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Tenders. rjp Tenders will be receivtd, until noon of SATURDAY. October 6, for the erection of a Brici C< ttage T in Albert-street. Plana at my office. Canada Build* ings. HENRY G. WADE. - Architect. 3 rj\ O B U I L D E R S. I :V ; Tenders will be received, np to noon on SATUR« . .DAY; October 6, for the erection of extensive Addii tlons to the Northern Club. r'■ '' " Pliins; &c.) at our ofiices. Quecn-st r eet. ' ' EDW. MAHONEi'& SOX, . » " ■ t rji o contractors. Toaders will be received up to noon of FRID \Y, l the sth October, for Removal of House in Symondsfc- street to Mount Roskill Road. Specifications at the i ; stores of, Messrs. Craicksbank, 1 Miller, and Co. i f .ft iSivDEKS' for/the 'Erection of a School--1, at. Maijnu, near Whangarei, will be I received by Uhe Education Board,' 1 Wyndhain-street, r Auckland, until noon of FRII>AY, 12th October. ISS3. Plans and Specification may be seen at the Officc of i«. 'tho Board, and on application to the Chairman of the ; • • District School Committee; Maungatapere.; : . TffIENDERS for Additions and Improve-. ' H ..ments to the Teacher's House at Alex vkdra, Waikato, will be. received by tho Education Board, , Wyridham-street. Auckland, until noon of FKIDaY, 12tb-.Oc? ober, 1883 ■ . Plans and specification ?eon .at the.Oftioe of tho'Board, and on application to the Chairman of t thc„ District School Committee, Alexandra. ■ , , Sermons, Lectures> Soirees) &c. ""STOUNG . MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION ■ ' , ; JL' (Corner of AVellesley and Albert Streets). WINTER' COURSE OF LECTUKES; . .- THIS EV'MNC, • Friday, September 25- Professor A. P. Thomas, JI. A., r 1 F:L.S. • Subject".Volcanoes.".'.-. • t - r^mimenciri'g/.at- 7.3o.Seats .reserved for ticket- • Q '" :holdcrs: : till' : '7;2o.: fcr- the:;courso/.to.::admit : boarer and ;ladyv;6s; to .admit bearer, only, 3s• 6d. 3 AdmUsioa to.siiigle lecture, Is—may be had from the, Booksellers or any mcinbor of-Committee, and at. the s '' Rooms.*; ••••• r. - ' . :.v .THOMAS. BCTDDLE, • ; " Hon. Sec. ■■ ■ . Meetings. ;OTI C • E . A Meeting' of the .Ratepayers of tho Tamaki West " Koad District will be held in the School-house on : SATTTRDAY, the 20th. October,, at noon,'. for the Election of :i Trusttio in tile room of Richard, James Tiylor, deceased; Candidates for the oßice will have . to. send in their nomination . papers to the Returning .Officer ten days before the day of meetinfr. ! . ■ JOHN MAINS, . , Returning Officer.. .. Y ONDON GOLD MINING COMPANY r' JIJ (LIMITED). . , The Ordinary General ' Meeting of the Shareholders Vfili be held at . the-Company's .Oliico New Zealand Insurance Buildings,.Auckland/-.TO-DAY .(iTridaj), ■■ '23th day of at the. hour;of .2.30 p.m;.„ s".' . '. . D. G. MaoDONNELL, .-Manager.'" ■ September 23,1583-.'..- . ■ SEYMOUR GOLD MINING COMPANY (LIMITED.) :The.Ordinary .General Meeting of tho Shareholders will .be held at tho Company's-. Oflico. New Zealand Insurance Buildings, .Auckland, (Friday)/ 28th day of September,. 1833, at. the hour of 3 p.m. . •" ■■■; . :• -D. Oi MAcDONNELb, j Manager.. Auckland, 28','1SS3. • "■ ; " . . . FuneraljNotioes. •t T%/f ASONIC BRETHREN'are respectfully; y |y p. inHted' to.attend tho FITNEEAt.of; our' late Bro. F. Ji /WAROE.LL;. late. of.Corinthian-Lodge,'J^o.: ■ 1,655; Thame's: 'Procession will leave his late'residence' Hopetown-street, at 3 p.m..TQ-DAY. (Friday). .. . ;. ■ ' i ' . E. T; WILDMAN, W.M., 1,055, E.C. W. A. FENTON T , W.M., 689, E.C. i!NO. P.i CLARKi 1.338, E.C.. . i T. W. KITI. W.M.-, 1,530, K.C. '- CHA3. LA ROCHE, W.M., 1,710. E.C. G. N. BEASSEY, W.M., 2,003, E.C. - ( .. .?■?,... . ProfessiotaU .. F' RdFESSOR; .•SYLYESTEK''v%itUj? : his/ Wonderful Ridirig Monkoy ; Trick Horses' I 'and'\ y , Performing' Dogs aeon; the Circus. h ' ■, .. . . .- n To Let. .C ' , . , fc riio LET; in a fcharming .situation. in : One-.. 8 'huhga—A; House of eight : ;'; : r6;rims, and; .'four•• acres of land,'with coach-houso and stabling,and put- ; ConVoniont to 'buses and lailway, staupn.'— m■■ Apply to. Kobb, Queen-street,..OnehußQa; ~., . TO. BE with, immediate possession (ab' a store)—Tho Stone Bxxilding .in HortV I street knovm as Mill.-rApply to J. Lamb,:. ' cirtO'W? Aitken,Land, Agent;. . : rfflO. liEil? rr- A seven-roomed; 'House and II B ; -Six .Acres of. land, with frontago to tho One- ®. iuhga Road, find three, miles from towii.r-Apply to it .Sho'rtlind-street: . i* .. , f :. ■ .. ...... .; : — )- rglO BE IjElWWitn Immediate Posses- | aiorij Olonorchard nouse, at St; Helicfa, Con-, li: rooms.-—Apply to Captl Clark, on tho Pre-. '! 'mlaes,. or to, .W. Aitken, Xiand-agent., * LET,—First-class Draper's Premises, ,! ■ JL in the best part ,of Queeiirstreot.: with sbop | .fittings,fot January 1 1st,lb84. Now in , p. the occupation' 1 of Sri*'. John Leck.-eApply- to Wm;.. tt ' .B u ch'an an ,_S p'ti th;B riti ah Chambers, Queen-street.:; ~ TO LEiT, for a $erm or by the week, in one of" the best situations'in .Onehunga," and'.' clone to the bathing—A nico seven-roomed Hous(!.' er with large stbre:robm and dalry and double cart,sh<>d. - (: stable, corn and coal shed aud ralf an acre of splendid ig land. Rent,. 10s per week..—rApply to, Mr. Fletcher,; > .near GibbcnsVOnehiinga ; .or to' Armstrong and „ Co., 157, Queen-streeti Auckland., . : V if . ;• i -v.,.',: ' TO.. LET—Those first-class Business Prer ' mises, consisting' of a .largo •"sto'ro-i'and.cqncrete; cellar, situated in the best- .central, part of i?,. .lately occupied, by : tho .Southern. Pro-.. duco Company, and immediately opposite to ig T. and' S.' Morrin a.nd '06.'a shop! ' This is one o'fttie . • best stands in. the P. .E7ius,:'Land; Agent," . •; t; '■< O"'.' '' ■ 'li ■■ e'; ' "t. : ri Comforlable and Commodious Residence (lately occupied by. jJ. A. Tole, Esq.;, M.11.R,), situate in iiamil- ~ ton Roadj Ponsonbyl 1 ~ The House contains 10 rooms, fitted with jas and all, " conveiilonccs; nice garden, and. beautiful, view.. 1 . ' D. F. KVANS3, . Land Agent. Qunen-strcet. Board and Residence. 8. BANK, Waitomata Ilivor.—ChilJJ dren, requiring chance; of air will bo received in a country, home daring the spring and summer ; instruction if. required ;. house pleasantly and healthily, situated in extensive well-shaded grounds.—Address Miss Blyth, Lucas Creek. ■ . . : . > [%/rTItS. DALTON has. now .accommor : Jjyjj' dation for lady and. gentleman, or ,one or.:two gentleman. Terms moderate;— Panama. Houae, Lower Symoiidsratre.etl v / • , • / HO US E, PRINCESSTREET, AUCKLAND.—Hoard and Kosideuco by. the day/week, or month. Permanent Bo»raers and families on mpderate terms.. . . -■■■■■■:', -l . •. W'ATERLOO HOUSE—Waterloo Quadrant, opposito Government Gate: Promena<ie, Bath,- and Piano; terms moderate. .. ■ CS "ORIVATE Board and Residence for n gentleman in Ponsonby.—Addresß.at Herald . • Office. ." " •■ ■■ ■ . : TTVURHAM HOUSE, near Victoria Wharf " H 9 Nottli Shore—Comfortablo Board and .He.i!denco. Terms, moderate. . - ■ — TjSeLMONT, .. HOUSE Vincent-atieet— G, BP Board and Eesidenco for Gentlemen; requiring tho Comfort of a Home, ltooma double or smsie; Baths, plunge or ahower; piano ; suitesl of. apartments , good toblo. Visitors to Auckland will . find this re : 3*l) tiring, and"• healthy combined with every:;Conveiuencft. Mo3orate;terma.. •'Mra .Baston."-'•• ' •' " , . f iHAMBRIDGK HOUSE, VinceutVy street—Mrs. Richmond begs to inform her friends that she has now . opened her; new premisesi-.m » flrst-class boarding house.: Single.and double b.lroonis'and Buites of aml show^jr hiths , and every accommodation for vi3itor3... v . J : wo minuted walk .from Opera House-Terms on applica, tion. , . ■ • ' "—• .. ' . rrr. r T WOMEN'S INSTJ'IUTE AND. LL Y ' BOABDING: uottse, queen street, A ave Open daily from 10 am. till 9.30 pm. Dinner and pw Lunchebl!, froinia to 2 p-m;;. Tea, from .6 to . p.m. - ■ ■ Houbo for yonng : ' ladies ...who. are occupied llCy ' da Tc'r?afon to the Lady Superintendent. Y AV'C A. Meeting.evory Monday, at t ■ .£0 pjn.. ■ : Govoroess Agency,, and Lending Liorary in coo- ■ nectlon with the lnstitnte. .. —;—^—_—— x~v OVERNOR ' BROWNE HOTEL, or - SOB3ON-3TKEET. s Board aid Lodging- _ —-20s per weei do -, 'do. (singleroom!do. : LASS T>LOWING ! On SATUK oof <brLASS -OLOWINGI DAY AFTEK NOON, from 2 to 5. Admission, 6d. Each viaito roceives ono Jug.—M. Cook and Sons, Free man's Bay. ~ ,

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6822, 28 September 1883, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6822, 28 September 1883, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6822, 28 September 1883, Page 1