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The fortnightly meeting of the Harbour Board was held yesterday. Present: Mr,C. B. Stone (Chairman), Messrs. Waddel, Harper, Owen, Walker, Lamb, Dacre, Clark, Aickin, May, Jlorrin, McKenzie. The minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed, and headings of outgoing correspondence were read and approved. Kotics to ifABiNERS.—The Secretary of the Marine Department forwarded a notice to marinera respecting the time of high water, foil and change at Hokitika bar.— Agreed to give due publicity. New Harbour Board Act.—ln compliance with the request of the Board, Mr. Seed, Secretary of the Marine Department, forwarded a copy of the Harbour Board Act Amendment Act, 1883. ~

Freezing Company's Works.—The following letter was received from Mr. Seed, Secretary of the Marine Department:—"X have the honour, by direction of the Minister having charge of this department, to inform you that the plans for the proposed reclamation near the Railway Wharf have Been approved by the Governor-in Councll, and the duplicates of the*e plana marked and numbered MD, 821, 822,' and 823, are returned herewith. It will now be in the power of your Board in pursuance of the authority given to Harbour Boards by the Harbours Act Amendment Act, 1883, and subject to its provisions, to grant a license for the occupation of the land in queation. I am to state that the Marine Engineer, to whom the plana and specifications for the 1 abovenamed works were referred, draws attention to the fact that there iB no provision for the continuation of the main sewer which debouches in the angle formed by the breakwater, and any quay to the west of it. He also points out that the timber slip and booms 'used' in connection with the railway for the delivery of kauri logs are embraced within the area of the proposed work, and that a new railway slip will have to be erected before the present .one can be removed. It is understood that the Public Works Department intends &3 soon as possible to proceed with the construction of a new one, and I am to beg that your Board will be good enough to aSord eveiy " facility to that Department in selecting and securing another suitable site for the purpose.—l have, &c., William Seed."—The Secretary explained that due notice had been given to the Department that a site would be given as required by the last clause.—The letter was referred to the Works and Tariffs Committee.

Graving • Dock.—The Secretary of the Marine Department forwarded correspondence re the Calliope Dock. His letter, dated 28th September, 1883, was as follows :— " With reference to your letter of the 12th inst. forwarding for the approval of the Go-vernor-in-Council plans anil specifications of the graving dock which the Board propose to construct at Calliope Point, I have the honour by direction of the Minister having charge of this department to forward herewith copy of a memorandum by the Colonial Marine Engineer containing certain remarks and suggestions thereon which the Minister thinks should be considered by your Board bsfore the plans are submitted to the Go-vernor-in-Conncil." The suggestions mdde, which occupied five sheets of foolscap, were entirely technical. The Board's Engineer also reported.—lt was agreed to ad.opt the suggestions of the Government Engineer.

Port Adelaide. —The Secretary of the Marine Board wrote respecting a notice to mariners as to Anderson Jetty light.— Agreed to give the usual publicity. Calliope Dock Contract. — Mr. D. Fallon, contractor for .the preliminary works of the Calliope Dock, wrote in regard to the heavy loss he had sustained. Be drew attention to the unexpected losses through water breaking in. He enclosed a letter asking for an extension of time for three months which he had forwarded.—The Chairman moved that it be referred to the Tariffs Committee. He referred to the honourable and satisfactory manner in which the contract htd been carried out, although at the first he intimated that he had made a mistake.—Mr. Lamb did not think there was any other contractor in Auckland who would have carried out the contract.—Referred to the Finance and Legal Committee. Ccstomuou3E-street.—The Town Clerk wrote Jthat as soon aa permanent works are dose in the neighbourhood, provision will be made for drainage. The letter was received.

Emily Place,—The Town Clerk wrote, enclosing copy of resolution passed at last Council meeting, and asked if the Board will be prepared to take, at their own coat, any additional earth that may be required to be removed.—Referred to the Finance and Legal Committee.

Claim for Damages.—The Union S.S. Company's Secretary wrote enclosing a claim for damagea against the Board in regard to a boiler shipped by the b.b. Kotorua to Levuka through tne carrying away of the chain of the 5-ton crane. The claim was for £30. The Chief Harbourma3ter reported that tho chain parted, and the boiler fell on the vessel's deck.—The matter waa referred to the Legal Committee to consider and report.

Coal Hulk "Cantero."—The Chief Harbourmaster reported that this hulk waa in a dangerous state, and might founder in the harbour. Tbe manager of the Union S.S. Company wrote on the matter, enclosing certificates, that from J. Sims, ahipbuilder, and Geo. Trintal, carpenter a.s. Riugarooma. —Referred to the Works Committee, the Engineer to report.

Refund or Brokerage.—The Board had applied to the Bank of New Zealand for a refund of £3G2 103 brokerage on the recent loan. The amount was transferred to the Board's accouat.—The letter was received.

Devonport Wharf. —Messrs. Duder wrote that they were authorised by a portion of the North Shore residents to accept the Board's proposals re Devonport Wharf, and trust that immediate steps will bo taken to proceed with the work.—lt was agreed that plans be prepared and tenders called for the work in the usual course.

Rob Roy Canoe.—Mr. Houghton. Secretary of the Rob Roy Canoe Club, applied for permission to erect a shed on the dock reserve facing the harbonr, 20 x 30 feet.—Tbe Chairman said'that a similar application had been before the Board frc.a the Auckland Rowing Club, and a temporary site was granted.—lt was agreed to send an answer to the same effect.

Hydraulic Company.—Mr. D. A. M. McLeod offered to supply the Board with a complete hydraulic plant, suitable for working the entire traffic on the wharves. It was accompanied by a schedule of prices.— Agreed to send the letter to the Works and Tariffs Committee.

Hydraulic Lime Richardson and Crawley, Kent, wrote offering to supply cement for the dock.—The Board was of opinion that this was more in the hands of the contractor, and it was agreed to acknowledge the letter and refer it to the Engineer.

Works and Tariffs Committee.—This committee reported re Stokes' Point Wharf, that the Engineer's report be forwarded to Messrs.' Benton and others ; that the Board is prepared to extend the wharf, provided they undertake to pay half cost. Re damage to Annie Millbank while entering Mechanics' Bay, and requesting removal of swing bridge at that place, it was recommended that the consideration of the matter be deferred for a month. Re Mr. Nathan's letter as to discharging vessels and delivery of goods, it was recommended that the farther consideration of the letter be deferred until the railway station is completed. Re Messrs. Mainweather's letter re their steam fire-engines, the committee recommended that the letterbe acknowledged, and the applioants informed that the Board does not require a steam float. Re Hobson-street Wharf, that the Engineer be instructed to prepare plans and specifications ; that the plans and specifications for the new punts be approved. Re new offices —that (1) the plans and specifications for offices, submitted by Mr. Ross, with the amendments suggested, be adopted; (2) that tenders be called for the work by the architect in Auckland and Dunedin; tenders to be returnable on the 30th of October, 1883, and to be submitted by the architect and opened by the Board. The plans and specifications were before the Board, and laid on the table.—Mr. Mays would like to see alternate tenders for briok and ground mortar, or concrete.—The items of the report were taken seriatim and adopted, the only discussion being on the item of the offices.—lt was moved by Mr. Mays, " That alternate tenders bo called for the work in brick and ground mortar, or concrete."— Mr. McKenzie opposed the motion on the ground that it would cause unnecessary delay. — Mr. Aickin supported the amendment. He was credibly informed that bricks would be cheaper next season.—Mr. Harper opposed it. The brio&3 now supplied were not fit to go in.a building, and' he had

seen the concrete buildings spoken of by Mr. and they were certainly all that could be desired.—The motion for alternate tenders' was carried,—Mr, Walker moved, "That the time for tendering he extended to the 14th of November, in order to give time to advertise the contract."

Finance axd Legal Commhtze.—The report of this committee was read, and accounts as recommended ware passed for payment, and the following statement of accounts was submitted:—General account, £321 19b 3d; loan account, £655 143 6d : total, £1777 13a 9d, Statement of funds— General account .- Balance in bank, £8162 7s lid; cash on hand, £49 53 3d; total, £8211 13s 2d; accounts to be paid, £92119s 3d; balance, £728913s lid. Loan account: Balance in bank, £3217 Is 5d ; accounts ordered to be paid, £855 14a 6d; £2361 6s lid : Cash on deposit, £140,000. Conveying a Section o p Land.—Re letter from Mr. Browning requesting the Board to convey to Mrs. 8. J. White the parcel of land between her allotment and the street, having been read, it was resolved that this committee recommend that Mr. Browning be informed that the Board are willing to convey the land referred to irnthia letter to Mrs. White upon all expenses incurred in the matter being refunded.

The Reclamation Contract.—An opinion of the solicitor of the Board, dated Ist October, in reference to payment into Court of amount offered by Mr. Baesett, on railway station reclamation contract, having been read, it was resolved that the committee recommend that the Board take no action in the matter.—The report was adopted.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6827, 3 October 1883, Page 6

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HARBOUR BOARD. New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6827, 3 October 1883, Page 6

HARBOUR BOARD. New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6827, 3 October 1883, Page 6