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Confectioners. " ' EDWARD 'WATERS In thanking the public lor (he liberal rapport tended to him In his effort* to establish on a firm basi« a Now Local Industry, begs to announce for th information of Merchants aai! £tnr»V<vn<ir* »h*t bo has now completed all arrangement tor the manufacture of every description of Confectionery lie aom ot money that is annually gent cut f tho colony for Importations of Impure and deleterious iweeimeats if enormous, and the advertiser would respectfully caution purchasers of the notions com. pounds which are now being eitenrively introduced here from Australia, and which are exceedingly Ihj jurious to children's health. His own Confectionery is made Of the unrest material*, Mid no poisonous colouring matter Is Introancea in It* manufacture* Storekeeper; will find it gnatly to their adrantam to. purdiaes their goods of him, as the price is considerably below that at which the English confections are sold, while, the quality of lie locally made article has been pronounced alike by connoisseurs and the pnblic to be eminently superior to that of the EritUi manufacture*. . »•»«»•»«. His renowned CONVERSATION LOZENGES nee no recommendation, and all other descriptions no* made at his Factory ai* fully ejnal to those in quality and onfaii. * s Chemist's Proprietary Lozenges, neatly and carefully stamped and pnspared. Alway on hand, and ;made to order' Loxangeu, Comfits, Jujube*, Pastil ea, Medicate* Loienges, Genuine Black Currant Loienges, Ccxsh Lo*enges (equal to Keating'sX Conversation Loieaaef. Peppermint*, Double Extra Sirocg Mints, Powdero£ long, and Boiled Sahara of every description, Su«3 Candy, All Goods Manufactured on the Premises, and of the best materials. Medicated Lssengos of every description alway on hand. Waters' Chocolate, per doaen. Just Arrived, Wedbisg-.Gaks OnsAair.x?* Bostbok* S©MJ£BODY'& LUOOAGS, &C., &C.| ftci Testtmo?ji:ax. Provincial Laboratory, Mr w w— Aucklmd. October 20,15T5. Mr. K. Waters Sir,—l have much pleasure In Informing you, that after having made a verv care/ul analysis of various samples o( sweetmeats manufae toted by you, I And that (hey are free from all adulteration, and that the colouring matters are qulia nnocuous. With regard to the Chocolate, I And that it is quite equal to the best English or French pre. i parations, and, being entirely free from husk, it will form an excellent article of diet for invalids, especially those suffering from an impaired digestion.-I have the honour to be, sir, yonr obtdient servant James M. Tunny, Provincial Analyst: Orders, accompanied by dj'aft or good referen will receive prompt attention .ttST 7bt w ttron * h ™ NB.—Empty packages only allowed for when re : umed in good condition. EDWARD "WATERS, WHOLESALE CONFECTIONES DURHAM AND QTTKKN-RTKEKTN. AUOKLANU - Conveyances. Mollis and brough's line op COACHES. .-a Leaves Auckland. Leaves Onehunga. -g 9.45 a.m. 8 a.m. .3 !1 »-m. 9 a.m. Sg iP- m - 9.80 a.m. ag 2 p.m. 10 a.m. o«- £ p-m- 12.15 p.m. •5,2 ®P' m - 1.30 p.m. OS 6p.m. 4 p.m. 6.30 p.m. Monday, 11 r>.m. Monday, 6 p.m. Saturday 10 and 11 p.m, Saturday, 6 p.m Sundays. Sundays. 10 a-m. 8.30 a.m« 2 P-m. n.30 a.m." 6 P-m. 4 p.m. Buggies, Brakes, and Saddle Horses for Hire, at JBanakan Stables, Lower Queen-street, Onehunga. HOLLIS & BROUGH, - _ Proprietors. Telegraph line of mail CACHES BETWEEN TAURANOA AND FOEDf KASATL D TAUEANGA **"> WATER LIVERY AND BAIT STABLES DEVONPORT ROAD, TAURAXGA, The Mail Coach leaves Tanranga every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday for Ohtnemutu: retnrnin every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Fare to Ohinemtitn The Mail Coach leaves Tnuranga or Katikati, every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday mornings at 5 o'clock; re'tarning every Monday. Wednesday, and Friday, at 3 p.m. Fare to Waterford, 10a. tteturn ticket, 17a Gd All care taken but no responsibility. Telegrams will receive prompt attention.

E, ROBERTSON, Pkopbietok, Devonport Roacl, Tauranga. "VTEWTON AN J> PONSONBY -i-X OMNIBUSES. EVERY FIFTEEN MINUTES from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m WEST END 'BUS COUP ANT, Proprietors, Office: 210, Queen'street. TIME TABLE. VIA NEWTON— From 0)0 Union Bank, from 8 a.m, to 7 p.m.: al the hour and half-hoar. VIA FREEMAN'S BAY— From Union Bank, from 9.15 a.m. to 6.46 p.m. the quarter to and qa>*ter past. HOME BAY 'BUSESFrom Union Bank, via Victoria-street and Col lege R0ad—9.60,10.G3, 11.63, 1.53, 2.55, 5.53 4.53, 5.53. From Home Bay to Union Bank—B.46. 10.20. „ T „ 11.20,12.20, 2.20, 3.20, 4.20, 6.20, 6.°0 NIGHT 'BUSES— 8, 10 p.m.; Sataday, S, 9, 9.16, 10. 10.15, JpiOß THE HOT SPRINGS. A Royal Mail Coach will luave Devonport for Wal wera overy Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, on arri-" ral of the 9 a.m. Boat from Auckland, calling at Lac&s Creek, Dairy Flat, Wade, Orowa, arriving at Waiwera, at half-past 3 p.m., and retains from Waiwera every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday »t half-past 8 a.m., arriving at Devonport at half-past 2 p.m. Fares to Waiwera: Single, 10s; Return, 16s. JAMES DODD, PROPRIETOR. W GROWTHS R. c> VICTORIA LIVERY & BAIT STABLES comer of Lome and Wellesley streets. Patronised and appointed Livery Stable-keener to H.R.H. the Duke of Edinburgh and His "Elcol. loney Sir O. F. Bowen, For Hire—A great variety of Carriages, open and close; Broughams and Wedding Carriages, with bay horses; Buggies single and double-seated, hooded and open; single or pair of Horses; Four-wheeled Dog-c»rts; Breaks for picnic parties; Covered Don yoyances for driving pasiiengers to out-districU Ladles' and Gentlemen's Saddle Horses, &c. Ac. Cliargea Moderate. J. KELLY'S TIME TABLE. Leave Onehnnga: Leave Auckland: 8.30 a.m. 10.30 am. 10.30 a.m. 12.15 p.m. 1 P-m. 3.15 p.m. 2.30 p.m. 4.30 p.m, Saturday 6.30 p.m. Saturday 11 p.m. Buggies and Carriages lor hire at the Eichangs Hotel Stables, Princes-streel, Onehnnga. W. J, KELLY, Proprietor. MAIL LINE OF COACHES. ALTERATION OF TIME-TABLE. The Royal Mail Coach (carrying passengers) will o and after Ist-January, 1883, and until further notice , ran to the fallowing Time-table: I Leave Cambridge for Hamilton Junction Railway I Station daily at 8.15 a.m.; Returning from Station to Cambridge on arrival of Train from Auckland. I Leave Hamilton for Te Aroha on Tuesdays, Thura» days, and Saturdays at 2.30 p.m.; Returning frcm To Aroha on Mondays, Wedxiesdays, ana Fridays at 10 a.m. Booetno OtFic e: Owynne's Hotel, * Hamiiltor est: Coleman» Hotel, Te Aroha; and at my Premises, Kirkwood and Lake-streets, Cambridge. W. K. CARTER, Propria Cambridge, 22nd December, 1882 rjiELEGRAPH LINE OF COACHES. LIVERY AND BAIT STABLES, Kibkwood and Lake-streets, CAMKKiD°r-i Waikato, N:cw ZEALAND. , W. E. CARTER, Pioprietoi. W. K. C. begs to return his sincere thanks to hi! numerous friends and thn public generally for the liberal support be has received since commencing business, and has to inform them that in order to meet the requirements of this rapidly advancing district, he is at present building largo additions to his premises, which, when completed, irill make them second to none in the North Island. Tourista for tho Hot Lake Country supplied with saddle horses and buggies on the shortest notice ; also, experienced guides and careful drivers. Buggies and saddle hors<i3 always on hire. Orders by telogram or otherwise punctually ttonded to. Cambridge, 22mf Decamlwr. 1882. Telephone line of royal mail COACHES. NORTH SHORE AND LAKE TAKAPUNA. ALTERATION OF TIME TABLE. WINTER MONTHS. On and after Tuesday, May 1. and until farther notice, th Coach will run to the following time table. - — • v Post-ofllce, Devonport, at 9.50 a.m. and 4.20 p.m. Leave Schoolhouso, Tnkapuna, at 10.30 a.m. and 5.15 p.m. Sundays, at 10.20 a.m. and 3 p.m.returning ■ 11.15 a.m>, and 5.15 p.m. Fareeachway—One SnILLIKO . Should sufficient intiucoment oSer, ft Coach will leave at any moment for Lake. at onilcary coach fares. FRANK J. QUICK, Hjoprieior

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6827, 3 October 1883, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 7 New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6827, 3 October 1883, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 7 New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6827, 3 October 1883, Page 7