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; Public Companies. TPHE AUCKLAND GAS COMPANY J X (LIMITED) beg to call the attention of their lustomers and the public generally to the quality of he Products manufactured at their Works in Auckand. ' GAS.--They hive much pleasure in referring to the ligh standard of this article, as determined recently yy the Engineer to the City Council. Arepcrt upon he quality of the G*s, npon tests made by tie Engljeer, was brought op by the Streets Committee aad Aid before the Council, at their meeting held on the SOth rdtimo. The report stated—" The rerolt showed ;hat the quality of the gas was eqnal to 19.80 candles. 3n examination of the Company's Book (record of iests) it showed that THE GAS IN NO CASE WAS UNDER 18 CANDLES, WHICH IS A HIGH STANDARD." w COKE.—This article is now of a high class, being very free from stone and clinker to an extraordinary riegree. As their Coke is not now UaMe to fly, consumers may use it in open registers with much ple»"gOVERNORS, OR REGULATORS FOR GAS.—The — Company avail themselves of this opportunity to refer to a physical difficulty in the Supply of Gas. Coal g Gas being lighter than air, the pressure increases at the burners at the rate of about one inch per hundred feet of elevation. The most suitable preisure is less than one inch. It follows that a large proportion of the City is subject to an excess of pressure in its gas supply. The Company succeeded, about ten years since, notwithstanding most determined opposition, . in gettin.? the City Council to adopt the use of governors on the public lamps. The matter was then, as again last month, referred to a Committee of the Council who, after testing the lamps in the streets for themselves, ordered the use of tne governors to be Inserted in the contract with tie Gas Company. The In Company, In consideration of the saving from waste, w agreed to reduce the price and pnt in larger burners. The continuous use of these instruments has been provided for on each occasion of the renewal of the a] contract, to the mutual advantage of the ratepayers & and the Company. The City Council were lately led to believe from representations made to them that the use of governors caused a bad light. This charge was Investigated O last month by the Streete Committee, the Company — having at their request removed the lesnlators from some of the lamps. The Committee recommended the Council to have them replaced and retained in the - contract. The Engineer reported, after testing the gas with and without regulators—" To take off the regulators would be to reduce the light of the street j lamps ONE-THIRD from what they are at present, and to increase the consumption NEARLY • DOUBLE." * The Company have sold many hundreds of these s instruments to coneumera. for use in duelling-houses, I and have added thereby to the pleasure and prolH of 1 every customer who could be induced to adopt them, c The Company invito orders for all the articlos named. : £ t UNION STEAM SAW, MOULDING, SASH AND DOOR COMPANY (LIMITED.) i < MECHANICS' BAY FACTORY AND TIMBER ; YARD 3. . ' The Company notifies to Customers its resumption ( of Manufacturing operations in stock sixes of Doors . and Sashes. The Business in Manufactured Goods, Timber, and Mouldings will in future be wholesale only. The Company offers liberal discounts on its printed price lists, to induce buyers to keep it 3 goods in stock, and to order in wholesale lots. . Orders for Timber and Mouldings, in quantities of 20,000 feet and upwards, are received for execution from Tairua Sawmills. Delivery Is given at any public wharf in Auckland Harbour, er at tho Company's private wharf. Mechanics' Bay. Purchasers under this arrangement will secure I delivery at Mill prices, with freight added, saving intermediate charges consequent on passing through the rotail yards. Cargoes so ordorcid can by arrangement be stored in the Company's yards during the Customers' convenience. ■ SPECIAL. The Company furnishes from Tairaa, Flooring, Lining, Architraves, Skirting, and Mouldings, of superior quality, as hitherto manufactured at Mechanics' Bay. To sort up wholesale orders, small lines will be furnished from Mechanics' Bay, to suit customers requirements. Auckland, August 21st, ISS3THE HELENS VILLE TIMBER COMPANY, LIMITED WORKS : HELEVSVILLE. AUCKLAND OFFICE , COLONIAL BANK BUILDINGS. Are epen to supply Contractors and others with Sawn Timber dellvoled on the trucks at Helensville, or any station on the Kaipara or Waikato Railways. Having also a Wharf at deep water frontage to the river, they are enabled to load vessels alongside the Mill for Southorn ports and Australia. The Company have special facilities for supplying long longths on short notice. All communications to be addressed to JOHN MILNE, Secretary. Colonial Br.nk Buildings, Annkland. THE NEW ZEALAND TOBACCOGROWING AND MANUFACTURING COMPANY (LIMITED). Head Office and Factory : Aitckland. IMPORTANT TO FARMERS. The Promoter of tho abovo Company is desirous of communicating with Farmers and others, who are willing to giow Tobacco. Genuine Havana and American Seed and all information free, which can be obtained nt my Office, Mercantile Chambors, next to Bank of Now Zealand. Mr. T. Gayton Clarke will attend to the growing of the Tojacco. AUGUST VOLLBRACHT, Promoter and Manager pro tern. September 21,1853. Booksellers and Stationers. ~nt ew T£ 00KS! isr EW ~r ooks ! People I H&ve Met, by E. C. Gteville Murray Happy Thought Hall, by F. C. Burnand Tho Temptiition of Christ, by Barrett Does Scienca aid Faith J by Rt. Rev. H. Cottorill Readings te Social Economy, by Mrs. Fenwick Miller Early Graves, by Rev. T. R. Macduff Stray Pearls, by Charlotte Yongo Story of Melicent, by Fayr Madoc Brandreth's, by Right Hon. Boresford Hope Serjeant Ballantine's Experiences. The Simple Ailments of Horses, new edition, 6s. Cassell's History of Year 1882-3 G. T. CHAPMAN, BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, 54, Quccn-stret, Auckland. TMPORTANT TO COLLECTORS OF NEW ZEALAND LITERATURE. "NEW ZEALAND AND THE WAR," By inn Hox. Whliam Swaiksok. N. . G. LENNOX Has just recoived THE FEW REMAINING COPIES OF "NEW ZEALAND AND THE WAR," Bγ William Swainbok, Esq. (Formerly Attorney-General for New Zealand), Author of ''New Zealand and its Colonisation," &c. Smith, Elder, and C 0.—1862. SOMK OPIXIONH OF MR ENQLISII CONIKHI'ORAIIY "Having fllled the post of Attorney-Goneral for New Zealand, Mr. Swainson has some pretension to be considered an authority on the subject of which he treat;, and his vlows nre both able and impartial." —Sun. "Wo can strongly recommend Mr. Swaitison'sbook."—Westminster Review. " Public men and students interested in the fato of New Zealand and the Native Tribes will do well in giving his volume a place on their shelves."— Athonmum. " His tone is temperate, sensible, and dignified."— Economist. "Ho will bo found an intelligent guide by thoso who desire to make themselvos thoroughly acquainted with tho question at issue."—Spectator. " Tho intorest of the book centres of course in the very lucitt account of the war which occupies tho remaining portion of tho Attorney-General's interesting volume."—John BuU. This small remainder of the abovo valuable work is offered for 5s per copy (postage 8d) by N. G. L ENNOX (Late E. Wayte), IMPORTER OF BOOKS AND STATIONERY, 100, QUKEN-STBEET. mo TOURISTS AND OTHERS. READ THORPE TALBOra NEW GUIDE TO THE HOT LAKES OF NEW ZEALAND (Illustrated) Contains valuable Information, corrected to latest date. Indispensable to tourists. Vidti pinions of theProia. Price, One Shilling, oX aU Bookseller*.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6824, 1 October 1883, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6824, 1 October 1883, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6824, 1 October 1883, Page 8