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Spotting A FORTO2TE FOR s*. A FORTUNE FOR ,ss. ADAMASTOE'S NOVELTY COXSU' TATION ON THE Hklbournf. Cup, ISB3. To be Run on 'he 6th of Xovember Capital £5,000 In 20,000 shares of 5s each 121 Prires Gnaranteod. To be Distribated as follows • II.ELBOUR.VE Cup. I CAsn Bilance. First .. .. £5001 sat .. £100 each Second .. .. 300 I sat .. 50 eash Third .. .. 200 10 at .. 25 each Starters (divided) 300 120 it .. 12 10s each Non-starters .. 1000 40 at .. 65s each 200 at .. 5 0a each £0,500 £2,500 Each Ticket-has seven sepvite chinces, Kace and Cash Awards being drawn , for separately. Please send Poet-olEco Orders, when convenient, or Bank Notes. Cheques mu;t be marked " correct" by Bink. If Stamps are sent for Tickets please add one shilling in thv pound extra. Notice.—Registered i Lottcrs not Accepted, Two stamps required for replv and result Will close positively ou or before the 29th of October. Address "ADAMASrOU," Care of Lyons and Hart, Box 151, V. 0., Danedin. MELBOURNE CUP, 188k LEVTATTTVN* " AI) WASTOR • COMPANY CAPITAL, i-20,000 iu iO.OOO SUaRES of 10s Each 82-1 PHIZES' (more n r less) £12,750 for STARS, and £7230 for HORisES. Plan nt Astronomical Distribution :— First Horse (Winner of the Melbourne Cap) .. £3,P00 Second Hurso l| s oo Third Ho'r.«e' .. . .. ... . .. .. .. ■. 7SO', Starter (divide) .. .' sOO No-.i-sfirtcrs (do.) l^oo -Pin} Star £2.000*" "Seeon'd.-Stax . i 1000" I •Third Sur .. .: .. .. W , 12 stirs of i,20 each, 10 s'ars of £100 each, 20 star« of i.">o c ich, 20 stars of £10 evh, 15 stars of £2'j each 100 towns of £10 each, 200 towns of £8 each, 85 town' of £Ueach, and the "comet" £10. "Adamistor." in tha-ikiug his subscribers for the, liberal support that he has received from them for the l/isi throe yes'rs, ind in consequence of the veirlv incn ise of subscribe", finds it necessary to double his iirosrntnuio, which ho begs herewith t.i submit. AT parties nro requested to, forward drafts. P.O. order?, or cheques ; If choque, exchange must be ad-VJ, nnd in all case postage fees; if cash to registnr lottur. Application by lettnr only, addressed —" AD \MASTOR," care of L. A. Pereir.l, 34, Bourkustreet Wost, Molbourno; Boi 473, G.P 0., Sydnev ; and Little's Ba°s Hotel, cornf r of Pitt and Market Streets, Sydney P.S.—Results sent to country shareholders, and published in the Aubtralasian, Age, and Sydney Tow - and Country. HftTOTICE.—ADAMASTOR, cure of L. A. ! JJxl PEKEIRA, bogs to give notice that lie is in no ' way connected with thr Consaltßtion on Melbourne Cup -ulvcrtiaed by Adnmistor. care of Lyons & Hart. FIDELITY COMPANY'S PKOGRAMMB OK TUB MELBOURNE CUP! 130 Horses GO Bonds. . Race on 6th November. : ..eioso-.bqi.wqen 20th ami 31st October. j Th. eo iliyisipns according to. quantity applied for up to closing date,. . ~ ~ „ .. .. £000 ! Secon'l .. .... SOU a 'Third .... ~ 200 n AA fStarters (abput,£32each) ~ .. 700 + 4.1 (IV Non-starters (about £12 oach) ~ 1480 c "^ vuu j2O Bonds (£2O each , ).. .. ... 400, 20. Bonds. (£1.6 each).. .... .. 200' v 2O Bonds (£8 each) w ~ .. 12Q-. £40.00 /First ... „. .. ... ». £31)0. ISecpnd ... .;. 400 „ I'lhird .. : ... .. .. 3.00 r AJ' Starters (abo-it £3.6 each) ■.. ~ 800. 4-'nl!i)l)iNon-3tauers. tabout £13 each) >. 16S0 ( *WVW. Uα Bonds.: (£3p each).. ... ... COO. {20. Bonds (£ls each).. '~ .. 300. Bbnds (Ji6 each) ... .-. .-. .120. ... .. ... ~ ;,. .£IQQP^ (Sebobd.. ... .. ». ... 600'•is- ■ 'Third■ ...: .•; .< .... .; .■•■ *Q0 nhAr\ni 'StactCTB(abgut..£4s each) .. ~..,. ICCQ, + nfllll) 1 Non-start.ers.(!ibbut £10each) ~. 2000: ooUUVU .. 20 ■ iJ jo m each ~ ._ ■ .. Mp ■20.. Bohds : (17 each) ... .. ... ■■ 340' 20 Bonds (£O. each) 4 120" ___'. i __ £COOO Thy ,, re will be Pour Separate for Each. pno .K.rawfnjj for .the Race,, and .three . Separatd iVaiyin'gs for the ■CO Bonds: I'ropratpmes—£l e!U-hyniitt tjvo2d.Btarrips. Clieqncs (wiih Is -exchange) to be .payable (lily tPs.No. ..... or to Bearer. .P. 0.. Orders; payable to Kidelity Co- only. If haU-npte.s , , send by separate Posts. Registered Le.tters pr ieltgrams , yjp.t accepted. Address qnly to''' Eidelitv .Company, carp, of Alfred A. Cambron'siSpx ,N0.251, Dunedin - '; pr. tO'Auckland Ageni-y, c.-iro Ot'Mr. E , . \VbHs, Box 305,. Auckland.. T3), AEpLY EARLY. "AUSTRALASIA'S" SWEEP. JMELBOURNE CUP. The Greatest Racing Event, of the. Year; Ron ?Jo>eniuer 6 ;' Ci6Je,end, of 'October.. i2,OOQSHARES,SS.EAGH; Ap EVEN i'OUE SHARES,. 20a. , ' "' To bo distributed 1 as .First Hprse, £1000; Sepori.d florse, £500; Third' Hprso, £280 -~ Starters.(diy.);£lso; Non.-starters.(div:), 4iOQ.; TQtiili:£2oob'. AndW prizes at £«seaqh, £25O; : 5Q prizes at £10 eachi. £6pO; 50 prizos. at £5 each , , £250 i Total in ,Pfizes, £1000:.; Grand 1-jtal, £3000. ' $.11E THIRD CONSULTATION OF XI : Y 1883 SERIES. Thp.success and genoral sati3fi}ctiP.n over prbvioua even'is may bo. deemed aufllcient intrpduction for .that annpunced.abovo; Clients, .are requested to send for BOt less thati KOiJK silAitEH, taken upin onp name, A poupd s.ecufus .ponit chances—np.t qno pnly;. Deducted .for expenses, IQ per' cent.. Probitr is ■guariihteed .'by . good, .commercial bona .fides. Befef-encc-s: Moltburne Sportsman -and City .Tpurnalsi Ba.'v'kekS—Syd.iiey: , City Bank, ilelbpurnd:, Ualional;.lsank. . ' Appitciihts are requested to enclose bank, notes or ■ P. 0.0,", and BEoisTEit the Letter " Australasia ,, or : Bearer; also add 6d on N. "£. notes, and iii all oases ii postajo. fox reply and re3ult. ■ 'Enclose, two addressee! , .envelppoSi.unst.ampe.d; Register letters. ■ in ■focOa'bHio.n of this need of rt Responsible lipok nnd Financini Gunranteb, a Reserve capital of £500 has been piaced in Dip City fiauk,. .Sydney, iis a perinanepE. dpnosit: This is ■besid'js the; ..ordinary .0,,^...;t<i../.o U nts. ■Address^-r AUSTRALASIA, Caro of Mn. 11. J; Book' (iKtLEK, Printer, anij PujitisiiKti, 40, llukter- . SXKKET, SV'D.NEX£4OOO* Fl^ IS4OOO '■ • LA. DON'S '■'■ - ' ' ' GRAND CONSULTATION ON THE MtiLBOURJN'B CUP, 18S3. TICKETS 103. EACH. Ist Horse . .. £1000 4 Trizes of £2SO .. £1000 2nd Horse.. .. £2000 5 i'ri7es of £100 .. £500 3rdllorso.. .. £10iW 5 I'ri2ss of £50 .. £250 blirten (divide).. £400 41 , izes of £23 .. £100 Non-starters .. £600 15 I'rircs o! £10 .. £100 20,000 at 10s EACH £1000. Rich ticket has six chances, being dravra s'x times, vii, once for the Cup an,l enco for each lot of Money Prizes. Whon convenient send P.O. order, payable to Lα Don. Country cheques mast add Is for exchange, and mu'-t be marked correct by bank. If b ink-note'i aro sent, please- use two onvolGpes, ono sealed and plumed lniido the othor. Registered letters and telegram,! will not on any necount bo rocelvod. Purchasers of a hook containing 25 tickets will ro=oive 0110 ticket as commission.. This Consultation will be advertised in all the principal pipers in New Zealand, and also Sjiiney and Melbourne. The editor of cacli papor the of nominating a person to witness mid t,»lse part in the drawing. A commission of ten per cent, -nill bo deducted from all Prizes to pay expenses. Enclose two stamps for reply, and result alip3 will bo posted immediately after driwing. Result will also bo advertised in all tLc principal papers Will' clobo bofoto the- sth Novemner. Intending iuvestois 6bould apply parly, as the list 1% filling rapidly. Address:—LA DON, care of S. A, Aaiiin, Cox 301, I'nst-oflice. Auckland; or, lADON.caro of S. A. Ahum, 2SC, Queon-street, Auckland OBIN HOOD'S GREAT NOVELTY COMPANY on tho Melbourne Cup 18«3, acd New Zealand Cup, 18S3, whic'l takos place beginning of-November, in Melbourne and Chrlstchurch. Subs.ribod capital of £10,000, in 20.000 bhires of 10s each. About 270 prizes. MolbourDo Cup, flr*t horse, £2000 ; sccoud horso, ; £1000. Ccip,.tlrst' horao, £1000. Will bo closed and shares allotted early. E ich race and cash award drawn separately, thus ail invostor of 10s has eix chances of winDing £3105. ' Application, If by letter, 1 with two 2d stamps, and exchange on cheques {Is added).. "Money orders, bank notes and drafts, registered 'letters and telegrams received and promptly attended to —Address: RoniM Hood, care of Thos. Staploton, Box ,238,': Post Oft'co, Christchurcb.; ■ or, ■'.JueXii" ■ Fleming, " .City. 1 I,Baths, Christchvurch. ,; ' ■'■ ■■■■.■■> ■ '' .' ; T.'v.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6823, 29 September 1883, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6823, 29 September 1883, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6823, 29 September 1883, Page 7