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Him, Dfiv6^^|| MRS. M. ■-#| Having recently removed from tae Uiajnfc ■■-& « I above Hotel, and having I ditiona and improvements to the house; liptsSiJ^~ '•'-••' 1 afford superior accumsaodatioE to visitors a'-JiS?' 05 1 lers, apartments for families, etc., etc. - * J?' 5 ?" 5 _____-. ; ' '■■""!:■. 'H- '■ I ; M. BROWN. - ,iC: i^' : I PB.OPKIETKJTBB Ft-AOSTATT Hoiti, - "V'.":"'' : ' 1 CL A R E.N D ON -I Comer of Qussn. Wafcefleld, >a (| Saperior accommodation for families taA "I Commercial Travellers. • * ■■ fi PKIVATE SUITES, . 1 AlcocVs best Billiard Tablet. ; | NIGHT PORTER. | HARRY BENNETT, Prop | Late Providore New ZnaUnd and Unloa Cora--* » R Steamers. "••sbjt fj i^ - Luncheon daily from 12UUl | Q 0 M M E R j FAIRTBADK. Gentlemen dining in the City trill fli,d the Rorit * SIAIL forniriied with all modem Jm F roveffl e S rt I' Cooking and Waiters , attention being V»onal supervision of the proprietor. The : S& 4 fitted with Lavatories, in connection -rfth ttffel 1 ? 1 rooms, batli rooms, largo coffee room, and sbuS? M room, where Gentlemen can retire from th» £2 ; E? turmoil of commercial life, and pass a OBiet V-VX B they can spare the time. j««Hje»u g J.C. trusts to retain the Überal snpnart.lw W B received for the last five years from his patrast tT ■li doubt, with the strict ftttenUonhehasaliraß to his business-this Üboral support wiU Mafias™ JOHN COBLGrS.;, i Proprietor Eojal MaiiHofct, DONALD MCGREGOR (Late of the Auckland Hotel) . * : Has very great pleasure in announcing to hi« hint, and the public that he has taken that weU.wS' ' favourite, and conveniently situated HosUot t£ • Waitemata Hotel, which he has, at condda^ ' f expense, entirely renovated acd refumiahed, ' the house second to none for comfort and roniiaW: j in the colonies, and where, by civility and atiectSl he hopes to receive a fair share of pnliic patrotuS a first-class Restaurant haa been added to the r£s where gentlemen who lunch in the city will find tfej j delicacy of the season, and attention paid to uSi comfort. Hot, Cold, and Shower Bathe, and irSI convenience for travellers and families havi, h»—- i added to the Hotel. "Wines, Spirits, and EeciS i 3 be, only of the best brands kept. Charges malehiS. Note the addres3 : D MoGasaoß Hotel, comer of Queen and Customhouse to*!, Auckland. New Zealand. T*

TE A R 0 H A, WALKER'S HOTEL Is one of the principal features oithk rising lu»j. sldp. . ' ; ■ . . Travellers and the public generally can rely m CIVILITY, COMFOET, AND ATTENTION, together with a wide selection from the best Banjj WINES, ALES, AND SPIRITS. GOTHEBE! WINTER SANITORIUM AND HYDROPATHIC ESTABLISHJIEXT. THE MATLOCK OF AUSTRALASIA <! the m>Ki>EKLAiro of tics wobli>!U Lake House Hotel, ' OKINEMUTU (LAKE ROTORUA), New Zealand. This magnificent Hotel will lie found replete »rlUi : ' ever? modern luxury and convenience appertaisiajto a really well-appointed First-class EjJablislatat Tourists will now find the internal arrangement* sem> plete in every detail. Apartments en suite for ladies, Families, and Invalids. The Proprietor has also just completed a HSDBCPATHIC DEPAfiTSreNT In connection Triti bio House Hotel which will be conducted on the sysies' of the well-known Hydropathic, the late Mr. inioJley, of Matlock, England. Hβ has secured tl? E&I vices of a lady who for many yearn managed a simßi establishment at Matlock, and being conrercantrfih the Smedley System, and an eipert generally is Hydropathic matters, is now prepared to trut any disease requiring the Mild Stotbh or HsfjOi PATHTT.

LAKE HOUSE HOTEL stands unrivalled In the world tot tfeefaVuSi <b > Pleasure-seeker, with its Kenowned Baths snd Ho , * Springs, containing various properties m3~ dent to treat all the ills flesh foheir to—the eachu* ing scenery and wonder-spots of- tie Hot UkaDistrict, and its irreproachable climate—tnili hl> • bracing even in the depths ot winter. . j Fnll information will be immediately sujpliefl t&. application, by letter, to "The Msaager," liii Hotel, Ohinomntn, Lake Rotoroi. Medical (Q Dr. JORDAN & CO., (jlji|£fSnH l-ropliitors of. I'PWa a^SETO 0F AKATOJfi , ; 3 jaSsi vft Csn bo Consulted by Letter, • \ <IPis7 TO (offi<:e =I 1 Gcar3 ' St - S,B Frandsco ' °*' H.«**'Tj fk. on the Kdaeys.Lossof Manhood, *M fi Diseases of the Skin, and ill D* &l\ oase3 of Men - A Booi MOt °° © *" receipt of 25 cents. ■ "_ THE GREAT ATTSTRAL-IAX , .-. : REMEDIES. KRAMS'B VEGETABLE LIFE PHIS, ■ HEALING OINTMENT AND CHLORODYNE. Universally adaiitted to be the Leading Kemedia fll he Age. The enormous demand proves poll", confidence. They meet a public waflt; BJfflt'J , remedies for everyday life, compounded exprealjloi -the Colonies by an experienced and qualified Ban. Xo Chemist can prod.nce )on cheaper medicuiti DM pro better value for the trifling oaH»r. HJ v*n oud you will gladly recommend them further. ; XEAiUS'S PILLS, free from deleteiiocs niserfs : ito the swiftest and most perfect core for Bile, Ccsßi» iiess, Headache, and Indigestion. KEAHS'S HEALING OINTMENT for d<? &S Wounds te.,is miraculons.KKAllS'SCHLOr.oDßi . for all inward Fains, acts like a charm, Sold by alii Chemists and Storekeepers. TVhoksiO ■ Agents, MESsaa. L. D. Kaibak & Co- Ancjhcj^ E rMA VL T & C 0., '' \JT PHAMACEUTICAL CHEMISTS, . : 3?aris : EnE TmESSE, S, Psri*DUSAErS SYfiUP OP LACTOPHOSPHATE OF LIME. :' Thi3 preparation enriches the blood, jteenstto* I the bones, and improves all the vital energies. 1 Phosphate of Lime is the substance most n«eag !to life; Indispensable for the formation and **£ ; ment of tte bony system as for the tr»nsforaa««2 ■■ food into muscular fibre. Without it the body ww» : i away, and it is to supply the lank of the wctofjsr I phate of Lime that Dusart's Syrnp is so asefui, M»» '.is of inestimable benefit for CoKVAAFSCEST!, and Ou> People, and KicKtTr Chilbb?*. J» ■I flodin it the Calcareous Elejiests enUna? bjj ! the CoN-STiTonos ok tue Bones. «dl»«»?»»" I Hdies in the Wet J milk it enriches), asd to stop CsiLbW^« " w I UHOIAi ! ASTHMA ! ASTHMA! ■ I omiIAVLT & CO.S INDIAN' OIGAREITES AsiiijH, Xep-vols Coucas, Chrosk i OITIS, HOAPSENESb LOSS OF VOICE, *"*?"„,•», r.,mn, and are rapidly relieved tjos« ■these Cigarettes. , DISEASES OF THE CHEST. - GKIMAULT & CO.'S SYRUP OF 3YFOPBOSPHITE OF LIME. Persons sufforins from Catirbe. CoNsratfjW*' Colds, or Obstinate Coughs, and gener.uiyi'nr afflicted with diseases of She chest, tircnchu* » lungs, should use GSIMAULT & CO.'S SYBUI "■» HYFOPHOSPHITEOF LIME, which, pra , -"" , years pas; by the medicalautuoritics of all coomuev has invariably effected wonderful cures. _. By the use of this Syrup the cough is catoea- E «v turnal sweats disappear, and the sppet'te proves—a fact soon demonstrated by an rcoreace «• weight end Improved appearance, y,... : GRIMATJLrS SYRUP is of a rose colour, ana cos I tained in flat oval'bottlea. GKIMAULT & CO.'S JIATICO CAPSULES t$V INJECTION. T ,,iTiT'PS Eenowned Physicians prescribe GB^Xifle JIATICO a., the most active and &t the £af e ,"?'S most inoffensive remedy in the treatment oJ at""' and Chrosio Diseases. These Catsoles B»« "^ like Copaiba, the inconvenionce of B»WS*tSert The l> jection k used in recent, and the Csps* 63 •" the more chronic cases. SICK HEADACHE ! NECRAKfH -' : GRIMAULT & CO.'S GUARAiA. % ! This Medicine owes its curative Tirtuesto w= S' quantity of Caffein which it contains. Ife "irS-j Guy's Hospital, declares in the BntßA »««»• Journal, that GO" ARAN A. acts '-like a charn- rf " Guarana Powders are a. certain remedy lor oi Hkadache." -The Lancet, Aug. SI, 1572- - n(l t It i 3 the most valuable remedy asainst VXJXw Di-sEKTKßY.andaUdisordoisproceedinsfioniee ment of the Stomach or Bowels. .

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6823, 29 September 1883, Page 4 (Supplement)

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6823, 29 September 1883, Page 4 (Supplement)

Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6823, 29 September 1883, Page 4 (Supplement)