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|?OR COUGHS, COLDS, BRONcirrfkr . J. G. HENDERSON'S CHEERY PECXnj> AT , f *' (2s and 3s 6i>) /' Is a most efficacious I £iT ANTr-CATARKH SMELLING BOTTLE.-dL ; . J= G* HENDERSON, I DISPENSING CHEMIST ANi) PHAP-MAcSc Oppodts tbo'Throo Lamps, Poaionbv, Aoe^lanm. -TMT r. x y. n t> a , l tji, BUEGEON DSNa!IST, * • / Fno yean asuUtnat to Mr. FlnmleyX I . % ' I i * J - Begs once more to present the AncUsnd pcMC. his list of pric *:— / GoW Upper and Lower ~ . Ifjj Cellnloid „ .. .. • Vulcanite (rom _ I £& Silver „ from * > _ I £8 Dental Alloy ~ only - I *10 Afe. n , * Stogie Tooth, h'on-> Eff H • Vnlcanltg, frem WCn. . Tor or Rubt-siul''. , ;- , EPPER'S QUININE and U EON TONIC rouses and clevelopes the nerfvoos energici, enriches thn blood, promotes appetite, dispeli lan. gour and depression, fortifies the dy Restive organs. Is a specific remedy for neuralgia, ajftue, indigestion, fevers of cviay kind, chest affection J*,-""! Iα casting diseases, scrofulonstopdcncies, etc. t" 18 w h'le frame Is greatly invigorated by Pepper's,'lTonic. tne mental lacnlties brightened, the constitut'.ofo greatly strength, ened, and a return to robust health/ certain. Bottles, 32 doses, 4s 6d; next size lls. f Sold by ChemisU everywhere. The name of J.• Peppl fer > Bedford Labora. Tory" London,'must be on the There is ro Tonic so certain in effect as Qainne and Iron.' It is strongly recommend™ to residents In India and the Colonies, andrflw;/ 11 "! always he kept ready for use in everr auu of (aif>r r«r febnle condition.—Sold by Kempthorne, Proper, and Cc. LTTEK COiLPLAISF3\ % DB. KING'S QUININE LITER PILLS <vrithoat*raerqMry) THE BEST REMEDY FOE BIDIOUSNEiSS STOMACH DERANGEMENT, ."FLATULENCE;-, PAINS BETWEEN JHE SHOULDERS, BAD) APPETITE, INDIGESTION, ACIDITY, HEAD) ACHE, HEARTBURN, and ail other symptom* off disordered liver and dyspepsi*. Acknowledged by\ many eminent surgeons to be the safest and mildest S pills for every constitution. ', In Boxes at Is IW. 2s 3d, and 4a Cd. : Bold by Chatmstfl and Medicine Vendors,through™-- . •ie Worll. V ~ ," j Preparoa by Jas. Rcrke, tendon. l\ Specially valuable Pills for residents abroad, andu traveller. A mAEAXACUM and PODOPHYLUN.— 4 JL Prepared only by J. Pepper, London. ThU'V Fluid combination, extracted from medicinal roots,, . ' la now used instead of blue pill and calomel for the is cure of dyspepsia, blliousneu, and all nymptonu of* congestion of the liver, wblch are generally pain' , benoath the shoulders, head'icbe, drowsiness, no ap« -.i petite, furred tongue, disagreeable taste la the mom- ■ Isg, giddiness, disturbance ofthe stomach, and feeling - : of general depression. It tets the sluggish liver in motion, very slightly acts tn the' bowsls, giving a . sense of health and comfort within 2-1 hours. It is / the safest medicine. T&rsmcum and Podophyllin U J a fluid made only by J. PEPPER, Bedford Laboratory, i. London, whose carao is on <rcry label. Bottler, 2s Sα f and 4s 6d. Sold by all Chimists. A most v&lnab]a> and essential medicine foi India, Aostralia, tho Canip and Colonies generally.—SoM by Prossei: - and Coi t 6 *QULPHOLINE Ex) (3 temal Means of CURING SKIN-DISEASES,!-There is scarcely any eruption but will jicld tot "Sulpholino" in a few days, and commence to fade*, away even if itsoems pas; cure. Ordinary pimples, redness, blotches, scurf, rrachness, vanish as if by ' magic; whilst old,endnriigskin disorders, that have \ plagued the sufferers for years,' however dsesly rooted • Ebey may be, "Sulphollia" will succesafully attack i them. Itdi'stroys tiicanbialcnlss which, cause these > unsightly, irritable, pnnilul affections,' and alway»/ produces a clear, ooaltbr .natural condition of the\ Bkln. "Sulpholine"Lotion issoldbvmost Caomlste. ' Made by T. Pepper and Co Bottles, 2a 9<J. I Bold by Kempthorne. Pivß3Br and Co ( HOLLOWAi'S PILL si Impckity up ins IJtoOB.— Unless the blood be kept in a purs wtakeneiii* and disease supervene. Iheso wonderful Pills possetis the power of removing o: neutralizing all contaniina. tious of the blood and syitem generally. They quietly, but certainly, overcome all obstructions tending to produce ill health, anil institute regular action to organs that are faulty from irritation or debility. The dyspeptic, weak, and nervous may rely on these Pills as their best friend and comforter, as they act "upon, tho main springs of life, and thus save thousands from a premature grave. CoMPLiINTS OF VTOXEX.AKD CHILDREN.—The Very mild and painless action of these invaluable Fills re commends thenrto every household as a remedy! or the fiijijfdeparture from healths? Any mother?nurso or youag person guide! by tho directions which ao ompany each box oJ Holloway"s Pills has at one va ilable meansfbf clocking disease, purifying tha blood, and expelling from' the system all gross humours. They are indeed, at all ages, the female's tried friend. -:■•■. ' ■ • Disorders or the Liver with Flatulehct and Indigestion.—Loss of appetite and flatulency are usually the forerunnirs of stomachic disease. These famous Pills exercise the most salutary power on all affections of the li«r, and all irregularities of the stomach and bevels;, they restore a healthy fnnctioa to every internal orrsin, overcome nil obstructions and cast out all impurites. Weak Stosiacib Impaikhd Digestion.—The wisest cannot enumerate one tithe of the digtressiEg symptoms arising from enfeebled digestion, all of which may be dispelled by these admirable Pills, as they rouscthe stomach, liver, and every other organ of digestion to that healthy tone which fully enables them to convert all food and drink to the nourishment of tla body—hence these Pills are the purest strengtheters, and the safest restorative , in nervousness, Trastng, and chronic debllitv. OOCOHS, COLDvIxi'LUENZA.ANp SOBE THROATS. For curing diseues of the throat; I cheat, and Innga, these Pills bive established, for .thomselves a. preeminently world-jfido fame, as they puriry .the blood : and regulate its drculation. Coughs, common colds,. Influenza, bronclitis, asthma, pleurisy, inlixunmation* of the lungs, and even consumption in its early stages, are successfully treated with this medicine, parti cularly if Hollov»y's Ointment br. well rubbed uponthe chest and bask night iind moraing. liolloway's Pils are tlie best remedy known in the • world for tho f olowinjf diseases:— Ague Gout" * Stone and GraveJ-. Asthma ; Headacha Secondary Symp. Bilious Com- Indigestion toms plaints Liver complaints Tic-Doloureux Blotches on Bio Lumbago Ulcers Skin ' Piles Venereal Affee--Bowel complaiits Rheumatism tlons Debility Kctention of Worms of aH> Dropsy • Urine kinds Female Imgu-ScrofiUa or King'a Weakness, fro«laritics EYil whatevercaase FeversofalltndslSorcrhroaia &c, 6:c. The Pills and Ointment are sold at ProfessorHolloway's Establishment, 533, Oxford-street, London, also by icnrly every respectable Vendor of Medicine throughout the civilised world, in BoxesandPots at Is 1 jd, 2s )d, -Is 6d, lls, 225, a ii 33s 3acb. Each Pot md Cox of the Genuine vledicines bcazthe liritish Government Stamp, sith the words, 'HoUoway! PHla and Ointment, London," engraved' On the l:bel is tho address, 553, Oxford-street, London, wh.Te czlonc they are manufactured . K33, Bewire of all compounds styled Holloway's Pills and Oatmcnt with a " New York" label. Butchers. TjTISHiR LIMITKD, have -*- gre:t pleasure to inform their customers and the public that, oa and after the Ist of April, they Intend to educe the price of meat as follows :— Eoast Eef (prime cut) ._ „ 6d per lb.. do lo (second cut) _ _ id Prime log of Mutton .. .. 4jd do Line do .. _ -•_ . 4 do Carters do — .. .. 4ct FISjHER AND UO. (Limited), W*tßiAlE Shutiho & Family UtjicHKua, Queen-stjet (next Bank cf New Zealand. Auckland). —Poulty'of ■all kinds dressed to order. Prime SmokeuTOngues, Home-cured Bacon, Corard Beet on Sale in large QuantiUes.-N.B._Oeiilers in Game , Live peasants forwarded to aU porta of the Colonj upon resipt of order. Fimilles waited on in town o suboib>j \, WB3LESALE & RETAIL BUTCHEES, BILIXNGTON'S BUILDINGS, Freemak's Bat. Famiiea waited on for Orders. Shipping Supplied : Corned Betf in any quantity. ! Poultry dressed to order. E.; M. H ALLETT '- FAJILY BUTCHER & POULTERER, JPPOSITE BISHOP'S OOTntT, PAKSELL, famues wArrED uroH ron orders within 4,, • KADiUB or nvi miles. . ?sl}.peclal attention given to Poultry, which will bD ■ foessed and delivered on the shortest notice. PK>IE COENED BEEF IN ANY QUANTITIES . Pi & W. HEL £A B Y t WIOLESALE, SHIPPING AND FAMILY ; BUTCHERS. : SffOBTLAKD-STRE^rj^ArjCKLASrb. PKME CORNED BEEF and FORK always oil. Haxd, in Kegs or Tierces (quality giuwantced) CtSNED AND SIIOKEIJiTONGUES ALWAYS -; . . '•;. ttiitD. ,-,..■. Calves Rennets is ant QnAKKErES, FitJLTBY OF ALL KINDS DEESSED TO ORDER. . Oilers in Game. PheasanU live or dead, ilways oa-j oW S^?i. Cotm f y J?" I ™ B EP"=tually attended ifo FamiUea waited on la Town anianbnibe. ,

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6824, 1 October 1883, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6824, 1 October 1883, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6824, 1 October 1883, Page 2