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Amusements. jg HAS MET WITS AN ELECTRIC SUCCESS! In order that Everybody may see this wonderfully 9® ve J t% company the priee of admission to the Pit will he reduced to ONE SHILLING for the last two nights—TO-NlGHT,(Friday),'and TO-MORROW (saturdij). Up to tho present tlmo the Circus receipts ha're nearly'doubled the amount ever before reached ior the eame number of performances. This speaks lor itself ; the show most be good or it would not bo patronised. This also places the management in a position to 1 make a reduction in the price of Ht Tickets. Everyone can afford a Shilling, and wo have room for 400i> people in our great tent, TWO NIGHTS ONLY (Friday and Saturday). DAY PERFORMANCE on SATURDAY at 2 o'Clock, j In which Children will be admitted to the Pit for Gi ' Gire your Children a treat; Let them see tho Performing Do£f, the Trick Pony that jumps through flrohoop and over the backs of two others his own size Don't forget the last Grand Matinee, to which the inmates of all charitable Institutions are invited and will be admitted FREE. tfSrOffing to the crush at the ticket offices nightly, the management has arranged for the sale of STALL. ,aB well as Circle Tickets at Lennox's, Stationer. To facilitate the seating of visitors, and avoid unpleasant crushing, the doors will be opened at 7. / • Performances commences at 8. • Carriages may be ordered at 10.30. -'i .'Buses leavo for.all parts at conclusion of performance. PIT, ; ONE SHILLING. ' -ROBT. LOVE and ST.'CLAIR JONES, •••'" Agents. f B THEATRICAL and ether Companies ;JL ; V; requiring Bill-posting in "Wellington will find i ample '• accommodation on the New Zealand Times .Boards distributed throughout the city. Terms ett application to the Manager. Athletics. jgPORTS ! " gPORTS ! gPORTS ! programme of sports " -To.,be held in with the . -AUCKLAND. AGRICULTURAL ' AND PASTORAX . ASSOCIATION'S CATTLE SHOW,: , ' to be iield at ELLKRSLIE • .ON""-...,: - ...v. ... : 9t H NOV E.JI BE R, IS 83. PROGRAMME: •'lsoriw. HANDlCAP^':lst.Prize, 3rd, £i. 440 YDS. HANDICAP. —Ist Prize, £5; 2nd, £1. . MILE■ HANDlCAP. l —^lst'Pnze,'£s ; 2nd, £2 ; 3rd. £1 ■ TWO MILE WALKING.—Ist : Prize, £5 ;'"2ud, £2. > ; TWO SIILE BICYCLE.—Ist Gold Medal, value £5; 2nd, Silver ITenal, v.aluo, £'J. ROBERT E. ELLIS, 1 •'Secretary..Public Companies. TTNION STEAM SAW, MOULDING, - SASH AND DOOR COMPANY (LliilTEl).) MECHANICS' BAY .FACTORY AND TIMBER YARDS. . Tho.Company notifies to'Cnstomers its : resumption of Manufacturing operations' in stock sizes of Doors ■ ; ''ii V The Business in Mannfactured Goods, Timber, and Mouldings will i n future ba wholesale only. ' ; • The. Company, offers liberal discounts" on its printed price lists, to-induca fiuyers to> keep its goods -in stock;anii to order in wholesalo lots. ; i„ O.rders.for Timber and Mouldings, in quantities' Of .20,000.feet and.-upwards, 'are received for execution from Tairua Sawmills. Delivery is.given at any public wharf .in 'Auckland ■ .Harbour, or at; tlie Conip.iny's private 'Wharf," Mechanic?" Bay. " ' ! 'V- ■; Purchasers; under, this arrangement will secure ■' delivery .at Mill, prices,. ; with freight added, saving intermediate clar.-es consequent on passing tiirough the retail yards. Cargoes so ordered can by arrangement 1» stored ; in the. Company's yards during-the.Customers' con-

SPECIAL. : r . Tho Company furnisher from Tairu.i, Flooring, Lining, Architravos, ■■ Skirting," and Mouldings, Cof superior quaUty/ .as' manufactured' at Mechanics' Bay." '■ ■■ - To 'sort, up wholesale orders... smaU " lines will lie furnished from Mechanics'' Bay,, to; smt ::i customers reciuriements. '■ ' Auckland,jAugusi 213t, 1SS;! 5 rpPB AUCKLAND , GASi' '■ -*=- . (LIMITED).,beg to call ..the. attention of "their; customers and: ; the to, the, quality of" the.Products manufactured at thoir Works in Auckland. ' ' "■ (JAS.--They have;much pleasure in referring: to the' : high...s.tan'aafd of this articlo. as determined: 'recently by:the,'tho;City:Council.. A report, upon ) thfe quality of tho Gas; upon tests, made by/ : tlie'"Engineer, was'brqught up by."-the-'Streets "Committee'and' laid before, the Council, :at their. meeting held ■on the'' . 30th ultimo. The report The result showed' • 'M the quality of tho gas was equal to 19 89 candles; Oh examination rf the. CompanyV.Book'.(record: of'' . tests),it.showe.d that .'TIIE. GAS IN NO CASE: WAS UNDER IS CANDLLS, WfUCII rs A HIGH STAXDARD." ■y-.w COKE.—Tills article is now of a high .class, being , v.ery free froni'stone .and' '.clinker t-oan extraordinary : .degree, their .Coke. is'not Vow liable', to' sumers may use it in. open registers with much plei- ' ure. •' • '• •• • • .• ; GOVERNORS, OR REGULATORS FOR GAS.—The !■ Com; any avail themselves of this opportunity to refer t" ft physical difficulty in the Supply of Gas.- Coal li.'.'htor th:tn air,', the v pressure.-increases at ■ IhO/burners,' at tho rate bfabout one inch per hundred '•' of-elevation, : The most suitable.pressure, is-'less.' e / n - "tfolows that a large proportion of . the..yity is. subject excess'bf pressure In its gas supply. !The Company., succeeded, about-ten> years since, notwithstanding most,determin'e'd. 'bpposition,. in gettinp thg'City Council, to. adopt'the'-use of gover-" pora On the public lamps./"The" matter was then, as; again last month, referred.ito'.i. Committee of tho Council, who, aftier,testing thevlamps in .the'streets .themselves,.ordered the use of the governors to be in.the contract with tlie Gas,, Company;. ,The Company, in considerationor,the savingfrom^waste: agreed to reduce the price and put'iri;~larger:'.'burners' ... . The continuous use of: these,.instruments' .hasV'bocri provided fqr on'eMhoccasibn of.the, renewal of the' contract, 4o';the mutual'advantage of' the ratepayers and,the :, -.r^;.' .. '3s® City were.. ialeiy ied tb;.beUQve'fr6m • .representations made to them-'that the use'of gover-'i Qors caused a bad light. This .charge was;investigatedJast month by the Screets Comrafttop,' the Company .' hfi.ving at their requestremdyed the regulators' 1 from • Jamps; . -The. •; the Council .tp...haye;th'em: replaced'and retained in the" contract. The Engineer 'reported,. after •' testing' the ; gasjvitb and.without regulator*--'? To take r 'ofF v tha regulators'would be to reduce the lighf iof-the street lamps ONE-THIRD from what they :are 'zi present, to. increase tho Consumption NEARLY DOUBLE/' .. # The Company have sold many hundreds .6f..:tliese .instrume'hts to consumers, foi: uso in dwelliug-housesv and havo 'idded tbereby'to'the pleasuro and "profit of .i every customer who could be induced to adopt them. ! The .Company invite orders for. all. the articles named. ;OTIHE NEW ZEALAND TOBACCOpi S YSTEV ND Head Office and Factory : Auckland. IMPORTANT TO FARMERS. The Promoter of tho above Company is desirous of communicating with Farmers and others, who are" willing .to grow Tobacco; - G onuine Havana and Amencan Seed information free: which can be obtained at my Office, Mercantile Chambers; next to Bank of.New : .Zealand: ' ' 1 it 1 wiH attend to the growing of the Tobacco. " • . A.IT.G UST VOLLBRACETi Promoterand Manager pro'teni; September 1833; ' , THE HELENS VILLE TIMBER COM- : JL. . Ptoyv limited- ■■ ■ WORKS : ;VIELKN T SYILLErf AUCEIiAXi) OFFiCF COLONIAL BANK BUILi)* « '■ \INGS.. .Yi Are, :cpen Contractors and others with* i Sawn Timber doiiveled on the: trucks at Hclensvllle/ or any station.on. the"Kaipara or Waikato Railways. ) Having-also a Wharf at: deep .water frontage to the .. river, they are onabled 'to load ; vo3sels alongside the Mill;for Southern ports and Australia. g The Company have special -facilities for supplying / -.long lengths on short notice; ; y ,■■■ * . All communications to bo addressed to , - ■:'■/■■■■■- JOHN-MILNE, ' t • . '■■-■.'■S-'.. Secretary; Colomalßank Buildings, Anckland.: - - '1.." r," s : CLOCK- : V COMPANY. GENERAL AGENC? OFFICE; • -v ! FANCY GOODS, STAT7ONERY f ' PICTITRES. i -BRUSHES, . &c., &0., ■ &o. , O, W. FPfcIEND, Pbopristob, 74, GREY-STREET,

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6822, 28 September 1883, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6822, 28 September 1883, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6822, 28 September 1883, Page 8