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Fancy Goods. ' GO TO GOODSON'S LONDON ARCADE. FOR 'X\TATCHES, Gold and Silver, all warranted to O ENTS' and LADIES' DRESSING CASES, ex '■ time; rj \X quLsitely fitted, marvellously low! CLOCKS. Marble, Wood and NicUt-l, and every q |KT and P.KARL BEAD NECKLETS, with one, other line. j two, three in row. JEWELLEIIY, r.ll Sterling Gold, and Sterling S Silver to"; 2 "DIRTHDAY CARDS & BIRTHDAY BOOKS m. Lowest Prices we can » J3 —sure nono with us compare; JLIJ always i!o, <J A LBU.MS, SCRAPS, and PHOTOGRAPHS are Dh, are never wanting there. lAMOND3 (cot Canterbury) set in Abyssinian T>RUSHES, COlliiS, and SOAPS, and "old: O JO SCENTS, and PERFUMES very sweet; ILVEkX.N'i:, with Stones and Pearls, all lovely W TJIESSE and LUBEN MASON too, and others O tobehMd; 3 X quite a treat. PRESENTS, such rs these oa Birthdays are the O rage;' 13 OGKING HORSES, ROCKING BOATS, with RING:?, ERACELETS. NEChXETa, with M -L\ each that do not rock; lovely Chai ni?, suiting every age: - b ureat and small, dressed and undressed, ♦ 3 a most gigantic stock! CUTLERY of every kind, Sheffield makes well O fpOYS, suited both in price and size to almost known; W JL ereiyone. / IWNa, GLASS, and CROCKERY WAKE, im- Q ONE0 NE SHILI ' IN G, SIXPENCE, THREEVy ported st'aitflii ff"m Horns ; O PENCE each, more or less anon. BOOK? at F.cgiish Prices, tli c n wherefore go O pay n or> ? O A CCORDIANSandCONCEHTXNAS, sure music VoTATIONBkY, none cheaper found in ware- -fl it hath charms; 1 O house, sliop, or store. J? /"VRCHKSTRANETTES, and MUSIC BOXES, EH with boll and drum alarms DESKS. WOP.K-B<">Xl-'S. and PAPETAJJIES, _ fTIHK LONDON ARCADE —visit it—each patron with lie-, p. mysterious drawers; ;£ J- we wiU thank you— BAGATELLE. l>!t\FTs, CHESS, and CRIB, <-> TJS it you'll find, .TTST LOOK * ROUND, and which have their laws : A " from a Needle to an Anchor." GO TO GGODSON'S LONDON ARCADEGO TO GOODSON'S LONDON ARCADE. QUESTIONS. ANSWERS. WHY is tip-re such a noticcable reduc- -M-vr<rtA ttct? iu • 't n j > tinn in the price of CLOCKS, WATCHES, ]R» P F . L lO °P ei " n fi of Goodaon S JEWELLERY, CUTLKRY, STATIONERY, and Arcade marked a new era on tho city, FANCY OOGPS generally in Auckland, during the and the Small Profit and Quick Returns principle past three years ? "has led others to imitate it. WHY remains vet unfu .ilUd the pre- OECAUS 12 an appreciating public know dieted i-Josiiiq of the London Arcade, after I I who - produced the '• S. P. and Q. R" motto six months' existence 1 -J aud patronise the one who did so. WHY is it unnecessary to •' mark clown" "13ECAUSE it is so well known that all goodd and "sell off," or by pro/cssedly " alarmin? JO* having always been marked in plain figures, at sacrifices," *nd - deferred p.ivment," decoy customers one uniform low rate of profit, no such artifice is into the Area ie? " needed. WHY should every resident of and {CSECAUSB in no place in the city can there visitor to Auckland inspect the London JD* be scon such a comprehensivo and valuablo Arcade before making their purchases 1 assortment of goods At such tempting prices. NOTE Til E ADDREi--.SE-:— GOODSON'S LONDON ARCADE, AUCKLAND. CHRISTCHURCH LONDON OFFICE. ST. MARY AXE. Medical- « jt W HAT EVERY travelling Iff;i v Y TRUNK AND HOUSEHOLD IN THE A~ - y.U I WORLD OUGHT TO CONTAIN—A Bottle of [i._ . Hfjj J ENO'S FRUIT SALT. It is tho best preventive j * == =1| li'- r P""*''f and cure for Biliousness, Sick Headache. Skin 1 -=H| J\p i'' EruptiODS, Pimples on the Face, Giddiness, I •, j| j'f Fevers, Blood Poisons, Feverishness or Feverish e> r, || Colds, Mental Depression, Want of Appetite, ~ =[1 .[ Constipation, Vomiting, Thirst, Ac., and to re-i--r — rrrr;l ' 7l move the effects of Errors in Eating and Drink1 •/ ['■ing, It is invaluable to those *ho are fagged, | weary, or worn out, or any whose duties require li pV v -cS ll' H r x them to undergo mental or unnatural excitement or strain; it keeps tho blood pure, and prevents J A'V/ JAt J AS U disastrous diseases by natural means, if its great ySp"" •>"i i- ■ value in keeping the body in health were uni1' versally known, no family would bo without it. 1;'•?/^tAIRO.—"Sinco my arrival in Bgypt, in August last, I have, on three separate occa- /^/-• I sions, been attacked by fever, from which, on the J3 fiTst occasion,! lay in tho hespital for six weeks. r *-The last two attacks have been, however, completely repulsed, in a remarkably short space of f Ip lA\ time, by the use of your valuable FRUIT SALT, ®\ 1 /dlb>f-\v to which X owe my present health, at the very I least, if not my life itself. Heartfelt gratitude \ ,f z /MFV' or my restoration and preservation impels mo x v t/I'Avtfk xV to add my testimony to the already overwhelming store of the tame, and in so doing I feel that am but obeying the dictates of duty.—Believe y'fej JfiJ fU iff met 0 ®^. r ' g -teru,ly Cohpokax, 19 EW/J&f/M < IJlpfvC- " GO°FROSI HOME* WITHOUT A jj JJOTTLEOFENO'SFRUITSALT.— 4 'SjV, —After two years' trial of your excellent FRUIT SALT, I can safely say that it has saved me much misery frcm colonial fevers, indigestion, and impaired appetite, to which I have been subject during eleven years' residence «n the tropics. It is iuvalutbic to travellers as a preventive of sea-sickne>B, and a relief from the other ailment ,of life aboard ship: an;l for myself, I would as soon think of going a voyage without nuy toothbrush as my ot KKUIT SALT. With ordinary caro it does not get hard and caked as other effervescent preparations do in warm and humid climates, and this is greatly in its favour.—l am, Sir, yours respectfully, W. J. B." wtJCCESS IN LIFE.—•'A new invention is brought before tho public and commands success. A score of abominable im t.itions are immediately introduced by the unscrupulous, who, in copying the original closelv enough to "'eec'VH thv public, »nd vot rot so exactly as to infringe upon legal rights, exercise an ingenuity that, employed in an original channel, could not fail 10 secure reputation and profit."—Adajis. ARE THE REALLY GUEYT AND SUCCESSFUL MEN OF THE WORLD ?—Huxley wisely says : W —''Those who tase honours in Nature's university, who learn the laws which govern men-and things, and obey them, are the really creat and successful men in this world Those who won't learn at all are pi'-cked ; arid then you can't come up acain. Nature's pluck means extermin&tiotiV Tho umple mea;rng is. when ailing pay no attention to the regulation of your diet, exercise, or occupation ; attempt no conformity to tho laws of lifts or when you have drawn an overdraft on the bank of life, ic., avoid the use ofENoS FRUIT SALT, and you will bo surprised to learn the body what A frail and fickle tenement it is. Which, like the brittle glass that measures time, is often broken ere half its sands are run. A RUNAWAY KNOCK.—Pouglas JerroM, describing a very dangerous illness, from which his daughter had just recovered, said u Ah. sir, it was a Runaway Knock at Uoath's door, I can assure you " ilow to prevent death from disease by natural means, ucc ENO'S FRUIT SALT :it is the best known remedy. It removes fcetid or poisonous mutter (the groundwork of disease) from tho blood, allays nervous excitment, depression, and testorcs tho nervous system to its propor condition. You cannot overstate its great value in keeping the blocd pure and free from disease. USE ENO'S FRUIT SALT.—Or as a health giving, refreshing, cooling, invigorating beverage, or as a ' general laxUive and tonic in the various forms of indigestion ; also gouty or rheumatic poisons from the blood, the neglect of which often results in apoplexy, heart disease, and sudden death. I EXPERIENCE that mild ales, port wine, dark sherries, sweet champagne, liqueurs and brandies. J are all very apt to while white wines, and gin or whisky, largely diluted with soda water, will be found the least objectionable. ENO'S FRUIT SALT is particularly adapted for any constitutional weakness of the li er. It possesses the power of reparation when digestion has been disturbed or lost, and places the Invalid in the right track to health. A world of woo is avoided by those who keep and use ENO'S FRUIT SALT, thorefore no family should be without it. DIRECTIONS IN SIXTEEN" LANGUAGES lIOW TO PREVENT DISEASE. CAUTION.—LegaI rights are protected in every civilised country. Examine each Bottle, and sea that the Capsule is marked " ENO'S FRI IT SALT."—Without U you have been imposed 'on by a worthless imitation. Sold by all Chemists. Price 2s 9d and 4s Gd. PREPARED ONLY AT ENO'S FRUIT SALT WORKS, HATCHAM, LONDON, S.E., BY J. C. ENO'S PATENT. PEPPER'S QUININE find IRON TONIC M*/r R. T Y N D A L L, rouses and developes the nervous energies, . JjvJL enriches the blood, promotes appetite, dispels lan- SOEGEON DENTIST go-«?r and depression, fortifies the digestive organs. ; Is a specific remedy for neuralgia, aguo, indigestion, g«j ve yeftra assistant to j£, # Plumley), fevers of eveiy kind, chest affections, and in wasting diseases, scrofulous tendencies, etc. The wholo frame r^„,. Is greatly invigorated by Pepper's Todic. tbo mental So.,!* once more to present tho Auckland public with faculties brightened, the constitution g»?atly strength* li. 1?of n » a . ened, and a return to robust health certain. Bottles, " 32 doses. 4s .'»d: next size Us. Sold b> Chemists everywhere. Th*» name of J. Pepper, Bedford Labora* Gold Upper ana Lower ~ . £16 tory London, must be on the label. There is no n«finin?rt £in Tonic so certain in effect as Pepper's Quinine and u 11 " " Iron. It is 3trongly recommended to residents in Vulcanito from — £0 India and the Colonies, and ahcnld always be kept roady for use in every case of fever or febrile condi- Silvor „ from — £8 tion.—Sold by Kemptliorne, Prosser. and Co. Dental Alloy „ only - £10 LIVER COMPLAINTS. Single Tooth, from 6s. DR. KING'S DANDELION AND QUININE LIVER PILLS {without mercury) THE BEST REMEDY FOR BILIOUSNESS Repairing fn Vulcanite, frcm 10s. STOMACH DERANGEMENT. FLATTJLENCK. V b ' PAINS BETWEEN THE SHOULDERS, BAD APPETITE, INDIGESTION, ACIDITY, HEAD Tor op Oubv-htbekt, ACHE, HEARTBURN, and all other symptoms of !. dSS!f£!Rssrsi« M. and cnfsT - Sold by Chemists and Medicine Vendors throughou JENDERSON'S CHERRY PECTORAL the World. (2s and 3s 6d) Prepared by Jas. Horke, London. Is a most efficacious remedy. .Specially valuable major abroad, and ANXI .caTARRH SMELLING BOTTLE. *031 J. G. HE3NDERSON, imnDAY(PrTVI tvrnrrpr-rVTTrNT DISPENSING CHEMIST AND PHARMACIST FinARAXACUM t ODOFH YLLITS. Opposite the Three Lamps, Ponsonbv. Auckland. 3 Prepared only hj J. Popper, Locdo:i. Thii — Fluid combination, oartractcil 1 . from roots, i [Established 1866.] is now used instead of blue oill and calomel for thr „ cure of dyspepsia, biliousness, and all symptoms o( !v7i TRAFFORD, R.S.D.E. congestion of the liver, are generally pain iJyJL beneath the shoulders, head-acho, drowsiness, no ap- SURGEON-DENTIST, petite, furred tongue, disagreeable taste in the morn- w«ir p p ri? r n i<m v n,.m ing, giddiness, disturbance of the stomach, and feeling of general depression. It sets the sluggish livor tn (Near Queen-street). motion, very slightly acts on the bowels, giving a Painless Extraction of Teeth by tho Oxide-Nitrogen sense of health and comfort within 24 hours. It is ,-; HS . "iu fal .u the safest medicino. Taraxacum and Podophyllin is — a fluid made only by J. PEPPER, Bedford Laboratory, London, whose name is on-very labei. Bottles, 2s S)d OND A / and 4s 6d. Sold by all Chemists. A most valuable and essential medicine foi India, Australia, the Care v - -- and Colonies generally .—Sold by Eempthorno, Prosser - --£-f?fc. f '-L andCo " 6fa QIULPHOLINE LOriON."-An Ex 4^, Kj ternal ilcunwof CURING SKHN DISEASES, "V WW&'iii There is scarcely any eruption but will yield to "Sulpholine" in a few days, and commence to fade away even if it seems paat euro. Ordinary pimpled, red boss, blotches, scurf, rougimess.. vanish as if by ma;;ic; whilst old, enduring slrin disorders, that havo r~- - - \SJo—-- : ~ J 1 plajued the sufferers for years, however deeply rooted '" ~ ' j.-. q Q t n 'r ~ ihoy may be, "Salpholino" will successfully attack ' ' them. It destroys the aaimalcul® which canso those T r -,i,, n .„. Tt , n ™ - A , , . unsightly, irritable, painful affections, and always HjloXA*jijloarjD J'J Avonclaie, is to produces a clear, dealthv .natural condition of the 8 i receive new members; age, IS to 40: Fee. 5s sUn. " Sulpholino" Lotion is sold bv most Chemists, to 20s ; Weekly, Is.—Application to Mr. Smith, N.G.; Made by T. Pepper and Co., London. Bottles, 2a 9d« Mr. W'awman, V.Q.; Mr. Bollard, Secretar AvonBold b? Kempthomo, Pro33ax and 00. dal#; Dr. Knight, Ponsonby.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6822, 28 September 1883, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6822, 28 September 1883, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6822, 28 September 1883, Page 3