. Tbs nsoltwas a moat auccesaitU

sale, both as to price, and numbers. We quote— Hacks, at from £7 to £17 ss; light harness horses, from £16 10s to £22; quick draught, £18 to £2810s; draught, from £37 to £47 10s. Cattle: The activity noted last week has been continued, and prices for store and fat stock have had a slightly upward tendency, but no noteworthy alteration in milch cows. At the fair, at Papakura, only some 600 head were catalogued, but prices were relatively higher than at the ordinary sales. At Newmarket, on Tuesday, an average number were yarded, and there was a good muster at the monthly Papakura sale on Wednesday. There has been no material alteration in the value of dairy cows. Steers, in fresh condition, were in great request, and a larger number would have found purchasers. Heifers and cows were plentiful, but buyers had no disposition to give advanced rates. The batcher pens were fairly filled, and the I condition of most of cattle reflected credit on the 'feeders, and prices were correspondingly good; 22 head medium weights from Mr. Bent's farm at Pukeroa averaged £11 ss, while smaller lots of provincial fed produced a favourable return; nh'pborne were scarcely worth as much for corresponding weights. We quote: Beef, from 24s to 30s per lOOlbs; dairy cows, from £6 to £8 ss; calves, from 15s to 21s: yearling steers, from 28s to 325; heifers, 22s to 29a; two-year-old steers, from £2 12a 6d to £3 10a ; heifeis, from 35s to 60s; Rrown steers, from £6 2s 6d to £5155; dry cowb, from £217s 6d to £4. Sheep were scarcely sufficient for requirements, and prices had an upward tendency, as compared with the previous week; wethers sold at from 10s 6d to 23s 6d ; ewes, 16s to 18s 6d; lambs from 9s to 16s each; pigs, very few yarded, but prices were good, 4d per lb. live weight being given. THAMES. Alessks. Banks'and Co.'a Wfekly Repobt.—[By Telegraph] —At Parawai on Thursday fat cattle were in average supply, all heavy weights and of superior quality. 29 steers from Napier (overland), averaged £11 9s,or 25s per lOOlbs Sheep were plentiful; medium wethers brought 17s 6d to 19s 6d. Lambs were in adequate supply, and prices ranged from 10s €'d to 14s 91 each.



A. Sarmdora, C. Alexander, 8. Tickers, J. F. Clarke, B. Frater, John Mowbray, E. Home, J. B. Morpeth, J. M. Lennox, W. flood, H. J. Wlckens, D. B* McDonald, D. G. MacDonnell, Cfirricllj lii Spratt, Francis Hull. Joseph Newman, Chairman. OAIiL AND DIVIDEND LIST. The following us the currant calls and dividends of the companies named below, u certified in oar ndTertfcdng columns OAILB, ' £ a. d. Date. Coro. Jaat-in-Timo G.M.Co: —010— Oct. 10 lona G.M.Co. .. „ .. 0 0 6 — Oct. 10 Darwin G.M.Co. .. ~ 0 0 3 — Oct. 10 Extended G.M. Co. .. _ 0 0 3 — Oct. 10 Queen of Beauty G.M,Co. ..010— Oct. 10 Keu en Parr G.M.Co 0 0 6 — Oct. 24 St. Heller's and Northcote L. 0 1 3 — Nov" 1 DIVIDENDS. New Prince Imperial.G.M.Co. 0 6 0 — Oct. 5 Bank of Australasia .. .. 14 per cent. Oct. 6 B T TELEGRAPH, CHRIBTCHURCH. October 4.—The only changes In retail prices are: Egga, lOd ; lamb, 4s 6(L In the wholesale : Potatoes, Derwent, 24s to 30s.

J „ _ . Amount of Amount Current E S Company. Capital. 8har3 p& iaup. Kate. J f 3 £jj —————— 2 £ » d £ ■ a £ a d % % ! Bunk 01 Now Zealand ... _ 1,000,000 ,10 0 0 10 0 0 22 12 6 16 6| National Bank of New Zealand 2,000,000 10 0 0 8 10 0 8 12 0 6 6f Colonial Bank of New Zoaland 2,000,000 6 0 0 2 0 0 2 5 0 7 61 N. Z. Loan & Mercantile Agency 8,000,000 26 0 0 2 10 0 6 12 0 16 6} ! New Zealand Insurance.. •. 1,000,000 10 0 0 2 0 0 8 17 0 16 South British Insurance.. .. 1,000,000 20 0 0 2 0 0 2 17 0 10 7 National Insurance Co, ... .. 1,000,000 10 0 0 010 0 1 6 0 20 8 , Standard Insurance Co 1,000,000 10 0 0 0 16 0 0 18 6 7J 8 Colonial Insurance Co. ». .. 1,000,000 10 00 0 10 0 088 10 12 Union Insnrance Co, ~ .. 2,000.000 20 0 0 1 0 0.14 0 10 8i , Auokland Gas Co... - ... 62,000 6 0 0 6 0 0 9 12 6 17 9} Tliames Gas Co 26,000 2 10 0 1 17 0 1 10 0 8 10J j Union Sash & Door Co. ~ _ 180,000 6 0 0 6 0 0 7 12 6 12 8 i Bay of Islands ooal Co.... .. '86,000 10 0 0 10 0 0 ~~ ~~ 7: Auckland Timber Co 120,000 6 , 0 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 • 16 J1J New Zealand Shipping Co. .. 260,000 10 0 0 5 0 0 i 10 0 10 12 Notional Mortgage Co „ .. — — 1 § 0 10 84 Now Zosl&nd Timber Co. • «• • 80»000 600 500 0X6O 15 12J

Company. B&siness. Closing Prlccs. Bayers. Sellers. Bakes— £ s d £ s d New Zealand .. — — 22 12 6 National ~ .. — 3 10 03126 Colonial — .. — — 2 5 0 Insurances— South British •• — 2 17 0 — Union .. .. — 146150 Colonial — .. — 0 8 3 — MlSOKLIiANIODS— N.Z. Loan and Mer, — — 5 15 0 Auckland Gas .. — — 9 10 0 U. Sash & Door .. — — 7 12 6 Auckland Timber.. — — 5 5 0 New Zealand Timer. — 5 17 6 Tanpiri Coal .. — — 016 6 Coromandel Steam — — 0 17 0 N. Z. Shipping .. — — 4 10 0 N. Z. Native Land — — 10 0 Hiking— Prince Imperial .. 33/633/ 1 13 0 — Darts — — O 5 0 Ross .. ... .. — — 0 17 6 Ivanhos .. .. — — 0 2 4 Waiorongomal .. . — — 0 16 Vulcan .. .. — 026030 Canadian .. .. — U 2 6 — Premier — ... — — 0 15 0 Colonist .. 7/3 7/6 0 7 3 0 7 9 New Find — 8/9 — 0 9 0 Coquette .... — —010 "Vermont ~ — —010 Navy.. .... — — 0 0 9 Lucky Hit - — —030

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6828, 5 October 1883, Page 4

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Untitled New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6828, 5 October 1883, Page 4

Untitled New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6828, 5 October 1883, Page 4