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■,;. ■ Shipping. QJ HIP ZBALANMA, FROM ■■•' MISSING CAKGO. ' • A REWAUD is hereby offered to atyone who can giva informaticn respecting the following cargo that has gone amis-ing:— 2 21/30—10 cases Matches. >? CRUICKSHANK & CO., r -. ' Agents. ; 13, Queen-street, Auckland, October 1, ISS3. CH A'R LE S f> ALL EY, SHIP, YACHT, AND BOATBTJIL.DER, Customhouse-street West (Foot of Hob-sos-street) Auckland. ; vessels docked. patent slip for, 3epaies. REPAIRS ON SHORTEST NOTICE. NEW AND SECOND-HAND BOATS FOR SALE. LARGE SUPPLY OF SPABS ALWAYS ON HAND TendersMOUNT- WELLINGTON ROAD BOARD. Tenders will bo received, up to the 12th October, next, at 2 p-m,, for forming Bolla-street, EUorilie, in accordance with plans and specifications to be seen at the office of the Chairman. BARTON IRELAND, Chairman. Auckland, September 2S, ISS3. m O BUI L*D E R S. Tenders will be received, up to noon "on SATURDAY. October 6, for tbe erection of extensive Additions to the Northern Club. Plans, &c, at our offices, Queen-street. EI>W. MAHONEif & SON, Architects. EKDEHS for tha Erection of a Sohoolhouse' at Mausd, near Whangaroi, will be received by the Educaticn Boardj Wyndham-street, Auckland, until noon of FRIDAY, 12th October. 1883. Plans and Specification may be seen at the Office of the Board, and on application to the Chairman of the District School Committue, Manngataperc. fTHENDEKS for- Additions and Improve- § ments to tho Teacher's Home at Alexandra, Waikato, will be received by tho Education Board, Wyndham-streot, Auckland, until noon of FRIDAY, 12th Oclober, 1883. Plans :ind specification may be Eeon at the Office of the Board, and on application to the Chairman of tho District School Committee, Alexandra. Educational. MUSEUM HOUSE, Princes-street, Auckland. — Miss C. B. Lewis will Reopen her Select ifohool next Wednesday. Dancing Instruction Class, Saturday, 3 p.m. -ftTEWTON GRAMMAR SCHOOL.— _i_N Rev. Peter Mason, B.A.—The fourth qnartsr will commenco on Wednesday first, the 3rd instant. TVTR. H, GORDON GOOCH/A.R.A.M., will continue to give Special SINGING Lessons up to end of November (ieaving for Melbourne early in December), at hla Kesldence, Albert Park. Me. PqoLEy/s Vocal Competition : Three Lessons (half-hours) '.SX Is. -N so n, Certificated Teacher of PHONOGRAPHY, Shorthand Teachor at the College and Grammar I School. .. v >- \ Address: Karangohape Road. MR. SLATER (Organist of St. Paul's Church) Is prepared to attend or receive pupils for Pianoforte instruction (one hour lessorfa only). Applications for. terms, etc-, to be addressed to him at Cambridge House, Lower Vincent-street. "OLANOFORTE, ORGAN. AND HARJL 74ONY. 8. J. LAMBERT. for terms ana other particular! addrota Newton Poat-offlce. -jy; r. poo le y desires to intimato that he h»3 changed his Residence from Vincent-street to Hobson-streot (first private hou e above Cook-street on easi ride), where Madame Poolcy and ho will bo pleased to receive their pupils. PROFESSEUR JULES BERNARD, FROM PARIS TEACHER OF OLD AND MODERN , DANCING, CALISTHENICS, &c. Memo. On and after the Ist October, intending pupils can join classes by the month. Four lessons, half-a-goinea. Private lessons as usual at Residence, Devonshire House. Hobson-street. CHURCH OF ENGLAND GRAMMAR XJT, )> SCHOOL. '• • • GovEßNons: The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Auckland The Ven. Archdeacon Jlaunsoll, D.D. Tho Ven. Archdeacon Pritt .* The Hon. Colonel Haultain. • R. C. Barstow, Esq. C. C. McMillan. Esq. A. Boardman Esq., Hon. Secretary. Staff: ' Classics, Modern Languages, English—The Headmastei ■ Science ana Mathematics ■A.F. T Ansley Drawing and Painting—K. Watkins Writing, Commercial, Arithmetic, Mechanical Drawing —F. J. Claridse. The proper appliances being in conrse of erectior ' Gymnastics, under an efficient instructor, will torn i part of tho -chool Course. A Workshop is also to bo added, in which instruc tion will bo free, but boys are expected to-pay for thi timber they use. Fees (Including Stationery), £3 10s, payable in eacl Term. Term begins Monday, Wth Septombor, 1883. As the Headmaster does not take boarders, he ha much pleasure in recommending Captain and Mrs Dawson, who have undertaken the Boarding Estab lishment, and whose advertisement appears below. - ••' HENRY PYOROFT, Headmaster. /"CAPTAIN aud MRS. DAWSON wil be glad to receive . into thoir famll; " Boys from the Country who wish to attend th Church of England Grammar School or the Aucklam Grammar School. Situation, heakhyandconveniont Retcrences kindly permitted to the Right Rev. th Bishop of Auckland, Sir Maurice O'Rorke, Colone Haultain, the Rev. G. H. S. Wnlpole, Incumben of St. Mary s. Parnell, and H T. Pjcroft, Esq , Hoatl maeter of the Church of England Grammar Schoo: '• For paitlculars, apply tp.t'apUfn Daweon, Custom! Fort-street, or (oppositev Bfshopscqurt), St. George' Bay Road ParnelL ' COME and give your verdict to-night a tbe Theatre Eoyal ai to the Best Amatot a Vocalist at Mr. Pooley's Grand Competition. THE AUCKLAND RACING CLU SPRING MEETING, n SATURDAY, 10th NOVEMBER, 1883. re Acceptances Spring Handicap and Hurdles, November 2,1883. F "OAKURANGA HUNT CLUI K- _j|7 ANNUAL EACES will take place, on the ELLKRSLIE RACECOURSE, *, SATURDAY, 27tii OCTOBEK,, 1883. ii. . Entries close FRIDAY, 12th October, at 4 o'clock p. he mHE AUCKLAND AGRICULTURE >o" J. AND PASTORAL ASSOCIATION "/ ANNUAL SHOW i°" . \VUlbeheldinthe SHOW Y. A'R OS, GREEN LANE, , M On THURSDAY FRIDAY; \ m Bth and 9th NOVEMBER, 1883. \. < . an- . . . _ ', "«' ■ ADMISSION—First Day, 5s '.[ ■" •" ~ Becond Day, Is./ Entries closo on WEDNESDAY, 31st October^ HE ANNUAL ATHLETIC SPOK (In conjunction with above) Wilt take place, on the 77 ELLEItSLIE RACECOURSE, g" On FRIDAY, 9th NOVEM BER, 188! fof (Prince of Wales Birthday) ■ See Programme. ■

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6824, 1 October 1883, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6824, 1 October 1883, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6824, 1 October 1883, Page 1